
IGN: Medal of Honor Review

With stability issues, levels that are more shooting gallery than firefight, and a story that stumbles, Medal of Honor walks into a quagmire it never escapes from.

Hellsvacancy4980d ago

What i expected, its a rental (like it always has been)

EVILDEAD3604980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

Never in a million years would I have predicted an IGN '6' for MOH..wow..this hurt..

Next up Game Trailers and Game Informer and it's a wrap..

Maybe the game needed the controversy after all..because all the game needed was 8.5s and a few 9s from the big players for it to pry people away from Reach and all those Black Ops preorders..

But who knows it still may see some success..it's hard to believe that the the muli-player from DICE didn't raise this game a couple of notches..

But 6? IGN..


grailly4980d ago

you made the same comment on another page, and it was slammed by disagrees, but here, it's fine lol

I'm happy to see boring and non-innovative first person shooter getting bad scores, at last! might I add. I hope this is just the beginning of it.

I have the impression that since IGN changed their scoring system, they also became harsher, which is really a good thing imo, I know have more faith in their reviews.

darkcharizard4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

^ That's going to be my comment when Black Ops gets a bad review :P Lets see how many disagrees i'll get...

Winter47th4980d ago

A poor man's Call of Duty.

Shackdaddy8364980d ago

To be fair, this guy is REALLY biased towards CoD. If you ever heard his BFBC2 review and his MoH preview then you would know. Hes probably the worse review I have seen when it comes to FPS games which challenge CoD...

Sheikah4980d ago

Everyone else are dead set on an aproximate meta of 8.0 -- I'd say this review reeks of biased journalism. IGN is losing serious integrity IMO - just look at their Tumble review (3.5) -_-

Gametrailers bashed it but gave it an 8.1, which is decent - that score was dished out whilst dissing the re-implementation of a sniper/bomber sequence. The same type of sequence which was revered as "a welcomed return" in both BC2 and MW2.

SeanScythe4980d ago

OMG it's because they are reviewing the 360 version which has tons of pop-ins screen tearing, and other issues. Looks at all the PS3 reviews 8.0 and higher.

This game was built on PS3 and these review site are playing on 360. Same are Bad Company 2 it played and looked better on PS3.

nycredude4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

How is this game bashed for Story when COD MW2 doesn't even have one. IGN are COD fanboys. There is no way COd should get more than a 90.

Edit: This game should get at least a 90 just for that epic beard!

Dacapn4980d ago

I understand that every game takes draws from others, but this is what happens when you directly model your game after another. This, I would say, is the first true COD clone we've seen, and clones are never as good as the original: GOW3 > Dante's Inferno, Gears > Quantum Theory, Halo > Section 8. I think you get the picture.

killcycle4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

They rated Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce 7/10


finbars754980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

Actually i disagree 100%.Play the game and be the judge of it.The game didnt need any controversy at all.The game is just staight out wicked.The SP is so authentic and I feel likie I know what these guys are going through over there.The Mp is sick as f$%k and it has such a great feel about it especially the teamplay.It works really well compared to previous games.Anyone who sits in this room and knocks on this game without playing it are just straight up hyprocrytes.This review is by far the most bogus crap I have ever read.Play the game before you judge it.You can tell there was alot of pride and hard work put into this game. The game is a easy 8.5/10 for sure and nothing less.If you want to play some horseshit over the top hollywood arcade game where you cant even remeber the story line the play Black ops you will appreciate what milked games are all about.

Sarcasm4980d ago

I've been playing the SP for a little while and it's pretty good. The problem is the Unreal Engine 3 looks terrible. UGHHHH I'm sick of developers using that crappy engine.

ShinMaster4980d ago

I know there are differences, but come on. This guy is totally biased toward COD. You can tell by his other previous Battlefield and MOH previews.

Maybe if he opened his fanboy eyes, he'd see that COD deserves a very similar score and criticism.

BattleAxe4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

@ Shingino

Lack of content is the main reason.

