
Rumor: Resident Evil 6 To Be “Brutally Scary”

EGM spoke with a reliable insider with knowledge of Capcom’s upcoming Resident Evil 6 – rumored to be unveiled in more detail at TGS in the days ahead – who reveals it will

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user8586214644d ago

Keep it away from the RE5 developers thats a start :), hell give it to the Revelations developers, that game looks awesome!!

Hands Up For Games4644d ago

Couldnt agree more. RE5 wasnt a bad game, but it wasnt scary in the slightest!

In all honesty, Capcom (SF4) apart have been pretty disappointing this gen, so I dont hold out much hope.

Laypoof4644d ago

I sure hope so. Resident Evil 5 was such a disappointment, although the game itself was good.

King_many_layers4644d ago

am I the only person here who actually thought that the only reason that we got any enjoyment out of the game was because it had the resident evil name to it ??

I honestly feel that I wouldn't have if it didn't.
The story was bland to say the least and lacked any real moment of atmosphere or even tension.
Graphically the game had great character models but all else wasn't exactly all that. The larger levels had poor textures and such. Killzone 2 online looked better and that came out before RE5 and had quite a scope on particular maps.

the animation's were poor as there were pretty much only ever 2 for the enemies.
the aiming mechanic was good, but marred by the fact that it was basically an action game that grounded you to the spot, with awkward meelee controls to adapt to.

If this had a different name it would have been reviewed and recieved entirely differently. We would have seen many a paragraph about how it failed to emulate the controls and atmosphere from recent 'survival horror' game Dead Space.

It was distinctly average.

chaos-lockheart4644d ago

to me i think what they did was, since lion and Chris had been through this horror, they made the game to show you that they aren't afraid of this no more, they are not amature no more, and the fear has been taken out of the characters. so im guessing this new RE is a new or an inexperience person that still is afraid.

Vandamme214644d ago

SF4 was a great game..U probally don't know how to play it.

shaun mcwayne4644d ago

im scared already, yeah scared its gonna be as scary as a puppy licking a kitten.

Corax4644d ago

You know Capcom you do have other horror/survival games I would like to see comeback. Clock Tower 4 and a new Maximo would be nice to see

Pozzle4644d ago

"to me i think what they did was, since lion and Chris had been through this horror, they made the game to show you that they aren't afraid of this no more, they are not amature no more, and the fear has been taken out of the characters. so im guessing this new RE is a new or an inexperience person that still is afraid."

The thing is, RE5 WAS advertised as being a horror game. Hell, the tagline is "fear you can't forget". Throughout development, Capcom kept mentioning that it would be scary and that they were bringing the horror into the daylight, so that Chris wouldn't feel safe anywhere. There were even those live-action viral videos that showed Chris suffering from PTSD due to the horrors he experienced in Africa.

For all intents and purposes, Capcom DID think people were going to find RE5 a scary game. They just failed miserably.

gta28004644d ago

I'll believe it till I see it. As of now the last "brutally scary" Resident Evil would be the remake of the 1st one. I miss those days when I would play a Resident Evil nervously while holding the controller with sweaty palms.

mrmikew20184644d ago

Being a long time fan of the series. I felt that RE 5 was a bad game. From the gameplay all the way to the story. Adam Sessler said it best, "not every game needs a multiplayer attach to it,"

JaredH4644d ago

RE5 was terrible because they had to add co-op and make it more action oriented. Oh and it took place in the daytime for the beginning of the game so that added to it not being scary at all. To make RE6 actually scary they should make it dark, not coop for the main story and have actual good controls like Dead Space.

lizard812884644d ago

Crapcom says one thing and does another. Don't trust their words most of the time. Like MvC3 having an expanded story, or...well, there's like 5 BS things they said about that game alone.

zeeshan4644d ago

Outsource it to DEAD SPACE devs :P

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JsonHenry4644d ago

Brutal? Maybe they are gonna take the Dark Souls route. Only with 100% more zombies.

Tose4644d ago

I'm gonna throw this out there; Demon souls, was not that hard, this gens bar for difficulty has just been very low. That is all.

videoxgamexfanboy4644d ago

I agree about demons souls. It wasnt hard at all once u pass the first real boss (damn giant knight!).

dark-hollow4644d ago

zombies with machine guns and on motorcycles arent scary, capcom.....

Chocoboh4644d ago

i agree thats hilarious!

zerocrossing4644d ago

Yeah I lol'd when I saw that... It was a pitty lol :/

Ilikegames764644d ago

It will only be considered scary if we all have to wear adult diaper while playing the game.

Kurt Russell4644d ago

I miss the mansion, and raccoon city :(

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Marceles4644d ago

The later the RE, the more it's NOT scary.

Keep giving us more ammo than we'll ever need and zombie suplexes Capcom. Don't worry we'll be scared


zerocrossing4644d ago

Agreed. But this quote concerns me a little “This will be, by far, the most gruesome Resident Evil game to date,” according to our source, who commented on the condition of anonymity. “A real emphasis is being placed on making the game brutally scary.” I hope it's genuinely scary and not just obscenely violent.

