
Halo 4 already in development?

Speaking with Bungie at an exclusive Microsoft event this month people were informed that there was no rest for the wicked for the team as Bungie was already beavering away at the next Halo game in the franchise. When questioned whether the game would be a prequel, Bungie remained tight lipped as always.

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skynidas6088d ago

what? i thought it was a trilogy and didn't master chief died? stupid bungie

ShiftyLookingCow6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

why comment on something you dont give a damn about?

Jdash246088d ago

master chief didnt die..........you have to watch after the credits

6088d ago
nobizlikesnowbiz6088d ago

Chief didn't die?

Thought the '117' scratched on the plane fin was his only marker.

Maybe I wasn't listening to the dialogue close enough. Not like it was terribly compelling. No hate here, just guess I wasn't paying attention.

JsonHenry6088d ago

They thought he died, so they scratched his number on the monument. But after that the credits come on, once the credits are over there is another cut scene that shows the Chief is very much alive and floating on the back half of the ship that was left behind when the worm-hole collapsed.

Then he got into a cryogenic freezer and told Cortana to wake him up when he is needed again. So basically he is floating over the Arc in an unknown part of the galaxy waiting to be found.

WilliamRLBaker6088d ago

hes not near the ark if you listen to cortana she says they made it just, so they went through the hole and are closer to earth, but probly far away.

Daxx6088d ago

Here's the full ending after the credits. http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Looks like the Chief and Cortana are going to take a little trip to some planet.

Jdash246088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

well its either a planet......but it also looks kinda like it could be a halo

Bonsai12146088d ago

supposedly onyx. at least thats what the mythos tells us. and Dr. Halsey and spartan IIs kelly and fred are inside, along with spartan iii's (can't remember their names at the moment). its purpose was to protect the forerunners from the halo when it went off.

6088d ago
barom6088d ago

so I guess you can't finish the fight after all

ShiftyLookingCow6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

Forerunners were protectors of Humanity in the game(look for Terminals), they did something to save humans when the Halos were last activated. If you finished in Legendary(I saw it on 1UP, I finished in Heroic), you can see the ship drifting towards an artificial planet(most likely Forerunner). If you care about (a ton of people do), Halo story is actually interesting

As far as the current Trilogy goes, the Fight against Flood and Covenant is over for good

sloth4urluv6088d ago

Ummm could they be talking about halo wars?
you know the halo RTS.

Thugbot1876088d ago

After the credits if you wait they show master cheif is still alive. He goes into some type sleep chamber and says call me when you need me. However before the credits they show that master chief died. Smart on bungie.

6088d ago
MADGameR6088d ago

Because Halo 3 did'nt affect the 360 units sales! Just as I thought. Bungie pulls a Jay Z!

godofthunder106088d ago

how do you know if halo3 effected the consoles sell,the figures didn't come out yet,that's the problem with sony deadheads, they post crap that they makeup or know nothin about

HateBoy6088d ago

Skynidas you fakkin idiot, if you are gonna write something like that at least put Halo 3 SPOILER or something before saying whatever diarreas out of your moth (fingers), I'm still playing the crap and I did NOT want to know that. Thanks fakkface.

Wii60_FTW6087d ago

nobizlikesnowbiz ,

oh, the story wasn't compelling enough for you not to notice MC didn't die? ORLY? i think you're just plain f*cking retarded. try watching the credits, n00b.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 6087d ago
FrostyMelon6088d ago

Agree to the new IP...let Halo end.

pwnsause6088d ago

I wouldnt mind a Halo 4 after the ending if you know what I mean.

ChaosKnight6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

Actually based on a comment saying "maybe years" at the end - trying not to spoil anything - kinda had me at a hint for the next one.

power of Green 6088d ago (Edited 6088d ago )

Not Halo 4 just more games being developed in the Halo universe(could be before contact could be about one of many battles before 117 was born/made could be 1000 years after chiefs time.


Off Topic: Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom is shaping up to be grade A--AAA stuff check out the videos in the 360 section.

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DefenderOfDoom21d 13h ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


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Sciurus_vulgaris6d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle5d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21834d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.