
Why Fable 3 is an Embarrassment to Video Games

Unrealitymag writes: ''I just beat Fable 3, one of my most anticipated games of the year, and much to my surprise, I absolutely loathed it. It’s strange, because in many ways its exactly like Fable 2, which I actually chose as my game of the year when it was released. So why then, do I hate, hate, hate this one so much?''

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ConanOBrien4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Platform exclusive disorder among fangirls can ruin game devs to nothing

Games are like movies, so you can hate or love it.

darkcharizard4962d ago ShowReplies(4)
lelo2play4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Great game.... and that's it. Anybody that hates this game, is no gamer... or has really bad taste in games.

This is starting to remind me of Alan Wake... with a lot of articles bashing it. Alan Wake is clearly one of the best games this year.

Lot of people automatically hate anything that comes from Microsoft, don't matter if it's good or not.

Nicaragua4962d ago

you lost me with the Alan Wake comment.

JsonHenry4962d ago

I thought Alan Wake was a great game. I have not played F3 yet though. Waiting for the PC release.

Convas4962d ago

Lelo2play is on the money. Alan Wake was one of, if not the best game(s) this year.

Pillville4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Off Topic, but:

I just finished Alan Wake's last DLC "The Writer".

What I think of Alan Wake:
first half: A+
second half: B-

If they had actually taken the story anywhere, and had something besides the same 5 enemies over and over again, it would have been one of the best ever.

Forbidden_Darkness4962d ago

Okay what you said was plain stupid. So what your saying is people can't have different taste in games? People are automatically not gamers if they dont like RPGs, sword fighting games and etc?

It's your opinion if Alan Wake and such are one of the best games. Hell, i think LAIR is one of the best games i've played, but i'm not expecting anyone else to think the same. Everyone has an opinion and a choice, if you dont like their choice or opinion and hate them for it to the point you think their not even a gamer, then STFU because your just a selfish a-hole.

Gaming is not just about you, it's about every single gamer out there, be them hardcore or casual gamers, they ARE gamers and deserve to have an opinion like anyone else.

prettyboy14962d ago


princejb1344962d ago

i guess im not a gamer since i dont like the fable series
is just thats not my kind of taste in games thats all
same to be said i dont like fallout or elder scrolls oblivion

jeseth4962d ago

but I'm really surprised about the negative press/word of mouth its getting. I haven't played Fable 3 yet and all the things being said won't change my mind about wanting to play it, but I'm still surprised its getting received the way it is.

DeadIIIRed4962d ago

I play Bad Company 2 all the time, my grandparents have been playing Dr. Mario every Wednesday night since I was three. Everyone has different tastes.

On subject, disseminating to hear so many bad things about this game, will still rent to see for myself though.

PostApocalyptic4962d ago

Blame Fable fans. They are the ones that voted the scores. Apparently they liked Fable 2 better for good reasons.

smashman984962d ago

I have a personal hate for fable i rlly dont know why either i just hated it ever since the second one i mean its a severe hate im not gonna bash the people who love it though because i can see the appeal and at the same time i cant quite figure out why i have such a deep hate for this game lol the hate didnt settle in till shortly after i beat part 2 since then i hate it

n4gno4961d ago (Edited 4961d ago )

"bubububu hate hate"
nobody cares, only others fangirls with different tastes.

Best donkey of the week :

"i happen to have played GOW3 and Heavy Rain and my bf has played all 4 that youve named. youre just a little bitch who doesnt know what a good game is even when it slaps you in you fuckin face. and you should get off of your killzone trip. the game fuckin sucks and it always will. oh and btw all you little ps3 fanboys are just pissed because M$ has officially stomped Sony on their hardware quality with the Kinect where Sony FAILED on the eyetoy and COPIED Nintendo's Wii with the PS Move.. Go eat a dick faggot. and im not a raging "360fanboy" i own all 3 systems...sry i just like better games with better quality! "

LOL. hilarious : "quality hardware" "better games" "i'm not a fanboy" what a donkey in denial.
Best formula of the year : "Sorry but the 360 is everything the PS3 wanted to be" LOLOLOL.

really ? that guy exist in the real world ? i want one for christmas.

