
NBA 2K8 PS3 vs. Xbox 360 Comparison

Is the graphical divide between PS3 and Xbox 360 games becoming less and less? Take a look for yourself.

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skynidas6087d ago

It looks exactly the same I really prefer 2k sports than EA

San anto6087d ago

i agree.
the main thing is that the game looks so much better than 2k7 does

stunt2136087d ago

This game rocks, I bought this game on release day for ps3 and im so happy its totally identical.

Snukadaman6087d ago (Edited 6087d ago )

indeed but you think with a console costing more it would be better if not superior then the cheaper console...and people argue why xbox or ps3 is better when they really have no leg too stand on. your only going too buy a console for the exclusives.....and in my eyes the only exclusive I want is god of war 3.

amp i belived like so many that ps3 would be far superior in graphics..framerate..everythin g...from the release of the ps3 no one can tell me they expected horrible ports from multiplayer games also....yet people defend their consoles with their last breath. I am a fan of the xbox but having suffered 3 RROD with 2 consoles i cant defend it like most people. But i do see your point about the ps3 being one year old...I just cant justify peoples ideas on here thinking EVERYGAME on the ps3 is far superior..and vice versa for xbox as well.

Amp6087d ago (Edited 6087d ago )

more expensive console, yes. PS3 is a more expensive console. I know your a big 360 fan, and i respect your opinion. I agree that a console exclusive is a big selling point also. If these 2 look the same, with less than 1 year out for the PS3, do you think that means anything or not?That seemed to be the crux of the video. Snuk, Thank You.Im an old gamer, its nice to hear somebody that isnt a slave to the fanboys! Have a great time gaming! Peace.

secret6087d ago (Edited 6087d ago )

The graphics are similar, so that means that for an incremental $50, you get a free xbox360 without the $100 - $500 console lifetime internet fees and that you won't have to join the red-ring-of-death-group. Coupled with the free xbox360, you get a PS3, PS2, PS1, and PSN console. And you'll be able to watch bluray movies and dvd movies, all in one quiet machine that's so high quality that it's almost indestructable. Not bad for only $50 more than an xbox360. It seems as if, because my PS3 with these multiports and pc computer versions of xbox360 games like bioshock and halo or gears, I'm getting a lot of stuff. Why not pay $50 here instead of $50 for yearly internet fees on that hunk of junk console getting in this generation's way of higher definition graphics?

For a one-time $50 fee, you get a free xbox360 without ineternet charges when you buy a PS3. However, when you choose to pay $50 a year every year on the xbox360, what else do you get? With the PS3, you participate in folding to advance human society. With the xbox360, you participate in restricting this generations graphical potential. Here's the reason why:

The xbox360 got to the market first and has a larger market share. Developers want to eat these gullible,easy-to-fool harlem, ghetto customers like Snuka alive. Therefore, when they multiport these games, they'd focus on the xbox360, despite the xbox360's limitations and force the PS3 to look the same. Everybody, let's thank Microsoft and Snuka for holding back this generations graphics --> AGAIN. They got to the freeway first and because their hunk of junk car maxes out at 60mph before it starts to overheat and blowup, they're slowing everyone down again. They're blocking traffic. Get them off the fast lane. They're blocking traffic and slowing everyone down this generation. Tell them to go to the middle lane or join the Wii in the slow slane. PS3's Insomniac games, Killzone 2, Grand Turismo 5, and so on have work to do.

It is a fact that xbots have or will have spent the most money by the end of this generation.

1) Add the console cost
2) Add the total internet fees of $100 - $500 by the end of the console's life
3) Add the necessary Bluray player (probably a PS3 if they like games) and/or HD-DVD player (no movies)because the xbox360 comes with neither devices
4) Add the games and movies and accessories
5) XBOTS, total up the total cost that's applicable and compare that price to the PS3. Let alone mention about the headache of RROD and a confusing lineup of consoles to choose from.

Because the xbox360 is afraid to raise its price to fight the PS3 face-to-face, the PS3 will bring the fight to the xbox360 by offering a $399 price tag to one of its SKU's. Get ready xbox360. Smoke and mirrors, Hype, and self-steam and all other medical artificial life support will sustain your console's life for only so long.

Prepare to rumble for your life.

You may not realize it, but the dividing line has been drawn, ladies and gentlemen. Everything to the left is the the xbox360 and xbox360 multiports. Everyting to the right will now on be the PS3. Please take a look at this link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=...

Thank you.

dragunrising6087d ago

I just needed to let you in on a little advice...GET A LIFE. I am glad the PS3 is receiving a $400 dollar SKU; I can sell my PS2 and afford one. Everyone has preference in terms of what console they like to game on and the basis usually isn't about graphics. Multiconsole games really have only a few features that make you choose one or the other. Most people choose the version that suites their taste for control and online functionality. The Playstation controller is hands down my favorite when it comes to fighting games...however I will always choose the 360 controller when it comes to sports and FPS. I also prefer the online capabilities of LIVE.

It is frustrating and sad to see so many people obsess over crap like price, graphics, console preference, etc. Try playing more games and liking them because they are good and not because your fanboy blind to one console or another.

