
Xbox 720 or Xbox 3 - Hardware, Graphics, Release Date and Games Speculation

GR - Xbox 720 or Xbox 3 draws a lot of speculation, so let's find out what we know so far regarding the hardware, graphics, release date, games and more.

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TrevorPhillips5033d ago

Do we really need a 720 right now, I mean Kinect is coming out soon and that should expand the 360's lifecycle right.

HeroXIV5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Maybe. 2 years at best though. Which is about the time we all predict a new Xbox will come out.

5033d ago
el zorro5033d ago

Well normal generations are usually around 5 years so if a new Xbox launches in 2012 that would mean the 360 would have been on the market for 7 years before its successor shows up. I think 2012 is the best guess. We will probably hear something about it next year.

Conloles5033d ago

Nope all you need is a PC and you already have the 720!

nveenio5033d ago

I honestly don't think that MS will be moving to a new platform before 2014. Why, you ask? Because the major IPs that 360 has (and people would love to see on new hardware) are done and gone. Bungie is gone. Gears is gone (or will be after #3). Lionhead never delivers. Valve is focusing on PS3 because Sony is letting them bring Steam to the platform. Mass Effect is now multiplat.

This is why MS is moving into the casual market. They'll probably spend the next two years testing the casual market. In late 2011, they'll be putting new hardware into the hands of devs (if there are any left, that is), and we'll see a new console announced in 2012's E3. Launch will probably be holiday 2013.

ProjectVulcan5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

You say they wont move to a new platform but i think they will and retain kinect compatability of course.

As sony moved onto PS2 from PS1, the older console was swamped with casual titles and kiddy titles. More hardcore titles arrived on the more expensive newer machine. This happened with the PS2 to PS3 transition as well. The older console continued to live for much longer as a result and still sold in good quantities.

I suspect microsoft will look to introduce a new platform, obviously the expensive next generation hardcore gamer machine and relegate 360 with cheaper kinect bundles as their casual vehicle, retaining it on their portfolio of hardware rather than retiring it immediately. The cheapest new 360 is now approaching a key pricepoint- the 100 pound barrier. Once that is achieved and i expect it inside the next 12 months it will signal the latter stages of 360s life as microsoft's flagship console.

Yes i know, its obvious you can get clearance old style machines at knockdown prices at outlets with old stock. That has always been the case. I clearly mean everyday official RRP price for the cheapest new models.

milohighclub5033d ago

you can now get a 360 and 3 new games for under £100 at game

AAACE55032d ago

It said a first party sequel was being developed, but pushed into being a launch title for the next console... Sounds like Perfect Dark to me! Also, I believe the next gen will start in 2012! By next year, the average price for either 360 or Ps3 will be $200! That is the usual warning sign the next gen is coming!

I still say digital download only will kill our industry! In theory, it sounds like a good idea, but they are forgetting a lot of people have consoles who aren't connected to the internet. Not to mention people like me who don't want to hand over my credit card info to a game company, especially when I personally know several people who have had their accounts hacked by entering their numbers on a console!

If they think sales are down now... wait until the DD crap kicks in! Those numbers will get lower and lower. Primarily because people will be more cautious about what they buy! You won't have the security of buying a bad game and being able to sell or trade it... You are stuck with it!

More than likely, Nintendo won't follow this DD crap and will probably come out as the winner if MS and Sony go along with it!

The only good thing I see from having DD games is not having to worry about messed up disc and console has fewer moving parts which should lead to a longer life than usual... I mean like a Nintendo cartridge console life line long!

bobcostus5032d ago

I really don't want a new console. I'm perfectly content with the current gen. Gameplay > Graphics.

Trey_4_life5032d ago Show
getonmylev3l5032d ago

They need to come up with a new name instead of "xbox" There is a lot of bad blood associated with that name. A new fresh name would represent a new beginning. Maybe the Microsoft Phoenix? haha just spit-ballin of the top of my head

ThatArtGuy5032d ago

You sure you want a name that associates itself with being reborn from flame?

TheLastGuardian5032d ago

I really hope that Ultra HD thing won't happen or I will be royally pissed. HDTV's look good enough and I don't want to buy another TV yet.

