
Square Enix: “Don’t Review FF14!” Players: “38%” (Site NSFW)

Reportedly Square Enix is demanding the gaming press hold off publishing any reviews of Final Fantasy XIV until a month after the game’s release; unfortunately, players seem to have jumped the gun and are publishing their own less than favourable opinions of the game.

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Marcello4989d ago

Why does this not surprise me ?? anything SquareEnix make is rubbish so why should this game be any different.

Just resign Wada FFS!! you have driven the brand of SquareEnix into the ground

Jamie Foxx4989d ago

to which reviewers didnt respect, MAG from launch till when you got your upgrades was a completely different game

Biggest4989d ago

This specific site has done nothing but cry about any and everything FFXIV related. If FFXIV gave players $1000 a month they would complain that SE is trying to buy favorable comments.

Dragun6194989d ago

Honestly, when dealing with MMO's, I think people should just offer their opinion on the game and not rate the game out of ten. It would have certainly helped MMO's in the past like APB.

HolyOrangeCows4989d ago

The latest twisted information from the cartoon child porn site, I see...

NecrumSlavery4989d ago

Square has done so many bad things this generation to the fans, no one owns them a kindness...

AndrewRyan4989d ago

Don't say to respect MAG when its updates were much better. They should have fixed the game in the first place before releasing it so it was their own fault. That is like saying, "Hey guys I am a senator of Florida, but you should all respect me like the president because I am going to be president next year!"

Vlaitor4989d ago

Alright, this isn't inteligent or is it actually adding anything up to the plot but here it goes...


InactiveUser4989d ago

A month after release? What a bunch of BS. That should tell you something. The game's probably a 6/10 at best.

Caffo014988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

if you had played a MMORPG in your life you would understand that 10/20 hours into the game are nothing you can judge about...this is a genre that needs thousands hours of play to fully understand and appreciate...and SE doesn't want to do that, only want Reviews to come out after a month!!they want you to try the game enough to judge it!!after playing for 20 hours you probably have seen 0,5% of the game!
MMOs usually die because of ppl give up too easily or buy games based on reviews coming out after 2 days from release!
Just try it and you'll understand, if not it's YOUR LOSS!

InactiveUser4987d ago

Yea, I've played RPGs before. It doesn't take a month AFTER release to review a game, when they already had review copies prior to release of the game. (I'm talking the bigger sites and magazines obviously)

How long does it take to grade Graphics? 5-10 minutes? 1 hour?
How long does it take to grade Gameplay? 1 hour? 5 hours max?
How long does it take to grade Sound quality? 1 hour?
etc. Most categories don't take a month+ like you're suggesting.

Now if you're talking the grade for Story, yea, that's going to take some time, but still not a month after release when sites get review copies months before release and it's literally their job to play them.

If they're that worried about premature reviews, instead of delaying them until a month after release (so people buy their game blindly; uneducated about the product's potential), they should be giving the reviewers earlier review copies.

I fully understand they take time. It seems you didn't factor in blinding the public for the first month's sales, so they don't get any criticism.

As far as 'User' scores go.. fanboys of other systems will downvote another system's exclusives. So if that's what they're addressing, then they're simply wasting their time.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4987d ago
Simco8764989d ago

I agree that SquareEnix is going down a horrible path, but they have made some good games in the past... just come back to greatness Square please!

Marcello4989d ago

Well i cant think of any game they made that was good. unless of course you mean Squaresoft ? now they were divine, true masters of game making, sadly no longer with us. Best thing we can hope is that Wada just trashes it so bad that Sony buy more stock & take control :)


FFX, FFXI, KH & KH2 were all, at least, GOOD games, arguably great. There are other arguably good games from them as FFXII and KH spin offs... Squeenix just seen to really suck at this gen consoles, FFXIII, Crystal Bearers, Last Remnant and Infinity Undiscovery all sucked donkey balls.

Marcello4989d ago

FFX & KH1 were both true Squaresoft games and were great games. FFXI & KH2 were SquareEnix games but i have never played either of them nor even seen them playing so i have no opinion on those 2.

Millah4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

FFX and KH were Squaresoft games. And then FF12 and KH2, under Square Enix, weren't as good as their preceding games.

This is what happens when competitors merge. And this is why competition is good. Squaresoft and Enix should have never merged, they were the two titans in Japan for RPGs and competed heavily against each other. Take away that competition, turn them into just one giant corporation, the result is nothing but trash with corporate idiots like Wada setting the vision instead of the creative visionaries who actually had passion for things other than money.

