
New Challenger: Catherine, Commitment and Consequence

Default Prime: "Is Catherine ushering in a new era in video gaming?

In a world where emotion has been slowly bled out of certain game genres we should, as gamers, be excited; very excited, in fact. Catherine, the latest game from Persona creators Atlus, deals with hitherto more or less ignored subjects by posing questions on the very nature of love, desire and commitment. This leads me to wonder if there hasn’t been an awakening of a far more adult side of video games in the last few years."

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BakedGoods4704d ago

It definitely seems to be an interesting story. I wonder if only anime-styled games are able to take this kind of approach.

Flavor4696d ago

Japan churns out bushels of 'visual novel' games, which are sort of like a mix between a stripped down RPG and a choose your own adventure book. These deal with everything from facing HIV infection to killing pregnant girlfriends to avoid paying child support. Most of them are dating sims aimed at herbivore men who live with their parents.


10 Weirdest Video Games of All Time

Plenty of unforgettable games have completely messed up their players throughout the years, all the way back from the PS1 days to the dark recesses of the modern internet.

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JonTheGod44d ago

Why are the Katamari games not on the list??


10 Weirdest Video Games of All Time

Deadly Premonition is a pretty weird game, but all of these absolute oddities are even weirder.

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Looking Back to 2011 and the Morality Tale of Catherine

Paul writes: "Games can be many different things to different people. The subject of this Looking Back article is something a little different however, as it deals with infidelity and the fallout that comes the way of the straying main character. Intrigued? Well, come with me to the weird world of 2011’s Catherine!"

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