
Microsoft Strikes Back At Kevin Butler “Kinect Is Better Than Anything Else Out There”

On today’s episode of the HipHopGamerShow we have a ton of special guest, new reveals, and details on the latest games.

1. David Jaffe, Michael Pachter, Geoff Keighley, Peter Moore, Shane Satterfield, and more.
2. Microsoft Reveals Plans For Hardcore Kinect Games.
3. David Jaffe Let’s Us In On A Surprise Game NOT Twisted Metal
4. Nintendo Win’s The Press Conference War
5. Eminem, Method Man & Redman on stage for the HipHopRss.

Enjoy The Show

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mrv3215095d ago

They have in the pre-rendered stuff they showed at E3 Instead of real live stuff... ISN'T THAT PROOF ENOUGH FOR YOU!

FangBlade5095d ago

Haters, I dont care what you think but that was a great show by HipHopGamer.
Yes, he has his faults, but at least he keeps things real.

Omega45095d ago Show
Lionhead5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

Why or how would it go wrong? That should be no excuse.

I mean, Natal is "Better than anything else out there".

I wouldn't doubt some of the demos shown at their E3 press conference was pre-rendered as well. That yoga game showed two different heights and other stats for the SAME actor at Microsoft and Ubisoft event.

Oh yeah, I forgot they said Milo would be at E3 as well and nothing. Didn't they also say Milo would launch with Kinect and Fable 3 would have Kinect capabilities lol

mrv3215095d ago

Forza, Kinectimals, Star Wars where faked, not too sure about Kinectimals but the hands in real life didn't match the in-game ones.

Anorexorcist5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

You should seriously consider applying for some kind of leading PR positions within Microsoft's gaming division once you pass grade school and get a drivers license. Your statement could have EASILY been something that came from Aaron Greenberg or that other fat bald guy whose tongue is always sticking out.

Here's a booster for you Omega4:

Kinect = Human Lag Support. If you don't know how to move or are too slow in making a movement, Kinect's in-game avatar will instantly move for you and you'll never lose a game (or a demonstration) ever again! Kinect reads your moves before you! It's the most advanced peripheral to date!

@Maximus Prime

All they've proven so far is that Kinect is just one big hammed-up device covered in deceit and surrounded by smoke and mirrors.

Shadow Flare5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

In the press conference, every kinetc demonstration was faked, with the exception of that fitness game. But whar was evident in that fitness game was the massive lag. There were times when she stretched right and the avatar on screen stretched left. But all the others each had moments you could spot it was fake, from star wars to forza to joy ride. And if the games themselves werent evidence enough, the people playing them cetainly didnt seem very natural. Almost as if they acted it....

......oh wait, it was acted. Confirmed by none other then aaron greenberg




[to Omega] "Your statement could have EASILY been something that came from Aaron Greenberg"

You're a smart guy cos like my link above showed, aaron greenberg DID say something like that.

Aaron Greenberg - “A show like this has to be scripted.”

So yeah, he's just a sheep following ms everywhere and believing anything they say

exnihilonihilfit5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

Agreed, everything except for the fitness video was fake, and the fitness video was laggy. But, it did not misread her movements left to right, that was a projector issue. If you play the game with the screen in front of you, it mirrors your movements, but because it was projected behind her, it showed them from a reversed image. Just saying, that one thing had nothing to do with any actual error on the part of the Kinect device. Kinect is still gimmicky and unproven.

ThanatosDMC5095d ago

I was wondering when HHG would show up for an E3 vid...

IdleLeeSiuLung5095d ago

To the doubters, many of those games for Kinect where available to try for yourself. Can't script that!

AtatakaiSamurai5095d ago

Very entertaining. I actually enjoyed that more than the other stuff I've seen for e3 coverage. Felt like what hard-core gamers want to see from gaming coverage w/ interviews.

Very entertaining.

Sheikh Yerbouti5095d ago

I agree, this has been the best coverage of E3 I've seen outside of the conferences and gametrailers, y'know the important parts. Parts of the G4 coverage of E3 were more embarrassing than entertaining. HHG was really entertaining though, and had some nice interviews. His was not as informative, but he's a guerrilla journalist, and an amateur at that. He's quite good at what he does - obviously a very smart young man.



