
Xbox 360? PS3? These games look like they're five years old

These games came out on Next Gen Consoles but look as dated as five years old PS2-Games. Cynamite shows a Top 10 of the most antiquated graphics in next gen videogames.

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news0r5089d ago

omg some of these games look really crappy

Cevapi885088d ago

to be fair...a good amount were movie licensed games...and others were on a budget...so its understandable as to why the games underperformed...although Haze was overhyped and under delivered on its promises of being a next-gen shooter...Perfect Dark was launched along with the 360 in '05...devs were just figuring out the machine...and we have seen a steady increase in graphics on both the PS3 and 360

mikeslemonade5088d ago

Crackdown 2 looks like it is 7 years old. That's right it looks like a game that came out on the last year of the xbox 1.

Conloles5088d ago

Crackdown 2 has an art style which works for it, I think it looks good ?

gtamike5088d ago

Haze has better graphics than any Halo game on 360.

Shepherd 2145088d ago

No. I'll take Halo's lighting and art design over Haze's generic graphics any day.

PS3istheshit5088d ago

Might be off topic but Ridge Racer 7 looks very good for a 5 year old game

Ve3tro5088d ago

Haze didn't look like that, that screen is a bullshot.

StanLee5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Funny how you have so many more agrees than disagrees for what is obviously one of the dumbest comments in this article. The PS3 fanboy population on N4G.com is out of control.

olLANDSHARKlo5088d ago

Stan if I was a newcomer to N4G and was basing this website off my choice of consoles. I would definitely go with the 360, this website shows that Ps3 fanboys have no games to play and sit on N4G all day, and you can tell their insecure about there PS3 due to how they can't stand any anti-PS3 articles or pro-360 articles, they swarm to these articles, why are they not playing their PS3? I own all systems and enjoy them all, but based on this website and quite a few others, I think the PS3 may be the kids console, even over the wii,you dont see anyone from the wii fanbase on here, why? cause their playing the wii.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5088d ago
Brawler5088d ago

Haze looked pretty good just that the game sucked and voice acting was terrible.

ThanatosDMC5088d ago

Also the textures. It's a fun co-op game and not a bad buy for $14 each at gamestop.

gtamike5088d ago

It's only good if you buy it cheap ;)

Amplitude5088d ago

Yeah i liked HAZE. Good plot, decent game, decent graphics, 7.1 PCM audio. It was okay. I actually just beat it for the first time last week - did it all in split screen co-op too. A bit glitchy (At one point every time we died we had to restart the system cause the ground would fail to load) but still good...

sid4gamerfreak5088d ago

true most ps3 and xbox games look 5 years old

ShadowJetX5085d ago

How he/who really cares who submitted FPS games and some other ones. I think games like Disgaea and Cross Edge, Last Rebellion look from mid PS2 era. Those games didn't even harness a tiny percentage of the cell processor. But that didn't mean they weren't fun.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5085d ago
DelbertGrady5089d ago

Funny they listed Perfect Dark Zero, considering it actually IS 5 years old.

morventhus5089d ago

lol is it that old..... man i feel old

commodore645088d ago

anyone who played Elite on the c64 is old.

Montrealien5088d ago

pffft, commodore64,

anyone who played Adventureland of the Vic 20 is old.

UltraNova5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Anyone who played ping pong on Atari 2600 is old!


Luzce5088d ago

I played ping pong on Atari 2600. :'(

UltraNova5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

I m 24 years old and I can say I owned a lot of systems. Atari 2600, Nintendo Nes, Super Nes, Sega genesis, N64, PC gaming, PS1, PS2, Xbox360 and PS3...

Red-Dead-Roar5088d ago

meh. in my days we played with rocks and buttons.

ginganinja5088d ago

tch, anyone who played... WITH A STICK !..

gamesmaster5088d ago

i used to play with wooly mammoths... thats old

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5088d ago
WhatARump5089d ago

Haze did not look like a PS2 game.

I didn't buy Haze myself, but it looked FAR from a ps2 game.

The idiots making these claims need to GO BACK AND ACTUALLY PLAY A PS2 GAME on an HD tv and they will see the difference. I did, and upscaled ps2 games look horrible!

Gameplay wise they're still awesome though :)

Luzce5088d ago


The game didn't look good, but it's cause we've gotten used to this gen's standards. Pop in a PS2 game one of these days and take a look at what we used to consider "awesome graphics"!

CobraKai5088d ago

Ps2 games do look bad upscaled. So I still play on my PS2 on my SDTV where it's still gorgeous.