Heres a quick breakdown (Day one out of the box comparison):


MW2 - 16
MoH - 8


MW2 - 13
MoH - 4


MW2 - 23 co-op missions
MoH - no co-op

PRICE(In Canada)

MW2 - $69.99
MoH - $69.99

These are the main reasons why I'm not buying it. I was pissed off that DICE did the same thing with BF:BC2 as far as game modes and number of maps goes, but at least it was only $59.99 and of course I loved the characters from the first Bad Company's single player campaign, so I couldn't not buy it lol. MoH also doesn't have the large maps and fully destructable environments that BF:BC2 has.

I'll think about getting MoH when they come out with the "Ultimate Edition" like they did with BC2, and hopefully they'll drop the price by $10.00.

BeOneWithTheGun4980d ago

I am so pissed. Monday was a holiday so GameFly doesn't ship until today. I was so excited for some new Ghost Recon meets Rainbow 6 that I went and spent 10 bucks and rented it at my local store. Its CRAP! Same graphics as battlefield 1943, ridiculously stupid AI (On hard mode, level 3 and have not died yet)

I am so pissed. I am taking it back tomorrow and when the GameFly copy gets here it is going right back. Thank GOD Fallout comes out next week. This game really is a turd.

gamer20104980d ago

IGN reviews are crap. It seems like so many of their reviewers are just fanboys of established franchises and they automatically hate on any challengers.

This review and the Castlevania review are two recent examples. Neither game got a fair shake. They were not judged on their own merits, but criticized harshly for not being some other game. MOH isn't Modern Warfare and Castlevania isn't another 2D metroidvania game. Boo hoo.

Just watch, they'll act like Black Ops is the second coming and slap it with a 9+.

ShinMaster4980d ago

Modern Warfare 2 also had like 3 hour long and crappy story/campaign.
Or is multiplayer the only thing people care about?

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4980d ago
deadreckoning6664980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

@EVILDEAD360- Are u really THAT surprised? The beta was pure horseshit. No way DICE could have fixed all those problems in such a short amount of time. Considering how good Bad Company 2 is...I don't understand how people can defend MOH.

morganfell4980d ago

They could not fix all of the beta issues. True. The game actually feels nothing like the beta. After running quite a bit of MP in the beta I almost cancelled my reservation. But I have been on since last night, logging about 8-9 hours total of solid play and the actual game, apart from some minor server issues, is surprising. Teamwork occurs in several game types like you never see in CoD.

Graey4980d ago

You know what man.

I'm not the type to even try this game, but after reading your info on it and a couple others input I'm going to give it a try. I'm curious to see if this is authentic.


Sarcasm4980d ago

The PS3 beta felt really rough and I felt like it couldn't decide which it wanted to be, COD or Battlefield. However, the recent PC beta changed my mind with the different maps, obviously better graphics, less bugs, and it was just pure fun. It's not overly frustrating with the cheapness and silliness like COD.

tigerstyle4980d ago

There are just fanboys over at IGN as well... Cod fanboys... XBOX too -__-

Dave13514980d ago

troll, just leave this post. just leave

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4980d ago
iPad4980d ago

A 6?! Damn. I played the beta and it was pretty amazing. The game is a 9/10 in my eyes.

Don't let robots let you decide what games you should get.

appleseedexm4980d ago

did you play? I think you're the only one on earth who would call the beta amazing. That beta was worse than the alpha version of stalker.

solar4980d ago

you have low standards then if you thought MoH is a 9/10.

ELite_Ghost4980d ago

the beta was good on pc (last week)
And the campaign looks good but short just like mw2.
Multiplayer is good, I guess they're just addicted to halo atm...

solar4980d ago

the PC beta was horrible ELite_Ghost. imo people liked the game because they like to camp. the game play was simple and the guns have no recoil. instant win.

Lord Gunchrote4980d ago

Yeah I agree. Its a solid 8/10 game. 6 is just being a COD dick rider.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4980d ago
likedamaster4980d ago

Instead of helping this game, Dice actually hurt this title. Single player I hear is awesome, it's just the multiplayer.

Domer254980d ago

Good to hear about the SP, I just hope its not as mangled as IGN claims.

Kaneda4980d ago

Almost as low as Quantum Theory...

