
PSN 'An Almost Complete Failure' and Team Meat Are 'Loud Crybabies,' says Developer

Sony has attacked Microsoft's treatment of developers, and while Team Meat (Super Meat Boy) might agree - noting that they got the short end of the stick from Microsoft - Zen Studios and other indies clearly have a different opinion. IndustryGamers has just heard from Guillaume Boucher-Vidal, Studio Manager at Nine Dots Studio Inc., which is currently working on a title called Brand. Boucher-Vidal doesn't think very highly of PSN or Team Meat.

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the_hitman30004629d ago

this guy is the one that sounds like a crybaby lol sounds like hes just upset cause sony didn't want to put his game on the ps store

ksense4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

lmao awesome. a guy making a game exclusively for xbla is praising its service. who would have thought that!!! maybe he should realize that indie games usually tend to sell better on pc/steam and there are way less restrictions than psn or xbox for pc so why not make the game for that.

doctorstrange4629d ago

Rather than the title suggests, so he's not saying the PSN is a failure.

I'm not exactly sure how he knows the sales are a failure as Sony doesnt share sales statistics - even between devs - about other devs games.

Perhaps he was part of a game that didnt sell, but I'm pretty sure the PSN wouldnt keep getting new games, especially exclusive ones, if the sales were a "failure".

evrfighter4629d ago

nope it sounds like he's calling team meat a bunch of crybabies to me

RememberThe3574629d ago

lol @evrfighter: Who is that a reply to?

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

This guy has balls, lol. I'm going to keep my eye out on his work.

Edit: MS streamlines their service add that to everyone who is interested in making games can do so on XBL by just paying the $100 membership. Couple this with UDK being free until you start making money, the price of admission to make games is amazingly low. I have a lot of respect for MS in that respect. Where else can your little sister or grandma could make a video game if they wanted, lol? I don't even think the indie music seen is as easy to get into as MS makes it for people wanting to get their feet wet in making games. But I need to be clear though, this is for XBLIG, XBLA is the one more strict and you would probably need a publisher to get you're game on the 360.

SilentNegotiator4629d ago

Nine Dots Studio Inc. has made a grand total of zero titles.

They are nobodies. Yet they pretend to know inside information of PSN sales, and Team Meat crybabies as if they themselves had a long history with Xbox LIVE.

Seriously, screw these guys. They should deflate their chests, actually release a game, and then I'll pretend to care what these clearly unhumble grunts have to say.

morganfell4629d ago

It doesn't matter if you are making a title for the 360, the PS3, the Wii, the PC, or a handheld. Retail or downloadable. 1st party or 3rd. Attacking those that might be perceived as the competition is a bad idea. Either say nothing or demonstrate some gracious behavior and humility. Stand on what you are rather than what you believe others not to be.

And it is a particularly bad idea to be a complete jerk when your own product his a pile of horse dump.

The fact that Dan Greenwalt has focused on Forza 4 rather than imitating the owrst parts of Bobby Kotick has caused me to actually read interviews with him and watch Forza 4 videos. The old saying that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar happens to be true.

Being an ass will actually wind up doing more harm than good. And one day you just might need a job from the people you attacked.

da_2pacalypse4629d ago

this guy is right. he makes perfect sense. PSN sucks, it's horrible. this is why the ps3 is losing in sales and competitiveness in the market.

JellyJelly4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

How many exclusive games has PSN had this year?
How many has XBLA had?

How come so many devs decide to put their games on XBLA but not on PSN? Could it be that they sell better on XBLA?

MaximusPrime4629d ago


Quit living in the past, ps3 is doing very well worldwide. In fact ps3 is still selling and havent been outsold by xbox 360 for the past 2 years.

Do a bit of research before you make that daft comment.

playboi284629d ago

As much as I hate to say it, PSN sales are low because of game sharing, not lower quality or anything like it. Instead of 5 people buying the same title on XBL, one person will buy one on PSN and share it with 4 friends while they split the cost.

kikizoo4628d ago

Sales are huges, even with game sharing.

and jelly troll, psn had again more great games on psn this years...like in stores.

MaxXAttaxX4628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

Do delusional people like you actually think that PSN has no exclusives? LOL

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4628d ago
xtreampro4629d ago

Why are you getting upset? What he's saying about the PSN is true it's just that not all the developers come out and say anything.

But of course in your world Sony is god and they can't commit any wrong.

Jensen4629d ago

sounds like your tryna call him out to be a fanboy sir....but is it he who is the fanboy here...?

DragonKnight4629d ago

@badjournalism: your name, coupled with your comment, makes it epic. Seriously. +Bubs just because.

MysticStrummer4629d ago

Sony's open policies haven't suddenly appeared due to bad sales on PSN. His theory about them trying to make up for bad sales is laughable for that reason. I'm sure he's happy to get his studio some press this way though.

tarbis4629d ago

just how many games did this guy made for the PS3 or PSN to make these claims? He has no credibility whatsoever at all.

Take this with a mountain of salt.

PATRIOT7ME4628d ago


You know you've hit a nerve when you have 95+ disagrees.

