
Ninja Gaiden II left Team Ninja unsatisfied

Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayashi has revealed that the studio felt 'unsatisfied' after getting Ninja Gaiden II out the door.

yume-k4834d ago

Yeah, especially after what the idiot Yosuke Hayashi did with the ps3 version, removing the gore and blood and add more bouncing boobs instead for a game that meant to be extremely violent

Istanbull4833d ago

360 version was pathetic, the rocket spammers are the most stupid thing I've seen in a game.

PS3 version was better because it had extra stuff and limited rocket spamming.

yume-k4833d ago (Edited 4833d ago )

Didn't play the 360 version so I can't comment on that...

but are you serious complaining about rocket spammers? dude pathetic casual gamers like you can always choose a lower difficulty setting to play the game, why did even bother wasting money to buy the game anyway, play wii sports or barbie instead, better for you sir.

Istanbull4833d ago

You are being childish, just because I hated the rocket spamming makes me a casual gamer playing barbie? What is with this out dated argument, are you a little child?

The rocket spamming has nothing to do with difficulty, its pathetic because it doesn't make the game any fun.

Difficulty CAN be fun, if it is not FRUSTRATING and not logical.

Demon's Souls was harder than NG2, but I LOVED Demon's Souls, why? Because the game is challenging without being unfair.

Also, I finished Battletoads on the NES, not the kiddy noob friendly version on Wiiware.

Go back to your kiddy TWEWY game on your DS lmao

yume-k4833d ago

Ah Demon's Souls a challenging game but it wasn't that hard, ppl must understand that DS is an RPG GAME, So level up get the right equipment plan your move then progress, play it like an idiot and you die 1000 times.

Plus why are you replying to yourself...man you're still pathetic -_-"

Andreas-Sword4833d ago

Ninja Gaiden 3 will be brutal and bloody... yeahhh... :)

sjeen664833d ago

removing the gore and blood is stupid
but adding more boobs is good
even the huge boobs didnt bounce ???? and that was their famous move???

FailOverFail4833d ago

I love that mind set. They bring out one game and instantly think about how they can improve it for the next one. Rather than trying to milk their series, they seek to improve it greatly.


dorron4833d ago

I loved Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2...there was nothing wrong with it IMO, except for the lack of blood.

Rhezin4833d ago

No Istanbul, Turkey, the 360 version was FAR more superior simply because it had all the gore in it, that sh!t was revolutionary. The ps3 version, Sigma 2, all the bugs were fixed and there was some new enemies/bosses but purple mist? Come on....but I do agree NINJA GAIDEN 2 WAS BUGGY AS HELL.


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darthv72306d ago

....and that's a bad thing how?

343_Guilty_Spark306d ago

If it ain’t on Sony box it’s bad

autobotdan306d ago (Edited 306d ago )

Ninja Gaiden 2 was never multiplat. NG Sigma 2 is a remixed game not the same game at all

darthv72306d ago

Dante's inferno... such a great GoW inspired game. So sad the sequel was canned, it sounded like it was going to be even more epic than the first.

Vits306d ago

Yeap, classic GoW is still better mechanically. But the aesthetics and atmosphere of Dante's Inferno were just top-notch. Shame it never got a PC port, but at the very least is available on modern Xbox.

Juiceid306d ago

This list is ok, but Ninja Gaiden reigns supreme!

GhostScholar306d ago

I just can’t get into the devil may cry series. In my opinion you never feel powerful in those games. The guns are pointless as they only serve to be a flashy part of a combo. DMC was the only one that I could tolerate long enough to beat.

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bunt-custardly504d ago

Nioh games definitely up there at the top alongside Ninja Gaiden BLK.

LoveSpuds503d ago

There is a decent fan base for the Nioh games, but still think they are criminally overlooked and under appreciated.

I just bought the PS5 collection to replay them again with all their DLC, a sweet collection for my games shelf for sure.

deleted503d ago

Yea, those gardens haven't been plowed in over 10 years now though. Imagine if they cultivated it, let it grow again.

Starman69503d ago

Amazing what ya can do with a samurai sword lol 🤣

tehpees3504d ago

The honourable mention though.

TheSenorCheese504d ago

originally it wasn't going to be included because of their take on Samus' character. But the gameplay's actually not bad.

Vits503d ago

Honestly, I don't know if we can even blame them for that take. Nintendo's Sakamoto was credited as the writer and from what we learned later with the Retro Studios interviews for the Prime series, Nintendo apparently never saw Samus as this stoic badass that most of the west imagined her as. Going as far as describing her as "motherly".

shinoff2183503d ago

Ninja Gaiden was dope but I don't really care for alot of their games.

503d ago
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Ninja Gaiden II, Reigns: Game of Thrones now available on Xbox Game Pass

Two new games have been added to Xbox Game Pass: Ninja Gaiden II for Xbox One and Reigns: Game of Thrones for PC. Subscribers can download them now.

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autobotdan1560d ago

Old news now. A few days old

Az1ner1560d ago

Been rocking ng II..such brutality!

Prubar1560d ago

I play a shit tone if action adventure games and NG2 remains one of my favourites. As soon as I’m done DMC5 again ima break this one out.

1560d ago
spicelicka1560d ago

NG2 has the most satisfying combat I've ever experienced in a hack n slash game. I don't know why in the hell they changed it up in the games following.

Z5011560d ago (Edited 1560d ago )

Maybe, because NG has never been about 1 thing cept difficulty. NG always changes since part 2 on NES. (built-in wall climbing & 'shadows')

When NG launched on Xbox. I was like "Why'd they get rid of shadows?"

babadivad1559d ago

Because Team Ninja booted Itigaki from the company. Games have been utter shite ever since.