
Eurogamer let Fable III score slip

M2G Writes:

Popular gaming site Eurogamer has let its Fable III score slip, and although there is no text to match it yet we still thought it may interest some.

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tatotiburon4969d ago

an 8 in eurogamer?? AAA confirmed

cmrbe4969d ago

is AAA to you folks. Whatever happend to Uncharted is a 8.9 so its a flop?.

The Wood4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

flip flopping. 'they' had to lower the twipple aey bar to compensate. Its a return to reality for some of them as 8.x was always a great score until dumb/honest terms were used in dumb/manipulative ways by dumb fanboys and the media. its funny watching the same people flip flopping.

Anyway i downloaded part 2 for free some im gunna finish that then ill look towards this

lol@ disagrees...flip floppers. If you've been here long enough you'd know that games under 9 were considered flops a couple years.. It was asinine then its asinine now

NecrumSlavery4968d ago

Well Eurogamer is pro 360 right? So doesn;t that make Fable 3's score a bit high? Not trolling just asking.

-Alpha4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

Actually the logic is "If it's Eurogamer, add +2"

Which is why he said "AAA confirmed". People have always treated Eurogamer to a different scale because there is some code here that people agree to with adding "+2" to any Eurogamer score.

It was said with God of War's review earlier today.

Of course that rule is total bullocks, let's face it, people whine about the review sites only when they don't end up being what they want it to be. In that sense reviews are like drunken sailors and the gamers are like women who keep going back despite always having their expectations crushed.

I like Eurogamer, they review differently, don't always agrees with them, but who really agrees with everything a site says?

nveenio4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

I rarely agree with any reviews, but IGN tends to be the one I go by. Sometimes they're higher than I'd want them to be, and sometimes they're lower--in the end, it balances out. If it's PS3 exclusive, I consider their score of 8.5 or higher a must-try (in some cases...). If it's multiplat, I consider a 9.0 or higher a must-try. I don't have a 360, so I don't know if they're biased or not.

Eurogamer, on the other hand, is ALWAYS waaaaay off.

THE MAX SPEED 214968d ago

I like the hypocrisy of the Sony fanboys who were calling Halo Reach a flop because it scored a 8 in a few reviews. Just stfu already. Whenver a PS3 exclusive score a 8 it's ''AAA'' when its the other way around its not? get it together already.

gcolley4968d ago

the idiots and their scores. like a score means anything. how can you go by a score without finding out if the good and bad points are also what you consider good and bad or what annoys the reviewer will annoy you???

why am i even on this site, i am smarter than this

No Way4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

Lol, both sides play this nonsense.. flop this, flop that. Aaaa, AAA!
But, if you really wanna pay attention to someone with one bubble, then..

An 8 is a great score, no matter how you look at it. On both sides..
That said, I'm happy to see that score, as I'm eagerly waiting to get Fable 3.

NeoBasch4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

By this logic, if we were to add +2 to every Eurogamer score and neglect that AAA refers to budget not quality, look what happens to some of the back catalog:

AAA Confirmed???

MotorStorm, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Heavenly Sword, Siren: Blood Curse, inFamous, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time

AAAA Confirmed???

Killzone 2, God of War III, Resistance 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Heavy Rain

As compared to for 360:

AAA Confirmed???

Crackdown, Perfect Dark Zero (yeah, I know), Lost Odyssey, Gears of War, Halo: ODST, and Mass Effect

AAAA Confirmed???

Gears of War 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Fable 2, Mass Effect 2, and Forza Motorsport 3

Will this finally get you all to play some of the older games that were, in fact, pretty good? An 8/10 is a great score. Hell, I'd even consider picking up a game that received a 7/10 if I'm really interested in it (Enslaved). The point is, there are many games out there that could just be your cup of tea. Don't let a score throw you off. It's just a number!

Besides, there are many sister sites to Eurogamer: Spain, Portugal, etc. Which one are we referring to? Also, I have a hard time take anybody else's opinion who equates Resistance 2 to be >>>>> than Resistance: FoM.

ReBurn4968d ago

I'm so confused. One day AAA refers to the game's production budget. The next day AAA refers to the game's review scores.

I wish people would make up their minds.

mikeslemonade4968d ago

Your retarded if you can't see Uncharted is AAA. You don't have to read reviews for games like those. For Fable 3, the game is on the fence.

BulletToothtony4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )


actually.. not trolling here

it's actually:

PS3 exclusive: add +2 (2.5 if it's a shooter)

360 exclusive: add +1 (which still makes fable 3 a heluvagame)

Multiplat.. usually add a +1 as well..

i'm really not trying to sound biased here but they were the ones that gave halo3 a 10/10 so i don't think that they're totally reliable

SonyPS3604967d ago

You missed the point of that comment, and so did the 50 tards who agreed with you.

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Nihilism4968d ago

I don't know if a facepalm will do the trick this time, I think I'll attempt to crush this energy drink can on my eye-socket instead....


AAA mean development budget, now to the mods, can we put 'AAA' in the bad language filter so I never have to see some idiot use that as part of their playground food-fight again.

Lich1204968d ago

Thank you, Im really sick of that being used as a term to mean quality.

chazjamie4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

i am glad you got your bubble back

callahan094968d ago

Kind of disappointing score considering they gave Fable 2 a 10.

Fishy Fingers4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

They gave Fable 2 10/10? :/

gypsygib4968d ago

AAA really means A+, which is 90 and above. Fable is not AAA but an A(8) is still a good score and fans of the games or genre wouldn't be disappointed.

kaveti66164968d ago

AAA has nothing to do with the score of a game. Stop spreading ignorance.

