
FEAR expansions get dates

Sierra Entertainment has told Eurogamer that the F.E.A.R. Files and Persesus Mandate expansions will be released simultaneously on 16th November.

F.E.A.R. Files is the Xbox 360 pack containing old PC expansion Extraction Point and brand new expansion Perseus Mandate.

Both of the new expansion packs are stand-alone, so you will not need the original game to play them.

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RadientFlux6080d ago

Nice... while FEAR may just be another corridor shooter I am looking forward to trying out the expansion packs.


Gamespot: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Review

The image of a pasty-skinned, greasy-haired young girl has become an iconic image in horror films like The Ring, and the original F.E.A.R. introduced a similar figure with great success. Of course, that game gave its ghostly visions a chilling context, drawing you into the unnerving story of a paranormal prodigy named Alma and the horrific suffering to which she was subjected. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin returns to this fertile universe, but rather than scrutinize even darker reaches of the soul, it merely skims the surface, offering up a series of eerie visions without delivering a good mystery to bind them together.

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she00win995590d ago

what happen to killzone 2's review gamespot?

N4Sony5590d ago

If you are limited to n4g and ONLY n4g for all your gaming news, the Killzone 2 Gamespot review may already be out. The fact that you would not have seen it of course would be due to the score being below 9/10, immediately showing that Gamespot is paid by M$ and biased against Sony and Killzone 2 and PS3 and Jews. The attempted news post would be immediately reported and denied approval by the 80+% Sony hardcores running this site these days.

Of course, in reality, it's not out yet. But of course, Gamespot taking their time to review a game means it's obviously full of poop and getting Bill's money. It only makes sense right?

As for this review, I think it's obvious that F.E.A.R. 2 is little more than it's predecessor without the originality. Too bad, will make a good rent.

TheIneffableBob5590d ago

Wow, this review is pretty spot-on with how I feel about the game.

Helghast Slayer5590d ago (Edited 5590d ago )

Wow where is the gamespot KZ2 review. They sure as hell didn't waist time with this one. Something tells me they are waiting for the day the game comes out then they'll release it in order to change peoples minds about buying the game. I really wouldn't be surprised.

Either that or i have a pretty wild imagination.

Hmm you really don't look stupid now huh EDGE?

Fear2 8
Killzone2 7 lol

You stick out like a extra prick at a gang bang (quote from killzone2 script).

I feel sorry for you 360 extremists. Not a single AAA exclusive worth buying for almost half this year and probably the rest of it lol. Sux to be a F@CKING BOT LMAO.

baraka0075590d ago (Edited 5590d ago )

I'll check it out but I didn't really think it was going to be anything more than just an OK game.

Are_The_MaDNess5590d ago

damn thats 2 low
i have finished the game 2 times already and i think that score is 2 low

callahan095590d ago

7 is a high score, and I didn't think this game was very fun based on the demo. I can't judge it fully unless I play the full game, but I didn't like the demo, so for me, this review just further convinces me not to buy or rent the final game anytime soon. Every gamer has different tastes. I mean, a game like Folklore on the PS3 is perfect to some people (for instance, me!) and others hated it (GameDaily gave it a 4 out of 10!). It's tough for review scores to mean anything, they're all subjective, arbitrary crap.

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F.E.A.R.2 Interview: Dev "PS3 has certain challenges that are unique, but so does the Xbox 360 and the PC."

Ve3tro: "In a recent interview with the developers behind the upcoming sequel F.E.A.R.2. The team said the Playstation 3 has certain challenges that are unique, but so does the Xbox 360 and the PC."

Head over for the full interview.

GWAVE5602d ago

After seeing games such as Killzone 2, Uncharted, Resistance 2, MGS4, and so forth, the only "challenge" I see is picking between a primo AAA first-party title on the PS3 or a half-a$$ed 3rd-party title that probably won't even get DLC support, and that's not much of a challenging choice for me...


F.E.A.R. Expansions Aren't Canon with Sequel

It seems not all is tranquil in the F.E.A.R. universe, as Dave Matthews, primary art lead for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, offered some harsh words on the expansion packs that followed the first game.

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James Abels5634d ago

Some pretty harsh words, lets see if they can back them up with a solid game!

FantasyStar5634d ago

Well this is expected, FEAR 2 takes command of a different "Pointman", so I can imagine it's easy to discredit the expansions. That sucks, I actually thought Extraction Point was well done, but Perseus Mandate was a PoS.

cain1415634d ago

I remember similar sentiments from a walt disney executive about direct to vhs/dvd movies...

But they make money so they will happen. No matter how bad they are...

James Abels5634d ago

Lets see how much better HIS game is, haha

ihaten4glol5634d ago

Eh, I never got to them anyway. They're still sitting in my backlog so I can't really comment on how crappy or not crappy they are.

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