EvilBlackCat4961d ago

Alan Wake is waaaayyyyyyyyyyy better story than the majority of PS3 and the rest of Xbox360 games.

KingKiff4961d ago


Anyone who says GOTY for that lump of (insert offensive material here) needs a bullet IMO.

NewZealander4961d ago

i fully agree, it seems whenever 360 gets a great game theres always lame articles trying to play them down, these people are clearly attention seeking or just in the minority of bitter gamers that need to lighten up and enjoy games for what they are.

jadenkorri4961d ago (Edited 4961d ago )

no fable 3 is horrible....

they took fable 2 and went, how do I make this worse.
And they succeeded, and this is coming from a Fable Fan, I loved Fable 1, and bought the 360 just to play Fable 2. Fable 2 was good, I rightly enjoyed the game but hated the ending so much I trashed it. If i think back now, its better than Fable 3. What the hell are these devs doing.

punkpop1014961d ago

120 disagrees?Ps3 fanboys caring more?

Redempteur4961d ago

dear peter ..

learn to do a fighting system in a rpg.
Please hire another writter in charge of the ending of your games .
my 2 main complains about fable 3

CrIpPeN4961d ago

I had so much fun reading this review.

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ImmortalLegend4962d ago

Fable 3 is a game that was made to be fun. They were not trying to make this game hard because frustration knocks out the fun factor sometimes. Fable 3 was a fun, well written game and has replay value. I beat the game making all of the good decisions, now I want to beat it again making the evil ones. Then I might play it again making somewhat neutral decisions. Fable 3 is not the game to compete with God of War, Castlevania, and games like that. It's doing things in its own way. I personally like that approach. This game is just pure fun without much frustration, if any at all. You want to play something hard? Fine go get Demon Souls or something like that. Quit being fanboys and missing out on good games. That goes for every fanboy!

GamingGamer4961d ago

so according to you. all game should give you infinite health because easier = more fun??

i am ok with Fable 3 doing its own way. even though there isnt anything groundbreaking. but game isnt that good.

it only has 80 on Metacritic. and lower user scores.

Anon19744961d ago

This actually has me a little concerned. I love Fable. Love them, but at the end of Fable 2 I started to get so sick of the repetitive combat, weapons and magic. If Fable 3 doesn't do a damn thing to improve on it predecessor, I'm out.

Someone who's played the game please tell me this article is making a mountain out of a molehill and the combat and magic is different from Fable 2.

GamingGamer4961d ago (Edited 4961d ago )

hey hey now.. that is going to far...

ofc fable 3 improved upon fable 2.

just look at this example

In fable 3, you get to open boxes to acquire stuff that existed in fable 2. OPENING BOXES!!!! revolutionary!

ImmortalLegend4961d ago

Most of you haven't even played the game and are just going off of these reviews. Same thing happened with Alan Wake and MAG just to name a couple which were great games. Not many people played the game because of reviews and sales. That's not being a gamer. Gamers make decisions for themselves.

Also, since were all about ratings and not actually playing games, since when is 81/100 a bad game? Get real, you all are not gamers. Make your own judgments and actually go out and rent/buy games instead of just basing your opinions off of reviews. I could understand if the reviews were bad, but they've mostly been good. Based off of you all's logic if it isn't 90/100 or more then it isn't worth it...gtfo.

GamingGamer4961d ago (Edited 4961d ago )

i obviously played it... even though it was only for couple hours..

and didnt like it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4961d ago
xYLeinen4962d ago

What the heck is wrong with todays journalism??

Snakefist304962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Fable 3 is an excellent game I dont no why the people are pissed off abut it.I give it 9.5 out of 10.

kancerkid4962d ago

Sites like these are not journalism sites, they are opinion sites. Big difference.

frostypants4962d ago

"Fable 3 is an excellent game I dont no why the people are pissed off abut it."

Maybe if you actually read the article, where he explicitly goes out of his way to explain in detail and at length why he's pissed off about it, you might understand why he's pissed off about it.

Or did you think you could absorb the article contents through the link via osmosis?

