
Gameplay video of the Uncharted clone - Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

Gameplay video of Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

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Kingsora4726d ago

Look at his foot on 1.50, ouch :p

GodsHand4726d ago

And who would leave eight guns just lying in front of that temple like that.

But just based on this video, I would have to say it still needs a lot of work to be up to par with Uncharted.

NukaCola4726d ago

Pardon my Arabic, but there is no way in f*king hell I would ever buy a piece of sh*t game like this. Graphical nightmare, physics are shot, dialog makes me want to punch a baby.

LocO_o4726d ago

Unearthed: Salims Majic Lamp

starchild4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

As I said it the other article, the animations are absolutely horrid and not even close to the animations in Uncharted.

The visuals themselves are pretty decent. Glitchy, but decent. People that say it looks like a PS2 game are ignorant to the max. The PS2 couldn't come close to rendering graphics like those.

People are so clueless about the technical side of graphics. The only thing that looked better in some PS2 games is the animation. This game has horribly primitive animations. But in terms of textures, lighting, effects, etc. the PS2 couldn't begin to run a game like this.

Personally, I have a feeling this game will not be very good. I am looking forward to Uncharted 3 and Tomb Raider.

I_find_it_funny4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

I feal kinda bad for laughing at this, Im sure devs did their best with tools and resources they had.

plus the game is XBLA/PSN

come on it aint that bad

deadpoole4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Dont know about you ... but given the amount of resources they have at their disposal ... I wouldnt be surprised them becoming one of the biggest game developers in coming 5 years. Because talent is up for sale and they got all the money to buy it ... just sayin ...

In my point of view ... this is an excellent publicity stunt for unknown developer.

The shit thing is a kid can use Unity Engine and develop game ... hope they'll use some better engine such as Cryengine or Unreal Engine for their future games ... or better built their own from scratch.

BTW gimme effing 6 months and I can develop this level game from scratch on my own engine alone.

TheDivine4726d ago

Yea looks good for an indy game despite bieng a blatant rip off. They shouldve made an isometric uncharted like game similr to guardian of light, wouldve been better imo. This will get publicity though, look at all of us talking about it so i guess it worked.

Sunhammer4726d ago

This is quite possibly the most shameless ripoff I've ever seen.

"Un" title, Drake lookalike, same story, Uncharted-inspired sets...

These guys will never compare to Naughty Dog. Just look at this piece of trash.

Cenobia4726d ago


Wait this is an actual game that is going to be released?

First of all I hope they get sued. Second, why would Sony even allow this on their store?

They should blacklist these developers until they do something that is not a blatant rip off.

PhantomT14124726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )


When you don't have the ressources you come up with something original in its game design and gameplay, you don't do sub-quality plagiarism of a successful title. That's the terrible thing with this game.

I mean, what's the use of doing something someone else already did 10 times better?

Active Reload4726d ago

I have to agree with Starchild on this. The only visual dislike I have for the game are the animations. They don't seem to have the resources for a mo-cap studio.

Rumor4726d ago

okay, horrible writing, and why is the ak on the outside of the backpack? (can he even reach it) and why does he even have a backpack!?

Raf1k14726d ago

I know this is a horrible game. That much is obvious to any gamer but TBH for a game developed in the Arabian part of the world it's actually better than I expected.

Compare it to a game from Pakistan and you'll see what I mean. http://www.youtube.com/watc...

fr0sty4726d ago

Limited resources or not, they could at least have made it where the screen didn't jitter all over the place and when you aim your gun down and shoot the ground, the character isn't still pointing his gun straight ahead of him.

RankFTW4726d ago

This game is a joke right? Please say so.

HappyGaming4726d ago


Or maybe in this case...


RedSky4726d ago

Obviously it's an inexperienced developer from a country without exactly a reputation for game developers to say the least.

It doesn't look 'bad' though for what it is. Most developing countries begin by imitating western companies and then building on their successes once they have mastered that. Give it 5 years and they may be making something everyone here will want to play.

AngryTypingGuy4726d ago

I was pleasantly surprised to see the gameplay video. During the first minute or so, I thought I was watching the beginning of an Al Qaeda video.

Pl4sm44726d ago


moparful994726d ago

That voice acting made me cringe.. I've seen B movies with better acting... Those animations were pretty laughable as well...

eldeladi4726d ago

Ibn Battuta is one of the greatest explorers of all time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

I hope they work on making the animations better.

anh_duong4726d ago


Day Effing One

looks gorgeous.. gears and uncharted don't stand a chance

GOTY... now Game of the Freaking millennium

hmmm.... should have gone to specsavers

nveenio4725d ago

I hope this adventurer doesn't have a fear of bugs.

