
10 Awesome Motion-Based Alternatives to the Xbox 360 Kinect

EX: "With the holiday season fast approaching, getting your hands on Microsoft's motion-sensing peripheral isn't going to be easy."

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poopnscoop4942d ago ShowReplies(8)
dale14942d ago

kineckt available all over the uk bundles and game deals, move still sold out crazy don,t know what sonys doing

vhero4942d ago

Neither is sold out in UK.. Though to be fair I aint looked in shops for Move but online both have plenty of stock and i see plenty of Kinect cams in stores.

Droid Smasha4942d ago

move is out already?

did sony tell anyone?

trancefreak4942d ago (Edited 4942d ago )

Ya the king of gaming Kevin butler plastered are tv sets with plenty of ads while you were dreaming of milo being real.

seinfan4942d ago

#1 alternative: don't get a motion device.

thebudgetgamer4942d ago

i have the only motion device i need. it's called, the dualshock 3.

clrlite4942d ago (Edited 4942d ago )

Move is selling well. In fact the $50 dollar controller is selling for over $68 on amazon (US btw and there's an obvious demand for it). The Move bundle is actually sitting right next to kinict at about #28 and it didn't have a big marketing campaign (not yet anyway) http://www.amazon.com/gp/be...

BTW: GT5 is #3 on bestsellers and rising. Glad I have mine preordered ahahahahaha (now i have to find a wheel...)

LoL @ poops "just because he's asian." comment. Fix yourself now dood, you may still have a chance.

Edit: I have a Move and it is AMAZING. I really hope it's potential is fully realized. It will make for some mind blowing experiences if it is.

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The 7 Best Rare Games: A Pioneering Legacy

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darthv7274d ago

I was always a fan of Cobra Triangle.


Goldeneye 007 deserves better than its fate on Xbox Game Pass

As Microsoft takes popular Xbox exclusives to other consoles, James Bond FPS Goldeneye 007 should get similar treatment on PS5.

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Jingsing84d ago

Maybe it is time to just let Goldeneye go. People keep e-begging for this game and it came back in various iterations; remastered and original and in the end it was just meh. The game was a product of its time like Perfect Dark and Timesplitters.

Father__Merrin84d ago

It's from a bygone era that was good at the time but is pants now. Same with turok.

NotoriousWhiz83d ago

Whoa whoa whoa. Turok still holds up great.

YourMommySpoils84d ago

Isn't that like considering every other game too.

P_Bomb84d ago

When in doubt, port it out.

jznrpg83d ago

The game was a lot of fun for its time but damn that was a long time ago.

anast83d ago

There are better shooters now and better worlds.

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