PostApocalyptic4962d ago

But if you gave F3 a 9.5. What would you give F2?

morganfell4961d ago (Edited 4961d ago )

Well kancerkid I would like to agree with you but I cannot. This has nothing to do with any platform, PS3, 360, Wii, PC, etc etc. Or any game. I am not saying the site above is right or wrong. It's immaterial as only Fable fans can decide.

But what is fact is that sites such as IGN or Gamespot have nothing to lord over someone's blog as regards grading standards. They may have access to previews and info that smaller sites or blogs do not but when it comes to reviews they have zero standards and are above no one.

I have seen major gaming media sites praise a product during previews or at the least fail to report flaws and then lambaste the same game when it appears on shelves mere months later. In the case of Hillary at IGN we witnessed a preview praise a feature and then the review attack same said feature.

None of the sites have the least bit of editorial control. It should not matter if one person previews a title and another reviews it either. That's why the editor in chief has a job. He is supposed to maintain continuity and standards.

I have zero regard for any site, large or small that cannot set in print a detailed list of their standards and how they grade and to what features they give or subtract points. And then they apply this standard across all titles.

Instead major sites willy nilly flip out over the latest game. Whether it is genuine affection or payola is immaterial as what matters is that their review is a dishonest appraisal of the product. And that action, by any site large or small is despicable and a disservice to the gaming community.

I would like to consider such distasteful actions by all sites equally repugnant. These blogs are a blight in most cases. But when larger media outlets have a greater dissemination part of me finds these whores the worse offender.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4961d ago
frostypants4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Read the damn article, people. Jesus, he explains his criticisms quite thoroughly. The part where his wife gave birth to a black kid (who apparently aged in dog years) is f*cking hilarious and IS a pretty great example of lazy development. And the fact that the game more or less hits "fast forward" once you become king is troubling, and a pretty clear sign that the game was rushed out the door.

Don't bash the journalism without actually reading the damn article. Besides, I don't hear you complaining about the journalists that PRAISED the game...

The_Nameless_One4962d ago

Gamer rarely read through the entire article. It doesn't matter that he explains his position quite thoroughly. They read the headline and make a comment.

dktxx24962d ago

At least this guy explained his criticisms. And it was an interesting read. All a guy can do. It wasn't senseless hate at all.

TomSawyer1874961d ago

I have to disagree on the lazy development... His wife obviously stepped out on him, thus the reason she gave birth to the milk man's baby. I've not made it far in yet so I cannot speak to the 'fast forward' issue but I have enjoyed the game so far.

DelbertGrady4962d ago

I liked Fable 2 but I think Fable 3 is alot better. It's more engaging and has a better storyline.

King-Leonidas4962d ago ShowReplies(1)
King-Leonidas4962d ago

oh wow personal attack? I'm so sorry.

seinfan4962d ago

Imposter! Leonidas would never be sorry for his actions!

The Wood4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

apologises to nobody



King-Leonidas4962d ago

i know i was being sarcastic children

The Wood4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

doesn't do sarcasm nor does he speak to children ...phoney;)

Garrus_Vakarian4961d ago

This is madness!

Nobody attacks a messenger!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4961d ago
Forbidden_Darkness4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

That was actually a good read and rather enjoyed it, i've been interested in trying fable, but if anything, i'll definitely try Fable 2, not 3.

If i enjoy 2, ill play 3.

lowcarb4962d ago

Well part 2 is free for download.

The Wood4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

Mine froze at 99% where do I redownload from or was the deal pulled. I was pissed as I left my 360 on to dload the whole game came back and saw that.. Wtf

OT: I'm one of the 5 people who didn't like fallout 3 but that by no way means the games crap just not my cup. To be fair to the writer he does seem to know the game well showing that he did indeed complete it. He's entitled to his opinion

frostypants4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

The free download of the full game was a 1-day glitch. If you have it in your queue, you may still be able to get it...after all, they sold it to you. If it's not working, call customer service...technically you do own it, regardless of whether they intended to sell it to you for $0 or not (it's not your problem).

Is it in your transaction history?

Also, I ALSO hated Fallout 3. Too short, and the world was too bland to get much from wandering in it. To me it felt like every Bethesda game since the original Elder Scrolls, just with nicer graphics.

