Troll_Police4978d ago

Who's dumb enough to fall for this?

-Alpha4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Omg it's downloading! This is so awesome!!

Note to people:

Use that link once you sign in, otherwise they will charge you standard fee.

Note that there is another free game on XBL, though the name escapes me. It's a simple 2D side-scroller for those interested. Flow is also free on PSN while we're at it.

I love this! I needed an RPG and had nothing to play for my consoles.

darthv724978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

so when i get home i will dl it. I liked the free episode they offered before and was going to get the full game at some point. Now that point is now.

Excellent. (bill & ted style)

edit: it has to be the full game. The first ep was only 1+ gb. This one is 6.6gb.

-Alpha4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Edit: MS confirmed this to be fake, sorry guys

T9X694978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Honestly I think he's confused. When I downloaded it, it specifically says "Fable 2 FULL Game". When I downloaded the first episode months ago, it said Fable 2 episode one. Even the description for Fable 2 was the full game, on the episodes downloads, it says download episode one now and continue playing to unlock more episodes for purchase, or something like that.

EDIT: Also, episode 1 is only a 1-2GB download, not 7GB.

frostypants4978d ago

I'm on this like white on rice, but...WTF? Why is it free?

-Alpha4978d ago

MS's twitter is saying it's only Episode 1. Others are saying they are collecting achievements and getting past episode 1. MS may be trying to persuade people to cancel their downloads, so I'm going to stick in and see what happens. Has to be a mistake that they are trying to cover up.

Takoulya4978d ago

Works. This is Microsoft's strong point. Marketing. More people will get Fable 2 and will be wanting some more. Fable 3 comes out and gets killer sales. No matter how much you hate Microsoft, you have to admit that they have great advertising schemes.

nation1204978d ago

u download the full game but only get to play the first chapter....u gotta pay to play the this is microsoft they never give out anything for free.

darthv724978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

can you verify this? I know that when they offered up episode 1 it wasnt a full 6.6gb download. Did you get this game and play up to where ep 1 would end and have it show you something to the extent that in order to play you had to pay?

Really, I am curious now.

I went back through my purchase history to when I got the free episode and it shows full game then too but it really amounted to around 2gb. Interesting...........

theEx1Le4978d ago

It is the full game, my completed save file works with this so its not just an episode!

Nevers4978d ago

I just downloaded this (bought this) about 1month ago... I had bought it originally when it came out but then had a hankering for it... and $20 seemed like a deal... now I'm kicking myself.

t(-.-t) m$ (from me)

\(^o^)/ m$ (for others)

...Kix self again...

ProjectVulcan4978d ago

Yup worked fine with my old save. First it didnt apply the update when logged online, but then i let it get to the main menu offline, then logged and and applied the update when asked worked fine after that :-)

Microsoft have clearly just cocked up and responded taking it down, attempting to convince people downloading it that it wasnt the real deal. Those that stuck it out, well done. From this small window of opportunity, you got yaself a free game lol

Spydiggity4978d ago

here's the msg i'm getting:

This item is not available for purchase from Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web.

Chimerhazzard4978d ago

How is Flow free on PSN?

I can't find the free version of Flow anywhere :S

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4978d ago
ISKREEM4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

What are you talking about? It's legit.

Once again, the benefits of actually having a hard drive.

gamingdroid4978d ago

If you don't have a hard drive you can still grab the game and download it later when you have a USB Drive or Hard Drive.

It's free!

niceguywii604978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Downloading it now. And thanks *Merc_With_A_Mouth* when I tried the first time reading the first article about this the page on XBL was as if the deal wasn't there trying to get a credit card number.

THE MAX SPEED 214978d ago



Blacktric4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

If this is not a joke or work of some hacker, I'm seriously happy right now. Hopefully, this and that 2400 points deal is a good sign of more things to come.

No Way4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Just curious.. what '2400 points deal?' Haha.

Blacktric4978d ago

I should've said 800 points deal I guess. You know the one that gives you back 800 points if you spend 2400 points on Live Marketplace?

