
PC gaming vs. console gaming - who is winning?

Ignite Game Technologies compiled data to create an infographic which shows a much clearer image of who is winning the fight between PC gaming and console gaming

Agent-864553d ago (Edited 4553d ago )

Glad I'm a combo gamer and don't have to chose. I have a gaming PC for the multi-plats and superior graphics plus a PS3 for it's great line-up of exclusives. An added benefit is that they're both free to play online; they make a great gaming combo.

Here is my gaming equation: (BF3 on PC) + (Uncharted 3 on PS3) = AMAZING!

NewMonday4553d ago

i was off PC for some time but this is a big year for it:

Witcher 2

and soon Star Wars MMORPG

Cosmit4553d ago

Who's winning? I'm winning. Own both a gaming PC and PS3. "WINNING" :P

miyamoto4553d ago

How about the pirates and hackers on PC, 360, Wii, PSP. DS, 3DS? Are they winning,too?

AgentWD404553d ago

Uncharted 3 ps3 + forza 4 360 + rbr pc = gaming perfection.

frostypants4553d ago

I play PS3, 360, and PC, but this analysis is crap. $20 says those revenue numbers include F2P/social garbage games. In fact I know they do.

There was another chart posted here a while back that breaks it all out, and when you take out that fluff and focus on core games (i.e. the kind gamers actually think of when we discuss this), PC gaming has been flat at best for years now.

Also, the reliability thing was stupid, as every PC is different and they can be plenty unreliable. Not 360 unreliable, but certainly PS3-level unreliable.

Just a PC fanboy misleading article.

papashango4553d ago

Core games? Would you say world of warcraft is a core game? I'm genuinely interested in your answer

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D3mons0ul4553d ago

The people who don't care one way or the other are the only true winners.

Shok4553d ago

You can't determine a winner, because the 2 different kinds of platforms aren't even in competition with eachother.

Anyways, glad I'm an open-minded gamer that enjoys his PC and his consoles, so I don't have to choose.

kramun4553d ago

I wasn't aware there was a fight.

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