
Dear Ubisoft: Please Give Us Spies Versus Mercenaries


"“It’s been too long!” thought I, as I reached for another ice pack to strap to my face. I’ve just completed L.A. Noire 100%, and figured, “What the hell?” and popped it in.

"It’s a game that has aged too well, still proving to be one of the best games ever made, in my opinion. My next objective: “Let’s play some spies versus mercenaries!”

"I then remembered that Xbox Live for original Xbox titles has been down for over a year.

"Disappointed, I realized something: an experience similar to that of Spies vs. Mercs (henceforth referred to as SvM) has not yet been replicated or continued in a respectful way, and is a cash crop waiting to be farmed.

"Dear Ubisoft: PLEASE give us Spies Versus Mercenaries this generation!"

Proeliator4716d ago


Times ten.

Why has this not been done?


I cannot put into words how much my mind is screaming WHY!

LOGICWINS4716d ago

Who knows? Maybe they delayed the Trilogy again because their putting multiplayer back in.

Proeliator4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

I want to believe this is why.

It's the only logical reason.

EDIT: To LOGICWINS below, that might be why it's getting delayed; there was a huge backlash when they said coop and mp weren't going to be in it.

LOGICWINS4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Yeah, people should go on the Ubisoft forums and tell Ubisoft that they'll boycott the game if MP isn't added.

@Proliator- I hope so.

DarkBlood4716d ago

ahh thanks logicwins i almost forgot what game got delayed in august lol

JBaby3434716d ago

I tried to play spy vs mercs but I ran into so many people glitching that I just gave it up. The SP of the Splinter Cell games is what I'm waiting for though I will definitely give the MP another go when the HD trilogy is finally released.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4716d ago
ReservoirDog3164716d ago

I wish they would. I didn't have online play or xbl when I played the absolute masterpiece Chaos Theory on my xbox. Always wanted to.

gaminoz4716d ago

I want an Assassins vs. Templars! Assassins as spies, and Templar soldiers as Mercs :)

ThichQuangDuck4716d ago

Just give us a true sequel to Chaos Theory. I remember when I played chaos theory it had so much to offer me I completed the singleplayer. then was shocked that there was a completely seperate co op campaign that weaved in with the story and offered true co op gameplay that still holds true today. Lastly having literally one of my favorite multiplayers of all time spies vs mercs. I truly enjoyed the deathmatch talking to a friend then snapping their neck or that scary paranoia of being a merc. Double agent tried to recreate that but failed, conviction they just gave up on multiplayer. I want spies vs mercs back on this generation at least once implemented how it was in chaos theory. Would love to see it on the next generation too the possibilities are endless

Proeliator4716d ago

So true... but of course, doing something like a modern makes too much sense. After all, they can make crappy fitness games and make much more money.

ThichQuangDuck4716d ago

gamedevelopers are now too scared to do hardcore or even unique game design because they are so worried about making everything simple and making money. I wish gaming wasn't so focused on mainstream accesibility

bananasNmonkeys4716d ago (Edited 4716d ago )

Ahhhhh the sweet sweet memories: /watch?v=Gbs5k90Y4Xo

Edit. Or if you have spotify: spotify:album:5EzESEPcpiY9chsU jWydw5

femshep4716d ago

as long as infiltration mode is an option i'll be happy, so fun and hilarious when people thought that they could run in guns blazing....soon followed by them rage quitting for not knowing how to play splinter cell

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - A Decade in the Shadows

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell has been out of action for a decade, so it's time to look back at 2013's Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

CoNn3rB284d ago

Sam Fisher is evidently the most skilled stealth operative because no-one has seen him in his own game for years

kevco33284d ago

10 years, in fact. He must be, like, 60 by now?

phoenixwing284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

why make an inspired game that takes effort when you can half ass it with multiplayer gaas games and filler filled assassins creed games?

That question up there is the reason you don't see splinter cell games

zarbor284d ago

Yup, another example that Ubisoft has no idea what they are doing.

MIDGETonSTILTS17284d ago

The entire mark and execute system belonged in another game.

It’s cool, but the polar opposite to how Sam Fisher initially handled.

The original trilogy made shooting very, very difficult, yet a viable option, which ultimately motivates stealth.

The mark/execute system makes shooting stupid easy, to the point of why would you even bother trying stealth as an alternative?

FYouDad284d ago

Because Ghost is the method fans of the series actually prefer? IMark and execute is never forced upon the player you liiterally never have to bother using it even once throughout Blacklist.

RNTody284d ago

The sad part is that I actually really enjoyed the last game, Blacklist. It may have lacked the iconic voice but the gameplay was excellent, and blended stealth, action and a mix really great compared to most games, where none of the three options felt like the wrong way to play. I really hope they either produce a remake of the original game or a proper sequel.

Rikimaru-00284d ago

Isn't UBI Soft remaking splinter cell.

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