
This Console Gen Has To End. New Consoles – The Time Is Now

Aaron of RipTen: It’s now 2011, the sixth year since the Xbox360 was released, and while it can be argued that we have progressed in leaps and bounds, we’ve ultimately come to a slow halt. The current age of gaming feels like the end days of the Playstation 2, we’re seeing the same games only somewhat prettier, with a few new features here and there for good measure. Sure, there have been games that have revolutionized gaming as we know it – and I’m sure we’ll continue to see game changers this generation, but think of how much more expansive these games could truly be with new hardware

Invadersims4811d ago

I honestly think that we should keep this generation going for as long as we can. I honestly don't feel like the tech is outdated yet, and I don't want to invest in new hardware anytime soon.

Dark_Charizard4811d ago

I honestly think we need new consoles by 2012

Starhawk4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

Yep, can't wait to buy consoles even more expensive than this geneneration and 80$/90$ games ( because development cost will be higher ) even though the PS3/360 aren't maxed out yet.

Chubear4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

There is a group of gamers that have a feeling for the NEED of a new console and another from yet another console that really don't feel the need anytime soon

Can you guess which is which? :D

Best4811d ago

Well if it ended today, clearly the box would win.

malandra4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

there won't be a new generation at least until 2014, that's the earliest for a new Xbox and 2015 the earliest for a new PS

a new Wii might be announced this year and release the next but it won't mark a generation change

after 2011 there will be another round/year of lots of AAA releases, probably 2013 and that's the last one, after that its trading water until the next gen arrives because developers will already be busy with next gen games

360 had a great run but it has reached its limit although it has Kinect to artificially extend its lifetime, and the PS3 still has plenty to offer

Ryudo4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )


Not true, saying current consoles aren't maxed out is pointless, the PS2 ain't maxed out either is the PSX.

The reason games keep getting better is because developers are finding cleaver ways to get around the limited resources consoles have.

The PS3 and Xbox 360 have 512MB of ram, my Iphone has the same amount. it's utterly looney to believe anything other then current consoles are slowing developers down.

When consoles are getting to the point of here phones have more memory it's time to move on.

A new consoles wouldn't cost developers more to make games it would save them money. Look at games being developed as PC exclusive at the moment. The amount of money piled into making the games is way less then a Sony exclusive or 360 exclusive.

They save money because they don't have to spend 100's of man hours trying to get the best out of extremely limited hardware.

DigitalHorror814811d ago

I'm cool with my NGP and my brand new 160 Gig PS3.

Reibooi4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

I don't think we need to consoles anytime soon. The tech from this gen is still growing and certain devs are JUST now getting into the game.

On top of that I doubt the next gen will happen soon anyway. Sony stated they wanted the PS3 to last at least 10 years which has not yet happened and MS probably wants to keep the 360 around for as long as they can because despite it's high sales they lost a metric crap ton of money early on because of the whole RROD thing. Not to mention launching a new console after just introducing Kinect would be rather ignorant.

Bottom line there are plenty of reasons for both companies to keep this current gen around for at least another 4-5 years.

As for Nintendo. They don't really compete with MS and Sony. The stuff they make tends to stand on it's own. While I think we could use a higher powered Wii I don't know if Nintendo even plans on doing that. It's more likely they will do something completely new.

Active Reload4811d ago

Nope, we don't need new consoles right now. Show me something that presents a huge jump in EVERYTHING the way Gears of War splashed onto the seen, then I'll say we need new consoles.

ProjectVulcan4811d ago

I believe we will see them in 18 months - 2 years. PS3 is still relatively expensive. I do not see sony launching first.

zootang4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

Blu Ray has helped the PS3 a lot and I would like to see it more utilized by all developers. A lot of room for improvement still. I'm confident the PS3 has a while left yet.

Vherostar4811d ago

I dont think we should get new consoles for at least 5 years. Only people who want new now are those who want it to happen before ps3 finally takes over 360. If its graphics your looking for get a decent PC for the price you would pay for a new console.

jjohan354811d ago

Both consoles are still selling well. There's no point, from a business perspective, to introduce new consoles yet. The way I see it, Microsoft is still making a lot of money from annual subscriptions while Sony is making a lot of money off of their exclusive studios.

nix4811d ago

PS3 is just warming up. not now. maybe in 2 yrs time.

Daver4811d ago


They will be out before 2015 and that is more conceivable than saying at earliest 2015.
I say they will launch in 2013

Pixel_Pusher4811d ago

For the Xbox maybe but the PS3 still has room to stretch it's legs. Still I wouldn't say no to a PS4.

AngryTypingGuy4811d ago

It all has to do with money. When the tech gets inexpensive enough to produce a game without the average company having to worry about going bankrupt should it fail, then the new gen will start.

I'm in no hurry. The PS3 makes amazing looking exclusives and now the 360 will apparently start using tessellations, so this gen still has life in it graphics-wise.

