
gamrTV Weekly - How Steve Jobs Changed Video Games

This week on gamrTV Weekly: Paul Dini, Netflix, Mass Effect 3, and The Last Story are in the news. Reviews of Aliens: Infestation, The God of War Origins Collection, and X-Men: Destiny. Finally, VGChartz' Editor-in-Chief pays respects to Steve Jobs and talks about how he changed the face of video games.

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malol4615d ago (Edited 4615d ago )

just because the guy is dead doesn't mean we have to give him honors to everything and with all due respect to him
NO he didn't change Video Games
the guy made a console that didn't even put on shelves that's how much a fail it was
remember this ??

but on the other hand he DID change a lot in Other tech related things and the way we use tech in out daily live
not gaming tho


ginganinja4615d ago

What did you use to write that entry with ?
A PC ?
Guess what Computers looked like before Jobs, Wozniak et al. came along. They were the size of rooms.
He helped put the P into PC, and if you don't think that has had a positive effect for gaming then....

malol4615d ago

you are totally missing the idea in here

ginganinja4615d ago

So no-one uses computers to play games on?
My bad...

4615d ago
UltimateIdiot9114615d ago

Perhaps we need an article about how Thomas Edison changed smartphones because after all he was pretty much the one who invented the telephone that end up in every house which lead to telephone companies which lead to cellphone companies which encourage tech companies to build cellphones that ultimately lead to building smartphones we have today.

Because that's what your comment sounds like.

You're trying to bridge something that are barely correlated. So he had an influence on what PC look like today but he wasn't the only one. Some can argue that IBM made the first PC.


The fact is Jobs and Woz were not the first or it's highly debatable. Not only that, they aren't the only influence that lead to the emergence of pc gaming nor did they make any direct influence to make the PC game industry grow. The only influence Job really had on the gaming industry is the mobile gaming industry. That's it.

moho-foe4615d ago

None of you or the OP know anything. Bungie was a mac dev first, Halo was shown first at Mac World. Steve Jobs had a chance to buy Bungie, but Microsoft bought them instead. And with that ushered in a new era for video games, a wave so big we are still riding today.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4615d ago
Tarantino_Life4615d ago

He did squat for Video games.Please its nice to praise the guy. But videogames is not one of his achievements. Its an insult to the guys at Nintendo and Sony and other companies if Jobs is credited for achievement in videogames

JsonHenry4615d ago

^^ He was good at selling over-priced/under-performing junk at a higher price than the competition. The guy was a TRUE capitalist and businessman. But he didn't do jack squat for video games or gaming in general.

kcuthbertson4615d ago

I was gonna say this too. He revolutionized smart phones, and he deserves every bit of that credit..but video games? No way.

He may have helped revolutionize the way that pick up and play games were distributed but that's IT.

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anast87d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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280d ago

Ranking the God of War Games

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ClayRules2012565d ago

I won’t rank Ragnarok just yet, although it is honestly leaving me and my wife blown away…won’t go into details right now, not done as I assume others aren’t either, maybe some of you are, idk haha.

But here’s how I rank them

5. God of War 3
4. God of War Ascension.
3. God of War 1.
2. God of War 2.
1. God of War 2018.

MrNinosan565d ago

My same ranking exactly, with Ragnarök at #1.

ClayRules2012564d ago

Wow, that’s pretty interesting that someone has the same ranking as me haha. So, did you beat Ragnarok? I assume so with you placing it at #1

Flawlessmic565d ago

1. God of war 3
2. God of war 2018
3. God of war 2
4. God of war 1

Haven't played the others but about 30 hrs In to ragnarock now so safe to say if it keeps up it will end up being at the top of my list when I'm done.

CrimsonWing69565d ago

I will say the pacing of the original titles and the epic feel to them I feel is way better than the new one’s. Like, I could recognize and appreciate the praise God of War received, but it bores me to tears except for the pivotal moments.

However, that being said I feel Ragnarok is waaaaay better than 2018. I’m only on Ch. 6, but it’s pretty much rocked my face off from the get-go.

I’m really split between this being my GotY or Elden Ring.

robtion565d ago

I think different games in the series had different strengths but all are great. I liked the original as it was an origin story and the mechanics were fresh. The sequel added smoother gameplay. Three was just so far ahead of it's time graphically it wasn't even funny. Plus great gameplay and bosses and insane gore and nice use of sexy time. The reboot was cool but lost a lot of what I liked about the original trilogy (I don't need my games grown up, just fun). Will wait and see with ragnarok as haven't had time to play it yet.