Anyway, it sounds promising =)

Shojin14644d ago

I played RE5 through 12 times. I would like to see more open environs added to the mixture along with more suspense. Outside of that I dont have many complaints... Maybe another system "white" this time for the 360.

Megaton4644d ago

RE5 developers said their game was "really scary" towards the end. Not a single scare was to be found in that game.

andibandit4644d ago

I dunno, i played coop with my gf, and half the time i had to plug my ears with my fingers, especially during the chainsaw boss fight.

Gamer19824643d ago

Was I the only person who liked RE5? Maybe it shouldn't have been a res game but it was a really fun game especially co-op.

otherZinc4643d ago



Move into the future, changing to the controls of Alan Wake or Splinter Cell, or anything like that!

OR, my copy will sit at the store as did RE5.

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waltyftm4644d ago (Edited 4644d ago )

The scariest thing about Res evil 1 for me was the short supply of ammo, later games in the series practically threw bullets your way, i hope this goes back to its roots.

Panthers4644d ago

Enemies should not drop anything. What made RE scary was the fact that you had to ration your ammo. Sometimes you had to run from enemies and search the entire mansion/police station for ammo. Now they make it so you have to kill all the enemies to proceed and you have an entire arsenal at your disposal. Its just not survival horror when you have that.

zeeshan4644d ago (Edited 4644d ago )

Actually, I agree with the idea of enemies dropping things. Yes, it makes things easier to find but they can simply drop things that don't turn the tide of the game in the gamer's advantage ALL the time.

See zombies were once humans. They turned into Zombies and humans carry stuff in their pockets. The dropped items could be anything like a wallet or a notebook or a cellphone. Maybe sometimes a gun with some bullets (not a lot) and some money. Think about it in terms of real world. What if you turned into a zombie while you were going out to work? You probably have your stuff with you and when people kill you, they'd find that stuff.

Having said that, I should say that I think not every zombie should drop things and if they do drop things, there shouldn't be shinny stuff in the ground. Make us search their bodies but not in a way that'd bore us or becomes repetitive.

A dropped wallet could give you money or ID of a person which could lead to story revelations. Some money would help you buy weapons from merchants, a flash light to see in the dark. They could do something like how they did it in Bioshock but keep it sutle.

For ammo, I'd rather have different weapons scattered around the city. Perhaps in different weapon shops in the now-in-ruins-city. There is so much that you can do with the plot. It's just that CAPCOM is being super lazy. The only game they delivered that delivered to the gamers was SFIV. But then they started milking it...

DeadlyFire4644d ago

Awesome if true. RE 4, and 5 are more action then scary.


RE4 scared the shit out of my during the raining portion of the game...D:

Coffin874644d ago

Yeah, agreed, Resi4 was scary as shit, contrary to Resi5.
I still loved Resi5 though, I loved the Splitscreen-possibility on PS3. Best Coop game ever, probably.
But not scary.

WhiteLightning4644d ago (Edited 4644d ago )

Apparently you now have DOUBLE the co-op


Seriously though I hope it's stick to single player and cuts all this team based crap out.

Oh and I hope Capcom don't do what they've done to revealtions....add useless new characters when there is fan favorites that could be used. Knowing Capcom though your partner could be a short haired young female who was in a tatical team as their medic....yet instead of using Rebeca Chambers they would come up with a pointless character.

Hope it mixes things from RE 1-3 and RE4

The Horror elements from 1-3 for most of the game, yet have some parts like RE4 with the Merchent and treasure collecting. Oh can't beat that inventory aswell, RE5's was crap

dark-hollow4644d ago

ugh sheva....
many times i went in trouble not because of the zombies, but of her stupid AI!

my mind like split in two,
one focusing on the zombies and the other watching her to prevent her from doing stupid things!

Heartnet4644d ago

So your saying series now cannot introduce new characters and just stick to using the same 3 or 4?

way to kill the evolution of a series is all im saying.. then thatll literally be like playing the same game over and over

WhiteLightning4644d ago (Edited 4644d ago )

"So your saying series now cannot introduce new characters and just stick to using the same 3 or 4?"


I love when people jump to conclusions without giving any given thought to what someone has said

Have you actually played the RE games, there are so many characters in the franchise Capcom could use.

Not just 3-4...

Barry, Rebbeca, Carlos, Billy, Claire, Ada, Hunk, Sherry for example.

How come Sheva had the privilage of killing Wesker in RE5 when Jill was in the game. How about Barry aswell, they were going to include him but decided with co-op they would add Sheva. It makes not sense when you could use fan favorites who havent been used in years, plus Chris, Barry and Jill should of killed Wesker together not Sheva and Chris

Heartnet4644d ago

Does it matter who fuking killed the guy? Surly all that matters is that hes dead which he probz isnt...

Yeh the reason it has so many characters is because it introduces new ones... and now ur complaining about it!

DeadlyFire4644d ago

I think Barry should lead RE 6.

MrSpace4644d ago (Edited 4644d ago )

I hope by "reboot" they don't mean starting all over again

Hopefully it will just be rebooting the gameplay like they did in RE4.