Kleptic5088d ago

yeah TV size has a TON to do with how a certain game will look...PS1 games are nearly unplayable on my 46" lcd...and its more just for nostalgia than anything else...but i'll put the PS3 up to a 13" sony crt I used to have in my bedroom as a kid...and its actually great...still pixelated, but all the graphical short comings are way less noticeable and annoying...

however i started playing a lot of twisted metal black recently, after the TM PS3 announcement...which is one of the best looking PS2 games released...and on a 36" Wega CRT it to this day still looks great...awesome particle effects, lots of environmental destruction and stuff...and great lighting for a ps2 game...

but that same game on the bigger 46" lcd makes a huge difference in visual quality...the blur associated with scaling an SD image to that size is ridiculous...

skip2mylou5088d ago

man its kills playing ps2 games and xbox games on a new HDTV you can see all these jaggies and stuff kills you

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bjornbear5088d ago

when the games came out, they looked 5 years old already.

Cueil5088d ago

every game on there would be impossible to even come close to being matched on the PS2 and pushing the Xbox on some of the really horrible ones... but Haze and PDZ are both examples of games that showed the potential of the systems in the beginning... neither game could have been done on the previous gen machines... not even close

gcolley5088d ago

both riddick and doom3 on xbox1 looked better than PD on 360

cool cole5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

I think it's a little bit older than that.

Edit: Wrong game lol.

Drac5088d ago

Anyone else remember playing space invaders in the arcade, and the screen itself was actually coloured to give the effect of more than light grey.

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diego7505089d ago

And one of the best looking previous generation games is Black!

bjornbear5088d ago

looks better than all those games in this list and thats a whole generation appart =P

PirosThe4th5088d ago

Man... I still waiting for Black 2!
Where is my Black 2!!!!??

Cueil5088d ago

they are working on some other shooter at least that's what I've heard

MysticStrummer5088d ago

No Black 2, but the same devs are making another shooter with a similar sounding experience... only more so. : )

waterboy5089d ago

nah, that game back in 2007 was compared with crysis very hard, but of course the pc brigade ruled crysis looked better, as they have against every other game after that

waterboy5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

maybe with mods, but the base game didnt and real talk the ps3 exclusives following haze were definately over crysis, its the pc community that keeps ruling that crysis is the best looking game

yes pc nerds come disagree with me

Pandamobile5088d ago

Okay Waterboy, I've got a small challenge for you.

Find me an ingame screenshot from any PS3 exclusive that looks better than the following and I'll let you troll all you want:


Luzce5088d ago

/drool @ Pandamobile's screens

Theonik5088d ago

@Pandamobile. You just made my day.
@waterboy, you should really get those eyes checked. Might be better if you removed those fanboy goggles too.

amogrr5088d ago


Look at the resolution. 5760x3240. Those are rendered on the PC. You fail.

Big Frank5088d ago


Nice try, but there's no way those GT5 screens are as good as crysis.

Why do PS3 fans always trump graphics on their machine as if they are the be all and end all of games?

If you want real graphics, buy a PC not a PS3.

Kleptic5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

i'll bite...

crysis always wins still comparisons...but since I don't pause a game every couple seconds to look at a screenshot...i care about what the actual game looks like in motion...

and few things have impressed me with lighting and animation in a video game than this...not saying its overall better than crysis...but crysis sure as hell doesn't pull of death animations like this...or have as complex of a lighting engine...


save the 'buht kz2 is a COReDOR SHOOTZer!!1'...crysis does some things second to none (screen shots)...but there are plenty of console titles that top it in other areas (lighting, animation, fun, etc.)...and that is fine...crysis is nearly 3 years old...crysis 2 will most likely top everything again (at least the PC version)...but its hardly unbeatable in every single aspect of rendering technology any more...

shoulder jam at 18 seconds?...you won't find better animation/enemy physics in a real time playable video game yet...thats just a iron bar gate in the environment, but is obviously rendered with true realistic geometry...where most games would have that simply surrounded with invisible barriers where an enemy would slide off of it unrealistically...

this is a post directed at developers...not how powerful certain gaming machines are...its the developers that come up with impressive stuff on any of the available hardware right now...no doubt PC could do way more than any current console...just stating that they are not...at least currently...

Theonik5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

For motion. As for the animations on KZ2 they have nothing to do with the hardware. And you are mentioning fun as a factor in a graphics comparison?
@Stoney: Thanks your link is better than mine.

STONEY45088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

"maybe with mods, but the base game didnt and real talk the ps3 exclusives following haze were definately over crysis, its the pc community that keeps ruling that crysis is the best looking game"

"crysis always wins still comparisons...but since I don't pause a game every couple seconds to look at a screenshot...i care about what the actual game looks like in motion..."


