
Edge's latest 10/10 review score goes to....

Getting a 10/10 review score from Edge is no easy task.

However, Harmonix's Rock Band 3 has managed what so few can and impressed the maestros enough to receive a perfect mark.

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Cloudberry4944d ago

But I look at the article's tags.

"Rock Band 3?"

Chubear4943d ago

Editorial reviews this gen mean absolutely nothing. It's all just anywho kinda rubbish.

Immortal3214943d ago

This gen is absolutely rubbish. the reviews are double standard, and never really tell you why the game gets this score.

when they review a ps3 game they compare them to something, while a 360 game get a review in it's own light.

a 360/multiplat game:8.5 why because, the game itself is blah blah blah and is well presented, this game is a definite buy.

a ps3 game:8.5 why because, it looks better than, sounds better than, blah blah blah something than (x)tittle game.

They review a 360/multiplat game like they reviewing a ps2,xbox,gamecube game.

Immortal3214943d ago (Edited 4943d ago )

let's be real here, a 360/multiplat game is not on the same scale as a ps3 game.

if a 360/multiplat game gets a 9.5, it's just a high score, if a ps3 game gets a 9.5, it's a multi-award-winning game.

obviously there is something wrong here. If rock band 3 gets a review on a ps3 scale, or reviewed as a ps3 exclusive, it'll probably be a 5.5 out of 10.

Coogi4943d ago

@Immortal321 are you fraking kidding me? Just because a game was only on ps3 does it make it an auto-good game...you're such a fanboy and being bias as hell, that makes no sense at all. There are PLENTY of PS3 games that sucked same for 360, it doesn't matter WHAT system it came out for at all, you're logic is pathetic and makes no sense at all.

Immortal3214943d ago

you got voices in your head man, get thatshit checked out.

Who isn't biased? I'm not stupid, I know games on different platforms are not on the same scale. The more that knows, the better.

If rockband 3 get a review on a 360 scale, or reviewed as a 360 exclusive, it would receive 7.3/10.

sinclaircrown4943d ago

Calm down Cooter. His point is correct and very valid.

Why review a 360 game with the same standards as a PS3 game? Why review a PS3 game with the same standards of the 360? Or Wii?

A game reviewed based on what it does compared to what the console can do is how it should be done. If that means different scores on different doors, then so be it.

Quit ya complaining and do what your supposed to do with games. PLAY them. Screw review scores. I know what types of games I enjoy, and if I buy one that scored high, but I think sucks, oh well.. no biggy.

captain-obvious4943d ago

i wonder how much did EA paid them this time

antz11044943d ago

Gotta admit, after reading the setlist in the link below I am not impressed. The 00's aren't that good, the 90's/80's/and 70's are solid but some songs are too mellow to play in a rock game and I've played alot of them before in installments of Guitar Hero. I think for the $60 pricetag for a new copy I could find more on the Rockband Store I want and use my copy of 2. Personal choice though.


Blaine4943d ago


You COMPLETELY misinterpreted what Immortal was saying.

His point: that PS3 games are judged much, much harsher than 360/multiplat games.

What you read: that PS3 games are all better than 360/multiplat games.

Learn to comprehend before you freak out and dish out words like "fanboy"--especially since your own response reeks of fanboy insecurity.

OneSneakyMofo4943d ago

Reviewers just look at the PS3 with a higher quality of standards. The 360 is like the girl who gets around town with everyone and charges cheap prices for different things she can do, whereas the PS3 is sophisticated, classy, has nice TnA, and gives it to you for free because she understands where you're coming from. The Wii is the 12 year old girl who's confused if she wants to be a teenager or a kid.

creatchee4943d ago

As a hardcore Rock Band/Guitar Hero player, I can say that this review is an absolute joke. The game has a setlist full of repeats, charts that aren't fun to play, features missing from previous iterations (score duel and breakneck speed in practice), and difficult to see note highways that can literally cause eye pains from the transparency and blinding lighting effects.

Just look at the Rock Band side of Scorehero forums. There's a "Complaints about Rock Band 3" thread that is about 70 pages long. All but the stodgiest Harmonix fanboys are not thrilled with the game.

Bottom line: it's not even as good as Rock Band 1 or 2 let alone worth a score of a 10.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4943d ago
antz11044943d ago

I was expecting it to be about AC:Brotherhood from what I've heard.

