
CVG gives 8.8/10 to Forever Blue - Console psychotherapy, totally brilliant

Swim lazily over coral reefs, admiring the fish and listening to the soothing/annoying sounds of Hayley Westenra, the Kiwi Charlotte Church. If that's your idea of a good time, then welcome to your New Best Game Ever. If not, have a word with yourself and come back with an attitude readjustment, because you need to forget any preconceptions you may have had. Forever Blue is console psychotherapy, and it's totally brilliant.

It's also a proper game, believe it or not, with missions and objectives. That there's a complete lack of challenge in any of it only adds to its supremely relaxing nature, but you do get a feeling of accomplishment after acing another task or finding a particularly pretty sort of fish.

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Vizion266107d ago (Edited 6107d ago )

I think the game has a novel concept and looks like a lot of fun. But I am sure many of the Wii-haters who happen to frequent this site will bash it for not being "hardcore" enough. As if a game has to be "hardcore" to be fun.

Feihc Retsam6107d ago

It would be a nice way to unwind after a hectic gaming session of Attack & Defend in Rainbow Six: Vegas...

The only drawback I noticed were the mediocre visuals, but I have a feeling the type of person who would really get into this isn't necessarily a graphics whore.

I'm afraid my viewpoint has been jaded due to some of the eye popping visuals that are now out on the Xbox 360 and PS3. I'd love to see an iteration of this title for one of those powerhouses.

madmike6107d ago


TnS6107d ago

And he gave 8.8/10 to it. Not bad. :)

kn6107d ago

Will love this title. I'll bring it home as a surprise and I know it will be well-received. Anyone who enjoys Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Sims, and the like will probably thoroughly enjoy this title.

ItsDubC6107d ago

This game is slowly turning out to be the sleeper hit for 2007. Famitsu scored it high and now CVG has scored it high as well. I'm still not sure whether I'd like this type of game but if others are enjoying it, I may give it a shot.

Darkiewonder6107d ago

Famitsu score wasn't great. Last I heard the Japanese Version or some version was half broke.

But anywhos, Hope the American Version gets tweaked and fixed so it'll be worth playing for more than 10 minutes [hahaha. I didn't say 5 ;P]

ItsDubC6107d ago

Famitsu collectively gave Forever Blue a 35/40 and ya, a major bug was discovered in the game after its release. It went through a recall and the bug has since been fixed.


"On August 10, 2007, Nintendo issued a recall of the game in Japan after a major bug was found in copies of the game released on August 2, 2007. Nintendo have re-released the game in Japan with the bug removed. The bug caused the screen to go blank and caused the console to freeze as soon as you put in one or more bowmouth guitarfish in the Aquarium, in which you can reexamine your categorized underwater creatures. The exploration mode is not affected by this bug."

Darkiewonder6107d ago

Ah, then I must have remembered a different game that scored low.

Oh wait. Now I remember. that was Escape to Bug Island :D

Feihc Retsam6107d ago

@Darkiewonder - Escape to Bug Island!??? Never heard of it... but it sounds hilariously lame

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6 Great Educational Games For Adults

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Top 5 Underwater Games

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Drive-By-Stabba3614d ago

Best. Dolphin. Impression. Ever. XD

mr-phillips3614d ago

Great list, honourable Leviathan DLC Mass Effect 3

3614d ago

5 Most Cheerful Games

Scared of the Dark? Terrified of tarantulas? Despise thin men in suits? It’s safe to say that horror gaming isn’t for everyone. In fact, aside from the occasional dare, few people really dabble with scary games. As if horror movies weren’t bad enough, titles like Slender, SCP Containment Breach and Silent Hill force players to experience shocks and scares only possible from an interactive medium. For those who prefer hugs and kisses over stalkings and screamings, Halloween is typically a pretty unpleasant affair. So what better time to take a look at some of the most calming, peaceful and cheerful games available right now. Snuggle up in bed, grab your collection of teddy bears and put on some whale sounds, let’s chill out and dig in.

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MazzingerZ3866d ago (Edited 3866d ago )

Flower was actually very dark in parts, I wish they made it a little bit "happier" but I understan the ecological theme...anyway, my daughters stopped playing it when it turned dark, they lost interest even when I told them it would get cheerful again after certain parts. Kids are a tough audience :)

WeAreLegion3866d ago

Um... What?!?

Loco Roco is the most cheerful game and it's not on the list!

Journey is not cheerful. Endless Ocean can be cheerful at times, but the pacing is just too slow. :/ Flower is cheerful during the first few levels, but then takes a dark turn.

You're missing:

- Secret of the Magic Crystals (It's a freaking unicorn game)
- LittleBigPlanet
- Free Realms
- Katamari (Any of them)