
Kojima releases original design docs for MGS 2

Gamersmint: Ever wondered what it takes to make a MGS game? How a guy like Hideo Kojima goes around visualizing his next project?

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Batzi4892d ago

ya habibi ya Kojima! The best!

HolyOrangeCows4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

Kojima's design documents? I rike it!
My aspirations are to be a game designer one day...who better to learn from than Kojima?

Well, check out the document:
"Metal Gear Solid III
Written as MGSIII for short. The three Roman numerals symbolize the three tallest skyscrapers in
Manhattan, the setting for the game.
Instead of proceeding on to MGS2, as one might expect, we are making MGS3. The question in peoples’
minds, ‘Why is it 3 and not 2?’ will have a big impact."
LOL....obviously that idea didn't stick.


Theonik4892d ago

Probably realised how terrible that would have been for continuity.

Giant_Chibi4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

They ultimately scrapped the idea because of 9/11.

There was even going to be a battle that took place near the twin towers.

Theonik4891d ago

@Giant_Chibi I didn't know that. It actually makes sense!

rockleex4892d ago

I wanna see the designs for MGS3! >:D

xino4892d ago

this looks more like story bible than full game design doc:/

-Ninja Gaiden 3- is sick!:)

King-Leonidas4892d ago

its because ur tiny brain cant comprehend masterpieces like mgs2

visualb4892d ago

if you think thats a bible, you are still too immature for the real world son

most research, proposition, project plans in any company triples this

go read picture books come back when letters don't scare you

Foliage4892d ago

"triple" is an understatement, think 300-400 pages.

This looks like a basic early concept for a design push, the document itself isn't even in a state you can use it as a concept plan. It looks like a very basic early production overview.

Ducky4892d ago (Edited 4892d ago )

... Raiden was supposed to be appealing to women?

I did like the "We will not pursue cinematic visuals" part though. They focused on making the game fun, which is why I must've replayed the game over 20 times.

Though it seems their flowchart for the game got heavily modified. =/

... and Mantis mask sounds awesome.

Drano4892d ago

Only 20 times?! YOU'RE A DISGRACE! :P

Kon4892d ago

Man, this guy is a genius, i hope he lives forever.

4892d ago Replies(1)
NateCole4892d ago

He will. He has nano machines

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Rebel_Scum210d ago

I'd put Street Fighter 2 over 3. 2 and all its different versions dominated the arcade scene back in the day in a way that 3 never did.

Abear21210d ago

Agreed, Same with Metal Gear Solid imo. Came for Bioshock and was not disappointed. Would easily put Burger Time or Space Taxi over tempest. Also, OG Sim City and Oregon Trail. Mario 64 as well. Just too many!

Abear21210d ago

Never played it I gotta get on this one

Double_O_Revan209d ago

Me too. I didn't have a GC until way later and never played it. I've been waiting on Nintendo to release the HD edition on the Switch for forever, but they just won't!

FinalFantasyFanatic209d ago

I never bought a Gamecube, I've always had an urge to play this game, maybe it'll get a remaster in the future.

LoveSpuds209d ago

I played it on WiiU for the first time and it remains my fave Zelda game to date. So much character and a real sense of exploration without the open world bloat.

Petebloodyonion209d ago

Ms Pacman?
SSF2 Turbo over 3 simply by the 10000000000's ports of the game we're still having
Castlevania SOTN?
Zelda Link to the Past over Wind Waker
Super Mario Bros 3?
Chrono Trigger?
Resident evil4?
COD MW2 (the original)?
Uncharted 2
Metal Gear Solid?

Here's my reasoning for all of them versus the list proposed in the article.
They are still quite enjoyable from start to finish on their original platform, unlike some Wind Waker or Okami that are fun when you play the remastered version (unless you call: forced to watch a 20-minute cutscene or have to blow for wind chance constantly fun).
Some of them are the pinnacle of what the console could do (MGS, Chrono, MGS)
Lots of them are still considered the go-to-go game for their genre.

Shane Kim209d ago

Said it before but Heart of Darkness is truly a timeless gem.

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mskaline317d ago

alot of great memories here : )