Thrillhouse4847d ago (Edited 4847d ago )

YouTube mirror, as the site is taking long to load:

DICE were not joking around about their engine updates! Looks incredible!

Winter47th4847d ago (Edited 4847d ago )

This's far & beyond what I ever imagined the game would look like. This's Next-gen right there!

Dedicated servers, an outstanding engine & the most amazing sound design yet gives Call of Duty a run for its mon...well maybe not money, but a run in everything else!

I'll buy it on consoles & PC.


kancerkid4846d ago

The guy at the end has brass knuckles on...

Epicor4846d ago

Agreed! This looks amazing!

And I love those Nine Inch Nails -style sound effects in that trailer.

Pixel_Enemy4846d ago

This engine looks AMAZING! I hope this is enough to force Activision not to reuse the COD4 engine again for the 5th time and make something new.

CryWolf4846d ago

I got to say it looks Awesome!!! far better then Battlefield 2 graphics are, now this is Next-Gen game engine its almost compare to Crysis 2 Crytek engine 3 technology and with Dedicated servers its a buy for multiplayer Amazing Job EA/Dice.

guitarded774846d ago

The lighting looks amazing.

NiKK_4194846d ago

holy s**t, tell me this is real gameplay and not bs, it looks amazing if so
hopefully it looks at least close to this on consoles also

aCasualGamer4846d ago

I laughed so hard at the end when he screamed "Kristoffer!"

Hahaha, any swede will understand why.

nveenio4846d ago

If that's gameplay, I'm sold. I'll even pick it up for PC instead of PS3. If the engine looks THAT good, then it'll be worth the boost in graphics the PC will give. From a guy that would rather have ice picks shoved down his pee hole than game and work in the same chair, that's saying something.

Redman224846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Yeah this shit looks amazing homie. Sony/PS3 and DICE a match made in heaven.

Enjoy your COD gentlemen. lmao!

BloodyNapkin4846d ago

So they have gotten rid of the hud i assume?

evrfighter4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

to Dice and my fellow pc gamers.

see you on the battlefield.

you can do just about anything if you have access to the command line interface. Getting rid of the hud is as old as apple pie if you have console access.

hassi944846d ago

"Yeah this shit looks amazing homie. Sony/PS3 and DICE a match made in heaven. "

Yeaaaah this is the PC version mate.

Sarcasm4846d ago

Holy balls I cant wait to fire this game up on the PC.

HolyOrangeCows4846d ago

The typical teaser with 2 second clips between static-effect transitions.


ABizzel14846d ago


But the game looks great. I thought 2011 was going to be an easy year for GOTY Best Graphics, but my goodness more and more games continue to come out that look absolutely stunning.

Killzone 3, Crysis 2, Rage, and now Battlefield are fighting for the best looking shooter spot, and it's amazing.

BloodyNapkin4846d ago


Why would you remove the hud from a "gameplay" video.

Dee_914846d ago

that wasnt gameplay
unless in the final version
there will be no huds at all in the real gameplay

Aither4846d ago

Crysis has just been surpassed. But... people do realize that they're probably going to need another super computer from the future to play this right?

Redman224846d ago


Where the fuck in my post did I say it was the PS3 version? Did I even suggest that much? No! I'm talking about the relationship that DICE has with Sony and the PS3.

The funny thing about Xboxers sweatin' BC3 balls right is that this same time last year they were talking mad shit about BC2 and now they're all like "yeah buddy this shit dope" GTFO.

Expect the PS3 to get special treatment and exclusive content from DICE.

Yeah buddy!

starchild4846d ago


Expect the PS3 version to get "special features" like extra screen tearing, blurrier textures, and more slowdown.

PC is the place to play this game. PS3 is the last place I would play most multiplatform games.

Crazyglues4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

This Game will Destroy all FPS that came before it... -_-) Absoultely Amazing...


Dee_914846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

yea dont tell them that
wait till the real gameplay come out
and watch all the reactions lol

why would they intentionally turn hud off if they wanted everybody to think this was gameplay ?

