
Head2Head: L.A. Noire Screenshot Comparison - Lens of Truth

Lens of Truth writes "Welcome back for another exciting Screenshot Comparison! This week we got our chance to sit down with arguably this years most anticipated game - Rockstar's L.A. Noire. So what do we all know so far? The PS3 Version was lead in the development process, and the Xbox 360 version will ship on 3 discs. Okay, but how does each version look? You'll find all the clues you need to help you make your choice inside our latest Head2Head!"

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jc485734766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

aren't the developers the same people behind The Getaway series? I heard this was a collaboration project with Rockstar.

Surfaced4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

Yes, I wish I could clear this up definitively.

The developer of this game is not Rockstar.
The developer is Team Bondi.

Team Bondi was formed by senior members of Team Soho.
Team Soho was a subdivision of Sony's London Studio.
Team Soho created both 'The Getaway' titles for PlayStation 2.

L.A. Noire was originally to be published by SCEA. This changed after Shuhei Yoshida left SCEA for a promotion at SCE Japan (he became director of the entire SCE Worldwide Studios group).

The studio head at Bondi, Brendan McNamara, has explicitly described Rockstar's involvement in a 1UP interview:

1UP: To follow-up on what you were just saying, did you work alongside the Housers or other people within Rockstar much? Or did they mostly leave you alone to make the game?

BM: Yeah. To a certain extent they do. Then the bits toward the end of the game, and if you need help, they'll bring in animation resources to clean up all the mo-cap, music, or anything like that. I have to say that Dan [Houser, VP of creative] -- who has his own writing team -- pretty much, in my case, gave me enough rope to hang myself. I'm thankful for that. Different people came in at different times, you know. Jeronimo Barrera, who's VP of development, was here for maybe two years on and off. Josh Needleman, who's one of the producers on it, was here for long extended periods. We get plenty of feedback and want to make sure it lives up to the things that Rockstar puts out. And we also kind of want to, because it's so different, we really want parts of it to feel familiar, like the controls. But obviously it's a pretty different type of game for both them and us, and maybe our business.

1UP: How much did the game itself change once Rockstar got involved?

BM: Actually, I don't think that the game changed at all.


GoldPS34766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

Damn so it was going to be a PS3 exclusive. Oh well. 360 fans should be happy they get to play this game.

@Istanbull I'm so sorry that I can't remember everything that happen in 2006 like you.

captain-obvious4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

ps3 took the cake with this one thats for sure
add to that the extra mission they have

so yah

MaxXAttaxX4766d ago

Where are those fake screenshots that purposely made the PS3 version look worse now???

It's called FEAR I tell you! LOL

PLASTICA-MAN4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

"During cut-scenes, these two were pixel for pixel identical to one another."

And what are those if not cut-scenes? BRB or ingame commercials?





Where are the shadows ON the car and UNDER the car?

Talking about professional comparison. They couldn't resist giving the 360 version some tiny infinitesimal hope, to save its honor, but it is just not true. Lens of Truth must change its lenses (of lies) !

jetlian4766d ago

is ps3 fans more than anything and its down for me

HBK6194766d ago

It was going to be a PS3 exclusive GoldPS3, but due to the game having a ridiculous budget (literally this is the most expensive game ever made).

Sony decided that it was best to not keep pouring money into a title that was at several stages not likely to see the light of day.

The deal for Sony to hand over the game to Rockstar included Rockstar deciding to make the PS3 exclusive Agent.

It's good that the game has finally come out, but Team Bondi may not even make it out of this with their jobs as they've used a lot of money and need massive sales in order to get that back.

HolyOrangeCows4766d ago

The Ps3 and the 360 have DEFINITELY had a switch in fortune. Look at all of the multiplats that have looked better on the PS3 this year.

So much for those troll shop'd pictures.

llMurcielagoll4765d ago

This may have been a PS3 exclusive but either way, we still have Agent to come. Although it is taking awfully long I began to worry are they even working on it?

Haven't seen a screenshot teaser or anything at all.

HBK6194765d ago


That's what Rockstar do though, how much of RDR did you see before 3-4 months before it was released? Absolutely nothing.

