
New Unearthed: Trail Of Ibn Battuta Trailer

Semaphore has released a new video shows the technical evolution that reached Game Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta, where the video shows many of the techniques used and the way such as lighting control, physics, and other implications , The game will take you on an adventure in the search and investigation for the months of historical figures, "Ibn Battuta" will be issued subject as Downloadable game.

Micro_Sony4694d ago

So its stupid because they played UC and loved it so much that they wanted to make a game like it.

I_find_it_funny4694d ago

yes, it shows they a fkn lazy, there is a clear line between inspiration and rip-off

this is a rip off

Micro_Sony4694d ago

After watching the trailer it looks pretty good for an Arcade game.

If 70% of this game is puzzle based than it a day one buy for me. I loved and UC2 but felt like iT needed more puzzles challenges and they did not feel as hard as UC1.

subtenko4694d ago


ok, amist the booing, I LOL'd @ 1:01-1:04 xD Just listen real closely. I thought I was playing a xbox360 emulator on a gameboy and only the sound could play......before the emulator exploded! :O

Christopher4694d ago

You know, gamers are giving this way too much attention. Likely the only reason this is even getting put on everything out there. It will succeed because you are giving it exponentially more attention than it deserves.

Electroshocked4694d ago

It's not only a ripoff, it's a poor ripoff, that's one of the reasons why this game is the biggest load of crap I have ever seen, I don't know who in there right mind allowed this game to even be a possibility.

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Inside_out4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

They don't seem to be trying to hard to differentiate themselves from Uncharted, who funny enough is a rip off of Indiana Jones, Prince of Persia and Tomb Raider...O_o

I wonder how much this arcade title will cost???

SCW19824694d ago

There is a reason you have one bubble with stupid ass comments like that.

BX814694d ago

@SCW1982 Don't be a d-bag. I love UN, as a matter of fact it's in my top 3 favorite game series of all time. Just because you disagree with him doesn't mean you need to be a stupid ass! Just express your self with out offending anyone.

garos824694d ago

@bx81 he wasnt offending anyone, he just called it as he saw it. that was a stupid ass comment

Ser4694d ago

I don't know about you, but Uncharted's universe kicks the tar out of Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider. (Don't know why you threw Prince of Persia in there, I see no resemblance aside from the basic platforming.)

I've NEVER enjoyed Tomb Raider's gameplay or story, but I love Uncharted. As for Indiana Jones, I was bored with the films after Temple of Doom, but I still want more Uncharted.

xtreampro_REVENGE!4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

LoL no it doesn't, Tomb Raider 1 is a 100x's better than UC2 imho and I think Idiana Johns is better too.

UC1 was great but UC2 wasn't even worth a second playthrough, hopefully UC3 is better.

Tito084694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

@ xtreampro_REVENGE! LoL yeah it does, UC2 is a 100x's better than Tomb Raider 1 imho and it's better than Indiana Jones too.

UC1 was great and UC2 was even worth a second playthrough, and UC3 will be better.


Electroshocked4694d ago

Do not compare the hugely successful, well known Indiana Jones to a video game.

Ser4694d ago


Um...I didn't, that was Inside_out.

P.S. Indiana Jones might be "hugely successful," but I find it quite boring as a series.

Electroshocked4693d ago

''Uncharted's universe kicks the tar out of Indiana Jones''

Yes you did.

Ser4693d ago


Yeah, but I didn't start the comparison. Again, that would be Inside_out.

I was taking his statement and giving my opinion on it.


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4693d ago
ATi_Elite4694d ago

"Uncharted, who funny enough is a rip off of Indiana Jones, Prince of Persia and Tomb Raider"

You forgot Pitfall....I'm just sayen!

Tito084694d ago

I'm sorry but Uncharted already beat all of those games including Pitfall!!!!

Brownghost4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

still there would never have been an uncharted today without those games to inspire it everyone needs inspiration now and then and most of the time they perfect at what there imitating

xtreampro_REVENGE!4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

What exactly is Durka Durka? It sounds like Greek or something. Arabic is the most beautiful most poetic language I've ever heard in my life.

How you people got Durk Durka out of it makes no sense to me especially since it isn't a word and it doesn't even sound Arabic.

deadpoole4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

:( ... Im just sad that gamers r bringin racism, stereotype and sexism in this industry ... which I ve considered to be immune from all these ... :(

Takoulya4694d ago

Durka durka? Really? How old are you, 12?

mafiahajeri4694d ago

I wouldnt be suprised if he was in his 30's

wenaldy4694d ago

Here we go again with stereotyping arabian...

Team America is quite funny film, but I dont take it too seriously..

mafiahajeri4694d ago

Thank you for not stereotyping arabs :)

user83971444694d ago

The name of the game makes me lol

showtimefolks4694d ago

so i am fine if some one wants to copy what ND perfected but atleast make it as good as uncharted has been polish wise and just story wise

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Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta with release date.

Enjoy treasure hunters! The gap between Uncharted and games of Tomb Raider series will be filled soon! Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta had just received the official release date.

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AliTheSnake14042d ago

Might be buying this, to support developers.

AliTheSnake14042d ago

It looks like a Good HD remastered PS2 game
Which is not bad at all.
Specially that it will be released on smart phones too.
coming from a couple of people with really low budget, using the UNITY engine.

febreeze14042d ago

lol it says ep. 1. That means you will be buying an incomplete game.

sourav934042d ago

Have to see how it plays. The last gameplay I saw, the animations were horrible. Hopefully they've improved.

