
Now GameStop warns of Kinect, Move shortages

Perhaps the warning from Microsoft's Don Mattrick wasn't just hyperbole - GameStop also reckons that motion controllers are going to sell out this Christmas.

Omega44944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

Looks like Kinect is doing really well at GameStop, and most importantly people are buying games with it. That should help build confidence for developers looking to make games for it.

They will easily reach their goal with Black Friday and xmas coming. They just have to make sure they continue to restock daily.

ryuzu4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

If they're sold out, how will MS make their 5 mil target? Still over a month to go and MS have only confirmed sales of 1mil....


ryuzu4944d ago

MS is discounting Kinect on it's own store....


Maybe they will meet their target after all going in so early with the purchase incentives & discounting - normally don't get this kind of thing until the product is selling badly....


shoddy4944d ago

Last I heard they got 14mil of Kinect parts.

Hype will help it reach 5mil.

T9X694944d ago

Well no shit it's a Black Friday sale. Everyone in their mother discounts everything on Black Friday. One lady was trammeled to death at Walmart because of their discounts a few years ago. Black Friday is one of, if not the biggest shopping days of the year, discounts = more sales.

ryuzu4944d ago

^^ So let me get this straight....

MS claims they have a product which will sell loads and will be difficult to get at the MSRP, anywhere.

Then, they decide to keep that product in stock on their own website, thus denying it to other retailers and then also discount it....

According to you, they'd so this to "increase sales" - increase sales of a product they said would be sold out at the MSRP and which, (due to drip fed supplies) is apparently sold out at retailers.

Doesn't add up does it - MS isn't a charity - why discount products that are in heavy demand. You don't. Those Black Friday deals are to clear excess stock that otherwise won't sell after Christmas.

The rest of this stuff is GS hyping Kinect (and probably Move as well) to try and create the same demand as Wii. GS sure don't want crates of motion controllers lying around that they've bought but can't sell.


Anton Chigurh4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

We understand, It's conspiracy.

ironmonkey4944d ago

do the free ones on oprah count as sales? lol

BattleAxe4944d ago

I can asure everyone that the Kinect shortage is not the result of myself.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4944d ago
number474944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

360 diehards drooling over motion..

who woulda thunk?

I remember how hard wii/6axis was thrown under the bus. Mainly Wii because of its focus on casuals. Omega: "Well Wii doesn't matter because its not a hardcore console.. its all sold to soccer moms! Lol @ wiifit hahaha.."

Introducing KINECT on OPRAH!!!

Omega "Oh my god, amazing."

ThatIrishGamer4944d ago

Two years ago 360 fans were slagging the Wii for having motion control....now the 360's Kinect games are EVEN MORE CASUAL than the Wii and yet they keep going on about it.

Its the hypocrisy I love.

KotC4944d ago

And PS3 fans were slagging the Wii right next to the 360 fans.

gamingdroid4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

Actually, personally I initially had a disdain for Wii after buying it. After using it with my family I started to warm up to it. It is a great social console for parties and such.

If I start viewing it as such it is a great product.

With that said, I enjoy my Kinect for other reasons beyond the casual games like Voice Control and dashboard navigation controller-less while waiting for the hardcore games to arrive.

I think the hate for the Wii was that there wasn't any core games at all for a long time. Personally, I don't consider Mario a core game.

Don't hate, accept and move on if it isn't your cup of tea!

Lifendz4944d ago

Omega, do you actually own a Kinect or are you just praising the thing because it's made by MS?

getem4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

How is that a discount I thought the Xbox 4gig+Kinect bundle was $299, Kinect+Game was $149, and Xbox 250gig+Kinect bundle was $399. That looks more like a mark up than a discount.

Your Source http://www.igniq.com/2010/1...

cliffbo4943d ago

omega4 i went into my local gamestation and they offered me a demo of the kinect so i thought ill have a go guess what could not even get it to move the cursor even the staff could not get it to work so is this good for MS i for one was not impressed since i could not get it to even move and you say they are selling well with the games but in my local store they have said they have not even sold one yet and this is a week after its launch in the uk this to me says it is not selling well only dumb americans are buying it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4943d ago
HelghastDrake4944d ago

Love how you competly ignore the fact they also said MOVE will be in high demand as well..

Simon_Brezhnev4944d ago

you know he hates when Sony has good news. I think he couldnt find a way to spin it.

T9X694944d ago

Well, it's not like he said anything about Move anyway. I could see if he said something completely retarded like "Kinect in high demand but not Move? Sony fails." then yea. He only commented on the part of the article that he's involved with, which is obviously Xbox, and we all know Omega doesn't own a PS3, so he doesn't really have a reason to comment on it.....expect when he trolls.

