
The 10 Most Humbling Experiences for a Gamer

Every gamer likes to believe they are the greatest at what they do. They believe they are the Michael Jordan of Halo, the Babe Ruth of Guitar Hero, and the Arnold Palmer of having drinks named after them. In reality, they suck at games just as much as anyone else. Here are 10 of the most humbling things that can happen to a gamer (and chances are they have. Consider this your serving of 'Humble Pie'.

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TheWolfSage4582d ago

Approved for the luls... though I'm happy to say none of these has ever happened to me :3

To be fair I've never played most of them, but still.

Also, when there are (still) players running around specifically knife-killing enemies for the fun of it... not sure that counts as humiliating. More like rage at the screen for one hit kills.

Kleptic4581d ago

I remember people doing that in CoD 4...and i've seen a few already in Bf3...players doing that in CoD 4 could actually end up with considerable kills...

but seeing names in Bf3 like 'ionlyknifeu' and a 1 and 20 kdr...makes it seem like its not the best tactic...and it SUCKS when someone does it to you, but is appropriately awesome when you pull it off...

gaden_malak4582d ago

Very funny. The Demon Souls one is the worst.

HeavenlySnipes4582d ago

I was exploring a world, but I went to far into the place so I literally had to run from every enemy so I wouldn't die. I see a treasure below, and me being an idiot, I try and get it. Needless to say, my 10,000 souls are laying at my death site FAAAAAR into a level I can't even try accessing again because I'd probably die again on the way there.

I've never touched DS since lol

grifter0244581d ago

I can one up that one.

I barely got to undead parish..the bonfire right next to that archer zombie if you play the game you should know which one I'm talking about the one where those guys throw the firebombs over that brdige THAT bonfire.

Well this is my first playthrough and I finally got my first humanity and changed human for the first time so it was a big deal. So I get up from the bonfire and about to explore when I roll (still getting use to the controls) and roll off the bridge 2 inches away from the bonfire.

I didn't play Dark Souls for 2 days because of that.

04soldier4582d ago

That Devil may cry comic had me bawling..

yourgodisdead4582d ago

Getting beaten at Street Fighter by someone who has never played it before is harrowing. Button basher or not.

dski10804582d ago

I looked for a Sonya Blade Sexality like you looked for Mew

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Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

Nintendo Has Acquired Shiver Entertainment From Embracer Group

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Profchaos11d ago

Great news it shows that Nintendo intends to continue developing ports of AAA games to its next gen platform

H910d ago

Buying studios from embracer now is a great deal, they must be dirt cheap at this point, Nintendo is a opportunist, they wait until someone fall so they get their best deal

OtterX10d ago

That is some serious brain gymnastics you have going on there. 🤔

H910d ago

I didn't do any gymnastics I can assure you, honestly I don't know why you think that, not hating I seriously don't see why you think that

ZeekQuattro10d ago

Yeah I don't know where that came from. It's rare for Nintendo to flat out aquire studios. Guess they were trying to be edgy but why flex on this studio. 🤣

Kneetos9d ago

At least they are safer from layoffs with Nintendo then any other company

banger8810d ago

I hope someone buys Piranha Bytes, their future isn't looking good right now. I love their RPGs, they're janky as f***, but they have heart and soul.

Relientk7710d ago

Nintendo saw the Mortal Kombat 1 Switch port and were like, "Yeah, these guys are worth acquiring."

You can't make this crap up lol

Profchaos10d ago

Mortal Kombat 1 was never going to port well I'm sure they told wb it wasn't going to work but wb wants that sweet sweet 140 million install base

In the end wb approved the project cleared the milestones and allowed the product to release

SonOfOsiris10d ago

Yeah this guys ported MK11 which is great, Hogwarts Legacy which is great, and MK1 is now ok, play it every day


Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor21d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead21d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo21d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow121d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


Game Developers Have Begun Confirming Nintendo Switch 2 Support

Game developers have already started to confirm that they will support the Nintendo Switch 2 with their future titles.

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