Yeah there were games available at MS booth. Kinectimals was open to public and people barelly could name the cat to start the game as the stupid game would keep asking for you to say the name and never get it. LOL


You forgot the EyeToy antigrav copy... The thing were a platform slides and you stay over it, jumping or positioning you arms to get coins... I've seen at least two jumps there that the guy was late to follow and make the pre-recordering natable.

And some games aren't pre-recorded but they have a trick, like Just Dance, where the character on the screen will make the right dancing moves regardless of what you do, the tracking of your body only counts towards the score, when you stopped moving it would after stop the character, much like GH games introduce an odd note and cut the music for a second AFTER you played the wrong notes, to fake it for someone failing to play it on stage, instead of actually sound the notes you hit, right or wrong. That happens because the music on GH is prescripted and don't relate at all to what you are ''playing'' with your platic toy, just like Just Dance character moves don't relate at all to what you are doing, think of it as in guitar hero, your following instructions in a screen to get a score, not making the music play - or a character dance - by your inputs.

The only thing that were for sure live demo was Your Fitness or whatever it's named, but the lag was not only visible but also, as people here already said, it showed Kinect lacks precision. It was the same woman demoing it on MS conference and Ubi conference, but at Ubi conference she was smaller based on Kinect scan of her! Now that's some exercise that will really take away some inches of your body... vertically!


If I remember right, Greenberg only admitted it for the ponchos thing.

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Hellsvacancy5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

Thats NO excuse

N4BmpS5095d ago

it really isn't an excuse, everyone else could have had the same problem, something could have went horribly wrong for everyone but they took that chance sooo, I still don't Omega's point.

Imperator5095d ago

Yep, like the Zelda demo that went seriously wrong. MS doesn't have an excuse for using pre-rendered videos. If something went wrong they could easily explain it and all the press some hands on time which would show them that it's not a common error. Just like Nintendo did. They allowed the press to play Zelda and the large consensus is that it works great.

Greywulf5095d ago ShowReplies(1)
MNicholas5095d ago

They'd show it to you but it's so amazing you'll go insane. So out of consideration for our sanity they only release crappy stuff like Wii Sports rip-offs.

caladbolg7775095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

I didn't watch HHG's video. Is this an actual quote from a Microsoft rep? It just seems a little juvenile to be coming out of a PR rep's mouth. It's more like something you'd hear from two 12-year-olds bickering about their favorite console.

"The PS3 Move looks awesome!"
"No way. Kinect doesn't have to use a controller."
"Yeah, well I heard all the Kinect footage was staged. It wasn't even real. Atleast the Move is real, dumby-dumb! :gigglesnort:"
"No way! :sniffle: Kinect is better than anything else out there! I'm calling my mom! MOMMY!!!"

Narutone665095d ago

something called "Suspension of Disbelief".

whothedog5095d ago

Hip Hop, great show man, I loved the David Jaffe interview and I love David Jaffe(not in a gay way)!

That alone made the show. Keep it real brotha!

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brew5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

It's Sunday ... nothing else to do , might as well watch the HHG show!

kanetheking5095d ago

pyrex u know u been looking at it don't lie to us.i bet that you

on the vid skip to 40sec den watch on

PyReX-5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

@ Kane & Brew


Those who disagree are losers too

lpfisher5095d ago

Just out of curiousity, why? Who's to say that they don't each have a healthy relationship with a woman?

Side note: Regular ejaculation is healthy be it from sex or masturbation; it helps prevent prostate cancer ;)

Etseix5095d ago

then watch porn.... with your girlfriend! ;)


Watch n Do porn with my gf /highfive/

8thnightvolley5095d ago

free porn... what can go wrong.

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sukru5095d ago

Go outside and have some fresh air, almost anything is better than this show.

freezola755095d ago

Hefty show bro!! I feel your enthusiasm for the Kinect mayne but I think that the Move seems to be more on par with what most gamers are looking for even as something considered casual. You can sit down and play with the move. Anyway good job getting all the gaming news my doode.

egm_hiphopgamer5095d ago

PS MOVE IS THE BEST OF ALL MOTION CONTROLLERS but the KINECT is hot as well and that's real talk

PyReX-5095d ago

Kinect is only getting attention cuz of the tech.
its not that great but its new (to consumers)

Keep up the good work tho HHG!

getupahh5095d ago

Can you tell us if KINECT can be used while sitting on the sofa. If not, than I will have to pass. If it can, than I will buy.