And to think that Wada has actually voiced that he thinks ALL Japanese developers should merge together into one giant corporation. My God. This guy has got to be one of the biggest asses in business. He doesn't have a clue, it boggles me to think how he even got any power to begin with.

Organization XII4989d ago

ever since square enix released FFXIII on the 360 I completely lost faith in one of my favourite game developers of all time, I never thought square will go that low and make an FF game on the 360...I dont trust them anymore, let them go suck on Billys c0ck...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4989d ago
princejb1344989d ago

is anyone even buying this game
just the monthly price itself makes me not wanna buy this

kevnb4989d ago

but aprrently it sold better than they thought it would, without even giving any reviews. Theres a certain group of people who loved final fantasy 11.

kevnb4989d ago

aion got plenty of terrible reviews, but nobody cares about reviews.

Abriael4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

it shouldn't surprise anyone. But for a different reason than you think.
No MMORPG should be reviewed near it's release, and any journalist (or wannabe journalist) that does so simply lacks the credibility and integrity to do that job (or hobby).

Reviewing a game fairly requires playing at least a majority of it. better actually finishing it.
Reviewing a MMORPG fairly, as complex creatures as they are, requires even more time. You simply cannot review a MMORPG over the first few levels and a few scrawny hours of gameplay. It's like reviewing a normal game having played just it's prologue.

"3 or 4 weeks" of gameplay are more or less what it takes to know a MMORPG deeply enough to write a fair review of it. There's no escape from this, and if you find a review written much earlier than that it's a clear signal that you're reading a review written more out of hearsay, wishful thinking and hot air than actual facts and experience.

Also, you simply can't review a MMORPG fairly based on the usual inevitable launch idiosyncrasies that normally will be cleared a couple weeks or so after launch (actually FFXIV has been fairly smooth in that, with rather stable servers and client compared to the average, but still)

People that think that the media should review MMORPGs earlier than that should remember the Age of Conan debacle. The game was reviewed hastily by journalists that played only the first few levels (that were fantastic), but were followed by ages of nothingness, boredom and lack of polish. It got chains of 9 and lots of customers were tricked by the revews into buying the game, only to find themselves sorely disappointed as soon as the first few levels were past them.
There's an easy lesson to be learned there. Lots of journalists lost any credibility they had with those 9s.

Oh, by the way, of course if you take Sankaku Complex seriously, you really are in a bad position. They always had a huuuuge agenda against Square Enix and any of their games. They simply have no credibility in any matter regarding them. Reading any of their past articles will show that.
Even in this case, they're warping reality to make it look bad:

Square Enix didn't "Demand" anyone to hold off review. As a reviewer myself I've been contacted with the same message everyone received.
They asked quite nicely and there were no demands, threats or anything like that. They actually didn't even say to hold off writing about the game, and suggested to post impressions and similar things before the review.
But of course in a site that's intentionally trying to spin it negatively, this simple request has turned into a "demand".
Personally, I think it's fair, and I wouldn't have posted my review earlier than that anyway. I want to offer my readers something more solid than educated guesses, hearsay and wishful thinking.

Also, are we really talking about Amazon reviews here? Since when 2chan goons dragged down dragon quest 9 to 1 star (exactly the same thing that the same people did with FFXIV), everyone should know that they ceased to be any form of news.

Bottomline, Sankaku Complex isn't exactly a source of fair or honest reporting about this game or any other Square Enix game (actually, any game). Pay it no heed and move on.

SonyPS3604988d ago

..if Square Enix don't want their game to be reviewed until a month after it's released?

How can they expect people to buy it when they don't even have faith their own game will be a critical success?

Caffo014988d ago

they have faith in it...just read the comment above yours to understand why they want the game to be reviewed after a month..

knifefight4988d ago

The day I take seriously anything that comes from a website that glorifies child molestation and whose news almost entirely consists of statutory rape + erotic pictures (like sankakucomplex.com) will be the day the sun don't come up.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4987d ago
Raoh4989d ago

i'm actually enjoying ffxiv.. its a nice upgrade from ffxi.. needs work but most mmo's get better over time..

wada should still resign..

Godmars2904989d ago

Still, when you look at games like Aion, Blade and Soul, or especially Guild Wars 2, FFXIV hardly looks impressive.

Abriael4989d ago

Seriously? You may want to look at some actual screenshots side by side. FFXIV literally destroys the games you named as of looks.