Ju5032d ago

No need for a new console.

We are running into a dead end. 360 & PS3 need to be able to drop below $200 for reasonable production costs before we can even think about a new console - or the inflation puts the $400 price point where $200 is now. PS3/360 are way to complex to scale down to $200 at any time soon - not without stripping features.

Without that, a new console won't happen. It is much to risky to drop the old model and introduce a new one at a >$400 price point. This is the lowest price I can imagine for a new console - and it'll be tough.

The only reason for a new console I can see is, that the PC will eat into the console market and 3D will take off (which requires more horse power eventually).

But if neither will happen, and current tech can at least compete with those two factors, nobody will take the risk an invest another billion to just get a new more powerful machine to the market. Cash flow for those risky projects pretty much dried up these days.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5032d ago
Ziriux5033d ago

We dont, the Xbox 360 is still got a lot of power and another 3-5 years left. We are good with the current system.

etownone5033d ago

another 3-5 yrs????

the hell you smoking??

gamerzBEreal175033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

The 360 Has alot more time microsoft said KINECT WILL AD 5 YEARS TO THE LIFE CYCLE and sony said MICROSOFT AND NINTENDO WILL BE FIRST TO DO A NEW CONSOLE you wont see anything else till 2014-2015
jesus guys sony spent like what 5 years makeing ps move? there not just going to release it and move into another console that's stupid same with milc-o-soft, i mean microsoft.

luke2015033d ago

loll 3-5 years is too much

nveenio5033d ago

Three years at least. But not because the 360 has the power to last that long. It'll last that long because of MS focusing on casual market. Once they realize they need to get back into hardcore, they'll put a new kit into devs hands and announce it to us the following E3.

AAACE55032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

The Ps2 was the weakest console last gen and people are still buying it now! You were happy with it (I was as well) and didn't care about graphics that much. Now all of a sudden the Ps3 is the most powerful, you guys want to turn your noses up like snobs?

The only thing that matters in the end is if the games are still fun and if you can see good.





...and the Ps2 is still selling well even though it was the weakest! Wii is the weakest and it is still selling well! Like I said, graphics don't mean sh*t... fun games are what count!

n4gno5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

@AAA, ps2, like ps3 now, had all the great games....now you can do a lot more with a ps3, and unlike ps2, it's the more powerfull console.

so, if people are not brainless, ps3 = ps2 or more, if not, bad for them :)

" i think the xbox is capable of producing the same graphics as ps3 but is held back by lack of disc space and a lack of harddrive in every console "

and most of all, cell !!! hd and disc space explain some real differences (compression, non hd sound, etc) but no AI, graphics, polygones, etc : ps3 is better for that, when optimised.

lo(again)@dchalfont, THE real joke of the day : he don't have ps3 or xbox, but read all the day console's news, and try to explain to gamers what he don't know anything about
the best : he is comparing old pc games, whith games 100 times more beautifull on consoles ! resolution can't do miracles dumbo, i also have a pc, and most of the games have inferiors graphics to uncharted, killzone (not all, but most of all)

"But this gen of console's haven't brought innovative gameplay to the table either..."

what a donkey ! you really don't know what you are talking about (oh wait, you don't have the consoles you are trying to talk all the day, pathetic :)), 2008 to 2010 was the best years for videogames, all the specialists confirm that ("golden age" articles are easy to find)

OpenGL5032d ago

The clockspeed has nothing to do with the PS2 being the weakest of the 3 consoles last gen, as all 3 systems used different CPU and GPU architectures.

CWMR5032d ago

True, but you can't completely disregard the difference in clock speed either. Then there is the fact that the PS2 also had half the RAM as the Xbox. It was unquestionably the weakest hardware by a large margin.

In any case, this generation the two HD consoles are much more equal in power.

-SIXAXIS-5032d ago

"still got a lot of power"

LOL! It didn't have a lot of power to begin with.