RioKing4811d ago

Yeah DARK_CHARZARD I'm sure you want one and I'm sure your mommy will buy you one as soon as it comes out ;)

Dee_914811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

am i the only who think there wont be a xbox 720 ?
they need more in house studios because people arent going to keep going for timed exclusives

unless they go the nintendo route and just focus on the casuals with kinect
which is what i think will happen
but i was also thinking if the the wii2 had an eye cam thats more high tech than kinect and gave the controllers the same/better tech than move
it would take over the casual market next gen
all in all I dont know lol
ask sega. its not enough room for 3 lol

edit: wow what if sega made a console next gen?
i would buy it just for sonic lol

MaxXAttaxX4811d ago

Yes, because a goddamn iPhone has the same graphical output as PS3.


HappyGaming4811d ago

Saying the PS3 hasn't been maxed out is a stupid argument...

At the end of the day even if the PS4 was released tomorrow with 2010 technology it would make PS3 graphics look outdated.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4811d ago

2012 is too soon. 2013 definitely. Each generation the cost of creating games goes up and as the cost of creating games go up devs have to try to get as much out of a generation as possible. So expect each following generation to be longer than the last.

pixelsword4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

Basically, the manufacturers are going to wait out the world economic collapse that's underway, so you're out of luck if you think a new console will be coming out in the next two years. The only console that really future-proofed itself was Sony; Microsoft still has the Windows OS mentality where a new product is made available every two years, so they kinda punked themselves out on the 360.

Nintendo is poised to put out a new console, they probably waited for the newest tech to cheapen so it can sell a newer console at a price that is competitive with the current gen's consoles. This is the year that Nintendo may be able to retake the gaming world if they do it right.

PoweredParaglider4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

I do agree with this sentiment.

Although somen fanboys want to believe otherwise, the ps3 is now over 5 years old and the 360 is 6 years old.

Both consoles struggle to run good-looking games above 720p. Even at this low resolution, we have to contend with dropped frames, comparatively poor textures, pop-in, slow loading, screen tear and the list goes on.

To say the ps3 somehow has significant untapped potential compared to the 360 is simply naive. If there was so much untappedn potential in the ps3 we wouldn't be seeing ps3 crysis running at the lowest resolution. That's a no-brainer.

As far as optimisation goes, both consoles will show marginal graphical improvements, sure, but after 5-6 years, the ps3/360 hardware is OLD in anyone's language. Also a no-brainer.

I would be keen to see more powerful processors coupled with a combination of move/kinect to harness some of the cool kinect hacks we have seen, maybe with the accuracy of the move controller, or something like it.
That would make the next gen worthwhile, imo.

No need to reply if all you want to do is fanboy hype the ps3.. that's getting old too, isn't it?

BX814811d ago

Look at it this way. Only a hand full of devs have really pushed the systems. So we get new systems and 90% of the devs can't even make good looking games on the old systems. Where is the science in that? I say wait a couple of years, maybe around 2014 then push new systems. It's clear in this gen a lot of devs haven't figured out how to make great looking games. Let's play catch up, then move on.

Spydiggity4811d ago

we won't see new consoles til the developers settle on a new format. the thing about DVD was that it was a huge medium. when blu-ray hit, it just wasn't the same kind of hit. sure they look better and hold more, but ppl already had their dvd collections.

the obvious choice would be digital distribution, but the problem is that there's no way to predict where the tech is going. it would be foolish for MS or Sony to jump on the digital distribution bandwagon if cloud gaming ends up being the better choice...or there could be another tech we don't even know about.

i don't see blu-ray lasting another generation.

my money is on a combination of the cloud and digital distribution. digital distribution alone would mean needing very large HDDs, and by removing blu-ray/dvd publishers could keep costs down and the consoles themselves would be cheaper to make if they didn't need a disc drive.

no matter what, it's gonna be a few more years. pretty sure sony is still down money on development costs of the ps3 so they aren't going to be in a rush... and since MS is still winning month over month in the US, they aren't going to jump to a new gen either. they are profitable and will be happy milking it for as long as sony is.

i'm leaving nintendo outta this because you just don't know what they will do. they made more money than god with the Wii, so they could easily jump to a next gen console...the question is will they? the last 2 times they tried to keep up (n64, and gamecube) they didn't do so hot. i think they'll wait to see what 3ds does and wait for 3d tv sales figures before making their decision.

Theonetheonly4811d ago

dude i had a major epiphany

i looked it up and they have thought of it but while listening to this dude talk i came up with the idea to use 3d technology to make multiplayer same screen gaming on set of glasses sees one screen at 01hz and the other player sees his screen at 02hz

i almost shit myself that no one thought of that but i looked it up and sony has but still how cool would that be to game IN FULL SCREEN (i remember hating having to share the screen) full on multiplayer with 240hz tvs you could prally do 4 player OMG please make this happen i would be so happy.

dabri54810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

There seems to be some really bad misconceptions regarding new consoles on this site.

