
What makes a Ninja Gaiden game Ninja Gaiden?

As a true Ninja Gaiden fan, Xino talks about what makes a Ninja Gaiden game Ninja Gaiden exactly. This is to level out the controversy matters regarding a lot of hate for this game at the moment especially things to do with the missing gore/dismemberment.

A lot of people claim to be fans of Ninja Gaiden games, however seeing their reactions after seeing the game at 30% without actually playing it and forming nothing but hate for the game, led me to believe they are not actual Ninja Gaiden fans but more of Itagaki fanboys.

Also finding out the meaning of the subtitle Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge.

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Bloodlyte4729d ago

Wow, this guy really has no idea what he´s talking about. Even quoting Itagaki out of context to prove his (nonsense) point. I really think he's trolling. Talking about realism in a Ninja Gaiden game? Are you serious?

Quagmire4727d ago

Blood, insane difficulty, and nonsensical Japanese influence.


10 Years of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

It's been 10 years since the launch of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on Wii U - it's about time we received another sequel.

280d ago

What a New Ninja Gaiden Game Needs to Fix

Screen Rant Writes: Team Ninja knows fans want a new Ninja Gaiden game, but if Ryu Hayabusa is going to come back, there are some things that the series needs to fix.

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Melankolis1568d ago

- Better story, not that it has to be very deep though
- Better level design, on par or even exceed NG1
- Better enemies design, NG3's enemies design were boring and repetitive

TheRealHeisenberg1568d ago

Agreed and bring back the dodge roll. The dash was trash.

Melankolis1568d ago

Yep. I also prefer dodge roll than dash.

NapalmSanctuary1568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

I'd say just re-add the dodge roll and have both but with different properties. As long as they made both tactically useful in their own ways, it could be really interesting.

Godmars2901568d ago

- No NG has had a good or deep story. Its best has only been about action and enemies.
- Likewise, level design was stages where you fought enemies, which said shallow story connected.
- NG3 utterly forgot that enemies where either trained and highly skilled psychotic killers, or literal demons who'd crack a baby's skull open for fun.

At this point Nioh and Shadows Die Twice have taken NG spot.

TheRealHeisenberg1568d ago

NG Black beats them both. Agree that NG3 was trash. Nioh and Shadows can occupy the spot until NG makes a triumphant return.

NapalmSanctuary1568d ago (Edited 1568d ago )

I take it you never played NG3: Razor's Edge. That game fixed the lack of difficulty. Maybe a little too well with how unfair some of the enemies and bosses were. Still not on par with the previous 2 games but miles ahead of the original NG3 release and well worth playing.

And whats this shit about story. Few action games come close to being on the same level of quality as NG 1&2 and having "good or deep story" didn't get them any closer to it. "Its best" sets it apart and far ahead of almost any other game in the genre except for DMC 3-5 and the Bayonetta series. NG 1&2, along with other games like Doom, prove how little story matters when you get the important aspect of a game (gameplay) right.

Not that Sekiro isn't a great game. The only thing that keeps it from standing shoulder to shoulder with NG 1&2 is its lack of weapon variety and its frame rate issues.

NapalmSanctuary1568d ago

I definitely prefer the Zelda-esque game progression. NG2 was still a great game though.

CorndogBurglar1568d ago

Don't give Ryu some crazy weakness that interrupts literally anything he is doing in order to do some BS animation of him wincing in pain! That garbage ruined NG3

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AK911568d ago

Bring back the difficulty of the first game both 3 and Yaiba (yes I played that POS game) had laughably easy difficulty that it wasn't even funny.

Thundercat771568d ago

With games like NiOh, I don't miss ninja Gaiden at all.

NapalmSanctuary1568d ago

Completely different sub-genres, dude.

CorndogBurglar1568d ago

Nioh was totally different than Ninja Gaiden...

Hungryalpaca1568d ago

Might as well say “wish games like Forza I don’t miss Mario kart”

Asuka1568d ago

Bring back the difficulty.

NapalmSanctuary1568d ago

I want a Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 remaster for all consoles/PC. Complete with peak difficulties intact and maybe some new weapons and outfits. The problem with the Sigma series was that 1) they removed most of the puzzle elements 2) they nerfed the difficulty and 3) they seriously reduced the number of enemies on screen at a time in many places.

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The History of Ninja Gaiden: The Resurrection

In the conclusion to a three part series, CV takes a look at the most recent Ninja Gaiden games, for better and for worse.

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spicelicka1622d ago

They need to make a true sequel to Ninja Gaiden 2, that was the most satisfying combat I've experienced in a hack n slash game.

micdagoat191622d ago

been playing 1&2 on and off since they were released. I usually will play until I get frustrated then take another year off lol. Nver tried 3 or the 4th one even though they are in my backlog.

Domestupidname1622d ago

I tried to go back to Sigma but good god those controls are just insufferable. Couldn't do it.