Rockstar keep their games secret until they release a ton of stuff towards the end of it's dev cycle.

Basically the same thing that has gone on with LA Noire as well.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4765d ago
Istanbull4766d ago

@GoldPS3: if you are not young kid, you should know that L.A Noire was a PS3 exclusive and the first trailers back in 2006 were for the PS3 only.

MaxXAttaxX4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

L.A. Noire WAS going to be a PS3 exclusive. Until they made another deal for another exclusive game: Agent.

lh_swe4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

It's good that more people get a taste of this, it's a niché title and a gamble, an open world game which doesn't allow you to go crazy, a multi-dimentional story with a linear path, a teaser for the mind as opposed to an action filled shoot em' up...bold choice and definetly not going to entice many of the GTA fan's, especially the younger one's.

I am not expecting any wild sales for this to be honest, I'd say around Bully (Canis Canem Edit figures)

On that note, I hope Rockstar goes for another Bulle, I loved that game!

Tainted Gene4765d ago

gawd i luv BULLY. it probably has one of the best soundtracks in any game i have ever played. really cant wait for the next one

Vherostar4766d ago

A Rockstar game better on the PS3 clearly.. Seems it was really the lead platform. Lens Of truth this aswell who are known for lowering settings on ps3 games to boost 360 performance on comparisons. Meh don't matter anyway if I buy I will buy for PS3 purely because I only use my 360 for the 360 exclusives and shooters.

frostypants4766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )

PS3 wins, but as usual with cross platforms, neither version is different enough that anyone will really miss out unless they're looking at them side-by-side. I think the main advantage of the PS3 version is the single-disc.

A buddy of mine picked this up (PS3 version) at midnight and said it is freaking amazing. I'm pumped for tonight.

Greywulf4766d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Mohdunknown4766d ago

ps3 is the definite choice:

1)game on one disc only
2)Ps3 owners get exclusive content
3)PS3 was lead platform during development

ZBlacktt4766d ago

Inb4 more people say the DVD drive is not holding back their console.

lh_swe4766d ago

I wouldn't say holding back, just making things extremely inconvenient ;)...I mean I love swapping discs, it makes me feel more part of the experience!

Death4765d ago

It's funny that it's no big deal to buy a game, come home, unwrap it and pop it in just to go make a snack or have dinner while a mandatory install takes place, but playing instantly and having to change discs after hours or even days is completely unacceptable. Neither is perfect.


hadouken0074766d ago

Developers need to speak up,I gaming media downs one system to hype to other, meen while there loosing money.

Tempjf4766d ago

Wow the Xbox 360 is missing shadows and SSAO. PS3 won this Hands down.

xPhearR3dx4766d ago

Something isn't right about the shadows missing. I have the 360 version installed on my HDD and the shadows look the same as the PS3 version.

Tempjf4766d ago

I think your lying. no matter what you sat the SSAO is completely missing for the Xbox 360 version.

xPhearR3dx4766d ago

Look at the page 2, first image. The mailbox, telephone pole, and the yellow pole all have no shadows.

Here's 2 pics I just took of the 360 version and they're present. They look just like that at night time as well.



RememberThe3574766d ago

Maybe they're using demo or preview versions.

xPhearR3dx4766d ago

Well I don't really care what they're using, or which versions better. I'm just saying those screens are not what I'm seeing on my TV and I posted 2 pics to prove it.

S_C4766d ago

A couple of weeks ago most of you ps3 owners were saying that lens of truth is a load of bull e.t.c because they came to the conclusion that the 360 just edged it . Now when they say the ps3 comes out on top you bow down at thier feet.... Hmmmmm make your minds up .
On a positive note this game is looking amazing on both consoles and i have never been this hyped for a SP only game

baodeus4766d ago


yeah, after the fiasco with mass effect, LOT are scare of the power of the n4g ps3 fan. They are quite favorable now, so it isn't lens of lies anymore, quite simple really.

This game look really good and very different. Something that we need, not the same crap all the time.

StanSmith4766d ago

Gotta love the fanboys on this site. You seem to still get mass disagrees even when you're able to back your claim up with proof. Talk about living in denial!