1: Sony said PS3 will have a 10 year life cycle
- So did PS1 and PS2. they both DID have a 10 year life cycle BUT Sony started selling the next gen console 5-6 years into that cycle.

2: PS3 and 360 still have untapped power or are just now hitting their stride.
- Just because it took a console a while to start producing good looking games doesn't mean anything to sales division of companies. They will push to release a new product when the old one starts to run out of market share.
Previously, when the price of the console gets low enough, it opens up to a new bracket of sales. To keep from not having income from the higher bracket, they release a new product.

3: development costs for games are still too high.
- development costs on average have gone down since the beginning of this generation. Most studios have already developed the tools they need to work with this and next gen consoles. The big difference between this and last gen was updating all the tools/ talent so they could work with multicore processing. Time to develop a game has gone down some and so has the cost. When next gen hits, you will see a bump in both, but nothing like what we saw last gen. Also, there is heavy talk about next gen consoles pushing digital downloads hard. This should cut costs for everyone. I am 95% sure we will not see a raise in price for a new game because of all of this.


Because of all of this, I expect announcements for new consoles to start this year. I then expect those consoles to be released late next year, early 2013. Not all of them. Just the initial one or two. I doubt Sony wants as big of a time gap between MS release and their next console as last time though.

paintsville4810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

Sony definately needs the next gen to come quickly. I mean antiquated RAM architecture, inferior GPU, convoluted CPU, bandwidth bottlenecks. These things have all contributed to the frame rate, tearing, fill rates, lighting, shadowing, alpha, "mandatory" installs, and ssao problems we've seen on the system since it's release. Next gen for Sony can't come soon enough.

4810d ago
DeadlyFire4810d ago

Here is how its going to happen.

Wii 2 - Fall/Winter 2012
Xbox 3/720/whatever - Fall/Winter 2012/2013
PS4 - Spring 2013

Either way I am betting that there is at least a few heavy hints at E3 2011.

OMG what? Why?

Kinect and Move both can keep their SDK and just jump directing onto the next platform. That would mean that an aim to keep backwards compatibility is almost essential.

Have none of you seen Epic's preview of UE 4.0 they showed off at GDC. Its very close to being complete. If that fictional number of a game engine number existed that they gave us. 3.975 ha. Just an illusion to show how close they are to 4.0 if you ask me. Which if you ask me. Means that 2012/2013 is when they plan on releasing it.

Microsoft signed a deal with AMD. That is fact. No rumor about it.

Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft all had rumors around of them talking to Intel, NVIDIA, AMD, Imagination Tech for their next graphics chips in 2009/2010.

Rumors of Marvel Quad Core CPU + Wii 2 are on the net.

Statements starting like we will have this, this, and that in future consoles are out there. Stereo-3D, Epic, Crytek, among others. They are spread thin though. Hard to dig and find em all.

As far as productions costs being so high. The blame for PS3 cost being so high is 99% of Blu-Ray to blame. Everything else put together was just fine. Blu-Ray added another $500 to the production costs. That will not be a problem this time around. Blu-Ray is out there and getting cheaper.

Boon Tarkas4810d ago

I'd wager a new xbox late 2012.

Deios4810d ago

Naw, I say we need consoles by 2014.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 4810d ago
movements4811d ago

I agree with this thread. Bring on Xbox 2 and PS4 now! Nintendo can go home.

RioKing4811d ago

Once again, it's easy to want everything NOW when mommy & daddy will buy it for you. LMFAO

Dee_914811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

if nintendo dont go the wii route like they did last gen
im buying a nintendo
i want it to go back to the n64 days
new crazy taxi etc

multipayer4811d ago

If nintendo made a powerful console and got all the good multiplats, I'd be all over it. They'll probably be the first 1 out the gate at this years E3 though, and share multiplats with ps3 and 360 for a year or two...

damnyouretall4811d ago

rioking whats your point? you too broke to buy a new console? why dont you save a lil of your paycheck each week and save for one. cause being jelous of kids and their mommy and daddy buying them shit is pathetic. i have a 4 yo and i buy him games. somethin wrong with that?

RioKing4810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

Actually no lol. I'm in the Army reserve, which means I get a monthly paycheck...plus my $20K sign-on bonus, no BS. Also, I install hvac systems making $17/hr. I have an 09 zx6r sportbike and supercharged vr6 jetta..all paid for. And I just bought a new 320gb ps3 because the old one died on me. Therefore, I have money and can buy any game/system I want but I am more annoyed as I get alittle older at the whiny little 16 year olds who WANT THE NEXT GEN NOW simply because they know mommy & daddy will be forced to buy it for them or else be subjected to endless B**ching. And go ahead, buy your kid stuff...i'd do it too if he was 4...it's different when he's a demanding/unappreciative teenager.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4810d ago
Blad3star4811d ago

Please let this happen!!!!

Sony and MS and can continue to support the PS3 and 36o for those who are not ready to move on and for people like me who feel that 4 years of the same tech is enough they can give me the next gen console.