4944d ago
KillerPwned4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

He hates sony so much that its kinda sad lol. Its just a simple company that makes stuff really?! lol

Like xbox is not my favorite but i still like it and MS to a extent. Omega is like blood thirst for sony.

Moentjers4944d ago

just went to the biggest game retailer in Belgium: still no Move available :-(

Or they are having great sales or supplies are in trouble.

Lifendz4944d ago

Sony doing well? That's just not within his realm of comprehension. He reads it and skims right over it as if it were a foreign language.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4944d ago
NateCole4944d ago

move will move and kinetic will kinetic the crowd of old and young people. I hate how popular casual gaming has become.

IRetrouk4944d ago

yeah but luckly sony is using move as just another option while still bringing out core games, same cant be said for kinect, like it or not micro is now focusing on casuals.

Capdastaro4944d ago

I'm sorry Mr Elite Hardcore gamer.

IRetrouk4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

im sorry if i offended you by telling it like it is.
like it or not kinect is micros big thing, they are gonna push it and push it.
how many core games have they anounced? i like casual games as well to a point but lets get real here, kinect has done nothing that we havnt seen before and its come at the expence of core games.
sony on the other hand done it the right way, by not leaving out core games, look at how many are coming out in the next 6 months, and yes i am a harcore gamer, check my xbox gamertag and you will see i have bought every big game on the xbox, my gamerscore is sitting at 75.000 but i will not buy somthing that i done almost 10 years ago. move equals core games and shovelware crap, same cant be said for kinect.

jneul4944d ago (Edited 4944d ago )

have you even tried move, it's noting like wiimote, it's far more precise and true 1:1 3d control, and the hardcore game support for it is real good so far?? so far move is how motion controls should be, well for me and i used to own a wii and was the biggest dust collector ever....
on topic this will shut up dirty who seems to think move is not selling lolz

NateCole4944d ago

like it or not if more money is made in casual gaming the more devs/publishers/platform holders will focus on casual gaming.

This is what i am really trying to say.

I have move and it was great for a few days. I am sure it will be fun with more core orientated games but i can never see it taking over my DS3. As for Kinetic lol. After watching my sister play Dance whatever i want to gouge my eyes out.

Perhaps i am just a lazy bugger but i like sitting down and just press buttons for gaming. Motion gaming is so stone age.

acky14944d ago

It's KINECT, not kinetic...sorry but that really annoys me, it's been on the news here for ages and has been heavily marketed, not that hard to catch on. Unless you're referring to another product entirely?

jneul4944d ago

motion gaming is the future get used to it, everything changes, remember the joystick and when things changed from that, some people complained but eventually we all got used to control pads, people will get used to motion control and will find it easier and better in the long run with move, for example now i am more of a precise shooter on re5 thanks to move, before that i really was just average honest.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4944d ago
thebudgetgamer4944d ago

the thing i like is going to destroy the thing you like. take that suckaz

blackburn54944d ago

Move is STILL in demand? Damn it! At this rate I will never get one @ HelghastDrake you noticed that to huh? I think it was Omega who said that Microsoft will sell 5 million Kinects in one week and Move would sell only 50K at the most. Anymore predictions Nostrodamus?

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GameStop Boss Says Disc Drives Should Be Required On Game Consoles

"It would be great if people had to buy more of the thing," says guy who makes money selling the thing.

XiNatsuDragnel269d ago

Absolutely consoles needs disc drives.

wesnytsfs269d ago

Nah should be optional. Not a PS fan but I like their strategy of selling an optional external optical drive. Its all about Options and this will let everyone get their way. Cheaper for digital only and then you can chose to pay more for the optical drive if that is important to you.

Profchaos269d ago

That's not official yet it's only a rumour

Eonjay269d ago


But what he describes already exists in the 2 base models. If it is a rumor you can blame Microsoft for really backing it in court but if we are honest we all know it's true.

Profchaos269d ago

@Eonjay I'm not denying the appeal of it I can see it being a useful mechanism for allowing gamers to upgrade as needed however until there's concrete proof and not speculation and remember ms still bases that court submitted document off of the same leaks we see on Reddit, 4chan etc I just can't believe it.

The system would be further opened to exploitation and they would need to release an overpriced drive for consumers to buy for it and sure as they do we will hear complaints over the cost of it

ChasterMies268d ago

Absolutely consoles don’t need disc drives. My house has 2 PS5 digital editions, one since launch. Zero issues with the lack of disc drives. In fact, the digital purchasing lets us all share each other’s games, usually mine, and play the same game at the same time on-line.

shadowT269d ago

Optional drives would be best strategy.

