
Sony, Subaru, and Toyota close factories in wake of earthquake, other companies check in

Our thoughts this morning are with the folks in Japan and the other Pacific areas affected by the massive 8.9 earthquake that struck about 230 miles East of Tokyo. Reports of damage are flooding in from the country, and indeed many familiar manufacturers are checking in.

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Cherchez La Ghost4831d ago

My prayers for everyone in Japan. This might have an effect on electronics sold everywhere in the world also.

Blad3star4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

I hope the Japan people recover from this disaster fast and my prayers to every one who lost some one in the quake / Tsunami.

@ Cherchez - It might actually be good for those car and electronic companies because allot of cars got flooded and people will need new ones and I imagine a lot people were at work when it happened and could not save there TV's and PS3's

ChrisW4831d ago

Pretty scary stuff. I was on the subway in Nagoya when the quake hit. We only received a 4 on the richter scale here. But considering we're 300 miles away from the epicenter, that's pretty crazy. We could tell that it wasn't a normal quake because they normally last only a second or two, this one lasted for 20 or 30 seconds!

TBM4831d ago

seriously who the hell would disagree with you if your telling what you've experience? i swear there are too many idiots on this forum.

Optical_Matrix4831d ago

Well, us (the people on this board who aren't absolute cunts willing to disagree with a legit post) are glad you're ok. Woke up yesterday morning (I live in the UK) and watched the Tsunami hit live for about an hour. Never seen shit as heavy and saddening as that in my life.

I heard from some that in Tokyo and Sendai etc, the quake lasted 2. I wonder how this is going to affect game development etc. Not being selfish of course, just something I'm wondering as Square Enix, most of Sony's studio's etc are all based in Tokyo. Whatever the case this was NOT what Japan needed right now. Will take a while for them get back on their feet. And now all this nuclear emergency shit.

TBM4830d ago

Yea optical the nuclear stuff is pretty damn scary. I wonder if the DBs who are disagreeing in these threads would feel the same way if it happened where they live.

ChrisW4830d ago (Edited 4830d ago )

Thanks TBM. There are some rather backwards, ignorant, and arrogant people on these threads, but I don't take offense to it.

However, someone might disagree with me because US news is saying the quake was only felt as far as Tokyo. This is incorrect information. Mie Prefecture, which is just a bit further south, though it was only a 2 on the richter (which is barely noticeable) could feel it as well.

TBM4830d ago

Wow that's crazy I would not like to feel the power of a quake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4830d ago
Adolph Fitler4830d ago

Yep, horrible stuff. Natural disasters should show world leaders and dictators who is the boss, and that mother nature could f$@k us all up big time in a heartbeat.
I hope all the Japanese people, and immigrants and tourists in the country do not suffer too many human casualties. The only ones that I'm not so protective of is the vicious, calious, inhumane & brutal motherf%@kers in the whale & dolphin killing trade. I realize that people have to work & need jobs, but damn, this shit is just nasty arse horrible human behavior, that would have me feel no sorrow for the actual scumbags at spear and club's end, and the government officials in place who keep condoning this crap and BS-ing the rest of the world that it is scientific research. Some may say I pick an innapropriate time to bring this point up.....but I was merely pointing out that I love and wish all the Japanese people well and believe they are undeserving of such a horrible fate (unless they have anything to do with the whale killing industry).

1st Australia, then New Zealand, now Japan...there has been one major natural disaster for every month of this year (I could be wrong, as I may be leaving out one or two others...think there was one is Sth America or somewhere as well), and the scary part is that it is going to get worse. Heatwaves, Earthquakes, Tsunami's, Hurricanes, Cyclones, Typhoons, Whirlwinds, flooding, fire are all going to hit us this year unfortunately. We have smashed this earth too hard over the past 50 or so years especially. We've extracted oil from the earth to the point it is now scarce, as well as coal, uranium & such, then to add insult we f%#king burn plenty of it in our cars, forms of electricity, etc,etc, and we are surprised by repurcussions. I mean the shit deep down in the core of our earth, through to the other stuff in the layers heading back towards us on the outside, are there for very f%@king important reasons. We are quickly shortening our planets lifespan by a large ammount I reckon, and I am no tree hugging, bong smoking, unwashed tangled haired, hippie either. Just a regular joe. The sad thing is, it is too late, there is nothing anyone can do about it as we are too fargone now, and if our governments are to be believed ("cough, cough, ahhum") then affordability is too heavy a factor to disregard, and proper plans to slow the process down are just not within the realms of a realistic budget......so it seems that it is too financially constraining to save all of humanity and our planet......but spending billions to inavde Iraq over what will be nothing more than a few more years supply of oil is a good financial investment.

ChrisW4830d ago

Aside from your pro-terrorist (Sea Shepherds) rant, I agree with you.

There is something discerningly odd with Earth these days. But I wouldn't be too worried, it's more than likely that these recent events are just coincidentally close to each other in our every changing world.


Here's a closer look at the new ASUS ROG Ally X as early renders are leaked online

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UltimateOwnage1d 4h ago

Is it running the same Windows OS? Because that is the biggest issue with the current Ally.


The INDIE Live Expo 2024 event showcased +150 Games during its Saturday broadcast

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TGG_overlord3d ago

Very much so, there should be something in there for everyone to enjoy for sure.


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