
Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive Review | PSi

Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive just feels like it would have been a lot better on a console so that you and your three friends could get together in a party and play through the missions over the Internet. If you are looking for a good portable Naruto game, then look elsewhere; there are far better ones already on the shelves.

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gamrReview 2011 Game of the Year Awards- PSP

gamrReview: Seven years after its release, the PSP is definitely showing the signs of a platform in the twilight of its lifecycle. With PlayStation Vita just around the corner, attention has shifted away from Sony’s first foray into handheld gaming. Nevertheless, 2011 brought a number of great PSP titles that deserve recognition, including classic remakes, improved sequels, and long-awaited resurrections.

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Spenok4537d ago

Most anticipated game: Final Fantasy Type 0... DAMN right! lol, i just hope Square Enix brings it over :(

tiffac0084537d ago

I don't care if its PSN only and is for the PS Vita as long as they localize the game, I'll be happy.


The Armchair Empire - Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive (PSP) Review

A PSP review of Namco Bandai's Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive from The Armchair Empire

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GamerGaia Review - Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive

Namco Bandai is the most recent video game developer to attempt to make a decent Naruto game. Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive is a combination action and fighting style game for the PSP. The game follows a story line much like some of the filler episodes from the series, but on a grander scale. The story is told from mission to mission with a little more of the mystery behind the Hidden Leaf kidnappings being revealed after each. Many of the characters from the show have roles in the game, and several are playable characters. Naruto uses the four person squad to battle his way through levels.

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frozzenfire4763d ago

HANDS down the BEST game out there. I am a HUGE Naruto fan soo dont listen to me this would be an unfair evaluation to this game itself lol But i love this game just because im a Naruto nerd...