Ziriux5032d ago

@ etown

Whats wrong with the 360's games now. fine too me.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5032d ago
curbowb815033d ago

Yeah it will enhance the 360, but 720 kinect...imagine!

hakis865032d ago

"It's also been confirmed that Crysis 2 will be coming in 3D on the Xbox 360 so that means Xbox 720 will definitely be supporting 3D gaming and it will most probably be without those pesky glasses."
The only display that displays 3D without glasses is the Nintendo 3DS - and it's not even out yet! And TV size? Not yet.
My point is it depends on your diplay - not your Xbox 360.

Hopefully the next Xbox won't be as hot though.

And, as I said on the PS4 speculation, I doubt that Optical media/discs are going away anytime soon. I used to believe it, but seeing as my 10mbit connection takes several hours downloading some GB, who wants to wait that long to start playing a game they bought? Nobody.

outrageous5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

The tech behind Xbox 360 and PS3 is 7 years old. It's time for a new machine and I expect to here about it at E3 2011 with the new machines coming in 2012.

If kinect sells 50 million 360's on top of the 41+ million they have now, then maybe we may not see a new xbox for 3-4 years or more.

Yue95033d ago Show
Kamikaze1355032d ago

The power really isn't everything and Nintendo proved that with the Wii leading in sales. As long as Sony and Microsoft can continue to innovate and release innovative games, then there's no need for a new console.

Rainstorm815032d ago

you are truly outrageous...lol...Kinect selling 50+ mil....WOW!!!


Nintendo didnt prove that..if any system did it was the ps2... it did the same last gen eaily being the weakest of the group.

As far as Power goes this gen is funny....last gen the xbox fans touted having the most powerful console while ps2 fans touted the most games.......fast forward to now PS3 fans has the most power (and games...now) and xbox 360 had the most games.......

frostypants5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

"Xbox 720 will definitely be supporting 3D gaming and it will most probably be without those pesky glasses."

I stopped reading right there. There is NO technology that supports glasses-free 3D on anything beyond a small display, and it only works for a single viewer in a very specific position.

There is also little need for resolutions above 1080P...anything higher is virtually undetectable unless you are sitting very close to the screen. That processing power is better spent on more detailed textures and higher polygon count.

frostypants5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

Disagree with what? My comment on the weaknesses of glasses-free technology is fact. As for 1080P, do you see any need for anything higher in terms of normal television? Hell, it's already like you're looking through a window at times. If the answer is no, why would you need it for games? The big difference between games and live TV is not resolution-related, it's detail-related.

Otheros005033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

You forgot that the bigger the display or the farther the viewing distance the higher the resolution that it is needed. http://carltonbale.com/1080...

Lord_Doggington5032d ago

no glassesless 3d? i stopped reading there.

youtube glassesless 3d. there are PLENTY of options out there now waiting to be picked up by a major distributor. just a matter of time

8thnightvolley5033d ago

maybe not right now but in a year it might be too obvious, but who knws. the ps2 is still doing well in this HD era, the one thing that i am quite intrested in is the ULTRA HD which i read about, first time hearing of it and its very intresting, thou the power consumption is sky high and alot of extensive research needs to be done b4 is consumer friendly in this eco times.. and probably will cost SHYT loads.. but what the heck.. am paid.. *chi ching*:D

MuleKick5032d ago

Oh Boy. I just wasted 5 mins of my life. An article based on 95% speculation. I didn't need an article asking me to guess that the xbox 3 will be like. I can do that on my own.

gcolley5032d ago

and yet you still read it. what did you expect, some leaked documents from the year 2012? not very practical if you ask me

Buttons5032d ago

I agree. This isn't Terminator

MuleKick5030d ago (Edited 5030d ago )

I expected speculation based on thoughtful technological advancement. You know, tech that may actually be possible for the next xbox. Documents from 2012...that was a good one. Not funny, but witty to say the least.

avengers19785032d ago

This article is pure speculation, and that is it.

MicroSony4Life5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

Sony has been successful with the PS2 and the PS3 on the market.

MS could continue to support the 360 for the casuals, which I think is the purpose for Kinect, to draw them in. The can also bring out the 720 and make it for the hardcore.

fatstarr5032d ago

The fact that they think we will have ultrahd is crazy.