He's right too, it's better to be an indie developer on XBL, from every standpoint.

dead_eye4628d ago

@PATRIOT7ME either you hit a nerve or the comment is just total bullshit with no back up with facts and no inside knowledge. I suppose you'd look at it however helps you sleep better at night. oh and it's no good saying that dev's don't just come out and say it when the most obvious answer to that would be know one say how bad it is because no one thinks that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4628d ago

I hate to admit it as much as i love my PS3 PSN pisses me off sometimes. Countless patches, offline..e.t.c....I cant play a game now,if i get in i get so much lag or error code 80801717 or some numbers like that(could not b botherd to remember it as i just switched to my 360 till sony fixes it). I know its free and i thank sony for making it free but i would rather pay for a better service like xbox live which is better than have a free service which is worst.

DragonKnight4629d ago

Sounds like the problem is on your end, because I've had no problems with PSN for quite awhile now.

MysticStrummer4629d ago

I'm not sure if you need more meds, or a nice vacation in a detox/rehab facility. People like you amaze me, and not in a good way. Coming on here, telling blatant lies, and for what purpose? To try and convince some random person not to get a PS3? Funny and sad at the same time.

dantesparda4629d ago

Hm, that's funny cuz PSN works fine for me. I feel bad for you (and you're paying for it)

Ray1864629d ago

It the way you have your network setup causing the problems.

trouble_bubble4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

dude, your router/IP is %&* lol. Fix your NAT type, try a PPPoe code and not just quick scan, ditch the wifi. 360's wifi is cr@p for me too. It ain't PSN, it's something with your setup. There's something you're not telling us.

You're not the only multi-console ownere here ya know. Slow download speeds? Not in my house. You know what's an even bigger issue than mandatory installs? No games to mandatory install in the first place. Proud Silver member here, I ain't never payin' Gold for multiplats.

slaton244629d ago

if u lag in a call of duty game thats not psn...i lag in call of duty but not any of my others games...they dont use dedicated servers which cause crappy connections....and i have 82 total if u r not than i dont no what to tell u

Peaceful_Jelly4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

when you play Call of Duty the PSN and XBL are just a bridge (an interface) to Activision's servers and these are the same for both consoles. You know that right?

If your game lags then it's either 1 of 2 things, your connection sucks or the servers has issues. PSN and XBL has nothing to do with this and what you pay to MS for "better online" is a misunderstanding of yours. Basically you're just paying for a prettier interface, not "better online".

RealtorMDandDC4629d ago

By your comments it's obvious that you have not had the chance to play a PS3?!?....(ProPaperPusher)

Had PS3 since Launch day.....the only issues I've ever had with PSN was when it was down due to the 4/20 Hacking.....

What you are saying is pure complete garbage...

--My PS3 is connect to a wired line....no issues with lag..currently using Fios...

--Had a Xbox 360---KMJFNIGUY----my DVD tray broke...tried to have it fixed and it broke again and then I threw it away about two years ago...in two years there has been no reason for me to re-purchase a Xbox 360....

--Your comments are very flamey.......

Ser4628d ago

Your internet connection must be horrific if it's dropping that much! :O

If you can't wait 5 minutes for a patch you might want to reevaluate your priorities.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4628d ago
Jazz41084629d ago

I own both consoles and ps3 is by far the most tedious with constant firmware updates and very slow downloads as you have tob downloadd and then install and then when I buy a game I have to screw with mandatory installs. You just don't have these issues with xbox live as I have been a gold member since its been offered. Ps3 is free for psn and I would never pay for that kind of service and I refuse to get used to it when its not an issue fr the xbox.

4629d ago
cl19834629d ago


My three brothers, and I share one internet connection. Three of us have 360, and one has a PS3. We can have all three xboxes online gaming, and down loading updates with no issues, and the updates/down loads happen quickly. Yet when ever he tries to down load anything on his PS3 it has taken days to down load, even when no one else is using the connection. So I have to say that Jazz4108 issues are not his alone.

tiffac0084629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )


Where do you live my friend and what is your internet connection? Because I live in the Philippines, a 3rd world country with bad internet infrastructure and it takes me around 30 minutes to download an update from PSN with my 1MB (yes it sux) internet speed.

So unless you have a slower speed than mine or just happens a lot of you is using your internet at the same time (like download, stream and such) while the PS3 is updating then I think that will affect things.

Also there is a faster way to download the update. Do it on your computer and just use a USB and update your PS3 firmware that way. I find that to be more faster.

As for the topic at hand. How can this dev tell the PSN sales are a failure, where is the data to prove that?

If he's mad about the dev kit being expensive from Sony maybe that I can understand but saying something without evidence is just bad if you ask me :/

tiffac0084629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

Update on my comment above.

Sorry I misread the part where cl1983 said "download anything on PSN" and I only ended up commenting about PSN updates.

But internet connection, size of the file and traffic affects the download speed. So I'm still curious on your internet speed because guys like me with 1MB speed its a given that it takes days for me to download stuff on any platform.

DarkZane4628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

Downloading an update and installing it takes about 2 minutes for me. You people who claims it's slow need to get a better internet connection.