Johnny Jiron4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Ive been milking that Bing rewards thing for a few weeks now also. Getting 200ms points for every computer I sign up with a new account. Heh. Rounding 1000msp right now. Just gotta get a few friends who dont care for the points to do my bidding and sign up more accounts for me.

for anyone curious:
sign up using Firefox or IE as yer browser and you get 250 reward points. Redeem those points in the redemption center where they have 100msp. You can only make one purchase at a time so purchase 100 then purchase another 100. In a few weeks theyll send you the point codes. Repeat process with a different computer.
Im sure someone knows how to get around this and use a single computer, but Im not that smart.I have 3 coms in my house so thats 600msps right there plus the computers at my girlfriends.
And any friend I can get to do so for me as well. Plus some legit uses got me another 100 reward points by just using there toolbar :P

COINTELPRO4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

My 360 got a virus and RROD. Download at your own risk or alternatively download Steam and get lots of free games weekly thanks to Valve. PC gaming is the best.

lolzers4978d ago

As much as I'd love to download Fable II for free on Steam, it's not available dude.

Blacktric4978d ago

Well COINTELPRO, it's your own opinion and I respect that, but for most of us, console gaming is better. Not because we got the best graphics, sound, upgradable components etc. It's because it's simple and fun. On topic; I seriously can't believe this. It's just pure win for us gamers. BTW there's none of that region/IP locking crap for Fable II. So, if you are living in a non-supported country like me, you can download the game without having a problem.

SantistaUSA4978d ago

I'm downloading, it says item already purchased! That's weird, they better not charge me anything for it! But if it is really free....THANK YOU! :D

JasonPC360PS3Wii4978d ago

Who's dumb enough to troll a free game?

gamingdroid4978d ago

It's free, there is nothing to fall for.

Perhaps you should report yourself, Troll!

Garrus_Vakarian4978d ago

What is there to lose?

A little bit of you time, that's all.

4978d ago
MRJENKINS4978d ago

OMG i bought fable 2 today!!!!! WTFFFFFF

vhero4978d ago

Erm doesn't work you get

This item is not available for purchase from Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web.
So I reckon they stopped it OR as usual you fanboys are going along with this crap to try make your console look better which if you need to do that your sad but it wouldn't be the first time.. Either way it's dead now so don't bother..

secksi-killer4978d ago

vhero give it up. there must be a "i love sony" thread for you somewhere

vhero4977d ago

Erm say what now?? It doesn't work you tool! try the link yourself you get that error message. You think I just made that crap up?? Who is the fanboy here?? Hmmm.. I think thats easy to see as it's obviously not me.. I lost 2 bubbles so far for attacking fanboys as your all lowlifes and N4G mods need to get off there a$$3$ and do something about you people.

reckoner4977d ago

Why do you automatically assume that this is a "fanboy" attempt? And why does it bother you so much that this game was released for free for a short period of time?

gamingdroid4977d ago (Edited 4977d ago )

Because vhero is a fanboy himself and when looking through his fanboy goggles it appears that any positive Xbox 360 news is concocted by the opposition!

By the way, I can confirm it worked for me and it was the entire game without the premium DLC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4977d ago
codyodiodi4977d ago

I guess the Admins should pay attention to there website.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4977d ago
ArtsyGamer4978d ago

Seemed to work for me... don't know how or why though.

Desz4978d ago

Part of their give back program before the price goes up.

mcmmaster4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

doesn't work for UK, even if you have a USA account, it won't work in the UK, i just tried it
EDIT- UPDATE, it does work for UK residents, hurry up and get it before it goes off

ionicmoose4978d ago

How did you get it to work for UK? I changed the en-US in the link to en-GB and it seemed to work, but when I click download it says I need the latest update even though I have it. Something to do with being in the new dashboard program thing?

mcmmaster4978d ago

i did it by changing the xbox website to the usa one, clicked international and clicked usa, then i signed in as my Uk account, then i typed in fable 2 and it was there for free, but microsoft fixed it now,doesn't work anymore, lets just hope they dont delete it from my download list

No Way4978d ago

Not to mention, it's a good game.

