
E3 Countdown: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

We here at Lo-Ping are pumped for E3, we know you are too. You’re an avid gamer who likes to stay up to date on the latest and greatest news of the industry, whether you’re reading up about it on a website or watching a live stream of the Video Game Awards show, suffering through all the celebrity crap just to get to the new game trailers.

We’ve decided that we’re going to get the E3 ball rolling a little early with this six part series which covers everything about the show; from its humble beginnings to our most beloved (and worst) memories of the expo, as well as spilling the beans on the rumors and what we each expect to see from each of the big three conferences.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Rybakov4780d ago

rolling the dice for

Alan Wake 2

new Dead space project?...maybe spin off show a different view point tho i love Issac

New Metal gear for PS3....one that involves Naked Snake

and New ip's from everyone

BiggCMan4780d ago

Alan Wake 2 probably won't happen, as the first didn't sell too well. I would love to see it myself because I loved the game, I just don't think it will happen if enough people aren't interested. I personally think its a little too soon for a new Dead Space, you don't want them to end up milking the franchise. Keep it a 2 year thing, and either get rid of the horrible multiplayer, or completely change it around into something that makes sense. New Metal Gear would be great, won't deny that. If not, Zone of the Enders 3 would be amazing, or even Peace Walker on PS3. New I.P's, I really couldn't say, we just have to wait and see what happens.

Rybakov4780d ago (Edited 4780d ago )

i can see an Alan wake 2 the ending of the first including DLC screamed a sequel and they cant just leave Alan in the middle of an Adventure.....and there are lots of games that didnt sell well that get sequels that dosn't matter as well as this being a MS exclusive they would keep it around for fans of it

zone of the enders 3 would be awesome too always loved that series

spenn20104780d ago Show
lowcarb4779d ago

First of all it's VG charts and we all know this probably isn't true. I've been playing it and the Xbox controller for some reason feels fine for this game. This is nothing more than a attempt to get hits. If anything people are buying the 360 version to play online right now.


Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2663d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905108d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5108d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5108d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5108d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5108d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5108d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495108d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5108d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5108d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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2699d ago
Bismarn2699d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One