
Tales of Xillia for PS3 Official Site Opens, Trailer Revealed

Namco Bandai has Opened the Official Site for Tales of Xillia, Opening it with a new trailer revealing it's Gameplay. Xillia will have two main characters, a first for the series. The male main character is Shuto Matis and The female main character is Mira Maxwell. It's Stated to Release for PS3 in 2011.

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VsAssassin4917d ago

I liked the trailer. I was about to post this story. Guess I need faster hands! :D

disturbing_flame4917d ago

Now if NAMCO can move its arse a localize games in occident, it would be cool.

Game-ur4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )


Look at it just look at it. Look at what a Tales game made for the PS3 looks like. XD

-Main character looks like the confidant type and not the clueless whiny or angsty kind we get in most JRPGs.

-battle system looks to improve with dynamic combo attacks.

Do any of the Japanese savy here know if it’s the same team that did Vespariea?

bakasora4917d ago

Inform me only when its coming to NA

I_find_it_funny4917d ago

who cares, not like Japanese folks are reading n4g, right?

Igneel4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

Whiny main characters like most rpgs? Vesperia dint have a Whiny main characters. FFXIII dint havea whiny main character. RoF dint have a whiny main character. Eternal sonata dint have a whiny Main characters. Folklore dint have a Whiny Main character. I'm not too sure what games you're talking about exactly.

Redempteur4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )


First most tales of don't have whinny Main characters.
the only whinny main characters are senel ( legendia ) and luke ( abyss ).
(And luke had a fairly good reason to whine all the time )

Second The battle system seems like an improved mecanics of Tales of graces ( a trends that seems to work as they gave us faster and more technical Battle system ever since)

Both team destiny and team vesperia did this title .. this has been know for ages Out of the 2 they just had to choose a character designer ..that's all

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4917d ago
Xwow20084917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

i really like the art style for it and i hope the english version will come at 2011 :)

vanquisher4917d ago

If Namco don’t bring this over then I will get a PS3JB just for this, the tales of graces translators are looking into the PS3 version if they succeed I'm sure they will try do TOX

xXxSeTTriPxXx4917d ago

plz let this come to the states...still hoping for tales of graces f.

syrion4917d ago

tales of vesperia
tales of graces f
and now tales of xillia
when namco will bring and localize this 3 tales game ????
DAMN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pokemone_Dawn64917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

they won't namco just wants you to buy games like pac man dragon ball and naruto and if you don't like them games then there saying to bad your not geting the tales series no matter how much you beg us after 5 months and we still dont have any infomation on tales of graces f just get the tales series out your head none of them will come..

Edit: oh a disagree how can i be wrong have you seen any tales game?no have you seen pac man and dragnon ball and naruto?yes you know im right disagreeing with me won't make namco bring tales over here just face the facts..

xskipperx824917d ago

Vesperia was localized. its called a 360

xskipperx824917d ago

how can you disagree with that? that makes no sense!

baker_boi4917d ago

Cause the PS3 version had all those extra goodies.

Why would a PS3 owner want the version with less content on the platform they may not own?

Redempteur4917d ago

The 360 of vesperia missed the alfried QUests, 2 characters and plenty of bosses and events . i cannot agree with a unfinished job.

GameOn4917d ago

Meh. Vesperia felt more complete than almost any other game out there. You say its missing a bit of coontent well I say the PS3 version is missing the english language.

I know what a non japanese talking tales fan should do. Even if it is just for 1 title.

Redempteur4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

Well i bought tales of destiny 2 ( PS2 ),
Tales of rebirth ( PS2 )
Tales of the world 1 &2 ( psp )
Tales of vesperia (PS3 )

and i enjoyed them all ..
( those are all in japanese version )

i'm pretty sure i'm a tales of fan.
PS: Yeah all of them are finished (+90%)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4917d ago
Kurisu4917d ago

Maybe they'll release them all as a Collection on one Blu Ray :O

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4917d ago
clintos594917d ago

They need to bring this to the US man bandai taking ya sweet azz time, geez come on already.

xXxSeTTriPxXx4917d ago (Edited 4917d ago )

i feel betrayed, i'm a huge tales of fan (tales of the abyss being my favorite)i don't care if it's english subbed i'll still buy it.i've played vesperia on the 360 i just want graces f.

luke fon fabre:I don't even have a past to lose. But I've still decided that I'm "me". It doesn't matter what you think. Here I am. If that's the source of the strength you're talking about, then "I WON'T LOSE"!

ash:[swings his sword] Well said. I will make those words YOUR LAST, REPLICCCAAAAAAAAA!

damn i love that game.

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Beloved Tales Of Character Designer Mutsumi Inomata Has Passed Away

Today it was announced that the gaming and anime industry has lost another beloved artist and creator. Mutsumi Inomata has passed away.

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banger8875d ago

The Tales Of series are some of the best RPGs I've ever played, and the characters are a big reason for that. I don't think I played a single game in the series that I didn't enjoy. Rest in peace.

Snookies1275d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Damn, that sucks to hear... His designs were always wonderful.

H975d ago

RIP, sheade some great designs, man it's one after the other this year

FinalFantasyFanatic74d ago

We're 3 months into the year and I feel like we're taking nothing but L's.

autobotdan75d ago

Wow she was the character designer for Tales of Destiny one of my favorites of all time =(

scorpio_204975d ago

I love the Tales games. Phantasia will always be my favorite. Ironically I felt like as the series progressed the character design became too “anime cliche.”

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The 10 Best Games in the Tales Series

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PhoenixUp1764d ago

I’ve been hooked on the series ever since playing Tales of Xillia

jznrpg1764d ago

I hope they remaster or port a lot of the older games of the series to PS4/PS5

Immagaiden1764d ago

“Tales series is considered one of the top three Japanese RPG series next to RPG giants like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.”

How you gonna talk about the top three JRPG franchises and not mention Pokémon, the top selling series in the genre?

This is how the top JRPG series stack up

1. Pokémon - 340M
2. Final Fantasy - 144M
3. Dragon Quest - 78M
4. Monster Hunter - 52M
5. Kingdom Hearts - 30M
6. Souls - 25M
7. Tales of - 20M