Also, last I check, to get a good performance, you need to install a 360 game to the hard drive and that takes a while too. Now, since DVD9 are lacking space and everything is mostly made on PS3 first and ported to 360 later, more and more games require multiple discs.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4628d ago
BulletBtweenUrEyes4629d ago

So why doesn't Team Meat develop for Sony instead? I would love to see Super Meat Boy on PSN

cyclonus0074629d ago

Sony turned down Super Meat Boy because they "didn't get it". So now that the game is successful, Team Meat refuses to put the game on PSN.

gamingdroid4629d ago


So out of the three console makers, one refused it (Sony), another released it (MS) and who knows what happened on the third one (Nintendo).

Then they went ahead and burned their bridges with the one that released their game... sounds like a very intelligent guy, that developer of meat boy.

Lazy_Sunday4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

But look at the BFBC2 community, or the KZ community, or even the R3 community, and you'll see that PSN is ripe with maturity.

showtimefolks4629d ago

so what sony didn't want your game just move on and its good you like xblive

we don't need fanboy devs, we already have enough fanboys as is

Abriael4628d ago (Edited 4628d ago )

Paid shill is paid shill. He's not the first one (remember the pinball guy?).

It's quite obvious that someone is paying (or coercing) some small fishers to defend Xbox live.

kikizoo4628d ago

Oh look, james brightman the troll ms whore/employee, working before for gamedaily (remember the reviews ? lol) and now for this ridiculous blog, continuing his stupid anti-sony propaganda...f..u.s liars.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4628d ago
Dart894629d ago

He's a former Acitivision employee??Hmm

Well this won't go down well in the comment's time to sit back and let them roll in.

So who wants to be first??Come on now don't be afraid.

donniebaseball4629d ago

Ignoring his commentary for a minute, I just watched the trailer for Brand, and it looks like a pretty decent action-platformer: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

LNDCalling4629d ago

Different horses for different courses and all that but personally watching that doesn't make me sad its not coming to PSN!

LNDCalling4629d ago

@fucadastates LOL I was expecting that to be sarcastic and anticipated replying "but I am sad they're coming to PSN".. maybe it was sarcastic, but knock me down I could actually get in to Sideway (I like things that are different) and Rochard I'd seen before and it doesn't look to bad!..

Thanks for pointing them out! :)

PirateThom4629d ago

Nine Dots Studio Inc have never developed a game for PSN and Brand is going to XNA.

I'm not sure how they can complain about PSN, since they're not releasing on it, or chastise Team Meat over XBLA since they're not releasing on it, just the indie channel.

Anon19744629d ago

Whenever I hear developers talk about problems with other platforms, that's the first thing I wonder - have they ever developed a game for that platform?

This is odd. That's two articles from industrygamers in a row where it almost looks like they're scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find someone to bash Sony. They just had another article recently where they admitted they had problems finding anyone to go on record to bash Sony in favor of Microsoft - but they found one! And look, now they've found another for another article.

Kinda seems like they're going out of their way to try to refute recent claims from Sony PR regarding better developer relationships. Now why would they do that?

gamingdroid4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

Only an idiot goes on record to talk smack about the competition, unless they are good with another one.

That is common sense... so you are unlikely to hear anything credible and if you do, I would question that source because that person is likely an idiot.

Gaming industry is generally small and it will come back to haunt you.

DigitalRaptor4629d ago

Because they have an agenda of course.

Any journalistic publication in this industry that openly show their fanboy tendencies have absolutely no credibility whatsoever.

Industrygamers is one of these sites.

SilentNegotiator4629d ago

"and Brand is going to XNA"

Oooooh! XNA! These guys are in the major leagues now!


RememberThe3574629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

Haha you Clay-Matthewsed this dude! You blew him up!

donniebaseball4629d ago

The guy worked on both platforms while at Activision.

PirateThom4629d ago

Working for a big publisher like Activision is nothing like working as an indie on EITHER platform.

MrBeatdown4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

And that means what? Looking at Wikipedia, Activision has released a grand total of TWO downloadable games, Vigilante 8 Arcade and Golf: Tee It Up, both of which were released back in 2008 and were exclusive to Xbox Live. And looking at his LinkedIn profile, he didn't even work on either of those.

Hell, according to his LinkedIn page, he worked in QA at Beenox and the only franchise he's ever worked on that even remotely relevant to what he's bitching about is Guitar Hero DLC and that series was already on the decline when he started working on it.

I'm curious where exactly he is getting his numbers that suggest PSN sales are "an almost complete failure." I'm guessing Sony isn't giving sales info that paints their service in a negative light to any no-name indie studio that wants it.

mieko4629d ago

And here goes donniebaseball the industrygamers employee shamelessly promoting his website with fanboy fodder YET AGAIN!!

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Going digital with 360 and PS3 - Xbox Live Arcade vs. PlayStation Store

"We may take digital downloads on console for granted nowadays but let's go back to when they became popularised and decide which platform offered the superior service." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums1626d ago

Vote for either Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Store at the bottom of the article! 🎮😄


Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2663d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905108d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5108d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5108d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5108d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5108d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5108d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495108d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5108d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5108d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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