DeadlyFire4725d ago (Edited 4725d ago )

You guys just jump at everything. No way in hell this is a rip-off of anything.

This game is clearly on its own out there. Has nothing to do with Uncharted.

Game is being developed where? Saudi Arabian development house. Ok. That explains the graphics, the physics, the everything really. Game has uncharted like themes just because its around a dessert? A solid game has never come out of Saudi Arabia. So this is a new development. They likely are not the most experienced game developers. Even if they make complete crap and sell it to the Billions of people in India they will be rich. Let them make a trilogy and learn some new tactics in game development.

nskrishna24725d ago

@Deadlyfire people in India prefer quality games too. You might wanna watch what you're speaking man.

Dee_914725d ago

uncharted who ?
unearthed GOTY !!

nah but seriously this is probably for people in countries who cant get access to uncharted

they will be missing out on alot but atleast they get something somewhat similar :/

AngryTypingGuy4725d ago

What, my last comment was too offensive? You people have no sense of humor. Sorry I wasn't politically correct.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 4725d ago
ATiElite4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Publisher "Quick we need an Uncharted clone"

Dev "ON it, we got this game right here"

Publisher "looks like Shite plays like Vomit"

Dev "well it's very very cheaply made and we would be willing to sell it to you even cheaper"

Publisher "Excellent but make the title look as closely to Uncharted as possible, even the same amount of letters and you got yourself a deal"

subtenko4726d ago

Someone needs to tell the developer to drop this project and start with something else. hardly anyone is gonna buy this. I know ps3 owners arent gonna buy it thats what I know for sure.

This is making a bad impression on that team. I mean I rather play kinectimals than this unearthed game.

hilyou4726d ago

this is wayyyyyyyyyyy better than kinectmals, and u think kinectmals is better than this, how could u ever think that!

turgore4726d ago

No. Let them make it and let them fail miserably.

eldeladi4725d ago

You have to realize, this is by a small Saudi gaming company, not your usual big gaming industry. give them a chance.
I just wish that For Uncharted 3 they would have chosen Ibn Battuta instead of Lawrence of Arabia. Look at this comparison of Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta travels. http://www.wwnorton.com/col...

ATiElite4724d ago

I don't even think a poor man would waste his pan handling money on this crap.

a poor man would get a Beer and a used copy of Uncharted 1.

SilentNegotiator4726d ago

"Look at his foot on 1.50"
ARRRRRH! Now I be Drake: The Pirate!

This game looks awfully unpolished and boring. And the voice acting made my ears bleed.

Speaking of Saudi, anyone else hear about what Saudi Arabia isn't allowing? Yeah, imagine if it were the other way around in another country; they would kill everyone.

KROBOS93939394726d ago

racist fuck!!
just because most of terrorists have arabic origins doesn't mean we support them (yes i said 'we')

SilentNegotiator4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

I could have phrased what I said better, I suppose. To make it clear, I didn't mean "Arabs" when I said "They", I meant extremists. When you live in such a tolerate community, you forget that you can make no implications because people will think you're being racist. Where I'm from, no one would have even assumed that was what I meant.

No one is being racist here. No need for personal attacks or sensitivity-fueled outbursts. Extremists would indeed go on a rampage that we rarely see result from antisemitism.

kingdoms4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Looks more like a tomb raider clone but not uncharted, uncharted is a clone of tomb raider LOL. Uncharted is tomb raider with some gears of war mechanics. Why would anybody copy uncharted It's not even a mainstream franchise? The combat in uncharted is god awful and is the only thing I see this game inspired from uncharted.

This game is outdated looking and plays like a last generation game overall with the same loose and unpolished fighting mechanics of the uncharted series and silly overkill with animations that retard the gameplay.

hilyou4726d ago

really this games looks more like an early ps3 game or xbox 360 game and uncharted is way better than anything tomb raider can throw at it and how da heck is da combat bad?!!!

MOTY4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

I didn't like the shooting mechanics in Uncharted 2. Can't stand them. Also thought the AI was dumb as a rock. I would be hiding up in a tower while Elena would running like a chicken with it's head cut off across the bridge and back and the whole time the bad guys are shooting at me up in the tower completely ignoring Elena. LOL.

Also after seeing Tomb Raider at E3, I can honestly say I am more excited to play Tomb Raider than I am Uncharted 3.

Bonobo123454726d ago

Here we go again, same as on the other video....

Uncharted > tomb raider...

But they are really nothing alike.
But what I'm really interested in is the motivation behind your spamming of this same message as of late.