-Foxtrot269d ago

If they did then collectors wouldn’t be getting f***** over with discless collectors editions

jeromeface268d ago

yea they would, discs cost extra... even when you're already paying a premium

-Foxtrot268d ago (Edited 268d ago )


We are paying roughly the same now without the discs. There’s literally collectors editions which are roughly in the same price range that have a disc.

I’d rather pay a little more for something physical anyway

RupeeHoarder269d ago

No shock, GameStop is alive because of trading. If they don't have used games on their shelves they are absolutely donezo.

darthv72269d ago

Well of course the GS boss thinks this... that's their bread and butter business. That and funco pops and clothing, though those two were added as a means to supplement the decline in people buying used games or even new games. GS just sucks overall when it comes to gaming. I buy my physical stuff on Amazon or Best Buy.

As for "requiring" disc drives... nah. Not anymore, but i like having them as an option. They had a means back when games actually ran off the discs and were more/less complete. Now they are incomplete and the disc is really an installer with a license to play. If you want to change games you have to take out the disc and put in another. Its more convenient to just use digital. I have been into digital for years now and when the PSPortal comes along i wont even have to go into my game room. I will just play my PS5 from my couch downstairs. I have a bunch of digital installed games to my 5... I'm all set.

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Xbox Series X owners can effectively grab a 'free' PlayStation 5 right now

Gamingbible writes: "Luckily, if you’re living in the US you can trade your Xbox into Gamestop, where you’ll receive a hefty amount of cash as well as a $50 bonus for certain customers, just short of enough to buy the PS5."

Read Full Story >>
Jin_Sakai298d ago

A good deal for those who want a console with games.

S2Killinit297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

Lol well, we tried. But you cant save a person from drowning if they wanna hold on to their fur coat.

Im kidding off course.

Hypertension140297d ago

@Julion0715 @ichdich

So you guys won't change consoles?, give me reasons.

Your answers will probably explain why I'm so f**cking pissed off at Microsoft for buying two large mulitplatform publishers.
It isn't easy right? but you guys don't care because is not happening to you.

Lightning77297d ago

No thank you? N4G won't stand for this blasphemy!

SF releases next month hopefully that should give ppl incentive to keep their console. I know there's PC you can play there to but not everyone wants to play on PC.

Rockstar297d ago (Edited 297d ago )


My guess is they love either their piece of plastic, their corporate overlords or gaming on the cheap.

Likely a combination...

itsmebryan297d ago

Gamepass and I have a gaming PC so, I can play all the Sony "exclusives " at a higher frame rate and graphical fidelity. Why would I trade my Xbox for PS5.

After adding ABK they will have even more games at a great value.

Lexreborn2297d ago


By that same logic what would be the point of having an Xbox? If you have a pc that handles both ps5 and Xbox games you don’t need either.

Rockstar297d ago

@ Lex,

Bringing logic into it?
That's low!

itsmebryan297d ago

I got my gaming PC last year to replace my old PC and I already had a XSX. It's pretty simple.
So, Zero horizon was disappointing and Spiderman/ miles ( got both for $50)are just ok. I might get R&C when it goes on sale.

Zhipp297d ago

If I had time for a PS5 I would have bought a PS5 by now. I intend to someday, but at the moment my backlog is too big. Not only would I have to trade in all my games (for pennies on the dollar) and rebuy them for PS5, but Xbox actually finally has some exclusives coming out in the near future that interest me. I'll get a PS5 whenever Naughty Dog's next game comes out, at the latest.

fr0sty297d ago (Edited 297d ago )


"I can play SOME the Sony "exclusives " years later. Some of them run better, some run worse." - Fixed

MrNinosan296d ago

Your logic is amazing.
Not even close to all the Playstation games is being released on PC, and if they are, it's years past release, and often in a state when PC masterrace people cries anyways.
By logic, you should have a PS5, a PC and maybe a Switch if you're into that crap.

Especially as 100% of the Xbox games is also release on the PC, day and day.

Toncsipapa296d ago

Obsivously you get dislikes on this ps fanbooooy page :D

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
Rockstar297d ago


Judging by the replies here some of these people don't prefer games :).

On topic, I wish I could trade in my xbsx for a steam deck!

Julion0715297d ago

Then sell the x and get a steam deck 🤦🏾‍♂️

Rockstar297d ago

Why didn't I think of that?
Thanks for the tip! /s

goldwyncq297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

What games? FFXVI is the only true exclusive PS5 has right now and that's going to PC eventually too.

itsmebryan297d ago

What games are you looking forward to this year?

Jin_Sakai297d ago

Spider-Man 2 and there’s plenty of great games to play that released over the years. Can’t say the same for Xbox.

DarXyde297d ago (Edited 297d ago )

There's a pretty decent slate of games coming out this year for all platforms. Armored Core looks great, Mortal Kombat 1 looks great, the info we're getting on Tekken 8 has me thinking it's coming this year. Sea of Stars can't be slept in either. If we're just talking about PlayStation games, Spider-Man 2 and Stellar Blade are expected to release this year and both look great.