Blaze9294980d ago

Dang, I thought EA was on a roll from it's past history. Seems they're going right back to mediocrity.

suckerpunch4979d ago

how would you have to judge someone based on one game ? one game ? no wonder there's so many fanboys.

MOH really sucks horsedick, but look at their upcoming titles, there are plenty of potential high quality titles.....Dead space 2, bulletstorm, crysis 2, and their previous titles in 2010 alone....FIFA, NHL 10, mass effect 2, BFBC 2.......tons of goods games.

alien6264980d ago

didnt know many people listen to reviews...yea they informative but i actually like this game. the single player was awesome havent tried the online. if u like stories in games u will love this keeps u want to play more

gtamike4980d ago

looks like a not buy then but a rent

c0nnnn4980d ago

i think i will wait for Fallout Vegas

ico924980d ago

i think gametrailers review was better this review really didn't convince me that it was a 6/10, guess im gonna have try it out for myself

Gago4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )


Graey4980d ago

I think it was supposed to be something COD should look out for. Let's be honest its more of a stepping stone in the right direction. You know how Goku get's his ass whooped and goes into the hypervolic chamber, works his ass off then comes out on top.

Seriously everyone is waiting for MOH to contend and eventually defeat COD, because the alternative is not good. Think about it for a second.

Stepping stone my friend...stepping stone.

Pika-pie4980d ago

Yep, looks like this is a rental for me too

Graey4980d ago

Seriously...how can it be a poor man's call of duty when they both cost the same. Seriously think on that for a second.

Sad to see it get a crappy score. But I'm curious if its a bland shooter will COD get the same? An above poster asked this same question, I'm curious to see what happens as well. Not that I'll play either but still I'll keep my eyes open for that review as well.

Oh no disrespect to you Winter, my apologies if it sounds that way.

Scary694980d ago

Medal of honor has a few issues, for instance the party system you cannot hear anyone you invite to your party. On top of that you are only allowed to invite 4 people to your party.I would give the game 8/10 Sniper is overpowered like a M.F. maybe a patch could fix all this.

solar4980d ago

"levels that are more shooting gallery than firefight"

thats what the beta showed me. pass.

frostypants4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

Saw this coming from a mile away. It's a half-assed bastard stepchild of CoD and BF.

It's no secret that I have issues with the content of the game (I don't like basing a game on existing real life conflicts), but now I know I won't be missing out.

This is what I feared, and what I knew would happen:
"Medal of Honor...starts to feel like the Theme Park tour of the war in Afghanistan, rather than a respectful trip through a day in the life of a soldier - and yeah, that weirded me out."

...and then...

"The score is also quite good, but once again, Medal of Honor's intended tone is undercut when the game closes out to the tones of... a Linkin Park song."

So as feared, it turns what brave servicemen are going through into a farcical circus. This issue could have been solved simply by changing it to a fictional conflict.

Since the gameplay apparently sucks anyway, I won't miss it.

princejb1344980d ago

well enough about this back to call of duty

Playerz84980d ago

I had hopes for this game...they are tarnished.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4979d ago
Prcko4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

Fails again with their reviews!!!
No more trust to those noobs!
Noone gave moh less than 7,and this extra ign staff is sooo talented to make reviews as always so they put the score 6!

chilled2m4980d ago

IGN fails on what basis? Have you played the game yet or are you simply projecting your disappointment on the review score?

finbars754980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

They failed majorly and yes I have played the game and Its a hell of alot better then a 6.Quailty and authenticity goes a long way then quantity.The game deserves a easy 8.5.The story is maybe 6hours long but its by far the best 6 hours I have played in a long time.At least I will remember the story of this game as to COD run of the mill hollywood crap that you wont remember withing a week but only be remembered for its plagued with online issues.I gurantee that Black ops will be the same old thing.Good luck on that and to all those who go on about it being a clone to cod lol. cod is a clone of MOH just remember where it all began morons.

frostypants4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

"Quailty and authenticity goes a long way then quantity."

