
Everything's Better with Zombies

Ryan Johnson | GoozerNation

As Call of Duty: Rezurrection has recently hit Xbox Live and is soon to PS3 and PC, Ryan Johnson looked back at the fad that is Zombie Mode. Prevalent in many First Person Shooters and games like Red Dead Redemption, many would think that the game culture's infatuation with zombies is a fairly new one. Alas, this is not true. As he searched through the pages of the Internet, he found that zombies have been gnawing their way through our heroes for many years.....

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gw4k4638d ago

Yes, Zombies make it better. Have you guys seen the trailer for The Walking Dead Season 2? Looks awesome as hell.

RyanDJ4637d ago

I think they can be good when they fit the situation. Also, just curious, what do you think of the children's books that are out for Halloween involving zombies/ghosts/etc? I've seen them as simple as the "read to me" 2 year old crew. Is "everything" better with zombies?

latinalover4637d ago

Dinosaurs are better than zombies.

DigitalRaptor4638d ago

No, no it's not.

Zombies are awesome in context, but imagine Battlefield 3 with zombies.. would suck.

buddymagoo4637d ago

It (BF3) is supposed to have Dinosaurs! Now them to me are better than zombies.

RyanDJ4637d ago

My beef with it is people are relying on it. Dinos may be cool, but I just pray that the developers don't beat that to a dead horse as well....Uniqueness and different are important.

limewax4637d ago

Dino's are just speculation still for now, All we have to go by, is the rex in the thunder run trailer and a BF3 advertisement that one of the DICE team photo-shopped a dinosaur into.

They are clearly hinting at a possibility or maybe just teasing to see if the public ask enough for it, but I wouldn't say it is supposed to have them yet, it's very far from holding any real truth as of yet.

The only shot with a Dino in the game that's steaming around the net was actually photoshopped by one of the N4G users

RyanDJ4637d ago

I think in moderation....it just seems that so many are trying to put it into everything. I also coulda gone into my religious aspects on this...but that's a whole nother topic, and flame war. :P

majiebeast4637d ago


Deus ex HR would have been better without them.

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Elda12d ago

Most folks that have a Gamepass subscription will not spend the $70, they will use Gamepass instead to play COD. MS will most likely make their money from some solely PC players & some solely PS5 owners. Even some PC players may opt to use Gamepass instead of spending $70. I would think MS would want to make every dime they could from retail sales. As long as they put new releases of COD day one on Gamepass, MS will lose out on some sales of COD.

porkChop12d ago

COD makes truck loads of money on microtransactions. That's likely the play. Get more people in the door through Game Pass and sell more microtransactions. Have a steady stream of events to keep people interested so they keep their sub, and then just the sub alone would double the revenue from that player each year.

Elda12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Buying the game at $70 a pop including the deluxe versions is much better than people subs for a dollar to $15 a month. Die hard fans that usually buy the game also buy into the transactions. Again putting any new COD day one on Gamepass is definitely a sure loss of making some retail money for every copy of COD. With the last iteration of COD being bad most likely people are going to sub to Gamepass to play COD basically saving themselves $70, that is a loss of retail sales.

Kakashi Hatake12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

Most that don't have Gamepass will just buy the game and he done with it. People that do will just result in a retail sale being lost. Some will buy the subscription for the month then be done. This is lose lose. Casuals aren't going to pay almost 300 dollars a year for COD.

ApocalypseShadow12d ago

The reality is that Microsoft already knows the answer as stated by them in their documents. PlayStation gamers have built up an ecosystem of games and they aren't migrating over and dropping what they have to buy an Xbox to play one game in a service you have to pay monthly for. Cheaper to just buy the game. And, I'd bet many casual COD players don't know or care about the acquisition.

Which is why Jim Ryan pushed to make sure that that one game continues to be sold as usual on Sony's platform to keep the status quo. Every other IP owned by Activision are worthless. And Activision has shown they don't care about other IP like Tony Hawk by cancelling them.

Sales WILL be lost on Xbox. That's for certain. Microsoft can only hope that Xbox gamers continue to buy up those micro transactions to make up for those lost sales. Only positive for Microsoft is that they get to dip into PlayStation game sales that we all know from history and NPD, that Sony's console sells more games. But increase subs from Sony fans for game pass? Not happening in any way that matters.

Sony, on the other hand, can have their cake and eat it too. They get COD and they can continue dropping more content for their fastest selling GaaS game which is Hell Divers 2. As the game passes 12 million sales and doesn't beat you over the head with micro transactions, Sony has a win win situation and can support the game getting more content to keep players engaged.

As a side note, COD is probably going to turn into some version of Sea of Fortnite Duty. Games as a service sitting in game pass being milked dry with micro transactions and constant updates making you feel you're playing an unfinished game that keeps going and going with no soul.

Tedakin12d ago

I'm not sure why everyone is acting like COD is a surprise. That was always the plan. They said in court during the FTC case they were doing this. They have said repeatedly and recently all first party games are going to Gamepass.

badboyz0911d ago

gamepass like PS Plus are rental services. Games like COD you buy not rent. So in my case unless I plan on keeping gamepass for 2yrs minimum than the benefit of adding cod is pointless.


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peppeaccardo12d ago

Throwing bananas at the monkeys' cage.