But I can definitely say it will have a dual gpu system because thats the trend of graphics cards today. Hell a System with a dualcore and 2x 9800GT's can beat a 360 and thats technology from 2007.

dabri55032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

No telling how either company will handle hardware next gen. Possible it will only be minor improvements as both companies have been very impressed with how the wii sold and seem to want to copy it.

palaeomerus5032d ago

Look, you'll hear about the new console a year before it launches, probably at E3. Since we didn't see it in 2010 it's not coming in 2011. If we hear about it in 2011 then it's probably coming in 2012.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5030d ago
Ziriux5033d ago

Can't wait for the next system which will hopefully catch up to the PS3 technology and produce some even better games than the 360 and PS3.

halocursed5033d ago

What do you think about the "Digital only route", I don't think they are ballsy enough to attempt it.

bloop5033d ago

I can't see them doing digital only. If that was the case, the 720 would have to ship with a MASSIVE hdd to hold everything. Judging by their current prices for hdd's, I don't even want to imagine what they'd charge for the thing!!! Aside from that, what about people with with slow internet speeds waiting 24hrs to download a game, to people with no internet at all!!! Too risky.

fredfenster5033d ago

@halocursed: World ain't ready for that yet. Look at PSP Go, sales are meh.

gamerzBEreal175033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

$599?? lol if we had that big of a price 4 years ago and now are only a couple mil behind MS can do the same go ahead dissagree :{

GodGinrai5033d ago

Im counting on them not being ballsy when it comes to THAT...i dont mind Down loading arcade titles but i preffer bigger title on a disc.

Cant wait for thew consoles to arrive though. hopefully 1080p native games will the norm.And 3D without the glasses.And.....4D smell-o-vision. so we can smell the zombies when we play COD 20:super limited prestige edition by treyarch!...ok the last part was a joke...except for 4D smell-o-vision. lol.

8thnightvolley5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

digital only i hate.. not for the fact that it doesnt down cool, its just that now .. to game or to be a hardcore gamer that wants to play it all u will be spending such an insane amount of money.. i am a fan of lovefilm rental. its just the way for me.. since i wanna play a game and breeze thru it.. to imagine for those like myself that have both ps3 and 360 wtf would u be spending a year on games.. imagine 60 games u play for a year times £40= £2400 or $60 =$3600 that is just too much.. they wouldnt dare go only digital

frostypants5032d ago

They could offer kiosks at retailers where you could plug in a thumb drive and copy over the game relatively quickly...or even have your hard drive in an easy-to-remove module that you carry to the store and install the game on site.

MuleKick5032d ago

Not happening. The PSPgo proved that consumers aren't ready for that yet.

TechnicalBS5032d ago

The Sony PSPGo proved that the "Digital only route" would be a failure. Maybe when digital distribution is more widely accepted, they'll release a limited amount of hard copies.

evrfighter5032d ago

The only thing psp go proved was that charging full price for weak titles and never having any digital only sales doesn't work.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5032d ago
el zorro5033d ago

LOL what? PS3 and 360 are extremely close in power already. The next Xbox will definitely be several orders of magnitude more powerful than either the PS3 or Xbox 360.

futurenana5033d ago

In your dreams, perhaps? when was the last time you played one of the PS3 exclusives? the texture resolutions, poly rendering... it's all just SO much better quality.

Not arguing 360 doesn't have great games though. I find 360 games are more dependant on gameplay, games like Halo are pretty ugly but have great gameplay.

hennessey865033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

i own both consoles and i do admit that the ps3 has produced the better visuals with the likes of uncharted 2 and killzone 2 but to say the xbox is only about gameplay is abit wrong. mass effect 2, alan wake, gears 2, halo reach, splinter cell all look really good i think the xbox is capable of producing the same graphics as ps3 but is held back by lack of disc space and a lack of harddrive in every console

mrcash5033d ago

He is saying they are close,the only game that really showcases the power when compared to xbox games is gran turismo double the cars on screen at 1080p, but other than that the other games are debatable.