Um...they address that, and they dock it because it's clearly NOT great from an authenticity standpoint. What authenticity? Whack-a-mole enemies? Cliche story? Did you read the review? Because he clearly addresses what you perceive as "strengths" of the game.

This game sounds like it's suckering a lot of people with high production values, on top of a crummy game.

Hands Up For Games4980d ago

I said in a MoH article yesterday that, "Meh is meh" and got attacked left right and centre, I still stand by it. Not that the review score is meh, just the game overall is, yesterdays review was an 8.5 and today ive seen quite a few 6's, 7's, 8's and one or two 9's.

To all those who hate COD (im not its biggest fan but I dont hate it) and think that Acti are bribing sites to lower the score of MoH, get a grip people, this isnt N. Korea!

Maybe the game is just a little bit meh.

Kaneda4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

Activision.. they have a lot of money.. :)

kerrak4980d ago

Just think for a moment. If EA successfully cloned the COD formula it would get 8s at most, because of "same formula". If Activision pulls the same yearly COD it gets 10s, because of "same formula".

mittwaffen4977d ago

lol, you both must be MOH owners? I've heard the same song one too many times.

People said it about FFXIV too, (Acitivsion/Blizz) payed reviews to make FFXIV down; the reality, it deserved what it got.

So, if you guys think you are right...but this into perspective.

WOW makes Activision most of their money (They own blizzard), thus if they would pay off reviewers over such a small pot of money compaired to their MMO, they must of payed them off for FFXIV too right?

FFXIV was crap, and this MOH never got much higher.

Deal with it, take off your tin foil hats.

BeaArthur4980d ago

I've seen a couple of reviews now that gave it under a 7. The only fail here is your comment. And like chilled2m said, have you played it? The answer is no.

HSx94980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

they do fail, they mentioned lot's of stuff that COD has, like "lots of scripted events", and "MP levels feel like small villages", in COD that's exactly how you feel yet cod gets 9+ lol.

k-Lan4980d ago

Prcko. Good thing it's not exclusive to the PS3 or you would jump out the nearest window. It's too bad really.

STK0264980d ago

Prcko, have you played the multiplayer beta? It basically was CoD:MW2 lite, it didn't look all that good (it probably look significantly better in the final release though), it didn't have the destruction found in Bad Company 2 and din't really have anything to make it stand out from the competition. And let's not forget how the beta started days later while the EA servers were basically ''eating'' the beta codes.

Let's face it, MoH is not what most people hoped it would be when it was announced, it's an okay game, but not the second coming of the Christ.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4977d ago
DelbertGrady4980d ago

Looks like the cheque from Bobby Kotick cleared just in time.

chilled2m4980d ago

See, this is why you only have one bubble. You say stupid things and people vote you down.. simple as that.

BeaArthur4980d ago

I believe you meant, who SAYS stupid things. Irony.

HSx94980d ago

I believe you don't have a full sentence there, let's all be smartasses and make fun of other people's spelling and grammar since our writing is obviously being monitored by the superior.

BeaArthur4980d ago (Edited 4980d ago )

Then I guess I don't need to point out your punctuation error since you're already on to me.

antz11044980d ago

@ Chilled2m his comment was rated better than yours ratio-wise, lol.

@BeaArthur, ZING, +bubbles :D

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4980d ago
chilled2m4980d ago

Antz, Your absolutely right! looks like there's more people crying about this review than I thought. It was a fucking stupid troll comment he made, yet fanboys will be fanboys.

tunaks14980d ago

your so fucking lame,
dont you think just maybe the reviewer felt this game deserved no more then a 6 ? Just a though.

chilled2m4980d ago

Amazing comment Tunaks! Clearly the original poster put out a thoughtful, well organized reason why the game didn't deserve a 6. Wait, he didnt? then in that case you should shut the fuck up!

antz11044979d ago

Whoa, simmer down Buckshot. Pretty soon you might be down with us lowly 4-bubbles. :D

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4979d ago
gillri4980d ago

lol wasnt getting it anyway, or COD : BO for that matter as im only bothered about SP, im not getting into another military shooter

i got lots of SP goodness to play

xYLeinen4980d ago

I think if the multiplayer made by DICE was an expansion for BC2 this would be great, but sadly this is not the case :(

Show all comments (209)

Remembering Medal Of Honor: The Forgotten Master Of WW2 Games

Ibrahim from eXputer: "The Medal of Honor franchise was once the crown jewel of FPS war games, later defeated by the tides of time and poor development."

banger8840d ago

They tried to turn it into Call of Duty and it killed it off. They should reboot it and go back to it's roots. But they'd ruin it with online-only/multiplayer style bullshit so why bother? I have very fond memories of these games, but this series can stay dead as far as I'm concerned.

