
Megaton rumor: Duke Nukem Forever resuming development at Gearbox?

According to anonymous sources that spoke with Kotaku, Duke Nukem Forever has – like the phoenix of legend, except with an even longer lifespan – risen from the ashes. Apparently, however, this time Borderlands developer Gearbox is taking the reigns, which sounds like the best thing to ever happen, if we’re being honest.

Anorexorcist5021d ago

a resurgence in the new gen.

My favorite quote from Duke Nukem: A Time to Kill for PSOne: "EWWWW, Skanky Outfit."

morganfell5021d ago

A different Duke Nukem game has been in development st Gearbox for over a year. It's an origin story of how Duke became Duke. Unless they switched up then this is the rumor these sites keep hearing, not Duke Nukem Forever.

FragMnTagM5020d ago

I knew those rumors had a little weight as Randy Pitchford (president of Gearbox Software) has a little history with George Broussard of former 3D Realms.

Can't wait to play it. The graphics look pretty damn nice for off screen video that was streaming live.

Why is everyone on here so pessimistic?

Dramscus5021d ago


I'm just going to go on down to the graveyard and dig up these old bones to write a story about.
Maybe I'll shake them around a bit and they can make a bit of noise...

but yeah. I highly doubt we'll see duke nukem forever... ever. Then if we do there's a good chance it'll actually really suck. Or at least not live up to expectations. Which would be a total fail all things considered.

Elwenil5021d ago

Honestly, I'm just sick of hearing about this "game". Either put it out or just STFU about it. I personally don't think this would be a big seller and obviously the developers and publishers are very unsure about it. There are certain franchises that stand the test of time but I feel like this gen that a lot of developers are falling back on old titles due to a lack of imagination in developing new IPs. This one might be worth it as a download game or something but I can't see it being a huge success as a $60 title. If it's dead, just let it die and stop bringing up every month.

nygamer285021d ago


hudsoniscool5021d ago (Edited 5021d ago )

i hate that line. they F#$@ing stole that from the movie They Live

ThatArtGuy5021d ago

They stole almost every line Duke says from Bruce Campbell's Ash character.

ZombieAutopsy5021d ago

I have a feeling if this game ever does get released that it will most likely either get really bad reviews, sell terribly, or both.

dgroundwater5021d ago

I'd still like to polay it even if it bombed. You know it would still be fun to play no matter how dated it feels. It's Duke Nukem Forever to god's sakes it would be an honour to play it even if it was a turd.

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2D Sidescrolling Version of Duke Nukem Forever Leaked

Duke Nukem Forever originally began its life as a sidescroller instead of a shooter back in 1996, and that canceled version has just been leaked.

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Rancegamerx521d ago

Very cool, but i don't know how real this is... I'll check it out later to find out.


Duke Nukem Forever “remaster” restores Gearbox FPS to original glory

Duke Nukem Forever, the troubled FPS from Gearbox and 3D Realms, has been restored to more traditional 90s shooter thanks to a sweeping “remaster” mod

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XiNatsuDragnel621d ago

Awesome this needs to be released

Venoxn4g621d ago

It is out already, there is a download link inside the article too.

Aaroncls7621d ago

kinda of a misleading title.

Mod features:
Sprinting removed and faster player movement
Jump height increased
Swim speed is much faster
Player can now hold breath underwater for 45 seconds instead of 15
Weapon rebalance and screen shake when shooting removed
2/4 weapon limit completelly removed
Quicksaves (F5 by default)
Depth of Field removed and new post processing effects
Driving sections are now in first person perspective

Dandizzle621d ago

God damn Megadeth Duke Nukem anthem is the best.

Snookies12621d ago

It is pretty amazing, I remember being so hyped that they covered the Duke theme back when it happened haha. I still quite enjoyed Forever though personally.

Venoxn4g620d ago

It is great, you should check out Eric Calderone - Duke Nukem meets metal .. thats proper as well


Duke Nukem Forever was ahead of its time, but nerfed before launch

Duke Nukem Forever, the infamous and controversial FPS from 3D Realms, apparently looked much better before launch, as modders discover various cut features

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masterfox663d ago

"so wrong yet so right"

Only a few will know what Im talking about lol :D

porkChop663d ago

Wow, that advanced lighting makes a huge difference to the visuals. I get that Gearbox tried to slap everything together and release a finished product. But it seems like they cut out a lot of content that would have made the experience more enjoyable. That's a shame.

Number1TailzFan662d ago

Nerfed due to consoles.. and not the first time it has happened.

-Foxtrot663d ago

Kind of amazing the difference a lighting engine makes

Number1TailzFan662d ago

Same, the AI could be pretty dumb but the bosses were fun. I thought the levels (mostly) got better later in the game too.

XiNatsuDragnel663d ago

Devs nerf a game man best quote I've ever heard.

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