JohnnyBadfinger4846d ago

I just had a Frank Barone moment.

Looks too good to be true so i will stay skeptical until i've seen more

starchild4846d ago

Battlefield 3 is closer to photo-realism than any game before it.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4846d ago
lastdual4847d ago

Holy crap at the lighting.

The visuals look like a huge jump, and all that while giving us even more destructibility....Can't wait!

meetajhu4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Yeah the lighting looks extraordinary especially the place those soldiers run in an alley.

BattleAxe4846d ago

Lets wait to see more than a 2 second flashes of cutscenes before we come to any conclusion.

BloodyNapkin4846d ago

Agree Battklaxe, people are losing their mind of action sequences in a game that is not real gameplay. But it does use the in game engine to render those scenes.

Aither4846d ago

You're right this is an extreme visual jump. Just like Crysis truly this shows the future start of what next gen will be.

However my main concern is what type of computer we will have to play this? Hopefully we can play it without having to break the bank.

starcb264846d ago

After I go to college i'm investing in a really good pc.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4846d ago
Yi-Long4847d ago (Edited 4847d ago )

... really can't wait. I hope this will be as easily accessible as Battlefield 2 and 1943 though.

I don't like the whole perks and unlockables crap.

HobbsCanuck4846d ago

I think I might buy an unsold "Limited edition" copy of MoH just to get the beta for it (should be easy).

JEEBUS! That is sick shit. I hope it looks almost that good on consoles. Bad Company 2 had shitty textures and bland buildings, but great lighting, effects, sound.

RedDead4846d ago ShowReplies(2)
ATiElite4846d ago

You know we tried to be fair and balanced. We gave you guys all the commercials and media attention. We let you dance in the streets and celebrate your glorious games and consoles. We even kept silent when you all pronounced regime change. we even faked our own death and pronounced ourselves dead.

Battlefield 3 PC....The King is Back! Heads will roll. You know what you just saw. The true power of PC Gaming...muh ha hah ah hha ahhh!

specialguest4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Many moons ago, BF franchise ruled supreme and PC gaming reign mighty and true. As the old king retired, weaken from old age, the "newcomers", unchecked and unchallenged skirmished for position. Amongs the chaos and disorder, one franchise emerged from the dust of battle to rule them all, COD:MW.

COD during it's first year of rule won the hearts and minds of many. It ruled with good noble intentions and its popularity rised like yeast on bread. Little did we know that with great loyalty from the people comes great power to be had. Druken with power and greed, the COD franchise demanded more, yet offered little. The people pleaded for justice and fairness, but the cries of despair fell on deaf ears.

Many heroes and champions of good rised up, attempting to challenge the COD franchise, yet all failed to dethrone this tyrant. Now the sleeping giant has awoken from a 5 year slumber to restore order and righteousness, and reclaim its land and kingdom.

The king is back! Sound the trumpets. Send word to the farthest reaches of the four corners of the land. The king is back!

frostypants4846d ago

Looks good.

Hopefully Dice won't take 4 years to patch this one properly like they did with BF2.

b163o14846d ago

Good, he thinks were zombies(Peter Griffin voice)

Kalowest4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Thank you sir, for the very powerful speech.
All Hail The KING

DeadIIIRed4846d ago

Hmmm...haven't done PC gaming since MOH: Allied Assault. I remember the true power of PC gaming as being able to bankrupt me every six months; did that change? Haha just messing with you. Enjoy your well deserved glory day in the sun PC gamers, hopefully those of us on consoles won't get too gimped

gman_2974846d ago


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4846d ago
FinalSpartan4846d ago


frostypants4846d ago

Stop drooling, man. :-)

That's not console graphics, I promise you. That's the PC version, probably running on a freakishly high end rig.

I'll get some disagrees, but I 110% guarantee that I'm right.

Though I'm sure the console version will look good. But I just don't see a cross-platform title becoming the console graphics king.

damnyouretall4846d ago

yeah thats the pc graphics. but i wouldnt be suprised if the console versions will max out the hardware and it will be the best lookin console game to date. man im ready for the next gen. i just cant afford a high end pc right now.