AC130-Gunship5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

HHG this show was incredible. Keep up the awesome work dude. Looking to check out EA sports MMA based on the interview. Also your comments on Microsoft's Kinect show was on point.

AC130-Gunship5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

Nice HHG. You're rocking dude

deafwing5094d ago (Edited 5094d ago )

running into MP like that :D

- Lily is cheap .. nice win :D

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5094d ago
LordMarius5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

lol right, that's why Kinect can only detect two people at a time

Snakefist305095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

can it detect theves or buglars too.

UnSelf5095d ago Show
PyReX-5095d ago

@ Bubbles
So i guess it wont be able to..
haha yea thats a black joke

UnSelf5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

its funny my comment got deleted, as i too am black lol

albeit lightskin

bubbles up for sense of humor

EDIT: WTF I LOST A BUBBLE?!? man fk this site. i contribute positive after positve comment on a daily basis and i make one joke and lose a fkin bubble.

this site is a joke and i cant wait til this piece of shit falls apart

Theonik5095d ago (Edited 5095d ago )

Don't worry bubbles gave you your bubble back. ;D
@Snakefist: You know that feature i would like. Having a 360 send me a message on my phone when it detects motion in my living room while gone. Or call the cops. That's a selling feature right here!

LordMarius5095d ago

here have a bubble, return the favor, lol

karan86245095d ago

Have a bubble, I know what you mean
I make positive and non-fanboy comments as much as I can, though I prefer PS3

I say I dont like home, boom. 23 disagrees and a bubble gone

Rainstorm815095d ago

the bubble system is kinda dumb, you get stripped for the most average gaming related comments while people troll with useless comments, and live on.

But part of the reason is people are more willing to take bubbles than give them, I never take bubbles unless someone blatantly deserves it.

But liking or disliking 360 or PS3 or Wii or PC isnt a reason to take bubbles...... Its a site for Gamers!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU know what Happy Fathers Day bubbles for all above me YAY!!!

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All Call of Duty Black Ops Games Ranked

The Nerd Stash: "Developed by Treyarch Studios, Call of Duty: Black Ops games are some of the best in the series in terms of gameplay, story, and -- of course -- Zombies."

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Rynxie19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Black ops 4, because it was the last cod of duty I was able to dominate with a +2 k/d ratio. Before all the freaking cheating started to happen. It was nice catching people off guard and shooting at them first and getting the kill. Unlike now, where I shoot people first, but they gun me down with less hits, less time, literally feels like they can kill me in a split second. At times, they are able to run away after me shooting them way more than necessary, yet, the second I'm spotted, I'm dead, there's no me running away to cover. They can do cartwheels, summersaults, backflips and gun you down perfectly. They can shoot you across the map with perfect accuracy. They can jump around like morons and gun you down without even having to correct their aim. They have superman split second perfect reactions. That's the best way to describe it, everything they do is spot on perfect. They can spam and spray (no praying) their gun from far away, because they have no recoil or bullet spread. It always feels like I have to aim and also correct my aim when moving around, while these pricks don't have to do the same.

And yes, I know how to play fps games. I dominated many fps games like: Resistance 1&2, kz 2&3, Socom, MAG, Crysis, Gotham City Impostors, blitz brigade etc. all with 2-4 k/d ratio. Kz2 (lag input controls) and resistance (no aim assist in resistance) being the hardest and were the games I reached either close to a 3 k/d ratio or above.

I truly got to enjoy blacks ops 4 and got my money's worth out of it. Afterwords, I would either stop playing cod games after a while, because of the cheating, or would skip buying cod games for a year or two before buying another.


10 Underrated PS3 Games That Are Hidden Gems

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DarXyde2d ago

Numbers 6-9 were some of my absolute favorite early gen PS3 games. I'm still bitter about Incognito and Japan Studio.

Goodguy011d 17h ago

The white knight chronicles and infamous games really need to come to modern platforms. MAG I really miss...poor zipper. The ps3 was definitely a unique console despite it being the worst home console of PlayStation.


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This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom22d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..