
TVGB: Two Worlds II Review

TVGB: "Two Worlds II makes a lousy first impression. The main menu screen is your customizable character standing in a grand room. That’s it. Prepare for adventure! Yes, there’s a cinematic that plays if you don’t press anything, but still, that’s one boring menu screen. Plus, my settings had to be altered on my 720p HDTV to make the inventory not get cut off on the side of the screen (Settings>Graphics>”Use safe area in interface”). A bit of a bother. Then I was asked to customize my character with a limited selection of hair, skin and facial options, and other “in-depth” customizations that were indiscernible due to the zoom level being pulled too far back to truly notice. Oh, and you’re a human male. No matter what. No female Shepard or playing as a giant lizard in this one. You’re a dude, dude, and a rather bland looking one at that."

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Viper74868d ago

//Well, in Two Worlds II the voice acting is hit or miss, with your main character being the worst by a large margin, and others being rather charming and often interesting.//

I liked the main characters va, its sometimes so bad that its actually good. But most what I liked about it was that the main character doesn't feel like some sort of white knight, and doesn't sound like a wimp when talking to criminals or other people with questionable morals. It's also very different from the usual protagonist va.


After Nine Years, Two Worlds II Gets Final Single-Player Expansion Next Month

Topware Interactive will deliver the final piece of single-player DLC for its 2010 RPG Two Worlds II early next month.

winter_hill1661d ago

I enjoyed this game on my X360, much better than the first one. Sucks we have to wait so long for TW3. I hope they port this game to PS4/X1 in the meantime, especially after all these updates and new expansions. Would certainly help build some hype for the third entry, at least a little.

rawshack1660d ago

Yes it's a very underrated games I'm all so hoping it gets port to ps4 one day

MadLad1659d ago

Guess they're officially done milking the only passable game they've released. They can always rename Raven's Cry again and pull a couple more sales from the unknowing public.


Two Worlds II Echoes of the Dark Past 2 Multiplayer Expansion Comes to PC Next Week - Screens

Two Worlds II offers adventurers the thrilling experience of a perilous and daring journey throughout a vast magical land. Rich in story, detail and content, 2W2 offers an array of unique approaches to classic game elements that push the envelope for the fantasy RPG genre.

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jznrpg2110d ago

Played this on PS3 it wasn’t bad for a B game but in no way did it “offer an array of unique approaches to classic game elements” and sure as hell didn’t push any envelopes. Why release this multiplayer so many years later ? They should re-release for this gen consoles for 19.99 with the updates

winter_hill2110d ago

I enjoyed this game, much better than the first one. With Two Worlds 3 coming next year, I would love to see a remaster of this on current gen.


Two Worlds II Now Has Microtransactions

You did read that title right, the game that was released in 2010 for Europe and 2011 for North America now has microtransactions thanks to a recent update by developer Topware Interactive.

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Telgou12541d ago

lol what ? i thought this 2010/2011 game was dead already and now they are adding micro transactions ?? at least as the article said they are adding dlcs.

MadLad2541d ago (Edited 2541d ago )

From the same people that provided me a review copy of Raven's Cry then, when I gave the game a 1 due to the fact I found it unfinished, threatened me with defamation (nothing ever happened there).
Then, when they re-released the game on Steam as "Vendetta" claimed everything was fixed (even though it wasn't broken in the first place, right), but then refused to give me code for the re-release.

That re-release sits at a highly negative status on Steam, with most claiming they can't even run the game.
Just saying.

TheColbertinator2541d ago

Raven's Cry was broken. Everything gaming shouldn't be.

MilkMan2541d ago

Huh? I thought this game was done and done?

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