It has to do with budget. That's it.

Optical_Matrix4968d ago (Edited 4968d ago )

Triple is a PR term you noob. Review scores have nothing to do with a game being AAA or not. AAA is decided by hype, marketing strength/budget and the amount of money poured into the development of the title.

vhero4968d ago

Eurogamer is pro 360 and always have been they always add points for it being a 360 game.

Call_me_Ishmael4968d ago

what if its a 9 or 10 do you +2?

SonyPS3604968d ago


It's like the gamespot rule. Add 1 to the score out of 10 and you get how good it really is.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4967d ago
Gears_of_War_34969d ago

God of War Psp 7 those guys sucks... Really ?

Anyway 8 is good

Eamon4968d ago

Actually, 2 different reviewers gave 2 different scores.

acky14968d ago

7 out of 10 is still a good score.

Remember 5 means an average game, so anything above that could be worth a play through if you think you'd like it.

Game reviews aren't harsh enough nowadays, if its not a 9 or above people automatically think that it has failed so the scores have had to be pushed up for all games. Scoring systems really mean nothing nowadays...its just some guys opinion, hardly ever based on aspects of the game.
So if a reviewer is having a shit day, the score could be reflected in their mood. Games should be rated on a benchmark set of criteria to have any meaning.

All_4_One4968d ago

8? Not bad. Eurogamer is usually pretty tough on reviews, so I see this as a good sign for upcoming Fable 3 reviews. When does the embargo lift anyway?

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Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90345d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson345d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper345d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam345d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist345d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius344d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh


Fable: The Greatest Game Concept That Never Was

The Fable series is one of our favorite gaming franchises. Heres what we want from the rumoured sequel

ColdSin1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Microsoft announced Fable Legends at Gamescom 2013, not E3 2013. I'd like for the new Fable to have the same artstyle as Fable Legends.

Zoned1422d ago

Thanks for that. I agree, definitely like the art style, but that's it. Nobody wanted Fable Legends!

moongrim1422d ago

How about Fable II Remastered for the pc please?!

RaveTears1422d ago

I would honestly buy the Xbox series S just for Fable 2 remastered or a remake.

moongrim1422d ago

I've never played it so I'm like dying over here.

Zoned1422d ago

Fable II was probably the best of the series. It had its flaws but overall was definitely a step in the right direction. Fable III was a huge misstep in comparison

RaidenBlack1422d ago

I was disgusted with Fable III

RaidenBlack1422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Yeah ... its an odd situation ain't it?
MS released Fable 1, Fable 3 and Fable 1 Remastred for PC.
Skipping the best one in the franchise.
Same goes for Gears: GoW, GoW Remastered, Gears 4 and Gears 5 are on PC.
And Halo: The entire Halo MCC and Halo Infinite will be on PC. But no Halo 5.

Zoned1421d ago

Definitely agree but you lost me with Halo 5. That was my least favourite Halo game (out of the Halo numbered titles)

RaidenBlack1421d ago

Yea, same here. Only liked the visuals of Halo 5 (that too on an One X, it doesn't look that good on the One S)

But what I meant was, MS is releasing every Halo game on PC from 1 to Infinite, except 5. Which is a bit odd.
Coz the free Halo 5-Forge was quite popular in PC community during its release.

porkChop1422d ago

I never got to play it because I sold my 360. It should have been remastered.

The only thing I can think of is if after the release of Fable Anniversary they decided to take the series in a different direction. They might not want the new game to be associated with the older ones.

sushimama1422d ago

Well lets hope Microsoft are going to announce a new Fable. The MS fans deserve a great Fable game. If it is announced and the gameplay looks cool, this might convince me to get, at least a Series S. It would be my very first Xbox console.

Zoned1422d ago

I would definitely buy an Xbox Series X if a 'proper' Fable sequel were to be revealed!

RgR1422d ago

You mean Fable fans.
Don't have to be an MS fan to want Fable but you definitely need to be a Fable fan to want a new Fable game.

RgR1422d ago

Kicking chickens! That was fun....hope modern society doesn't ruin it for a next installment.

chiefJohn1171422d ago (Edited 1422d ago )

Hell no Fable legends is NOT what we wanted.
Fable 2 is what we want outta Fable. Remake Fable 2 please.

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5 Sequels We Would Love To See On Project Scarlett

Sam Smith writes: "While we hope to see lots of fresh and exciting new IPs on Project Scarlett, here are 5 sequels to established Xbox franchises we’d very much like to see."

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gangsta_red1691d ago

This has to be one of the lamest lists I have seen for wishing for sequels.

Perfect Dark should be on the top of this list and it's amazing that MS hasn't even attempted to try and bring this amazing franchise back.

Charlie Murder, MS should pay and get Ska Studios to make a sequel to this excellent beat 'em up game. IMO, they should have been the ones to make Battletoads

Lost Odyssey, another no brainer and should be right up there with the whole Gears/Halo/Forza chant. And while we are talking about JRPGS...

Magna Carta, I loved the art style for this game. MS should definitely try and get a sequel to this for their new syste,

Bomberman Live, really one of the best in the series and I loved how it was simple and just focused on MP. Being able to customize your Bomberman was fun and I would love to see this make a return to Live.

Platformgamer1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

sunset overdrive 2... oh wait

EDIT: a trolling once in a while is ok, unlike most of the N4G users tho.

xX-oldboy-Xx1691d ago

Please continue to levitate above us.

1691d ago
Relientk771691d ago

Terrible and unappealing list