FPS_D3TH39d ago

Was literally just thinking of this game the other week with the secret nut cracker mission and the shooting Bismarck dog lmao. Loved these games as a kid

PrecursorOrb39d ago (Edited 39d ago )

I wish they’d remake warfighter

Strictly for the campaign

The_Hooligan39d ago

I have fond memories of playing the Medal of Honor Breakthrough MP Demo. It had two maps and custom servers. Living on campus, I had it downloaded on one of the PC Lab servers so I could access it on any computer at the university. Joined a clan and made friends that I still keep in touch with today.

Show all comments (6)

The Medal of Honor Franchise Deserves a Comeback

Game Rant Writes "It's been over a decade since fans have seen the Medal of Honor franchise on consoles in any capacity, and it's about time EA brought it back."

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porkChop536d ago

Medal of Honor 2010 was a good start for a modern reboot. The campaign was fantastic. Multiplayer wasn't great but that's DICE's fault. I'd love if they went back to that game and gave it a proper sequel.

SlothLordPootus536d ago

I actually really liked the multiplayer in MoH 2010. Battlefield gunplay on small maps. I would love to see a Rising sun remake, the opening scene would be amazing to see.

SonyStyled536d ago

I enjoyed the multiplayer of MoH 2010. It felt like battlefield 3 in a way. The multiplayer in Warfighter was also pretty good but the campaigns single player story was not appealing with the whole family cutscene thing. Gameplay was fun though. MoH to me is the PS1/2 titles and I don’t expect to see a WW2 MoH after the last Call of Duty’s

Levii_92536d ago

PS1 MOH 1999 and 2000 (Underground) and Allied Assault PC is my childhood.. it's still soo good and it holds up. Not to mention Michael Giacchino's soundtrack is one of the best video game soundtracks ever made. Even if you weren't born in early to mid 90's go listen to the main theme of Allied Assault and you will be overloaded from nostalgia.

I miss this franchise a lot.

Iceball2000536d ago

I’ve always thought that MOH and Battlefield should be separate…

Have MOH as the full fledged single player with an amazing store and whatnot. And a basic multiplayer just to have multiplayer. Sorta like how the MOH reboot was.

And then have BF as the full fledged multiplayer with all effort put into that and ditch the single player. Maybe add Commander back in.

Only in a perfect world.

HeliosHex536d ago (Edited 536d ago )

Oh man medal of honor on pc was awesome back in the day. Multi-player was fun. Joined my first clan on medal of honor. Definitely deserves a comeback. But needs to be on the same level or surpass COD. Since it came out before that ip in 1999 to avoid embarrassment.


The guys who did Allied assault are the one who created call of duty. They're back at EA, Vince something

MadLad536d ago

I'll be the weird guy in the room and say I actually loved Warfighter. I thought the squad mechanics made it stand out a bit and thought the shooting felt good. Put a lot of time into the multiplayer.


15 PS1 Games Under $20 in 2022

PlayStation (PS1) game prices are beginning to get a little weird. The pandemic, renewed interest from collectors, and growing scarcity have all impacted PS1 game prices. CIB and New games can cost thousands for some titles. Use this list to snag some amazing old games to play or improve your collection without spending a fortune.

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Jiub856d ago

I really wish the Legacy of Kain series would come back

855d ago
Nintentional856d ago

Still have my original PS1 my family got at Sam’s Club back in 1999 :) it still works and I have it hooked up to a 32” Sony Wega Trinitron that supports S Video and Component 👌🏼 PS1 games in S Video POP on there 🤩

855d ago