Dareaver16087d ago

it's nice to see someone who can disagree with someone and speak on their reasons why. This site needs more gamers like you. Fanboys aren't gamers because their are blind by their loyalties. I posted a video review of Halo 3 from AOTS: Feedback the Loop, and in that video review, they had their seasoned Sony Fanboy. He went out and bought a 360 and played his friends copy of Halo 3, and admitted on national TV that the game was great, fun to play, innovative and that it rocked his expectations (even though the were very low to begin with.) I hope more gamers start letting these fanboys know that it's not cool to flame.
Secret always comes on these posts and gives these long drawn out fanboy rants about his preferred console and how much it is better than the others, and no one really wants to hear him, so kudos to you for letting him know why you disagreed.

kewlkat0076074d ago

"Everyone has preference in terms of what console they like to game on and the basis usually isn't about graphics. Multiconsole games really have only a few features that make you choose one or the other. Most people choose the version that suites their taste for control and online functionality. The Playstation controller is hands down my favorite when it comes to fighting games...however I will always choose the 360 controller when it comes to sports and FPS. I also prefer the online capabilities of LIVE.

Thats how I feel.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 6074d ago
Scythesean6087d ago

I notice how every time I see a comparison video the PS3 looks like someone turned down the contrast or up on the brightness. My games never look that light when I play them, so I don't know who is doing this but they might as well do it on the 360 because the PS3 has caught up in gfx and is only going to start surpassing now.

Genki6087d ago

It was never that big to begin with, it's always fanboys that made a huge deal of it, or game sites that wanted hits.

Good game, but 2K needs to update their graphics engine. MLB and NHL did it, now it's basketballs turn. I'm sure it relates to the extra time needed for the PS3 version last year, so maybe next year will reflect more changes.

Sayai jin6087d ago

These are really never good to use for comparison. If you are loking at a HD version then yes. I think the reason why people make a big difference about graphic comparison is becuase the Sony has always boasted that they have the most powerful machine, yet this has not been visible by any game currently on the market. Now, even though the 360 devs have had a more time to get used to the hardware.

Even though it seems that comparing the same game mkes since it, sometimes you should judge on what generation the game falls in. For instance Gears of War had the best graphics to date when it was released (many tink it still does) and this was the 360's first true 2nd gen game (some consider it the 3rd, so thats arguable). So another way to judge graphics would be to compare a game for the PS3 that is release between October and November, this would be about as long as it took MS to produce a game with eye piercing graphics. Which the PS3 is capable and has or will produce.

I remember last gen when many people said it was about game play nd not graphics, now all of the sudden its about graphics. Innovtive gameplay and gadgets for your system and games is next gen also, not just grpahics. So does the 360 or PS3 have the best graphics? We cold debate all on this, but remember the most compelling thing about a video game is gameplay with storyline and graphics being in with good mixture. Some games are good at inccorperating all thre aspects, but it would be good if all games on all systems did this all the time. Hell, then you would never have to worry about wasting $50 or $60 bucks.

projectile6087d ago

I agree with you for the most part but how can gears be a 3 gen game when it released 1 year after the 360 launched. And this was the first title that epic released on to the 360.
I think the whole gen thing is a little stupid. What matters is what games there are right now and its starting to look better and better for both systems.

Sayai jin6087d ago

I saud some people consider it a 3rd gen game not me, I yhink it is a 2nd gen game. Even though GOW was Eics forst game on te 360 all the other games and devs improved the dev tools which made it easier to program and exploit the system. So this is what puts games in diffrent gen. You did it yourself with " What matters is what games there are right now and its starting to look better and better for both systems". Eac system is getting deeper into exploiting the system. Some peole think the 360 is maxed, but it is not. Both still have a lot to offer.

DG6087d ago

Who cares just enjoy the game on YOUR system. But yes they are the same.

Sayai jin6087d ago

This is all that matters! Bubbles for you my friend.

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Worldwide PS3 releases for the week of August 3rd

PS3Fanboy writes: "Slim pickings all around this week. The PS3 version of Monster Madness releases in America and the developers are keen to suggest that it's far better than the mediocre offering that was made to 360 players. 1Up had a look at it earlier this year and saw improvements, but there's still no telling whether it's actually good or not. Be sure to check out the demo on the PSN store before spending any money. Here's the full release list:"

US Games

* Monster Madness: Grave Danger

EU Games

No new releases

Asian Games

* NBA 2K8

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NBA 2K8 Unlock Codes for New Teams & Uniforms

2K Sports has released a few codes to unlock All-Star uniforms, a 2K Sports Team, and ABA Ball, among other things, DailyGame.net is reporting.

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BigKev455919d ago

Good game, but I'm done with it. Waiting until 2K9.

Silenced5919d ago

Just finished a season, Great Game...now going to play another season


NBA 2K8 Roster Update

IGN: NBA 2K8 has now been updated to address the flurry of trades and roster moves that have enveloped the NBA over the last six weeks. Starting with the Pau Gasol trade and culminating with the moves made at the trade deadline, the changes allow users to accurately play out the rest of the NBA season with stars like Shaquille O'Neal, Jason Kidd, and Mike Bibby in their new homes.

The update does not address post-trade deadline moves, such as Sam Cassell's buyout by the Clippers and acquisition by the Celtics.

Breakfast5925d ago

Roster updates? Most be EAs NBA Live 2009

games4fun5925d ago

that right there makes me want to buy sport games made by 2k updating the roster is something all sports games should be doing (for free) i think i might buy the game now to show my support. And yet another reason that EA can stick it where the sun dont shine

Ace-Jury5925d ago

however i think ea's updates are constant,almost weekly whereas 2k8's last update was back in november........nk8 is a much better game though. i took live back and swapped it over for 2k8