I believe jin-sakai has an Xbox Series X (I could be wrong), but I reckon they're interested in those games, along with Starfield. That aside, Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG, Star Ocean, and Suikoden I and II are all very welcome titles for the rest of the year.

I think no matter what platform you're playing on, there's enough there to generate a backlog.

EDIT: How the hell did I forget Lies of P? 🤡

shinoff2183296d ago


"Starfield. That aside, Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG, Star Ocean, and Suikoden I and II"

Enough said. That's my game slate for the rest of the year.

DarkkMinion297d ago

That ain't a deal at all. Trading in a beast of a console for that, I don't think so.

Jin_Sakai297d ago

It’s a beast alright. Lol

“Digital Foundry about XSX teraflops advantage : It's kinda all blowing up in the face of Xbox Series X“

Jin_Sakai297d ago

All these “No thank you” comments from duplicate accounts. Lol

Christopher297d ago

I mean, I wouldn't trade in one console for another but instead buy both, prioritizing one over the other based on games I like.

Jin_Sakai296d ago

That would be the obvious choice but some might only be able to afford one or the other. And you have fans who will only support their console of choice regardless.

FinalFantasyFanatic296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

The PS5 is a better deal in the end, I really can't see the appeal of sticking with the Xbox.

DOMination-296d ago

"A good deal for those who want a console with games."

Like what? After all that bravado, the only game you could name was one that isn't out yet (Spider-Man 2)

Don't get me wrong, the XSX lineup in pathetic. But lets not pretend that the PS5 is any better. You can count the number of console exclusives for both on one hand.

If you're looking at games announced with release windows, there's only one console to get as it stands if you want games and it's not the PS5.

Jin_Sakai296d ago

PS5 has one slow year yes but they will start pumping out games soon and everyone knows the quality of their first party games are unmatched.

shinoff2183296d ago

Did the Xbox get any legend of heroes games, alot of jrpg type games skip the Xbox so unless your not into those types of games Xbox isn't a good choice at all. Alot of us from what I see have stuck with sony for the longest because they've had a great jrpg catalogue from 3rd party developers that xbox just can't touch. Those of us that enjoy alot of different games will get both consoles , I bought my series x about two weeks ago for starfield. It will only get used for a game here or there, most likely anything rpg related.

crazyCoconuts296d ago

Hard to tell who are in the Xbox Ambassador program from some of these comments. But for the masses, the console sales numbers are telling us which way the winds are blowing. XBox is in an important/pivotal moment right now imo

The_Blue296d ago

It's cool, I'll stick with my Xbox.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
Elda297d ago

At this point in time If I didn't own a PS5 I would have done this in a heartbeat but I had already acquired a PS5 first before I acquired an XBSX.

darthv72297d ago

I'll stick to keeping both. Gamestop though... seems kind of desperate to take in Series X units. What could they be plotting???

Eonjay297d ago

Almost certainly their plan is to charge obscenely high prices for a used Xbox.

myfathersbastard297d ago

They make pure profit on used consoles. They don’t share any of it. And they’re generally only like $50-$100 cheaper than new.
So they “sell”a PS5, make their small cut from that. Then sell the refurbished Xbox and get to keep all of it. It’s win win. They get a small cut on PS5, and a large cut from the Xbox.

Profchaos296d ago

Could be two fold sell as much base ps5 stick before the slim or pro drop and resell the xsx for those after a starfeild machine

jznrpg296d ago

PS gamers buy games number one. And they make money off used consoles. It’s a double benefit for them

Charlieboy333296d ago

Collecting more Series X consoles to sell on to MS for the cloud

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
Lexreborn2297d ago

I just want some games for my series X I have both since release and after weighing the offerings in PS Essentials to Gamepass I quickly realized I Owned anything of worth in both catalogs. And, the things I didn't I didn't see as justifiable for maintaining both subs.

Since then my series X is a legacy machine that I play my old games on and that's it. 3 years ago I really thought from that Xbox showcase we were going to have some great games by now. Instead, it's just been a lot of meh

Chevalier297d ago

Yep. That's why I waited this generation to have a reason to buy the Series X. Got horribly burnt buying the Xbox One because I decided they had games I was interested in then they canceled the games I wanted right after.

Was tempted after they had that great showing awhile back and am glad I waited because it would have collected dust for 2 years otherwise. Couple games out and on the horizon that look pretty good. Might be a good purchase in a couple years.

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GameStop CFO to Resign in Latest Executive Departure From Retailer

GameStop’s chief financial officer is resigning, in the latest of several executive departures from the video game retailer.