
Franchise Focus: LEGO

James Batchelor explores how bricks and licensing has wowed the industry.


Xbox Game Pass – Games you might have missed: December Edition

Another month, another great selection of titles added to XBOX GAME PASS! With such a wealth of titles, your friendly neighbourhood bearded gamer’s have once again cherry-picked a selection.

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7 Fun Video Games Based on Movies

Hollywood doesn't exactly have a great track record when it comes to making adaptions of popular video games. But luckily this isn't the case when it's the other way around. Here are 7 fun video games based on popular movies or movie characters.

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snarls2003662d ago

the best one are ones that are not rushed to meet a movie release.

tanookisuit3662d ago

The Lego based games are all superb!

JasonKCK3662d ago

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay


The Awesomeness Of LEGO Video Games

Yes, you read that right, and I am not being sarcastic. A little while ago, I finished LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, a hundred percent completion. This is easily the best gaming experience I have had this year. Possibly the best one I have had this generation. Wondering why I am holding this game in such high regard? Well, after playing the whole game in two player mode with my son, I will tell you why.

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