GMWPS34810d ago

Yup, I'm ready for the next Gen. 2012 is fine by me. Though I doubt we will see such a leap of graphics as from PS1 to PS2 or PS2 to PS3. It is becoming more expensive to make the games more detailed. Therefore, I only expect a slight increase in graphics but a more notable increase in the smaller details like better textures, smoother character movement and better effects.

RedDead4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

I would LIKE for that to happen, but the gap between PC and Console is just about to get far too noticable.

Here's a post from before from me

Te only problem I see with that is some devs WANT to move on, they have the tech too move on and there's no reason for them not too from a business standpoint. Battlefield 3 for example. This game will force other devs to try and catch up.

This generation will be pushed into the next. We have to understand that engineers keep on going with the tech and innovation. They don't want to stop, it's their job and an interest. Game devs see this new amazing hardware and think what they can do with it. Then they do it. Generations get pushed forward. Competition ensures that."""

NBT914811d ago

So what you are saying there is, once this current gen of consoles is pushed to the limits regularly (like the PS2 was at the end of its life), then it is time to introduce new hardware? ;]

stevenhiggster4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

I think its actually about time console devs stopped trying to push the technical boundaries and start focusing on game play! The PS2/Xbox/GameCube era wasnt that awesome graphically but by christ it produced some of the most fun and original games around.
This gen it has mostly been all about teh graphics, gameplay and originality have been after thoughts. Once devs realise that there is no more they can do with graphics and such like, then maybe they'll start to focus on originality and fun!
I dont see any problem with the PC starting to pull away from consoles, PC's were ahead of consoles when the PS2 launched and it never did that any harm. Owners of beastly gaming rigs must be raging with current consoles, current PC hardware is not being pushed hard at all because of consoles this gen. I mean for christ sake, I have an old 8800gt in my PC and it still runs all current games at better than console settings!

iamtehpwn4811d ago

In my opinion, the industry doesn't need new consoles until PS3 and 360 can be purchased for about $150, brand new... which will be about 2014, most likely.

Console generation spans are going to become smaller. Rightfully, Consoles going forward should last about 10-15 years...

We literally don't have the man power and budget to make games any bigger and better at the moment either.

dabri54810d ago

But thats the thing. They could be purchased at 150 if the console makers weren't putting in bigger hard drives each year. This gives them a reason to keep the price where it is. If you wanted to buy a 20 gig 360 it would be that cheap. Same with the PS3.

eraursls844810d ago

Bigger hard drives are not that much of an increase in cost for Tue manufactures, they can make a 320 hard drive for a couple bucks more than a 120 gb. I bought a 500 gb hd for $55 over a year ago, I just saw a 320 gb for $25, and these are marked up consumer prices, they can probably build or buy a 320 for $10 the biggest cost is still blue ray,

saladthieves4811d ago

In a sense no, we don't need new consoles right now. I agree that the tech is yet outdated in terms of comparison to its PC counterparts which is miles ahead, but the tech in consoles is still good enough to produce good games like Killzone 3 or Gears of War 3, or Uncharted 2.

Not to mention the fact that next gen consoles would be more powerful but would come at a cost, including more expensive games.

NBT914811d ago

Exactly I say keep going on with this gen, until the next gen stuff is... Well ya know, affordable.
I would love a top of the range gaming PC, just the price (and my tiny room which has no space) is putting me off :D

shooterexpert4811d ago

why not release new consoles that have almost the same architecture as current gen consoles that way they are 100 percent backward compatible and devs can continue to make games for both consoles.

Next gen games that scale down for current gen consoles.

DX 11 effects on new console, DX9 on 360 and ps3.

kaveti66164811d ago

so basically, you want them to make PCs.

Limited PCs that don't have options for web browsers and OSes, and the millions of programs that exist.

Oh wait. That's what consoles already are.

JayD-1K4811d ago

The PS3 has a browser. But you are right about one thing, they are becoming mini towered PC's.

Persistantthug4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

It takes years to design consoles, put marketing budgets and build ad campaigns.

Then you need lead time to make the games.

Some of you may want new consoles now, but other than Nintendo (they usually have a way of staying silent), you're not getting one any sooner than holiday 2013...and that's at the extreme earliest.

dabri54810d ago

You act like they don't designing the next console as soon as the last one was finished. You think the engineers just sit around on the butt doing nothing until about 2 years before the new console comes out?

fatstarr4811d ago

the tech is outdated by 6 years if phones can run some of the best engines...
3DS has xbox 360 visuals
and NGP is ps3 visuals
... yea its time for an upgrade.

or maybe games cant look any better they reached the peak of the mountain.

but this article is `100% right and if you don't agree your blind sure it would be nice to have consoles around for 3 more years but ask your self this could you be stuck with the phone you had from 2005 till now?

etowntwo4811d ago

"3DS has xbox 360 visuals"

That was just stupid to say.
NGP does even have 360 or Ps3 visuals kid.

