
New Xperia Play (PSPhone) specs and photos leaked

We have heard a rumored specifications of Sony Ericsson Xperia Play (or simply PSPhone) a long time ago, but now we got much more accurate technical data and some high quality pictures from chinese website IT168.

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Matthew944895d ago

so it really is just a phone, when will we hear about psp2?

SandWitch4895d ago

Let's hope as soon as possible :D I wish to see PSP2 faster too

IRetrouk4895d ago

i will probs buy it, depending on price and launch games, also looking forward to psp2, hope we dont have to wait long for info, maybe even a leak like the slim?

sinncross4895d ago

Of course its just a phone.. its made by Sony Erickson not Sony Playstation.

Muffins12234895d ago

Its basicly a iphone with controlls,but the iphone 4g can run unreal engine 3's graphcs,look up infinity blade for iphone,it shows iphones power

VINNIEPAZ4895d ago

"Its basicly a iphone with controlls,but the iphone 4g can run unreal engine 3's graphcs,look up infinity blade for iphone,it shows iphones power"

WOW Could you have said iphone in that sentence anymore?

kneon4895d ago

But the controls are the whole point. Most smartphones today can run some preety good looking games, but the controls usually suck for anything beyond casual games.

Muffins12234895d ago

wow fuckin really,2 disagrees? How the fuck can you disagree with that?????Its a iphone with controls i dont care if you dont want to think that or not.Its true. Fuckin stupid idiot fanboys

blumatt4895d ago

I was hoping Sony would've gone the iTouch/iPhone route where there would be a PSP2 and then a PSP2 that was also a phone. Would be cool. Oh well, here's to hoping the PSP2 at least has 3G capability so we can buy internet like the iPad where you buy it a few months at a time, instead of a contract. Then we could use Skype on the PSP2 and it would still pretty much be a phone.

nevin14895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Last year I remembered Nintendo toying around with 3G for 3DS. Well iit looks like that didn't happen for obvious reasons such as price and battery life.. No question about it that the next step in handheld gaming is having access to the internet where ever you go.. I would be surprised if Sony includes 3G/4G in PSP2 then wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo comes out with a new 3DS model that has 3G/4G capability.

Lord_Doggington4895d ago

why are people not considering this to be the next psp? there's a gaming controller built into the thing...why wouldn't you assume it's a gaming device/phone?

why would sony make a competing handheld device within their own company... ??

Billy_Dee_Williams4894d ago

It is not the next psp because it is not. It is a cell phone.

Lord_Doggington4894d ago

then sony is doing a great job in dividing their constituent. don't half do one thing then do another...

if you're going to have a gaming device, have a GAMING device. a gaming controller on a cell phone will only confuse the consumer

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4894d ago
Stealth20k4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Well people need to stop calling it the pspphone

Its a sony ericson smart phone which borrows things from the playstation brand but really has nothing to do with it itself.

The psp2 cant come soon enough, but I want original games and not ports over and over.

KiasuKiasiMan4895d ago (Edited 4895d ago )

Ummm, how did this get through? Its almost an exact replica of this earlier Kotaku article.


which was derived from this Engadget article that was already posted on N4G


silvacrest4895d ago

this same news has been rehashed at least 4 times already and has already been on the front page more then once

off topic, since stealth likes to repeat him self in every related thread with zero proof im gonna do the same, this is the playstation phone, it is affiliated with the playstation brand (this is actually true if you look at recent vids) and i dont no why more people dont call this the playstation phone....lol

skrug4895d ago

I summited the very first one from engadget. wanted to report the other ones, but i didnt have 3 approved submition...

and it only got 40 degree


Masterchef20074895d ago

the hardware seems pretty powerful i am expecting gamecube like graphics to come from this thing

BYE4895d ago

It's called Sony Ericsson Xperia Play and runs Android...

So what does it have to do with Playstation, does it play PSP games? Can you access PSN with it? If not, WHAT'S THE POINT?

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The 5 Weirdest Sony Devices

"I talk about the 5 weirdest Sony PlayStation devices. From weird business choices, to just weird in general! What devices from Sony do you think are the weirdest? Do you agree with us?" -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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LaWiiG3184d ago

I think the PSP was weird in itself. I mean the tech was cool and all with the UmD, but Sony often pushes its own media with their consoles and doesn't always find success. The memory stick duo was and is expensive as hell.

brettnll3184d ago

I agree. What a weird idea lol. Seems like they were mainly just trying to be unique.

parentsbasement3184d ago

I wouldn't call any of that "weird"....the book thing maybe...

brettnll3184d ago

It's not always the device that's the weird part. Could also be the timing (PSP Go) and the lack of marketing (PSTV). Makes you really wonder what was the point of following through with releasing these things. Xperia phone could have been something special, then Sony didn't fully support it. WHY!? lol. Just weird.

Wonderbook is weird, but that easy platinum though!

WitWolfy3184d ago

I cant get over this dudes comb over.

brettnll3184d ago

Comb over? Never heard that before lol =]

dkrusen873183d ago

I used to own a psp..first 1000 then 2000 then 3000 then after that I had a psp go and then I finally got a ps vita brand new..then lost that and the later in the year or month got a new used version of the Vita...so the journey has been really out there for me for the systems I used to own..all of them were great in there own special way..


The Most Hardcore Android Phones 2014

Whether you’re hunting down the perfect phone for the hardcore gamer in your life or looking to treat yourself to an upgrade, the time has never been better. At present, there is a wealth of great options out there, especially for folks looking to play state of the art games on their smart phone. The following ten phones carry Hardcore Droid’s vaunted nod of approval for being the most hardcore Android phones for gaming on the go. If you are shopping for a phone for mobile gamer, you’ve come to the right place as any one of these bad boys is guaranteed to put a smile on the face of the most hardened, hardcore mobile gamer. If, on the other hand, you are just looking for a phone that stands out from the pack, and allows you to enjoy the best high-end mobile games in existence, you have also come to the right place as what follows is a list of the Most Hardcore Android phones of 2014.

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The Top 8 Android Phones of 2013 | The Hardcore Gamer’s Guide to Android Phones

Even as the power of mobile devices is outpacing Moore’s Law, and graphics power seems to double every year, it’s a sad fact that phones simply aren’t marketed toward gamers. Walk into a phone store and ask a rep about a phone’s CPU. If you’re lucky, they might tell you how many cores it has, but getting a real idea about a phone’s performance is going to require some independent research. Even then, not everything is equal. Chips grouped under the same family are sometimes radically different on the inside, and even a savvy shopper might be surprised to find his phone comes up short. We’re here to cut through the nonsense and give you some straight talk about which phones are best when games matter most.

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rluttrell3906d ago

For anyone using iOS, I suggest you try the stock android experience offered with the nexus 4. I used to prefer iOS but android has more customization and very recently competitive build quality.