
God of War/Twisted Metal Director Compels Gaming Industry Rage - Nick’s Gaming View Episode #63

"David Jaffe, Director of the Twisted Metal franchise along with the original God of War, has decided to call it quits on Eat Sleep Play, the company he co-founded with partner, Scott Campbell back in 2007. Jaffe’s announcement comes as a shock to many with Eat Sleep Play’s upcoming release of Twisted Metal less than a week from when the announcement was made public."


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jsslifelike4494d ago

I think Jaffe's untimely departure will ultimately hurt the sales viability of Twisted Metal.

Nick2120044494d ago

I certainly hope that is not the case. Jaffe is a man of his word and promised he will continue to support Twisted Metal through its maintenance and bug fixing stages, but we shall see.

-Mika-4494d ago

Not really, If some1 not going to buy this game. It would be with the direction the game went. Alot of fans wanted A TM Black sequel but jaffe did something else. So if fans do passed, it would be because of that.

Kleptic4494d ago

^well its pretty obvious that between the games initial announcement...and what jaffe was saying it would be...between whats it looks to become...that its pretty different, mostly because of the outcry of it not being 'dark' enough...

initially, ESP and Jaffe said it would basically be a reimagining of TM 2...which is the 'other' best TM title to most fans...the new TM still seems to be pushing accesability much more than Black...which was by far the most difficult TM game to date...and with its recent change to an M rating and 'very graphic' story lines...i'm pretty sure they found a good middle ground...

frostypants4493d ago (Edited 4493d ago )

Twisted Metal 2 was the pinnacle of the series, with all due respect to TM: Black. The new TM feels more in line with the overall series. Black was sort of an offshoot.

Dojan1234494d ago

Agree. His departure and the demo match issue at first made me reconsider getting until reviews were out. However, with Jaffe's multiple interviews and active twitter since announcing I decided to go for it and preorder. Never played any of the past TM. I hope for the best.

Ivan Drago IV4494d ago (Edited 4494d ago )

Guys ive watched that video posted on the spot at gamespot and it showed the first hour of the story and it looks extremely dark and disturbing, i would say even more so than TM black. http://m.youtube.com/index?... there it is., its only a few minutes long, its the openining cinematic for sweettooth's story. Watch that and tell me this game isnt as dark as TM black

-Mika-4494d ago

omg i was so wrong. My excitement level is way up now. Thxs.

MaverickStar74493d ago

Jaffe is still co-owner of ESP and said he was going to be working on Twisted Metal through and even a little after its release.

Tonester9254493d ago

I watched the whole Sweet Tooth story. It's great. Not for parents who let there kids play rated-M games and then complain about the Violence, Gore, and Language. lol


God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

Whatever form the next God of War game takes, it needs to be clear about what role Kratos is playing, lest the franchise lose direction.

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Nacho_Z5d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt5d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z5d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan5d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq5d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard5d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole5d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


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