
Verizon to Finally Unveil iPhone On November 9th?

An inside source at Verizon has provided RipTen with some long awaited information. According to an email sent out by corporate today, Verizon will be unveiling...

Hitman07694960d ago

OHHHHHH SNAP, it's about to go down. I've been waiting for this announcement for a long long long time. I hope they do something with it that is better than previous iPhones too. Either way this is good for App Store gamers who want nothing to do with AT&T and have been holding off on picking up this phone.

CrzyFooL4960d ago

It's about god damn mother f**king time. Too bad I have no intention of getting rid of my droid. Too little, too late Verizon.

Jaces4960d ago

Been waiting forever, I'll end up getting this 2 years down the road when I renew my contract but I have a feeling It'll be the PSPphone instead if rumors are true.

Crazyglues4960d ago (Edited 4960d ago )

Come on' they wouldn't do it like this, Steve Jobs would have to announce it.

All iPhones have been announced by Steve Jobs at some Mac event... so it would never be done like this...

100% not the iPhone.. it's coming, just not like this, people....


pimpmaster4960d ago

verison blows. their prices are identical to att. come on give us sprint iphone either way i dont really care, i have t mobile iphone which doesnt require internet plan or contract so im good.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4960d ago
KingNintendoFanboy4960d ago

I'll never buy something that is considered a competitor to Nintendo. FANBOY is a lifestyle.

Hitman07694960d ago

Okay so then buy a Mac instead of an iPhone. :P

Takoulya4960d ago

You're so cool. You're also probably the most diplomatic person I've seen in my life. /s

Please tell me you're joking. If not, please reevaluate your life.

Stunt4960d ago

More iPhoners for the world.

Matronedea4960d ago

Yaaaaay. Since I just got my droid... I'll wait 2 years for the iPhone 6 or whatever anyway.

Drjft4960d ago

I'm quite content with my Nokia smartphone. But I guess this is good for people in the US :p

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Fortnite could return to iPhones this year

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You can now stream games from your Xbox to your iPhone

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ApocalypseShadow1343d ago

It's called Remote Play. Something Sony already did to allow games to be streamed to your phone. If Microsoft would have started here first with RP, would have been less problems for them than trying to go around another company's policies and cutting Apple out of their cut of the money on the platform they own.

Still no Xcloud.

headshotfrosty1343d ago

So has Xbox....just on Android. This is now on iDevices...That's the point here sir.

NeoGamer2321343d ago

Microsoft has had remote play for years.

Tacoboto1343d ago

No, Xbox Remote Play only started on Android during the Game Streaming beta earlier in the year.

But OP is still jaded - this has nothing to do with Apple's policies or Sony or even xCloud. Though he seems to fully endorse Apple's discrimination of gaming services when they don't apply those same restrictive policies onto other streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, etc)

1343d ago
GamerRN1343d ago (Edited 1343d ago )


Remote Play has existed about year and a half... Maybe more

NeoGamer2321343d ago

I have streamed from my XB since late 2014 to my PC.

Tacoboto1343d ago


It only started on Android out of beta last week. The best I can find for PC is that it's officially in-home network only but there are ways to make it accessible over the internet through router changes, through the Xbox Companion App (never knew about this feature)

1342d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1342d ago
jznrpg1343d ago (Edited 1343d ago )

No thanks . Phone is too smalls and I use it for talking .

1343d ago Replies(1)
Tacoboto1343d ago

*Looks awkwardly at every-handheld-ever with screens smaller than the average phone*

Truplaya1343d ago

I’ve been looking for this for ages as the wife likes watching crap on the tv my Xbox is on. Wish I could get into the beta but it’s full. Hopefully full version soon

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