Lucreto4962d ago (Edited 4962d ago )

People dislike it for different reasons like more games. I know a few people who think the game is too British.

It is his opinion jusy laugh at him and continue on your way.

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Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90345d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson345d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper345d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam345d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist345d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius344d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh


Fable: The Greatest Game Concept That Never Was

The Fable series is one of our favorite gaming franchises. Heres what we want from the rumoured sequel

ColdSin1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Microsoft announced Fable Legends at Gamescom 2013, not E3 2013. I'd like for the new Fable to have the same artstyle as Fable Legends.

Zoned1422d ago

Thanks for that. I agree, definitely like the art style, but that's it. Nobody wanted Fable Legends!

moongrim1422d ago

How about Fable II Remastered for the pc please?!

RaveTears1422d ago

I would honestly buy the Xbox series S just for Fable 2 remastered or a remake.

moongrim1422d ago

I've never played it so I'm like dying over here.

Zoned1422d ago

Fable II was probably the best of the series. It had its flaws but overall was definitely a step in the right direction. Fable III was a huge misstep in comparison

RaidenBlack1422d ago

I was disgusted with Fable III

RaidenBlack1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Yeah ... its an odd situation ain't it?
MS released Fable 1, Fable 3 and Fable 1 Remastred for PC.
Skipping the best one in the franchise.
Same goes for Gears: GoW, GoW Remastered, Gears 4 and Gears 5 are on PC.
And Halo: The entire Halo MCC and Halo Infinite will be on PC. But no Halo 5.

Zoned1421d ago

Definitely agree but you lost me with Halo 5. That was my least favourite Halo game (out of the Halo numbered titles)

RaidenBlack1421d ago

Yea, same here. Only liked the visuals of Halo 5 (that too on an One X, it doesn't look that good on the One S)

But what I meant was, MS is releasing every Halo game on PC from 1 to Infinite, except 5. Which is a bit odd.
Coz the free Halo 5-Forge was quite popular in PC community during its release.

porkChop1421d ago

I never got to play it because I sold my 360. It should have been remastered.

The only thing I can think of is if after the release of Fable Anniversary they decided to take the series in a different direction. They might not want the new game to be associated with the older ones.

sushimama1422d ago

Well lets hope Microsoft are going to announce a new Fable. The MS fans deserve a great Fable game. If it is announced and the gameplay looks cool, this might convince me to get, at least a Series S. It would be my very first Xbox console.

Zoned1422d ago

I would definitely buy an Xbox Series X if a 'proper' Fable sequel were to be revealed!

RgR1422d ago

You mean Fable fans.
Don't have to be an MS fan to want Fable but you definitely need to be a Fable fan to want a new Fable game.

RgR1422d ago

Kicking chickens! That was fun....hope modern society doesn't ruin it for a next installment.

chiefJohn1171422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Hell no Fable legends is NOT what we wanted.
Fable 2 is what we want outta Fable. Remake Fable 2 please.

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5 Sequels We Would Love To See On Project Scarlett

Sam Smith writes: "While we hope to see lots of fresh and exciting new IPs on Project Scarlett, here are 5 sequels to established Xbox franchises we’d very much like to see."

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gangsta_red1691d ago

This has to be one of the lamest lists I have seen for wishing for sequels.

Perfect Dark should be on the top of this list and it's amazing that MS hasn't even attempted to try and bring this amazing franchise back.

Charlie Murder, MS should pay and get Ska Studios to make a sequel to this excellent beat 'em up game. IMO, they should have been the ones to make Battletoads

Lost Odyssey, another no brainer and should be right up there with the whole Gears/Halo/Forza chant. And while we are talking about JRPGS...

Magna Carta, I loved the art style for this game. MS should definitely try and get a sequel to this for their new syste,

Bomberman Live, really one of the best in the series and I loved how it was simple and just focused on MP. Being able to customize your Bomberman was fun and I would love to see this make a return to Live.

Platformgamer1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

sunset overdrive 2... oh wait

EDIT: a trolling once in a while is ok, unlike most of the N4G users tho.

xX-oldboy-Xx1691d ago

Please continue to levitate above us.

1691d ago
Relientk771691d ago

Terrible and unappealing list