Nobody gives a crap what you think of Uncharted, Your BS won't make it any less amazing.

Now go cry in a corner..

TheBatman_Fanatic4726d ago

Tomb Raider is a copy of Indian Jones. The Tomb Raider games suck anyway, there is nothing special about them.

MaxXAttaxX4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

It's been around for a lot longer than Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones(a King Solomon's Mines rip).

So no, Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones didn't invent the genre nor is Uncharted a clone.

Might I also point out that pulp novels such as Doc Savage and the lost world genre in general were the inspiration for Uncharted.

BUT people fail to realize that this mainly applies to the first game, as the sequels have evolved into more unique beasts.

A true fan of both TR and UC like myself knows the difference. And haters gonna hate.

DigitalRaptor4725d ago (Edited 4725d ago )

I LOVE it when people (usually the ignorant and mostly jealous 360 fanboys) call the Uncharted series a Tomb Raider clone. Not only are the games in their gameplay design quite different, but Naughty Dog have done a much, much better job and they've only released 2 games in the series. Heck even Crystal Dynamics has had to reinvent their series because of how stale it has become over the years, and it's clear they've been inspired by Naughty Dog's creative process. I do love the TR series and I'm looking forward to the reboot, but credit where credit is due...

And then I hear Indiana Jones "rip-off". Have you guys never heard of inspiration? I don't care. I love the Indiana Jones films, but they're so different to the Uncharted games it's quite surprising - the only similarity is some of the aspects of Drake's personality, and the fact that they are both treature hunters.

To add, I've never really heard people calling out Halo for the Tribes clone that it is either, but we always hear about the "Tomb Raider clone".

But the most laughable one is when these people call Uncharted a Gears of War rip-off. Now THAT is rich. Not only is Gears not all that original either, but the fact that people claim its cover system to be innovative and that Naughty Dog copied it... that's just gold.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4725d ago
hilyou4726d ago

@deadpolle seriuosly u need 2 keep ur mouth shut. u wont be able 2 make 1% of this game, anyway this is their 1st game, plus their arabs they dont hav advanced tech like we do.

deadpoole4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Dude ... what do u mean by "advance tech like we do" ... Yea sure we got NASA, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, CISCO etc ... but for developing games all you need is a freaking PC's and devkits ... and if you knew little about developing game, you wouldn't have said that.

Get ur head out of your a$$ ... nope, my bad ... going by your comment ... its better you leave it there ... :)/

Sheikah4726d ago

"From the team that brought you amazing games games like: 'KILLAREA' the famous sci-fi FPS, 'NOT-ORIOUS' the true superhero experience and who could forget: 'STRUGGLE - Tumble of Mankind!"

x5exotic4725d ago

they talk as if Uncharted were original in the first place lol :P

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4724d ago
tawak4726d ago

we finally got to play uncharted!! (Chinese made)
-xbox owner

NeoKnight4726d ago

maybe this footage is of the iPad version? (we all hope so xD

fluffydelusions4726d ago (Edited 4726d ago )

Superb voice acting /s BTW, notice when aiming the cross-hair is well below the gun (2:06 mark)...what's up with that?

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Video Game Rip-Offs That Are Hilariously Bad

Many developers try to copy great games and they often fail miserably. These are some video game rip-offs that are hilariously bad.

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senorfartcushion300d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88300d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


Phoenix Down 71.0 – Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

We kick off the Year of the Bad Games with this Uncharted knock-off.


Uncharted Rip-off Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Episode 2 Confirmed

Chris Mawson writes: "It has been widely regarded as one of the worst games of all time, but that’s not stopping Saudi Arabian developer Semaphore from ploughing ahead with episode two in its Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta saga."

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Dark_Overlord3178d ago

I think I paid about 50p for it, despite the game being pretty bad (even for ps2 standards), the glitches were hilarious, I had fun with it :)

Vitalogy3178d ago

I think sony shouldn't even allow this on the Store.

freshslicepizza3178d ago

i think they should leave it up because what it does is show how much better naughty dog are

Lamboomington3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

not allow it ? why lol

traumadisaster3178d ago

Guess you've never been in the thick of it, knee pads can make you so much more effective my friend.

Roaddhogg3178d ago

Considering the game is cross-platform, why wouldn't it be?

raggy-rocket3178d ago

Because it didn't come out on Xbox

Roaddhogg3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

Episode 2 is planned for Xbox One, as stated in the article.

Protagonist3178d ago

Just learned about this game, and watched a couple of YT videos of the "first one". Wish I never did, this is probably one of the worst games, I have ever seen!

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