fatstarr4811d ago

wow you are blind to not admit the fact that the 3DS for a handhelds visuals dont come close to some 360 games and that the NGP version of uncharted looks better than a majority of the 360games?

also that the lg phone running unreal is that not impressive?

or is the ps3 the best visuals that you have seen in your life?

truehunter4811d ago

fatstarr im sure not blind but if your going to make a game that runs low PPI i doubt it would look good running on full HD. Avg apps games are at less 20 MB of data an as high as 400 MB of data when your trying to dual with 5 to 8GB of data of this gen console. If the next gen is needed then 1080p is in the pass WQHD is the future Yes thats 1440p witch was release in 2007 or we can go with QFHD 2160P release in 2008 So i gotta hand it to you. Go buy SRM-L560 TV for 77.3k .. i hope you can spill that money up. While you add it, i hope u can also donate me that TV also ..... Once the next gen hits im sure be ready.

LordZ4811d ago

You're a bad bad girl, Let's spank that avatar of yours.... lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4811d ago
8thnightvolley4811d ago

Out of pure observation, i dont think we need another console cycle just yet for any of the HD console at least, ps3 is still pumping beautiful visuals, and after seeing games like upcoming gears3 and crysis2 seriously doing some stuff on the 360, i am confident on at least 3 more years left on them each.
Secondly, cost to devs and also the learning curve of devs on the HD consoles still still around 40 percent that acutally knw their way around them.

nEw and small studios still are finding it hard to cover cost after trying to have the transition into HD programming, having to go another step would require alot of overhaul of their skills, tools, process, which just pushing the cost to another level. so its not exactly good business decision in these economical times to even go into transition.

Thirdly, The market is still rapidly growing for HD consoles and adoption rate is picking up and not in decline, majority of the world or not yet in HD. so it doesnt make too much logical sense to rush, besides the cost of consoles are still relatively not too cheap.

With all that in mind.. personally.. lets roll on.. baby

JsonHenry4811d ago

If I didn't play PC games I could see how I might feel that the consoles are fine as is. However, for the last 3 years I have been really hard pressed to play any games on the consoles because they look and feel so outdated compared to the PC games I have been playing.

My PS3 is basically just a blu-ray player for me and my 360 only gets used by my kids when they play kinect or use Netflix.

Unless a game is truly exclusive to a console I just wait for the PC port. If nothing else I can play at much higher than 60fps and NATIVE 1920*1080-60hz (or higher) But now days just look at BFBC2. Not only is DX10/11 make the game look completely diff from the console version but it also can play at higher rezs.

We need new console NOW. Not later.

insomnium24810d ago

Too bad for you PS3 has the best games around and they are exclusive to the platform too. If you use your PS3 only as a BD-player you are out of touch with the best games this gen. Sorry to brake this to you. Nothing beats Sony's first party devs.

lil Titan4811d ago

PS3 isnt even tapped out yet nor has it reached its full potential so why a PS4 when the exclusive games look better than the last exclusive? when the exclusives are start to look the same thats when its time.

mantisimo4811d ago

Not yet please.

lets get the very best out of this gen first.

gunnerforlife4811d ago

"it had timed blockbuster exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3"

uuhhhhh whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

morkendo234811d ago

we’re seeing the same games only somewhat prettier,

I agree with that statement same crummy games since 2006 ps3 has no variety as of yet.

Xfanboy4811d ago

This gen is outdated!! If you want your games to look like BF3 on PC with 64 players & big maps you need new tech!!

I really hope Sony & M$ wont hold back progress for 10 years!!

cemelc4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

Considering that if devs wanted to go all out, they could do so on PC any time they wanted.

They dont do so because they are all in for the money nothing more. Is not MS or Sony fault they dont do a BF3, is Dice desition to do so.

AzaziL4811d ago

It's great for PC gamers since developers are working to optimize games for 5 year old hardware, which results in games that don't require $3,000 gaming rigs to run the best settings for once.

stevenhiggster4811d ago

True, I have an 8800gt and it still runs games better than current consoles, and its old.
Just ordered a GT460 though, a decent up grade without bursting the bank ;-)

BattleAxe4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

Not only that, but Sony will probably focus more on NGP and how it integrates with the PSN rather than investing in the PS4 just yet. I don't think we'll be hearing about a new Console from Sony until at least 2013, with maybe a 2014 release date.

theonlylolking4811d ago

When 2013 hits that is when the first one should be released.

DigitalAnalog4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

Looking at the consoles provided this generation and the release of smartphones that are proven capable of modern technologies, it's safe to say the companies are waiting for technology to become cheaper (such as the NGP) so that they can provide a long lasting service to the customer, giving the best graphics they can in that era.

With the new "Samaritan" demo released utilizing 3 560Ti's. No doubt many would consider this the standard of "next-gen", considering that it costs more than $1000 to get a rig just for a tech demo would be far more risky and unproductive for a company to utilize such tech into a console today. Never-mind the value of production with said tech is going to be MUCH higher. Engines would have to be rebuilt again from scratch, etc etc etc. And the fact that COD could still sell with "last-gen" engines (cost efficient), going forward with this is development"suicide" .

