
Movie Games Going Mobile

In the fast paced digital landscape that is the gaming industry there are not too many constants that gamers can hang their hats on. However, common knowledge of the history of gaming tells us that games based on movies are terrible pretty much 90% of the time, but those days are changing and here is why.

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omodis4204813d ago

Movie games will always suck. Period.

Quagmire4813d ago

I recommend you play the following games before you make baseless remarks like that:

X Men Origins: Wolverine
Ghostubuster The Video Game
Scott Pilgrim VS The World
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

JoshUK4813d ago

What about the classic Goldeneye?

newn4gguy4813d ago

I think Disney needs to give the Pixar license to more capable hands.

Some movies have great games. They are few and far between though. : /

We all know the restrictions a developer faces when creating a licensed game, but still. For all intents and purposes, Watchmen could have been a brilliant game. The same goes for many movie games. Most talented developers would like to create original content, however...which I can't blame them for.

Imagine if Naughty Dog made the Harry Potter games...

...or if Valve had made Terminator: Salvation!