Abdou234042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

As an Arab person, I'm sad to say i will not be supporting this, the devs should have created something original not rip-off other successful games.
I will not be supporting them just because we share race.I want to support people who innovate and try hard.

AliTheSnake14042d ago (Edited 4042d ago )

I agree that they should have created an original game. But the fact that this is an Uncharted rip-off is what made me interested in it. Go to the android/apple store. Countless of games, they could have ended up like one of them, gets released unnoticed and nobody cares. But the fact that this is a low budget smartphone-uncharted, is what going to make people interested in it.

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante4042d ago

It's a "Tomb Raider" clone (the crappy one, not the classic REAL Tomb Raider games).

pop-voxuli4042d ago

The crappy one? Crappy one....hmmmm, I can't recall there being a crappy one, BUT if anyone would know what a crappy game is I have no doubt someone with a DMC avy and a name like "My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante&quo t; would know exactly what one is.

TwistedMetal4042d ago

is this life of pi the game x uncharted 4?

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Semaphore comments on "Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta being a copy of Uncharted" accusations

When Semaphore first revealed Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta, gaming community and critcs across the globe gave it a title "Clone or Copy of Uncharted series".

But finally Semaphore has broken their silence and commented on the Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta being a copy of Uncharted accusations.

arbitor3654148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

at least they acknowledge the existence of naughty dog and admit that uncharted is where the inspiration came from.

of course, they cant expect everyone to just be cool with that. there's a fine line between paying homage and ripping off. most people will see it as the latter

Enemy4148d ago

They wouldn't have to explain themselves to such accusations if they'd been less blatant about it.

Red_Orange_Juice4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

are the most people wrong though? Unearthed? Come on, it is a rip off. Hope it will be one of those so bad, its good games.

I expect plenty of laughs in the multiplayer.
Free for PS+ maybe?

LOGICWINS4148d ago

I'm cool with it. I like Uncharted, so chances are I'll like any game thats similar to it. Take Bollywood for example. Many Bollywood films are ripoffs of American films..doesn't mean I enjoy them any less since they have an Indian twist to them.

GribbleGrunger4148d ago

I think this game is going to be bad and the developers are counting on exactly what you just said. I'm a cynic ... I know.

LOGICWINS4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

I'll try to hold judgement till I play it. As a full fledged $60 PS3 title, I have my doubts. But if this is a $15 downloadable title on Android or iOS...then smartphone gamers have something to be excited about. Uncharted ripoff aside, the game looks DAMN good for an Android/iOS game.


EDIT: YUP, it'll be on Android/iOS and it'll be episodic. So maybe $5 for each part of the story. Uncharted fan or not, you have to admit that this is a milestone for mobile gaming.

Who would have thought 20 years ago that a game of this magnitude could run on a smartphone? I'm still in awe that GTA 3 is even possible on smartphones.


GhostofHorizon4148d ago

I'd rather play Golden Abbys on a Vita.

OhReginald4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

Complete total RIP OFF and so called "inspiration" are completely TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Bungie took inspirations from James Cameron's Aliens for Halo. Not a rip off since they look different yet its still the same space marine vs aliens.

This Unearthed game is just a sad pathetic rip off of naughty dog's greatest franchise. Just look at those screenshots. WOW.

Dark114148d ago

Calm down , you gonna break.

OhReginald4148d ago

I am actually pretty RELAX. Just drinking a nice cup of hot COFFEE.

Outside_ofthe_Box4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

They pretty much acknowledged that without saying it so bluntly...

***"But rest assured that we are fans of the Uncharted series and we would do our very best to honor it. Think of Unearthed as the ultimate form of fanboyism where you go beyond being passionate about your beloved game and create something new inspired by it and adding your own culture and unique spin to it."***

You can't really expect them to call their own work "a sad pathetic rip off" now.

doctorstrange4148d ago

It's called Un_____ed and has the same font. This isn't inspiration, it's copying.

WarZ all over again.

spicelicka4148d ago

I think it's meant to be legal ripoff. They obviously know they copied uncharted, how else would they make it so similar. But it's meant to be a cultural parallel copy.

Just look at the Modern combat games for mobiles, they're literally meant to be just like call of duty, specially 3 and 4, and people are a lot more accepting of those games.

NOVA is a literal copy of halo, NOVA 3 is a copy of crysis, and everyone's ok with it.

Point is, these types of games aren't meant to be taken seriously. They aren't targeting western games anyway.

kungfuian4148d ago (Edited 4148d ago )

"Everyone at (inset crap developer's name) are making a game that looks just like (insert popular game title and similar character art or cover) but it's not the same as (mention popular game again), in fact it's very different than (say name of good game again). In fact, even though we were inspired by (say name of good game again)it's more like (say name of other amazing game)" lol

Maybe they could be more obvious. Trying to use the comparison to market their crappy game, LOL. Our game is not Uncharted, bla bla bla... Face it, no one even gives a sh#t your game exists.

Give it a rest. Not buying.

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Exclusive interview with creator of Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta.

Do You remember a game called Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta, similar to Uncharted genre? Well, last Monday, Semaphore, developer behind it, revealed some new informations about the game. Our portal, had an exclusive opportunity to speak with creator of this brand new title, straight from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The text is available in English and Polish. Enjoy!

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