There are either a lot of 12 year olds who got mummy to buy their consoles on this site or a lot of adults who need to grow up and stop fighting about bits of plastic, metal and software!

*On topic*
It's great to see that visually these two are on par but i'm still getting the PS3 Version for the exclusive content.

room4144766d ago (Edited 4766d ago )


Not sure how you would consider a screen shot from a different location and time of day as proof of anything.

I don't see any reason to doubt the pics in the LOT comparison and to call these games "visually on par" because you live in fear of being thought of as a fanboy is just plain chicken sh*t.

Call a spade a spade. PS3 version is obviously better in this case. It doesn't necessarily make you a fanboy just because you acknowledge the truth.

Obelisk924766d ago


I'm not a graphic expert or anything, but MAYBE the 360 is just missing "some" shadows, and not every single shadow.

Try to take a screenshots of the same part of the game that LoT took, and make the comparison.

I mean, I trust LoT a lot (lol). I don't think they would come out with bullshots or anything like that.

CrazyJ4766d ago

I think it's just the 360 is using some kind of self shadowing algorithm that is different than the full SSAO algorithm the PS3 version is using. Perhaps they can only do 1 light or something. Some of the 360 LoT shots have some self shadowing just not all that the PS3 version has.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4766d ago
VINNIEPAZ4766d ago

"I think your lying. no matter what you sat the SSAO is completely missing for the Xbox 360 version."

Typical Sony fanboy. Doesn't even want to TRY and get the facts straight. Get it for what system you want. I'm getting it for both. I hope the PS3 frame rate will be smoother. Its not overkill but can get choppy in some parts.

Finger-Eater4766d ago

Why in the hell are you getting both for?

morganfell4766d ago

Vinnie you are missing the point. The PS3 was on the short end of a Lens of Truth evaluation recently. You seem to forget how the guys at Beyond 3D made liars out of LoT. Were you protesting then? If so, all well and good. If not...

What point are you missing? The heavy sarcasm. No matter what the reality happens to be, Lens of Truth is right. One day, people will treat them the same as other sites who have no business getting published here. Let's see how objective people are when their favorite console isn't getting polished.

Personally I think LoT belongs on the same garbage heap as any site that has been busted for manipulating media to influence reviews. They can also sit alongside a certain website that makes up sales numbers and a wannabe rapper that shoots video in his mom's bedroom.

MasterCornholio4766d ago

Other sites said the same thing about the SSAO. Its really not a big deal because the 360 is missing some shadows. The game still plays fine on Microsoft console.

Joe Bomb4766d ago

Wow! The 360 got smoked! Big difference from Red Dead Redemption last year.

RudeSole Devil4766d ago

Yeah definitely a PS3 win here. By all means Sony really needed to get this right. Oh yeah, funny how the "contrast's" are identical. Nice work Rockstar! Finally a dev who cares!

metsgaming4765d ago

once again rockstar did not develop this game ! The reason why it looks better on ps3 is because it was originally a ps3 game and then turned multiplat.

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25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom23d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Play L.A. Noire Free With Your GTA+ Membership

L.A. Noire is coming to the library of free games available to GTA+ Members on Thursday, May 2.

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TheColbertinator32d ago

Great game that unfortunately was only made once

anast32d ago

I would day 1 New York or Chicago Noir even LA Noir 2.


L.A. Noire And Bully — Rockstar's Lost Gems That Deserve A Sequel As Much As GTA

Hanzala from eXputer: "I do appreciate GTA 6, Rockstar, but if I could trade it for a new L.A. Noire or a Bully game, I'd do so in a heartbeat."

Skuletor58d ago

How are they lost? You can get L.A. Noire on Steam, PS5, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch and Bully is on the PS5 and Xbox Series too.

Psychonaut8558d ago

I want a new Manhunt game. But that will never happen.

Demetrius57d ago

Mfs are too sensitive nowadays and would cry instead of being concerned bout real world problems

Demetrius57d ago

Whenever gta 6 launch we won't be getting another rockstar title for another 10 years lol but on the positive side they bou to come back n show how open world supposed to be done 🔥

Skuletor57d ago

I won't expect any singleplayer DLC like IV's The Lost & Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony after it launches either