Kalowest4846d ago


LMFAO, no other comment.

esemce4846d ago

Cos Its the PC version!.

esemce4846d ago

The console version will run at 30fps and have low rez textures no doubt.

BloodyNapkin4846d ago


Right on what? Doesnt take much to render a pre rendered action scene. When we get actual gameplay with hud and such then we can say what is and what isnt.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4846d ago
JsonHenry4846d ago

Damn, it is sooooo good to be a PC gamer sometimes!!!

frostypants4846d ago

"Sometimes" being the key word in recent years.

JsonHenry4846d ago

Yeah, programming for this generations consoles has really held the PC back more than ever in the last 4-5 years. :/

BloodyNapkin4846d ago


What he meant to say was. Developers was tired of losing money on PC cause of everyone stealing so they have to make money on the consoles.

annus4846d ago


Yeah because there was so many people playing online with a pirated/'stolen' copy... PC isn't a console. Requires a legit CD key to play online, unless you want to hit up private servers which are just a joke.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4846d ago
B-Real2064846d ago

I almost want to pick up a new copy of MOH so I can get into the beta. Hopefully there are other ways in. I can not wait till this game drops. It looks fucking amazing!!!!

DigitalAnalog4846d ago

Looks like Crytek is not the only one trying to raise their visual bars on PC. Damn, I'm still saving up for my 460!

-End of Line

4846d ago
ATiElite4846d ago

I understand your budget but if possible I would go with the Gigabyte 560 GTX Super Over Clock. pound for price it's the best card out. clocked at 10000mhz it totally destroys all other 460 and 560 gtx cards.

it's $269 but if that's out of your budget then hold off until Mid March when the 550 GTX is released. it will be under $200 and provide more power than a 460 GTX.

DigitalAnalog4846d ago

Thanks for the heads-up. It's releasing the day before my b-day which would make it double-sweet.

Thing is, it's rumored to perform the same as the 460 768MB, but the fact that it's going to be less than $200 is a far more attractive offer.

-End of Line

damnyouretall4846d ago

even though the console versions are dumbed down it still doesnt look bad. what the fuck is your standards anyways? crysis 2 rocks even at its lowest settings. so will battlefield

DigitalAnalog4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

"Doesn't look bad", is NOT the reason why I don't like the console versions. Unlike many of the multiplat ports, these games can literally jump ahead above the consoles in a "next-gen" fashion.

If you were given a game between a PSP port or a PS3 version, what would you choose? You can see right off the bat that 'generation' difference could easily mar the games potential experience. After viewing the trailer, it is quite evident that B3 and Crysis 2 were MEANT to be played on PC's. No more, no less. Console versions are like the GOW: GoS on the PSP. Amazing tech for the device but it just can't beat the actual experience.

-End of Line

nanometric4846d ago

I would suggest you to buy two MSI Cyclone or ASUS DirectCU GTX 460 1GB (or even 768MB if you are really low on money) and put them in SLI, that combo kicks 480's a$$. + you can OC them both too.
p.s. only drawback is that 460's can only do two way SLI, so that's something to keep in mind :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4846d ago
psman0124846d ago

Agreed! I think it looks fantastic, but I wish the flashing screen effect wasn't used as much... there was only less than 10 seconds of actual game footage shown, haha.

Domer254846d ago

Thanks for the link. +bubbs up

This and Arma 2 is why I want a gaming rig. Love this engine!

Kon4846d ago

Arma 2 is somewhat light, i have no problems running it.

ATiElite4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Arma 2 somewhat light? yeh kinda!

Arma 2 is pretty CPu heavy but when you add the ACE Mod 2 and run it in DX10 mode it really pumps up the graphics thus putting more load on the GPU with near photo realistic vehicle, and gun models.

Arma 2 + BF3 = Happy Happy Joy Joy.

Velo504846d ago

So so so excited for this.