Well that came outta nowhere.

dredgewalker4943d ago

I've gotten Rockband 3 and I don't think it deserves a 10 specially coming from a site like EDGE!?! WTF are these guys smoking? A lot of great games got reviewed by them and got average scores while RB3 which isn't much of an improvement to RB2 gets a 10? I rely on reviews to give me a good reason to avoid or buy a game so I won't waste my money and yet reviews these days are getting so unreliable!

Highlife4943d ago

It is better than RB2 but it is not a 10. The set list is a huge let down. It is called ROCK band I don't know where they get some of these songs.

TheLastGuardian4943d ago

Well highlife that's because you don't know what good music is.

Bob marley, David Bowie, Def Leppard, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ozzy Ozzbourne, The Police, Queen, The Ramones, Steve Miller Band, Tom Petty, White Snake, The White Stripes, The Who and more.

No setlist is perfect but I say This is the best setlist in a music game yet.

Highlife4943d ago

Since you know what good music is and I don't I guess these are great too.

Amy Winehouse, Beach Boys,The B-52's - "Rock Lobster",Roxette,Maná ;,Phish,Swingin' Utters,Tokio Hotel ,Juanes, The Ravonettes, and so on

Just cause I say It is a let down for me doesn't mean that I don't know good music. Didn't say that all the songs are bad.

antz11044943d ago

I love Bob Marley but I dont want to play him on RB. Too mellow by far to rock out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4943d ago
TheLastGuardian4943d ago (Edited 4943d ago )

Make whatever excuses you want but everyone is giving Rock Band 3 great scores. It's one of the most critically acclaimed games of the year like it or not. I don't care if you guys don't like music games because I do and Rock Band 3 is amazing.

Review scores should be given depending on how well the game accomplished what it set out to do. Harmonix set out to make the greatest music game to date and they accomplished that and more. The only people who are complaining about the game are the ones who don't like the setlist. I happen to love the setlist and I'm very happy I bought the keyboard.

nix4943d ago (Edited 4943d ago )

i think almost every gamer thinks the game is crap n boring compared to others so hey!

so just bcoz the reviewers think it is great does not mean everyone has to like it.

dredgewalker4943d ago

Ah yes the added keyboard is a good reason for RB3 to get a 10. I love Rock Band to be honest but it's not a huge improvement over RB2 to deserve a perfect score. How can I not express my opinion when I bought the game and own the previous installments?

monkeyfox4943d ago

I agree with TLG - Also Harmonix have come so far and have not ever received the proper recognition for what they do. Frequency, Amplitude and the original Guitar Hero were ground breaking titles and changed the industry for the better.. From what i have seen of RB3 they have finally nailed the formula, the game looks polished and the new more precise peripherals look like a lot of fun. And thats what gamings about boys and girls..

BrianB4943d ago

recently these guys have been throwing out perfect 10's like condoms in a clinic

vhero4943d ago

A sad, sad day in the world of gaming that a simple game with plastic toys can get a 10/10...

FriedGoat4943d ago

if you had any knowledge you'd realise its Not plastic toys anymore. You play the real instrument. wether its the new fender hybrid or midi keyboards.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4943d ago
NeoBasch4943d ago

Rock Band 3 is an amazing game, but, I agree, I would sooner award the 10 to games like Mass Effect 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, and Bayonetta. Those, to me, our revolutionary games. Not only that, but their presentation was absolutely phenomenal: cinematic.

While it's not fair to compare RB3 in the same light, I still feel there could be much more done with touring, band customization, more support for Pro mode on older DLC, and social networking. I'm sure, if there will be a Rock Band 4, that is what they'll capitalize on. I'll reserve my 10 'til then.

Scarfy4943d ago

Edge DID give Bayonetta 10/10. Undeservedly so, in my humble opinion.

Theonik4943d ago

I don't think there will be a Rockband 4 any time soon. RB3 did badly commercially as did the new GH. Harmonix is being sold off now.

danielle0074943d ago

It was very much deserved.

jessupj4943d ago

.... and watch GT5 get an 8/10.

None of us will be surprised when it happens, but some of us will still wish those childish fanboys would stop reviewing games since they obviously have no objectibility or professionalism what so ever.

kaixxi4943d ago

rock band 3 is good but is no way a frickin 10

Sackdude4943d ago

Its just copy paste from he old games.

i think they don't know nothing about games.