That's vanilla Crysis, default config, and it looks amazing in motion, better than screenshots.

fishd5088d ago

Well,this is the best PS3 has to offer for now,not to shabby for a 4 year old Console :P



PirosThe4th5088d ago

Those are in game...
The game allows to take pictures of the scene at that resolution and save them.

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FragMnTagM5088d ago

I rented Haze and it is nowhere near my unmodded Crysis running on my PC. Not even close. You need to see an eye doctor pronto.

Kleptic5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

oops...wrong reply

@above anyway...

the fun comment was simply a joke...as the AI in Crysis always annoyed me, and after the eye candy wore off initially I didn't enjoy it as much as other shooters thats all...

Im also not saying Crysis doesn't look great in motion...I'm saying that when you see different titles in motion the notion of crysis 'blowing everything away' becomes much less apparent...

and I did state that my post was not related to hardware...i, as well any body should, agree that PC is by FAR the most powerful asset for gaming...just that developers have not pushed the thing in years...thats all...

MNicholas5088d ago (Edited 5088d ago )

Crysis is an old PC game built with older APIs in mind with outdated graphics technology.

PC GPUs are designed around the requirements of the APIs while the architecture of the Cell processor's SPEs (Synergistic Processing Elements) are completely open ended and have no such restrictions.

Hence, PS3 games that utilize the Cell processor are able to have effects that are simply not available on any PC game.

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Perfect Dark Zero - A Chance to Replay Before the Reboot

With the Perfect Dark reboot set to launch later this year, it's time to look back at Perfect Dark Zero, nearly 20 years later.

27d ago
Cockney26d ago

At the rate xbox is going you'll have another 20 years to play the original before the reboot arrives


20 Amazing Games That Have Completely Disappeared From Storefronts

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TheEnigma313101d ago

I just started playing Spec op. I've had it for years on steam and forgot about it. Such a good game.

EvertonFC101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Fantastic game,.so underated

Cacabunga101d ago

Yes great game spec ops! Since the time we’ve been asking sony to make one:/

Auto Modelista.. a PS2 capcom racer!! A blast to play and great graphics!
Rival Schools!

LordoftheCritics101d ago

Spec Ops: The Line was super dark.

Incredible story.

SheenuTheLegend101d ago

all the games in the above list are bang on. this is the only reason we need backwards compatibility and physical presense of games for the upcoming future, no matter what.

Yi-Long101d ago

Honorable mention to the excellent Driveclub, one of the best racing games of all-time and one of my favourite games ever.

melons101d ago

yes! incredible rain effects; so good to drive along in rain with your Spotify playlist blaring

Skuletor101d ago

I really wanted a MotorStorm using the same engine, Driveclub is easily one of the best looking games on PS4 and I'm surprised they didn't even give it a PS4 Pro patch.

ravens52101d ago

Yes indeed. May just install it on my PS5. You know, physical copy and all.

monkey602100d ago

I adored Driveclub and the Bike expansion. I also loved Motorstorm. Evolution shutting down was a crime

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 100d ago
darthv72101d ago

Outrun Online Arcade, Sega Rally Online Arcade, After Burner Climax... all good stuff. I keep my 360 hooked up to play these as well as the TMNT games that were also delisted.

Skuletor101d ago

I have quite a few of these. Timed licenses suck.

Terry_B101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

wow...I have all of them except the Nintendo ones either in physical or digital version.

Also..Deadpool the Game is missing on that list.

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10 Worst PS3 Games of All Time

Like any console, not every release was going to be a hit, and the PS3 certainly had its fair share of stinkers.

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darthv72135d ago

turning point had a really great story / concept... it just was very generic in its game play.

LucasRuinedChildhood135d ago (Edited 135d ago )

Haze is a bad game but Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty makes it seem like a captivating work of art. haha. Fuck that game

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails isn't on this list but it might be the worst game I've ever played. I got it as a present from my mam and when I saw the box, my life flashed before my eyes thinking of the Metacritic score: https://www.metacritic.com/...

I also received Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty as a present from another family member. Bless their hearts for trying but ... oh Lord. My uncle gave my Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time and MGS2 though. 😎

DarXyde135d ago (Edited 135d ago )

Was it really that bad? I recall trying the demo and not liking it, but that's just me not liking FPS games.

People I know who played it and like FPS games mostly came to the conclusion that it has a lot of room for improvement, but it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be.

Don't know, my opinion on these games should be taken with a grain of salt.

mastershredder135d ago

Oof! yeah, Ride was a huge fumble they tried to market twice.
Haven Fall of the King was dog-shi7-tastic and should be a runner up to some of those.
I'd even nominate Legend of Kay. Heh Haze... there is no excuse for that one (just pretend Haze did not happen).

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