Trust me, the day when those graphics or Battlefield 3's graphics could be maxed out on 1 GFX card is the day we may see news on next-gen consoles. It would be a slap to the face to devs like Crytek finding out a "new" console is released when they are just finishing their engine for their new game this gen.

-End statement

Ravenor4811d ago

Was the PAX Demo or GDC demo(forget which) not confirmed already to be running on a single GTX 580?

chak_4810d ago

lol yeah, BF3 demo was maxed out on a GTX580.


I think it's either time you get a job or rob a bank if you're a college student. Your choice. Just remember that although 97% of the world is composed by peasants the other 3% is ready for new cutting edge hardware. Have a good day sir.

pcz4811d ago

i just bought a ps3... i will be seriously pissed if the ps4 comes within the year. 2013 and i will be contendt.

this generation isnt over.

Redgehammer4811d ago

Invadersims, thx for summing up my thoughts.

RatherHavaBigGirl4811d ago

"This Console Gen Has To End. New Consoles – The Time Is Now"

bullshit. i dont know about anyone else but im not ready to pay another 5-6 hundred dollars on a console. and wtf is he talking about 'slow hault'? look at the games coming out. this guy has lost his mind

kaveti66164811d ago

Does anyone else hate it when users on this site always use the same terminology when they post?

"I honestly think..."
"To be honest..."
"Let's face it..."
"To tell you the truth...."
"To be frank..."

It would be very disturbing if it turned out that the majority of the accounts here all belong to one or two people who have internet conversations with themselves.

And if not that, it is irritating to read comments written in such a similar style. Can you guys be a little more original?

zeal0us4811d ago

"I honestly think that we should keep this generation going for as long as we can. I honestly don't feel like the tech is outdated yet, and I don't want to invest in new hardware anytime soon. "

Not only that but also I don't feel like folking more $$$ for a new console. College expenses and the damage economy is enough don't really need any new tech. It make me question should nintendo come out with a new console..

astrobrights4811d ago

The article is rather dumb in my opinion. Why should we waste a ton of money upgrading to new consoles when there's plenty of life left in the current generation? I definitely agree that we should keep this generation going for as long as we can.

princejb1344811d ago

this gen has to continue, i could care less if our hardwares are maxed out, why would i want to invest more money in a new console
all we need is new better games

Electroshocked4811d ago

Yeah, I believe that 2014 or 2015 would be a much better time for new consoles.

Shani4811d ago

Totally agree with first comment.
We don't need new gen consoles yet. Another 3-4 years to get new consoles. I m not ready to buy new consoles yet. I just baught ps3 around 2 yrs ago.
I m pretty sure that there are still new games to come on both plateforms.
Not so sure about wii.

Dagobert4811d ago

Agreed, I don't think it's time for a new generation of consoles. Even for the Wii, I mean it's still selling, and I don't think either of the companies should bring out a new system anytime soon. I'd say another 4 years or so and it'd be fine.

matey4810d ago

im sick of the same games again and again on ps3/360 its like games from the end of gamecube/ps2 life cycle in HD with added textures and very little if any gameplay enhances at least the wii has amazing games like Galaxy 2 and Smash bros ect as well as NMH2 desperate struggle and Red steel 2 ect it has good games instead of the gritter u make them the better motto on 360/ps3 game development its getting stale as most games are 30fps if that and have no improvement on gameplay wii games improve gameplay im talking fps and interaction on fps games like conduit 2 ect

frostypants4810d ago

We will see the next gen by late 2012, or very shortly after. Mark it down. I guaran-freaking-tee it.

Just because MS and Sony are being tight lipped, doesn't mean they aren't working on it.

avengers19784810d ago

@Invadersims is right no need to rush into a next gen of consoles when the ones that are out are still delivering

Shaunass4810d ago

I feel as if this gen is way too out of date. I just upgraded my PC today, but even on what I call "old hardware" Blops looked a million times better than 360. Sure I play it on 360 over PC, but that's because it's a console game now.

+ Show (34) more repliesLast reply 4810d ago
jaredhart4811d ago

From a financial standpoint Im fine with staying in theis current generation but that's not to say I wouldn't love to see new tech and even more breathtaking graphics.

Marked4811d ago

I'm fine with this gen also... I just want better online servers and stable networking.

dangert124811d ago

The next Gen of PC gamig is looking to start ith battlefield 3,if you want a next gen now game on your pc as for me i'm a console gamer and i'm not switching until
syphon filter ps3 is out and has been clocked
until yakuza 4 is out and been clocked (in the eu)
until uncharted 3 comes out and i see this new ND game
GT6 as GT5 let me down(i play on projector the graphics ruined the exprience the lacjk of AA etc

Pintheshadows4811d ago

I mentioned Syphon Filter the other day. Where the hell is it?

