
Rumor: Nintendo 3DS capable of Gamecube and Wii ports

Newman was asked whether Winter would be ‘technically possible on the 3DS’. His response;

“The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders. It’s really no secret how strong of a system it is.

“Everything we did with the Wii demo of Winter would absolutely work on that system. And there’s a lot more you can do, especially with a game like that, a survival-horror game in 3D. I mean, I can think of 10 ideas off the top off my head right now.”

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SpoonyRedMage5006d ago

Not a rumour, Samurai Warriors 3 is being ported already and the game can obviously handle a decent SSFIV port so it should obviously be able to handle Gamecube and Wii ports.

jay25006d ago (Edited 5006d ago )

Nothings official yet. Sorry about the pic guys, kept getting a server error, it's up now.

Shoko5006d ago

GameCube, I can see. Wii games, not so much. Maybe those Wii games that really don't use much engine power, but games like MP3, Mario Galaxy, Conduit, etc., no.

A portable, online Melee on the 3DS would be godlike.

DigitalAnalog5005d ago

Despite being on the Wii. And the 3DS would make it even more immersive.

Do that, and this would be an insta-buy.

-End statement

tunaks15006d ago

The key word is PORTED.
The PSP has Wii ports...
Ghostbusters, Force Unleashed, Shattered Memories and so on... so there isnt anything shocking about this statement.

Almost anything can be ported (look at Reflex on wii...)

I don't think we will see Galaxy, Prime, Other M type graphics run on the 3DS.

jay25006d ago

If you read what he said properly, he's saying that nothing that they did in their Winter demo for Wii couldn't be done on the 3DS.
“Everything we did with the Wii demo of Winter would absolutely work on that system."

SO it's basically on par with what Wii can do.

Wii video.


So 3DS can do this apparently

tunaks15006d ago

talk is talk, just compare the new kid icarus's screens to that of Galaxy 1 & 2, Silent Hill, Brawl(especially this one) Prime 3, Other M and other visually strong wii games.

jay25006d ago

What about Snake eater and Residen evil Retrubsion?

ChickeyCantor5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

"SO it's basically on par with what Wii can do. "

No its like saying i can kick a ball hard, so i can kick something else hard too.

The Demo of Winter could have easily been a GCN powered game and not a Wii powered game.

A port doesn't mean 1 to 1 conversion people...

"Everything we did with the Wii demo of Winter would absolutely work on that system. And there’s a lot more you can do"

Hes talking about mechanics.

matey5006d ago

were talking ports that keep the shaders ect psp port of silent hill was poor sorry it looked good for a handheld but 3DS does advanced shaders psp doesnt support shaders end of 3DS is a pocket wii/360/ps3 it can replicate all 3 its near a wii in power but with shaders out of the box and in flat 3D out performs all 3 home consoles FACT

5006d ago Replies(1)
5006d ago
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john4163d ago

I still whip out my OG Xbox to play this once in a while it’s one of my all time favorites

vTuro243d ago

This game was so fucking good. It's legit one of my all time favorite games. I wish they'd make another (Vikings was mid) or remake this one. Probably won't happen, but one can dream.