
Virtua Tennis 4: Move vs. Kinect

"Yesterday, I had the opportunity to play it for myself and try the PlayStation Move and Kinect versions. I was told by a SEGA representative that the Kinect version isn't as far along in its development as the Move version, but playing both side-by-side was helpful in illuminating the differences not only in the hardware itself but how that hardware is being used in the games."

BryanBegins4862d ago

WTH? Why couldn't we use Move+Nav so that we could move our player? That makes no sense to see Sega not including this option. I'll be disapointed if it's really missing from the final version of the game.

fooltheman4861d ago

the said they are adding this run and play option too...

zootang4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

So it works just like Wii sports then. That wasn't too bad.

Hanif-8764861d ago

Well at least now everyone knows why its better to have Move and not some gimmicky motion sensing device lol

nycredude4861d ago

I hope this is not what we are going to get left and right this year. Move vs kinect BS!

It's bad enough we have console vs console comparisons now we will have peripheral vs peripheral comparisons.

BTW should this game be called handball if played with Kinect?

disturbing_flame4861d ago

Yes that sounds stupid.

but we must get in mind that the game design is done for the multiplatform, devs can't take too much time for only a controller there must have been concessions, it's sad but for a lot of multiplatforms titles it's gonna be the case.

What would be cool now is that reviewers try to talk about the move with distance.
I've not seen reviewers complaining about the use of wiimote in wiisport, if it's the same in virtua tennis it can't be a minus because you have the possiility to play the game with dualshock, it is clearly a plus.

For Move games that really adopt a posture that can manage all move possilities, people must wait for games designed by Sony for their accessory

When i see some KZ3 reviews that zap the Move aspect, and i know there is not actually on the market a better FPS that use motion controller, i doubt reviewers are aiming right at move.
There's no better FPS on the market with motion controllers and sometimes you read that the move is a minus in these reviews.

People who still wait for a great FPS on Wii would reviewerse certainly more than happy to play KZ3 on their console.
There's a relation, a connexion that is not clearly done with some reviewers.

Theonik4861d ago

Because you aren't holding a nav controller on your second hand while playing real tennis. It seems reasonable to me, you can still reach for the ball just not move in the court. Worked fine on Wii sports.

BryanBegins4861d ago

Well I thought that the point of having Move, a true 1:1 motion control with potential for core gamer, was to actually improve on the weak and casual Wii Sport. No?

And the argument that you don't hold a Nav in real life is kinda weak if you ask me. You don't hold a giant dildo with a light bulb either... Again, I think they should offer the option.

Theonik4860d ago

You still get 1:1 motion, movement in 3D space and 1:1 racket motion are different features, this is the reasoning coming from AM3 themselves.
Also the real issue with something like Wii sports was that no matter how you swing it's the same outcome here you get to move closer to the net and direct your shot. Not providing free motion with a stick is a reasonable compromise.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4860d ago
LORD-PHOENIX4862d ago (Edited 4862d ago )

kinect version-has character move assist basically semi-onrails
move- you control the person fully,this preview version fails to mention the fact that you can use the navigation controller as ive read in other previews

360 version good for grannies infants or people with no clue how to play video games,so may appeal to more consumers

ps3 version maybe better for core gamers

for me i hate motion controls so neither option appeals to me

king dong4861d ago

please, what is a "core" gamer?? im interested. perhaps you or one of the people who agreed could explain?

i have a ps3 360, i will not be buying move or kinetic, and i have no interest in tennis games..

does having both consoles make me a core gamer? or do i need to do something else in order to be admitted into this club? lol

pain777pas4861d ago

@King Dong

The definition of core gamer as I see it is a game that uses a controller for precised input. If a game does not have precised control it is deemed a casual experience. Some people like to just see something happen on screen like a child playing a dancing game. Gamers for the most part want complete control over their experience without hand holding. If you swing your hand at the bottom of a screen and the ball is at the top and the ball sails forward as if you hit the ball that is not precised control. There cannot be a random out come to actions and something has to happen when you make a command no matter what device you use as an input. If there is no immediacy the game is not up to a gamers standards and deemed laggy and broken. You can get used to laggy input but gamers will gravitate towards games that have responsive, intuitive and accurate controls.

king dong4861d ago

listen no offence, but what you wrote doesnt explain anything and just leaves me scratching my head.

i have re-read your comment four times and am non the wiser

RedRedSuitSDF4861d ago

What is this guy talking about? Kinect can't read wrist movements? WTF? Then tell me how am I putting spin on the ball in Ping Pong on my Kinect sports? How am I putting back spin on a soft drop shot? Putting front spin on a smash?

hazardman4861d ago

look at source of article. if your a Kinect fan, don't comment cause no one is gonna be on your side!!