PS360PCROCKS5032d ago

@ future hahahaahaha dude come on you think the next xbox will ONLY MATCH PS3 graphics??? Lol oh man, maybe the launch titles. Look at Gears Of War 2, than look at splinter cell chaos theory, leaps and bounds difference, leaps and bounds.

nickjkl5032d ago

im sorry henessy but alan wake and splinter cell dont fit on that list they are both sub hd and thus can not have the best graphics

palaeomerus5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

Well Futurena clearly knows nothing about reality. :) Just fanboy wank. Look at those textures and geometry again kiddo. LOL. PS3 is essentially an old weak PC with little RMA (just like the 360) and it's not busting down any graphical technology barriers nor is it impressing anyone with it's old GPU. Quit kidding yourself. They look about the same. Luckily Sony's exlcusive devs are spending a bit more money on fancy animations in some of their games that makes them look more polished than agmes with more primitive animations. But no, PS3 textures and geometry are about liek 360 textures and geometry. Always have been. Always will be. Memory and rendering speed are an absolute limit for that sort of thing. Sorry to bust up all the hype there but it's just silly to keep twaddling on about cell-miracles that never materialized.

@ nickjkl

Why waste time with irrelevant pixel counts? Alan Wake and Splinter Cell both look awesome. Plenty of games with higher native resolution look very meh. You're stuck in the past with that crap mate. CoD MW and MW2 are ALSO sub HD. Welcome to modern graphics techniques in AAA games on aging consoles that want to show horn in more effects in a bigger 3d environment without killing the frame rate.

hennessey865032d ago

R.E im sorry henessy but alan wake and splinter cell dont fit on that list they are both sub hd and thus can not have the best graphic

So your saying a game cant look great unless its hd. Alan wake is a stunning looking game and id rather have sub hd if it means better graphics, both cod4 and mw2 are sub hd but both look great. Resolutions only really matter on pc because thats the only format that can actually run hd games properly if you have an hd game on this gen consoles the games suffer in other areas.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5032d ago
iJOIK3R5033d ago

I can't wait till anyone release a new system. I really just hope Microsoft put a lot more focus on building the consoles. The whole RROD situation left a bad impression on millions of gamers

palaeomerus5032d ago (Edited 5032d ago )

So did the YLOD's, removing BC, Removing Linux, reintroducing rumble months after launch, PS2 lens failures and the PSX being playable upside down to prevent over heating that caused CD-reading to skip and games not to load. Don't kid yourself, most people forget this crap mighty fast.

xYLeinen5033d ago

It's kinda up to the developers imo. If they release their new consoles to early developers won't make games for them. Sure a few titles will be out there but it will be hell of expensive to develop for the new consoles.

rufioho5033d ago

Another Microsoft RROD hardware, the PS4 will again win in the long run

fredfenster5033d ago

You can't tell that, no doubt PS3 is superior this gen, almost every way. But you don't know what MS and Sony have been doing for the upcoming console.

gamerzBEreal175033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

yes i do
SONY: great excluseives (it has been that way every gen) great simple controller motion controller always ahead (CD-DVD9-BLU-RAY) not a big failure rate (going by ps3 not ps2 it seems sony has there head on stright now) careing about the community things like devs listening to us about a look on cole to makeing a hole website for updates to the console (and alot of the features on that website made it in) great deals LBP are KILLZONE2 with a dual shock 3 for $60?? at microsoft shooters, shooters, shooters...failure...shooters fanboys..rip-offs...shooters

X_GAMER_X5033d ago (Edited 5033d ago )

am ready for next gen. 6 years is enough with a console.
they will keep the 360 alive just like the ps2 and hopefully releases a new in 2012.

The 360 would be then 7 years on the market.

But I hope it will be announced in 2011. The PC is so far ahead of the current consoles so 5-6 years is enough.

And am really looking forward to Nintendo's new console. They have a special trend, one gen with a powerful console and the sec with Normal console like the wii to raise some money ;)

Next-gen, Welcome

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom23d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


Moving In My 30s Made Me Nostalgic For Physical Games

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Sciurus_vulgaris8d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle7d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21837d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.