TheLastGuardian4943d ago (Edited 4943d ago )

Oh yea, cuz you can totally play keyboards, pro guitar, pro drums, pro bass, and harmonies in the old games /s. Theres tons of new stuff. This is the best setlist yet. The psychedelic stage shows are incredible. Why do you guys have to make up excuses as to why this reviewer gave this game a 10? It's his opinion so he must've thought the game deserved it. Why did I even waste a bubble on you? I think you don't know nothing about grammar.

Redempteur4943d ago

the song management is perfect ..s o is the campaign more ( that integrate dlc now making it the most diverse you can get )

now like the Pro mode is something you see in a game every day ..and that the learning curve and replay value are endless ...

so yep ..copy and paste /s

Valkyre4943d ago

retarded as always... edge never disappoints!

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Looking Back to 2010 and Rock Band 3 - the First Death of Rock Band

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10 Games With Achievements & Trophies You Won't Get This Lifetime

Joe Y writes: With server closures, glitches, and broken patches, many games have unobtainable achievements and trophies. Here are the top 10 you can't 100% anymore.

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darthv722011d ago

"It sounds simple enough, but due to the expiration of licenses, one of the four songs, Promised Land by Vesuvius, is no longer available to download. If you previously had it downloaded, it will *not* be taken away, so you'll still be able to grab this one."

Well damn it. I really dig that song from The Rocker and I did not know it was in RB3. I stopped playing after RB2.

franwex2011d ago

Online achievement/trophies are dumb. I’m not sure why they still include them. I recall the modern warfare games were applauded for not including them.
Unless the game is an online only game because what choice is there at that point.

Skankinruby2011d ago

Uhm trophies are fantastic, they give you real reason to keep playing a game after you beat it

Christopher2011d ago

If you need trophies to keep playing a game after you beat it, then is the game worth playing any further? It's imaginary points, not better gaming. Good games will be replayed regardless of imaginary points.

Skankinruby2011d ago

That logic makes zero sense. It's most definitely 'worth playing further' as you go and do things you clearly didn't do the first time....hence why do didn't get the TROPHY. It's not about better/worse gaming, it's about a replay of a game feeling fresh and not redundant.

2pacalypsenow2011d ago

"Online achievement/trophies are dumb"

Christopher2011d ago

***It's most definitely 'worth playing further' as you go and do things you clearly didn't do the first time....hence why do didn't get the TROPHY.***

If you need a trophy to do something and not the fact that you enjoy it, is the game actually worth playing? Seriously, how is that a foreign concept? How is that nonsensical? I guess it's nonsense to someone who plays for trophies, but that's about all you're playing for when you promote the reason for doing more to just get trophies and not because you enjoy it.

mkis0072011d ago


In fairness sony did have that gold trophy auction for all those commercial props.

Would have loved to have enough trophies for that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2011d ago
agnosticgamer2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

Pretty ignorant statement to have... there are lots of fun achievements/trophies to be had playing online... I've never played through the single-player campaign in any COD... but had lots of fun playing online... Companies have to be sure to cater to all gamers when it comes to achievements/trophies... a good mix is never a bad thing...

franwex2011d ago

...except if you want to play a game online a couple of years later and not being able to, hence from getting all the trophies.
I’m not obsessed with getting every achievement/trophy but if I like the game I may try to. I’m simply being punished for not discovering the game earlier.

agnosticgamer2010d ago

Most games... minus complete failures last much...much longer online than I believe you are giving credit for...

OneEyedSteve2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

Half of these are false .. The Evolve one can still unlocked... Ghostbusters is only unachievable on PS3 its still online on 360.. Destiny 2 one is only unobtainable for a while as said by bungie... GTAV one can still be unlocked too in a private game. And the Black Ops 3 one can still be unlocked using a few different methods. Guy who wrote this is clueless.

Majors2011d ago

When a games server goes offline then they should allow users to create their own p2p servers to keep these games active. They should also unlock or delete the trophies from any list to those who havent got them.

darthv722011d ago

I can think of a few honorable mentions. there is one for smartglass seeing as smartglass is now defunct. there is also ones for 1v100 and dorito crash course 2 since both of those games are also defunct.

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