
First Shenmue City screens

Sega, Ys Net and Sunsoft have released the first official screens for the latest entry in the Shenmue series, Shenmue City for PC and mobile.

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Yi-Long4947d ago

... that Sega just doesn't listen to the fans and doesnt have a clue.

We don't want a game like Shenmue City. We want Shenmue 1 and 2 in HD and in the original language on XBLA/PSN...


That's all.

cemelc4947d ago (Edited 4947d ago )

What!!! this is not shenmue 3? then wth is it?

Fan Tastic4947d ago

still putting money into one of the crappiest franchises ever. Lame. What a waste of resources from a once legendary developer :(

Soul Train4947d ago

Words cannot express how dumb that comment of yours is. "Crappiest Franchises" you've obviously haven't played either Shenmue...or your 12 years old, not sure.

artynerd4947d ago

...just to give you a Disagree on that ignorant statement. Shenmue, whether you like it or not, has influenced games like Resident Evil through Fallout.

Shenmue was way ahead of its time, and comments like that tell me that there are still too many mouth breathing gamers out there to appreciate (and financially support) games with the subtlety and nuance of Shenmue.

But, with the success of games like Heavy Rain, there is hope for another REAL Shenmue game, as opposed to this little phone app. I'll still buy anything that has Shenmue on it, even the avatar clothes on Xbox Live, haha.

DigitalAnalog4947d ago

That was nearly 10 YEARS AGO! I will support this game at all cost as this is the only miracle way we may see the end of Shenmue 3. You don't like it, then it's going to be known forever in the gaming world as the "vaporware that could be".

-End statement

simonrope4947d ago

Wow. This looks so stupid. WORK ON SHENMUE 3 INSTEAD! :@

TheColbertinator4947d ago

I might as well try to find out what Shenmue City will turn out like

Redempteur4947d ago

why does theses shots remind me of teh early screens of shenmue online ??

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Shenmue is dead. Again.

The social spin-off of the Shenmue series Shenmue City terminated the service on December the 26th after about a year of operation, leaving Shenmue fans orphaned of their favorite franchise once again.

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user8586214535d ago

Will it kill you sega to just release Shenmue 1 and 2 in HD on psn/xbla and based on its sales decide whether shenmue 3 is worth the investment

FinaLXiii4535d ago

Their brains are to thick they wont understand,

TheGameFoxJTV4535d ago

Sega: NO, we must make terrible Sonic games over and over.

spacedelete4535d ago

i want shenmue 1 and 2 HD. we should start a petition.

Tony P4535d ago

If Dreamcast is "old school", what the heck are consoles I actually grew up with?

Abriael4535d ago (Edited 4535d ago )

prehistory :D

I'd say that the Dreamcast definitely qualifies as "old school" by now. Old and beloved, I'd add.

NellyNel_7_1_34535d ago

Come on Sega! This game was your #1 game on DC and yet it kills me that this series is not coming back... I rather have this series back then sonic any day...

Emilio_Estevez4535d ago

Good, I don't want some crap social phone game anyway. Give me HD remakes or 3!


Top 10 Import-Only Oddities

Not every game makes its way to North America. In many cases, this is understandable; train simulators and anime dating games wouldn’t find the same audience over here as they do overseas. But what about the games that seem like a good fit? Some of them are installments in well-known series, while others come from respected development studios. The following list breaks down the top 10 games that could have made it big in North America if things had been different.

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Shenmue Creator Yu Suzuki Speaks Out

Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki speaks to NowGamer about Shenmue City and the future of the Shenmue games...

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Wizziokid4906d ago

every time I see an article with Shenmue in the title I hope for Shenmue 3 :(

Feckles4906d ago

It will happen one day... But then no one will buy it (like the first two games) and that'll be it for the series.

Suzuki needs to make sure that the third game finishes the story.

Marcello4906d ago

I hope it will happen too, i dont care if it sells or not, thats down to SEGA to get right. I just want to know wat happens ffs !! i have been waiting for 9 years now !! i so wanna see Ryo tear Lan Di a new one.

Yi-Long4906d ago (Edited 4906d ago )

... the problem of the first Shenmue games were the horrible marketing by Sega (as usual), DC pirating, and the horrible dub.

If they make a worthy Shenmue 3, I'm sure many people will pick it up. If they fuck it up again somehow (as Sega has a tendency of doing), then yeah, nobody will buy it.

Just imagine a HD gorigeous Shenmue, collecting all kinds of stuff in a large beautiful city, playing Sega classics in the arcades, etc etc...

The possibilities to make this game absolutely GREAT are endless.

Baka-akaB4906d ago

The yakuza series have been a sales ujjgernaut so far .

There is no reason Shenmue couldnt perform likewise , especially with the cult aura it now got

AAACE54906d ago

As much as I loved Shenmue, we are starting to act like those people who believe SE will remake FFVII!

I think we might have to accept the fact that it's just over and we won't see any future games.

DigitalRaptor4906d ago (Edited 4906d ago )

As long as Sega and Yu Suzuki keep bringing up Shenmue, and even going as far as making a new mobile Shenmue game, there will always be an inkling of hope for the continuation of the series.

The only real issue is development costs vs. profit.

A current gen Shenmue would be quite a huge undertaking. When you consider what Sega AM2 and Suzuki-san had in mind when making the first 2 games on Dreamcast, a very large budget was necessary.

It would be no different this gen. All Sega needs is reassurance that it would sell enough to make a profit, and some financial backing from a publisher such as Sony or Microsoft.

But for now, all I expect is Shenmue HD, and I think that's gonna happen.

Yi-Long4905d ago

... however, if Sega makes the brilliant decision to only release it with the horrible dub, then I won't be buying it!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4905d ago
showtimefolks4906d ago

hd remakes for the first 2 to see if this series will sell just like what ubi is doing with BGAE HD

or better yet put both on a bluray and for 40 i will buy em fix a few minor issues update the graphics and bring the controls to next gen and we have ourself 2 awsome games for 40

punkpop1014906d ago

The reason Shenmue 3 was cancelled was stupid sites that moved the crowd into believing that the game sucked.Shenmue 3 on the Xbox 360 would be a huge hit and a huge blow to Sony.

DigitalRaptor4906d ago

"Shenmue 3 on the Xbox 360 would be a huge hit and a huge blow to Sony."

Okay, so Shenmue 3 on the PS3 would be a huge hit and a huge blow to Microsoft. Works both ways.

showtimefolks4906d ago

have you ever wondered why all the remakes are ps3 exclusive?

that's my question if you know the answer let me know on your other account since you have many

Xfanboy4906d ago

crap!!! give me a real shenmue game dang it!!! don't sega won't my monies??

ReBurn4906d ago

One day, Lan Di. One day...

Malebaria4906d ago

For the love of Jebus Suzuki-San,make it happen!


Suzuki needs to stop running his mouth and make the d@mn game!

Ronster3164906d ago

Shenmue is STILL to this day my favourite game of all time.

If Yu Suzuki/Sega dont have any plans to release part 3 then at least release a DVD or somthing with some FMV explaining how this epic tale comes to a conclusion.

My thirst for revenge has not yet been quenched :-(

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