Godmars2904988d ago

I have looked at all of them, especially in terms of gameplay, which is why I said exactly what I said.

Caffo014988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

Aion?!? really??it was hyped to hell and now it's only another shitty game...
and guild wars isn't out yet nor it has started beta testing so i don't know how can you say that!

jukins4989d ago

yea im with you on that. no mmo should be reviewed on release. usually there's so much to do. i havent gotten ffxiv yet but i remember with ff11 i hated it cuz i died so much early on and kept delevling and gave up on it for a few weeks. decided to try it again and was hooked for 3 years

Heartnet4989d ago

Yeh you cant get through all the content in less than a month but u shud still review it lol its just them telling u not to means that they have no faith in there game lol

ArtsyGamer4989d ago

If you liked FFXI, check this game out, it's enjoyable and shows lots of promise for the type of MMO it is going for. This is not WoW, it doesn't want to be WoW or Guild Wars 2, it's a totally different experience.

INehalemEXI4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

It is true MMO's take time to mature with patches, and expansions. The priority's are screwed though, I mean that is a lot of resources going into this. Why do we see this game before a game everyone asked for. So many ways to please the fans but what brings in money like clockwork is an MMO. I might pick it up for PS3 later if Versus delivers.

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darkdoom30004989d ago

Oh square... look how far you have fallen.

BannedForNineYears4989d ago

Meh, the reviews FF14 has been getting are looking good.

SonyPS3604988d ago

Reviews from who?

Fans? The public? Those are pretty irrelevant.

ndibu4989d ago

Why? Because when it tanks, and it will, people will realise as with FFXIII, x360 had nothing to do with it's "failure"

Meisadragon4989d ago

facepalm. 360 has everything to do with ffxiii failure.

Mystogan4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

No it wasn't , the 360 got a PORT(not specifically developed for the 360) so it would have stayed the same if it was only for PS3 and it uses like 5 discs or something? they had to cut content from the 360 version

stragomccloud4989d ago

Dude. 360 version was just a port. Everything wrong with FFXIII stems only from gameplay design.

Run_bare4989d ago

I bought final fantasy since FF 8, looking forward to FFXIII, but it was MEH.. very nice graphically, but gameplay so bored, can't stand playing again after it finishes.

Biggest4989d ago

English lesson for my good troll buddy. It's is the contraction of "it is" and should not be used when explaining possesion. You should already know that the 360 isn't slated to get this game because of the Xbox Live restrictions. You should also know that FFXIV is a MMORPG and not a regular RPG. The only thing FFXIII and FFXIV have in common is the fact that both will be played on the PS3.

n to the b4989d ago

ok I have to:

don't get all high and mighty. IT'S possession, not 'possesion'.

visualb4989d ago

what an ******* horrible argument.

and...FFXIII didn't fail =| it just wasn't up to FF par, largely due to Nobu's absence and Wadas reign...

but it won't ever see the light of day on the 360, Live doesn't work well with MMO's, so you can dance naked in a party hat =3

SonyPS3604988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

People who blame a game's failure on it being available on another console are retarded anyway. This mentality is only shown by ignorant sheep who know nothing of game development.

Anyway I'm getting sidetracked.

Looks like WoW's next expansion won't be getting any competition, as usual.

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Kran4989d ago

Look. When you release a game, it has to be emersive from the start, not when you are half way through playing it. (Yes I know its an MMO)

Besides, players won't listen so theres no point in trying.

BigPenguin4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )

When WoW released it was the buggiest piece of crap with 3 completely broken classes(rolled a warrior day 1, still my main). Say what you will about how fun you think FFXIV is, at least its playable.

MMO's lay the groundwork for release, then add content through patches. This is how every single MMO works, don't hold FFXIV to a different standard.

Arnon4989d ago

Implying FFXIV has any features to talk about. Rather, it's missing core features that actually make MMOs accessible. FFXIV should be marked down for these, not given the benefit of the doubt because Square-Enix rushed the product out, which most still consider a beta.

Kran4989d ago (Edited 4989d ago )


A final fantasy fanboy ¬¬

Abriael4989d ago

@Arnon: but it has lots of features to talk about. For instance the best class and crafting systems on the market.

It's not a matter of giving the benefit of the doubt, it's taking the necessary time to actually experience and know something about a game before writing a review on it. Thing that any journalist with any credibility and integrity should do even without being asked.

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