There are so many un answered questions that we found in RE4 and still nothing.

This is why Leon, Ada and The Organization has to be in RE6, I want answers to a lot of questions.

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Every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked

GF365: "The iconic survival horror franchise Resident Evil boasts a great number of popular and memorable characters. Arguably, Leon S. Kennedy is the most popular and recognizable character aside from Jill Valentine. In this article, we'll be counting down every Resident Evil game Leon is featured in, ranked."

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Babadook7273d ago

Yeah I figured it would be ordered like this. For me Leons best game was his debut. RE2.


Resident Evil Games Ranked: Mainline Series

The modern entertainment industry has witnessed the rise of the Resident Evil franchise as one of its most renowned and celebrated multimedia phenomena. With numerous video games released across multiple platforms, it can be daunting for newcomers to determine where to commence their journey. So here is every main mainline Resident Evil Games ranked.

In preparation for the highly anticipated Resident Evil 4 Remake, let’s take the liberty to rank each of the mainline story instalments, providing players with a fundamental comprehension of the Resident Evil universe.

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There Will Never Be Another Resident Evil 6 (And That Sucks)

A rough gem that may never get the proper treatment it deserves.

Terry_B442d ago

^^ I don't want what the author was smoking.

-Foxtrot442d ago

It’s this thing where after enough time people start coming out to defend bad games for some strange reason

I mean hey if you liked it good for you but it was a f****** awful RE game.

Capcom are finally back on track and now people are crying about their shitty mistakes? No thanks.

RpgSama440d ago

I'd take a full blown remake of RE6 based around a GREATLY expanded Leon part and make it even more horror.

That might be something I would be interested in, do not care about any of the other parts of that game.

MadLad440d ago

I couldn't even get through the demo.
Years later I bought it for $3 for PC. I played about 5 minutes into it and uninstalled it.

babadivad440d ago (Edited 440d ago )

RE6 was better than 5. RE6 just took the series to the conclusion that started with 4.

RE4 was the inaugural title in the action game trilogy.

RE9 will be the likely end of the first person psychological thriller trilogy.

They'll switch it up for RE10 or more likely titled RE-X.

hotnickles440d ago

5 is vastly better than 6 imo

TheEnigma313440d ago

RE5 is way better than 6. Stop lying to yourself

FallenAngel1984442d ago (Edited 442d ago )

“But all this is solely with respect to how fans felt back in 2013 when Resident Evil 6 had just been released. The game resulted in the series getting indefinitely killed off until 5 years later when we got Resident Evil 7 and balance was restored yet again. ”

1.) Resident Evil 6 came out in 2012, not 2013

2.) A series getting killed off means no titles at all released in a time period. Silent Hill, Dead Space, Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve & Siren fans would love to see how you can say RE was on the same level of dormancy. In that 5 year time period we had a number of remasters that kept the series alive and kicking. RE1 02ms remaster even broke sales records during the period between RE6 and RE7.

3. Way to disrespect Resident Evil: Revelations 2. It was released during that RE6-RE7 period. It along with its predecessor were mainline titles that kept the horror roots of the series alive in comparison to RE5 and RE6. RE: R1 in particular even introduced the ability to walk and shoot into the series, a feature we can all be grateful for that in modern RE titles. The director RE: R1 later went on to direct RE7 and the director of RE: R2 later went to to direct the RE2 & RE4 remakes.

Immagaiden442d ago (Edited 442d ago )

“Resident Evil 6 is often maligned as the worst entry in the Resident Evil series and is cited as the cause behind the long death of the franchise.”

Titles in the Resident Evil series such as Survivor, Gaiden, Dead Aim, Outbreak, Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps, & Resistance we’re received far worse than RE6.

And death of the franchise?

RE6 was still one of the most commercially successful games in the series, guaranteeing the franchise’s future. Compare how underwhelming sales of Dead Space 3, Silent Hill: Downpour. Alone in the Dark: Illumination, Dino Crisis 3, Fatal Frame: Maiden in Black Water, Castlevania: Lords of Shadows 2, and Metroid: Other M which caused their respective series to go into a long period of dormancy without any rereleases to even keep activity up.

RE however still had a significant number of titles released and rereleased after RE6. Not only that but development for RE7 started a short time after its predecessor came out, meaning there was never a development time that the series could be considered dead. There hasn’t been a single year that Capcom stopped either developing, releasing, or rereleasing Resident Evil games. Let’s not act like the 5 year period between RE6 and RE7 is such a longer time compared to the 4 year period between RE4 and RE5 as well as RE7 and RE8. We can pretty much expect RE9 in either 2025 or 2026, and you can be certain that Capcom will still release other RE tiles leading up to it

TheEnigma313440d ago (Edited 440d ago )

Man go some where with this. Only a few like this game. Why would they remake a garbage game no one likes risking money because it won't sell? RE 6 is dumpster drippings, sorry.

MIDGETonSTILTS17440d ago

It wasn’t that good, even if you enjoyed it like me.

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