All motion controllers SUCK!!

zootang4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )


The PS3 Move is 1:1 accurate and perfect for games like this a lot better to use a Move/Wii controller than using a thumb stick to control a racquet.

hazardman4861d ago

@ Zootang cool man..I mean I think that anything at the moment is gonna be better with move or wii-mote. IMO.. for us to really see KINECTs potential is with exclusive IPs from developers who are willing to take their time with the hardware. I just think multiplatform games are hampering Kinect development. I'm not a gaming tech geek, but I'm assuming that it would be easier to make the same motion game on Wii/PS3, than it would be on Kinect. I wish MS had put out something like Sony and Nintendo with some type of actual controller. I can't knock them for trying tho..its still a great tech, but something I would have rather seen down the road with the XBOX720, but anyway I just smoked a bowl and had to let my gaming opinion out..

sp1deynut4861d ago

"...Move controller will supposedly measure the twist and angle of your swing. This is not possible on the Kinect version. It's disappointing, but the Kinect hardware just can't track minute body motions like wrist rotation. "

COMPLETE BS....from a guy who OBVIOUSLY never played Kinect Sports.

Biggest4861d ago

Kinect Sports can't track wrist movement. It can track arm movement. Kinect can't keep up with both high speed arm movement and subtle wrist movement. The only reason the Move can do it is the motion technology in the controller.

Joni-Ice4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

He said its not possible in the game not generally meaning not in Virtua Tennis 4. You guy are not reading it right. Calm down.

despair4861d ago


actually having played kinect sports myself, it cannot track subtle or minute movements only larger more deliberate ones. Are you sure you played Kinect sports?

The bowling controls with arm movement and position but if you do slight twists of the wrist it does not register, same with table tennis. Those are the two I experimented with(and love both btw).

ksense4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

@midnighter your blind fanboyism makes you think you are doing all those things.

guitar_nerd_234861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )


if it can then why do you have to wave ur arm across the whole screen to add spin on bowling?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4861d ago
despair4861d ago

whats the point of pure tennis game where you can only rush the net, not control your actual movements. That sounds very boring to me, I mean its fine as one of a bundled minigame in Wii sports but as a stand alone that's a huge step back.

zootang4861d ago (Edited 4861d ago )

What, like Wii sports?

despair4861d ago

well which ever Wii game had the auto tennis movement where you only move the racket while the character moves for themselves.

Robearboy4861d ago

Interesting read,however with the Kienct version, the user could hold a proper Slazenger racket which kind of blows the whole opinion apart

eggbert4861d ago

the game is probably designed solely to recognize the hand, not some foreign object someone is holding.

Even if you held a racket, the kinect would still try track your HAND as the racket, or tell you to get rid of the racket because its messing with the motion tracking.

It'd be cool if they actually put the object scanning in that microsoft claimed they were gonna have though. But I really doubt that kind of technology is going to come from Virtua Tennis, if ever.

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ApocalypseShadow572d ago

Answer: Sega.

You could change the name of the game in the title that was awesome in its day, could still be around today because of its fun factor with a remake, remaster or sequel, that's in their huge back catalog, that's no longer being produced as a franchise. And the answer would still be the same: Sega.

As much as I love their games and their spunky attitude. That Sega no longer exists that I grew up with. The current company is a mere shadow of its former self with only a few moments of grandeur. Which is why owning their previous consoles like Dreamcast, is a necessary thing if you want to continue playing games like Virtua Tennis. The reason why I have two of them just in case one stops working. And of course emulation on the go. Wink. Dreams do come in red.

Terry_B571d ago

Virtua Tennis 3 and 4 didnt sell well. Thats all.

senorfartcushion571d ago

Both Virtua Tennis and Top Spin have gone. It’s annoying for tennis game players.

CBaoth571d ago (Edited 571d ago )

Yeah....all 5 of them. Obviously, game budgets now outweigh profit for what essentially boils down to Pong. I'm not talking about coders but licensing costs. Boxing, golf, etc...all fall in this category where real life athletes far supersede their worth in video games. Same thing occurred to Sony's Playstation All-stars. Sony spent 2 generations helping to cultivate all these 3rd party mascots into recognizable assets but when it came to license them for a game, they didn't want to pay the exorbitant fee. That game's 1 million sales didn't warrant a sequel and I very much doubt ANY tennis game could reach that sales plateau

senorfartcushion571d ago

It’s funny how you’re over the age of 3 and don’t know how to read properly 😅😅 Why the bizarre response?

Yi-Long571d ago

I couldn’t care less about licensing in a tennis or golf game. I don't need real-life players or locations/tournaments.

Just give me some fun cool characters, some courts/courses in varied gorgeous locations, and use the Virtua Tennis or Everybody’s Golf gameplay. That’s it.

ActualEngineer571d ago

I used to play tennis IRL and in videogames. My 2-cents is that a boring game that was simulating an extremely boring sport, was thrown under the rug, now that the devs can produce more complex and interesting games.

It's like the tetris-like games and games like space-invaders, that stopped being produced ... it is because they were good and simple to make in the early days of commercial videogame development but they are just not as interesting as, let's say, an open-world coop arpg ...


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