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The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer181d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog181d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned181d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c181d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb181d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies181d ago (Edited 181d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal181d ago (Edited 181d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72181d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman181d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos180d ago (Edited 180d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows180d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Fable II - A Fantasy Series at Peak Performance

Fable II launched back in 2008 and remains the best the series has offered. Ahead of the series comeback, it's time to look at the classic.

Crows90345d ago

They gotta bring back those gargoyles!

Dudeson345d ago

I'd love to play it again, this time on pc though. Forever waiting on that pc port.

GaboonViper345d ago

Loved this game, oh and i always saved my dog at the end, hope the new Fable has a animal companion.

got_dam345d ago

Fable 2 was the best inthe series. Peter waaaaaaay over promised with fable 1 and it was good but disappointing. He didn't go crazy eith hype for the second game and it was surprisingly awesome. Then he ran his mouth promoting 3 and it was the worst of the 3.

cthulhucultist344d ago

Funny story: Fable 3 had a funny way of keeping the promises you made in the first half of the game and having enough money to defeat the darkness.

You only had to collect enough money to buy 2 stores in a busy market district. You then raise the prices to maximum and you turn xbox 360 internal clock 99 or more years ahead.

The next time you load the game, all the rents from the 99 years are collected immediately.

But yes I agree that 3 was the weakest of the three.

Demetrius344d ago

I only got to play it once 😩 I'm so tempted to buy a Xbox 360 slim but planning on getting the series x soon since I got a PS5 in February Im ready to get saints row 1&2 back, GTA 4, fable 2, but I also want to play infamous 1&2 again Sony screwed us over with the stream only for saints row 2 and other gems smh

920d ago Replies(3)
-Hermit-920d ago

Dragon Quest 11 isn't even the best Dragon Quest game, it's a good game, but not the best. Dragon Quest 8 is superior to it in almost every way.

thorstein920d ago

...and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4....

I am biased.

Hofstaderman920d ago (Edited 920d ago )

OK let's end this, in order
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Dragoon
Breath of Fire 4
Breath of Fire 3
Dragon Quest 8
Dragon Quest 11
Vagrant Story
Saga Frontier 2
Chrono Cross
Suikoden 2
Threads of Fate
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Lunar 2

Jiub920d ago

Sometimes I forget how much of a powerhouse the PS1 was

MadLad920d ago

I don't play too many jrpgs, and I'm trying to diversify a bit.

Outside of FF and Dragon Quest, what two games from that list do you most recommend someone trying? Doesn't matter if it's a sequel to another game or not.

Jiub920d ago

IMO: Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II

thorstein920d ago

Octopath Traveler is really good.

BlaqMagiq1920d ago

You have Threads of Fate on there which means you get my ultimate respect. Underrated and overlooked.

Exvalos920d ago

Man your dang near spot on absolute spot on choices

Epicor919d ago

I like your top 6 a lot. I don't have the same orders but all those games would make my top 10 RPG list most likely. Number 1 for me is FFIX. It holds a special place in my heart and imo it's the perfect Final Fantasy game.

In addition I would give special mention to some western RPG's as well: Skyrim and Mass Effect 2 were iconic games. Out of JRPG's I'd like to add Disgaea 2 on that list.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 919d ago
MadLad920d ago (Edited 920d ago )

Some of my personal favorites are Planescape: Torment, New Vegas, Morrowind, Kotor 2, Wasteland 3, Witcher 2, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Deus Ex, Disco Elysium and Vampyr.

As far as jrpg, while I'm not as big a fan as I am for Western RPGs, I love Persona 3 - 5, Dragon Quest 8 and 11, Rogue Galaxy, Final Fantast 6,7, and 12; and Lost Odyssey.

LoveSpuds920d ago (Edited 920d ago )

Some quality taste in games there squire.

I'd add some Baldurs Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights from back in the day too.

MadLad920d ago

Should have added BG2. Played through it many times over the years.

Never could get into Neverwinter Nights though. Not sure why.

Omegasyde920d ago

Loved rouge galaxy. Fav game from Level 5.

ManMarmalade920d ago

Legend of Dragoon #1 game of all time for me

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