
Witcher 2's insane difficulty revealed

CD Projekt RED's single-player RPG, The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings, is going to include a particularly challenging (make that 'incredibly difficult') play mode. The development studio said it plans to incorporate an 'insane' difficulty mode for their role-playing game. More after the break.

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pangitkqb4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

I can't wait for the Witcher 2. The original was awesome in so many ways and this looks to be an improvement and progression.

And that type of game-loss, as a punishment for death, does sound insane.

Christopher4912d ago

Insane sounds awesome, but it's easily bypassed by backing up one's saves on an external location. You can set-up a backup utility to detect updates to a file and back them up in real-time to another location. So, you could store all your saves out of the standard folder and when you die, you just move the old and unlocked saves back over to play them however you want.

Sorry, don't mean to be negative, just kind of the reality of it.

Depending on how the gameplay is, I might try this out. Not likely I'll finish the game with this mode on, but might be some fun while it lasts.

eggbert4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

Kind of defeats the purpose of even choosing insane then...

Also, what is this game like? I keep meaning to get into it, but I never do.

RedDead4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

eggbert, from what I saw in a gameplay vid yesterday, a cross between demons souls, Dragon age and a open world game. It went from no knowlege on the game at all from the vid to preordered haha

Edit---And here it is http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Substance101 gets the credit for showing me.

soundslike4912d ago

but it is still a hurdle to back up the save, I doubt anyone interested in this mode would cheat like that unless all they were actually interested in is lying to their friends about it or a trophy or whatever. Either of which are skeezy and people who would do it should take a look at why the hell they actually play videogames and/or kill themselves.

CrzyFooL4912d ago

I never died in The Witcher - bring it on!!

morganfell4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

The devs are a great bunch of guys and answer board questions all the time. I already preordered my Collector's Edition from the UK because there is still no word if the US version will be censored again.

But even the people that buy the basic version of the title get a hell of a lot for $49. Old fashioned value. Look at this:

You just don't see that kind of thing much anymore.

The second trailer is on youtube as well that shows the full collector's edition but N4G is restricting us to one link.

here is second vid that follows the one below that shows the Collectors: youtube.com/watch?v=zepJE-Eop 7o

Dac2u4912d ago

Amazing, a dev actually providing extra content for free!? I hope they rub off on some other companies. I guess I'll have to pre-order to support them.

Letros4912d ago

LMAO, that is an awesome difficulty mode, would drastically change the play experience, and up the adrenaline, probably the rage too.

pr0digyZA4912d ago (Edited 4912d ago )

Wow that is intense a bit like X3:the threat.Taking difficulty inspiration from Demon souls is also an awesome thing for them to do, glad they enjoyed it.And the importing of save games is gonna be a pain for me because I got a new computer, guess it's time to replay the first game for the sequel. At least this will have difficulty modes though so that the new players won't cry.

jack_burt0n4912d ago

they have been playing alot of demons souls for sure.

marioPSUC4912d ago

Glad to see there are still games being made that are trying to be extremely challenging. This game and Demon souls are really the only games lately that have a hard difficulty that isnt just BS.

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Xbox Store Kicks Off Shocktober & Publisher Spotlight Series Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just launched two new digital game sales that heavily discount various Shocktober games, games from popular publishers, as well as Xbox 360 games that are backward compatible with Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One right now!"

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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 10 Years of CDPR on Console

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition debuted on Xbox 360 10 years ago, laying the foundations of CDPR's console releases.

kevco33775d ago

10 years and I'm not sure they've done anything better since...

pietro1212775d ago

I take the Witcher 3 over part 2, but Cyberpunk was a disappointment. God I hated Johnny Silverhand so much.


Xbox Black Friday Game Sale 2021 Starts Now

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale ahead of PSN, featuring tons of recently released, AAA, and indie games with huge savings for Xbox gamers right now!"

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prophecy926d ago

Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale -ahead of PSN- - Did they get kickbacks for saying this?

Here is a link to PlayStation Indies -1349 items

Here is a link to November Savings - 590 items

Here is a link to the Under $20 sale - 230 items

PlayStation's Black Friday sale starts tomorrow with hundreds more games.

It's kind of a joke to act like xbox is EVER beating Sony to a sale. Sony always has 3-4 sales going on with thousands of games. PSN having 1000+ games is just another Tuesday on PlayStation.

DJStotty925d ago

Relax, it is just an xbox black friday sale....

prophecy925d ago

Listen, this site decided to make it a competition. Why don't you ask them why they needed to add that part about PSN.

DJStotty925d ago


The same reason if it was the other way around, it would be worded "PSN black friday game sale starts now before XBL"

Nothing in it, just stating one has started before the other, if this kind of thing triggers this kind of reaction, speak to someone.

prophecy925d ago

I have never seen a PSN sale article that mentioned anything about xbl, much less made it seem like any type of competition.



Livingthedream925d ago

PROPHECY just took fanboyism to a different level. SMH seems like some people are insecure about their console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 925d ago
Chris12925d ago

Not everything in life is a conspiracy. Chill out........

DaveZero925d ago (Edited 925d ago )

Agreed sometimes fanboys just need to stop because there is nothing going on to support fanboynonsense.

Do not know why people just cant enjoy games and have to ensure all sorts of cracked up conspiracy drama.

Gaming4Life1981925d ago

Chill and just buy all the games you want that's on sale. All consoles will have a black friday sale.

BenRC01925d ago

Omg dude, you'll get some aaa games soon I promise! Let xbox have its month in the sun.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 925d ago
BrainSyphoned925d ago

Thanks but my rental service is all I need on Xbox. Like the other article states if I want to buy a game to keep it is physical on PS.

CBaoth925d ago

Yep. Buy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party on PS, double dip on 3rd party PC, buy occasional 1st party on Nintendo, and rent on Xbox. I'll never buy another game from MS since it's apparent developers get paid quite handsomely off GP contracts according to Xbox fans here

Father__Merrin925d ago

There's no need for them to say ahead of PSN they have done so due to paid shilz nothing more