CrzyFooL4811d ago

Must you troll every PS3 and 360 article!?

KingNintendoFanboy4811d ago

It is you, sir, who is trolling me!

dangert124811d ago


BattleAxe4811d ago

Why would they mention the Wii? Other than bringing out the Wiimote, what the heck has Nintendo done for Next Gen gaming or HD graphics?

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Why Is No One Making AAA Horror Games Anymore?

Saif from eXputer inquires, "Despite the everlasting popularity of the genre, why hasn't there been a good AAA horror game in a while now?"

Jin_Sakai1d 19h ago

Because the gaming industry is obsessed with live service games.

Rynxie1d 6h ago

Because he touches himself at night to characters like lady Dimitrescu.

Crows901d 2h ago

You're the one still thinking about her

Rynxie1d 2h ago


Did I give away your secret? It's okay, if you sit on your hand and numb it, you can pretend it's her playing with your little stick.

MaximusPrime_1d 18h ago

Good for me, I have no interests in horror games

-Foxtrot1d 10h ago

Even when they do it's first person trying to copy Outlast, Five Nights, P.T etc

I think the Dead Space / RE2 / RE4 Remake and the Evil Within 2 showed you can have a good story based, third person survival horror game.

jeromeface1d 7h ago

remakes is another good reason

thesoftware7301d 6h ago

Calisto Protocol was also fun with fantastic presentation.

FinalFantasyFanatic23h ago

I feel like we haven't had much in the way of horror games for years, I think it became rare after the PS2/PS3 gen. Maybe i'll pick up that Crow Country that recently came out, that looks good.

Venoxn4g21h ago

Crow Country needs some more love.. and more exposure

Redemption-641d 8h ago

Because outside of a fee games, most don't sell that well

Crows901d 2h ago

So in other words...AAA publishers don't have creativity or passion for games.

CrimsonWing691d 8h ago

Didn’t we have Dead Space Remake and Resident Evil 4 Remake last year?

thorstein1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Among others

And isn't Dying Light 2 a horror game?

Scissorman1d 7h ago

And Alan Wake 2 and Alone in the Dark.

on_line_forever15h ago

I like Alone in the dark but it's not AAA game

richardmmorales23h ago

We also had The Quarry and The Dark Pictures The Devil In Me.

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PS6 Graphics – Can it Approach Photorealism?

If the PS5 Pro leaks are accurate, the eventual PS6 is slated to be one powerful console. But if modern GPUs still lag behind true photorealism, can the PS6 get there?

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Hugodastrevas1d 19h ago

I hate to be "that guy", but we have go ask ourselves do the industry need photorealistic graphics at this point or actually good games, good content, less anti-consumer practices?
This graphical obsession has brought nothing but years upon years of waiting for a game to launch with huge detailed empty worlds, bad stories and predictable gameplay and (micro)transactions everywhere. Sorry for the rant.

MrGameAndWatch1d 17h ago

Same. I really don't want to be in an interactive film and, to me photorealism is not needed for immersion.

RaidenBlack1d 11h ago

Why always target photorealism?
Why not use the extra horsepower for better, complex & diverse AI?
Why not target more interactable world? Why not use the new performance headroom for more physics effects?
Player choices that drastically affect and changes the game world?

Cacabunga1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Let’s first see what PS5 graphics look like.. we’ve seen nothing yet

RaidenBlack1d 6h ago

For that, first Naughty Dog's PS5 single-player exclusive, then Guerilla's PS5 single-player exclusive

OtterX1d 17h ago (Edited 1d 17h ago )

If anything, the massive layoffs in the industry right now are showing that investors are pulling out and not wanting to invest as much as they are right now into AAAs. Much less push for even higher detail, unless many parts of it are automated by AI for a cheaper price. Not saying I support people's jobs being replaced by AI, just stating a reality of what the money people want.

DarXyde1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

Photorealism should be reserved for games like Gran Turismo. It costs far too much to incorporate that level of detail.

Even then, if it comes at the cost of physics calculations or frame rate given the shared resources of consoles, I'd scale it back in favor of a smoother experience.

Nintendo was quite smart to never pigeonhole themselves into that. Great foresight on their part, I'd say.

8bitAssassin1d 15h ago

But they've gotten very lazy on their games. I still like their approach don't just make game play your biggest innovation.

DarXyde1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )


I assume you're talking about Nintendo.

I think it works for them. I'm honestly glad that it's nothing like PlayStation or Xbox. It's a great reason to own one.

8bitAssassin17h ago

Yup!! I am. Yes it works for them and I love it. I want them to have better than average old tech so the scope of some of their games can drop jaws. I'm not talking about counting pixels either.

anast1d 14h ago

I think we need both. Why lower the standard? A photorealistic Bloodborne or Elden Ring game would be insane.

isarai1d 12h ago

Nah im with you on that, like visually games look fine, maybe up the resolution on average but i would much rather resources be spent on things that actually make the game FEEL good to play at this point.

shinoff21831d 12h ago

Don't forget about the budgets.