MWong4846d ago

WOW what great timing I was just saying earlier I wanted some gameplay footage. Now I feel sad because it looked soooooo good I want more now. The game looked INSAYYYYYNE!!!! I can't wait to play it.

pr0digyZA4846d ago

Well that was the footage that many journalists wrote about when they got to see the game in action (you can see the hotel where they said they shot a rocker at). So I'm sure sooner or later a walkthrough of some kind will creep onto the web.

KingZFlipper4846d ago

I had the exact same thing today! When I went with my friend to a shopping mall I told him: "I can't wait for the day when BF3 gameplay is revealed" And here we are...

I will so buy this game! This looks a lot better than that shitty .. what is it called... is it Call Of Duty?

lil Titan4846d ago

i had dubs on it so it is Ha!

nanometric4846d ago

I wasn't THAT impressed, need to see more, but probably will end up torrenting for PC and then buying for my PS3 (for multiplayer).
Only thing I hope, that I won't be to disappointed with the graphical downgrade, lol.

Gamer_Z4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

Man i really hope it looks this good on the consoles. I know it won’t but i still have faith in dice, hopefully it won’t be too dumbed down because of a certain console that refuses too to use Bluray. Crossing my fingers that its double disc on Xbox360.

ijkabob4846d ago

"preorder the limited addition to get the rest of the game at no charge" Fuck you dice....

But if this comes out on ps3 with 64 players i'll buy it for sure. otherwise its a tough call.

plb4846d ago

Got a bit of drool on my chin...

alb18994846d ago

Will 360 run that!!!
then can run anything !!!!

metsgaming4846d ago

would the game look like this on consoles or is this like max setting for pc ? It looks great but i dont want to be mislead and think this is what its going to look like on consoles.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4844d ago
DragonWarrior4847d ago

This is definitely the pc version. I wanna see the console versions.

ATiElite4846d ago (Edited 4846d ago )

See the console version? Why?

you have just witness perfection, your eyes have been opened to the true definition of beauty, you have just seen Angels and Unicorns together. and now you wanna go back and see the console version? I just don't understand.
I'm never going back. muh hah haha!

Amazing how 30 seconds has permanently changed the gaming landscape. DICE is truly flexing their muscles on this one, this is total domination. This is Next Gen Gaming but right NOW!

JsonHenry4846d ago

I am interested in seeing the console version as well. But not because I am even remotely interested in buying a console version. Just more of a curiosity as to what it will look like using the DX9 renderer instead of the DX11 PC renderer they obviously were using in that video clip.

mistajeff4846d ago

i'm curious about the console versions too, especially because they said the PC version won't run on DX9, and i know the 360 uses a specialized version of DX9. but this split-second montage of gameplay is enough to make me happy i upgraded to windows 7

Limalo4844d ago

Really interested in how it will turn out on consoles.

x8004847d ago (Edited 4847d ago )

wooow ultimate war!

lol call of crap sh*t.

HobbsCanuck4846d ago ShowReplies(1)
danmachine4846d ago

i think its time i shelled out for a decent gaming PC for this.

HobbsCanuck4846d ago

ofcourse I get flagged for an Arby n The Chief reference -.-

Limalo4844d ago

Lolol cod is deaaaaaaaaaad.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4844d ago
SnakeMustDie4847d ago

Awesome, the king of military shooters is back.

SuperLupe4846d ago

This is how you hype a game. Announced a month ago for a release in the very same here, just like that! BAM!

IcarusOne4846d ago

And we have a new graphics king, ladies and gentlemen.

renegade4847d ago

WOW doesn't look like real gameplay but nice.

Freakboy4847d ago

They have confirmed it is all real gameplay, no rendering what so ever.

iMaim4846d ago

Jesus christ that was in-game?

Klepto4846d ago

No rendering? :P I'm pretty sure it was rendered, just in real time lol

Rich16314846d ago

Yeah they said it was in-game footage on their twitter.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox564d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia564d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad563d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

563d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin563d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

Battlefield 3 Reality Mod release is now set for July 17, and we get a brand new release date trailer that brings the action and grounded gunfights.

MadLad690d ago

There's fun to be had here.