ROCKY281d 11h ago

agreed - stop with the expensive photo realism and just create amazing games that are less expensive that are not a risk to create an original game within 2-3 years and not 7 years of development - like the OG PS2/Xbox era !

WolfSeed1d 11h ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc.

This article touches one of them. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

Amplitude1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Some photorealism is much cheaper to produce than what devs are currently forced to do.
If all games could have path tracing, there would be no need for developers to manually map ambient occlusion, shadowmaps, reflection probes, etc. It's a huge undertaking that's making games cost way more to produce on account of the rather pathetic-for-2024 RT and general performance of the current gen consoles.

As much as i hate to say it, we need new consoles as soon as feasibly possible. These consoles launched at the absolute worst possible time, right before RT/DLSS2.0/3.0 were able to quickly skyrocket games in quality on the PC side of things, leaving a ridiculously large gap between PC and console almost immediately after launch and preventing things like CyberPunk Pathtracing Mode in other games. They're holding everything back and making games take longer to produce.

I think Microsoft may be smart if they end up adopting a model where multiple companies (including NVidia) can release multiple spec variant "PC" boxes with the XBox OS. One console every decade doesn't cut it with how quick technology moves in this new era we're in.

smolinsk1d 8h ago

I would love the Next step in graphic to be massive but it always turns out that it takes a long time so the ps6 graphics are gonna be like the best we have now Just with 60fps in every game. World love to se the big ass large worlds with fantastic graphics and depth. Gta 6 are gonna bring that for sure.

just_looken1d 1h ago


100% agree but it also made the use of upscale tech the norm which made games worse and the fact console now are just tablets we need a console with a real gpu real cpu real ram setup.

It would be so amazing to see a game like you said made like the ps2/ps3 era using today's pc parts pushing the hardware.

There are titles out there that make my pc run like its still on the desktop

Barlos20h ago

Agreed. For me at least, games are escapism. I don't want them mimicking real life. Graphics don't have to be photorealistic to be impressive. As with you, I'm more about the story, and I would prefer innovation in other ways. The PS5 did it with the DualSense. This it more important to me than just shinier graphics.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 17h ago
Zenzuu1d 17h ago

Personally for me, graphics have already gotten to the point where I don't really feel the need to see having it to make anymore realistic or better.

At this point, I rather game developers focus on quality/engaging stories, gameplay, & contents. Also not every every single game needs to opened world just for the sake of it.

anast1d 14h ago

I'd rather they focus on both. It's a trillion dollar industry. They should be able to do both.

neutralgamer19921d 14h ago


Believe it or not when it comes to consoles and games graphics are still the biggest factor. Why do you think we still see CHI trailers or in engine footage. The first impression is very important. Not for us core gamers but for millions of casuals who are quite easily impressed with wow factor graphics

TiredGamer1d 11h ago

"More, more, more!!! I don't care what it takes - I deserve more! And I won't PAY a dollar more!"

That's the mindset of some people out there.

JEECE1d 4h ago

I mean, can we still say that's the case even when casuals flock to mediocre looking battle royales? PUBG became huge among casuals, and it looks like a PS3 era shooter with textures that didn't load properly. And casuals have embraced the cartoon aesthetic (Fortnite is the easy example here, but there are others). What is the recent graphics focused game casuals have flocked to? Are you counting COD for that?

anast23h ago

@1992 Candy Crush and Monopoly Go

@Tired Like I said. It's a trillion dollar industry. They could definitely do more. Customers are paying a ton of money.

WolfSeed1d 11h ago

There are individual goals for individual parameters. Graphics, gameplay, scale, geometry, AI Sophistication, etc. No need to cancel the conversation because you care more about other things.

smolinsk1d 7h ago

Graphics are the biggest selling point and will always be.

neutralgamer19921d 6h ago

Agreed especially for those who aren’t hardcore gamers. We core gamers look at everything through core gamers POV. But there is a much bigger casual market who likes looking at pretty things

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 23h ago
andy851d 17h ago

Honestly with UC4 I thought we were close but things don't really seem to have improved much in 8 years. Hellblade 2 seems to have raised the bar a bit though

MrBaskerville1d 17h ago

I don't think publishers have the money to make that happen. They can barely sustain the current level of fidelity.

Sciurus_vulgaris1d 9h ago

The goal post for what photorealistic graphics are has always been moving. I remember some 360/PS3 sports games being called photorealistic way back in the mid 2000s.

bRuud831d 17h ago

Simply, no! Graphics wise there is barely any difference between the PS4 and PS5 just a little more particle effects and very minimal use of ray tracing. I expect even less diffence between PS5 and PS6. Just better implementation of Ray Tracing.

purple1011d 12h ago

you are correct, but there ram has doubled, and now we have ssd not a spinning disk drive, I think we have not yet scratched the surface of next gen personally,

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