
In-Game Footage of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D

How does Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D look like on a Nintendo 3DS? This is live footage from the E3 stage of Konami showing the awesome graphics and some slight 3D effects of the new 3DS game.

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Miroque25101d ago

That looks totally awesome! You can even see some slight 3D effects!

Jamie Foxx5101d ago (Edited 5101d ago )


below-when it comes to console games sony has the best line up without question ,handhelds nintendo has it in the bag 3DS is a first day purchase,microsoft had a very very poor e3 with nothing substantial apart from the usual halo,gears and fable

hamoor5101d ago

3ds+amazing lineup of games+chicks=Sony and micro got OWNED

You Noob5101d ago

THey play the 3DS with all these sexy chicks!??!


CrazyForGames5101d ago (Edited 5101d ago )

ill be honest if i was there with a sexy chick in front of me i would either be too embarrassed to get near the 3ds or id have my eyes else where

on topic though that was cool for a little video imagine actually holding one for yourself it would be a whole different story

Jamie Foxx5101d ago

was the guy in the mario shirt and backpack (which i just know had his packed lunch in it) playing 3DS, that booth babe must have been thinking 'what a nerd,ohwell just smile im getting paid'

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5101d ago
duplissi5101d ago (Edited 5101d ago )

ahem.... the display you are watching that from most likely cant do the 3d without shutter glasses, not to mention the fact that it was definitly captured using a 2d camera.... ouch you all look silly.

oooh the power of suggestion... and ignorance combined.

all i saw were some minor distortions that most likely came from trying to capture a 3d screen with a 2d camera. i do however envy the person behind the camere quite a bit, because after seeing the ps3 demos in 3d im completely sold on a 3d tv and 3d gaming and the 3ds looks like what would happen if the ds and psp mated and had a threesome with 3d.

SkylineR5101d ago

Sorry but this isn't a 3D movie or PS3 game; the 3DS doesn't need anything in front of your eyes. The console's screen does all the 3D effects right there and then.

jonboi245101d ago

i think he means that people are saying how you can see the 3d effect on your computer monitor even though this was obviously taken with a 2d camera. and will must likely need shutter glasses to 3d shutter glasses to even notice the 3d effect on ur computer. seriously dude read it slowly and u'll realize that u misunderstood him.

tinybigman5101d ago

But I'm not interested in spending another $150-200 when I barely play my DSi as it is. Besides I've already played and beaten Snake Eater I'm more excited for Peace Walker.

Grats to nintendo thou on another version of the Gameboy/DS

tinybigman5101d ago

So many disagrees because I don't want to buy another version of the gameboy/DS.

Alcon Caper5101d ago

"But I'm not interested in spending another $150-200 when I barely play my DSi as it is."

This isn't another DSi, this is a completely different handheld with a line up that completely dwarfs the DSi's. PAY ATTENTION!

dabri55101d ago (Edited 5101d ago )

Considering its more powerful than the PSP, Displays in 3D, and boasts more features than the PSP or any Nintendo hand-held before it, I'd say its a lot different than the Gameboy/DS. Not to mention, it is backwards compatible. If the PSP 2 was coming out, I don't see you saying the same thing.

You don't have to buy it or like it for that matter. It's up to you what you choose to buy. At least give a better reason though.

example: I'm having too much fun with my PSP right now and can't justify spending more money when I have enough to keep be busy atm.

Kingdom Come5101d ago (Edited 5101d ago )

That was REALLY Impressive for Hand-Held, Color me impressed.
Seriously, that was fantastic, can't wait to get my hands on it.

Close_Second5101d ago

...that footage looked f**king cool. Can certainly see 3D bringing something new to the handheld market.

Immortal Kaim5101d ago

Can we finally put the "PSP is more powerful than 3DS" stories to bed that keep showing up. That looked phenomenal.

Jamie Foxx5101d ago (Edited 5101d ago )

which is a known fact, who would be talking about 3DS when its not in stores?

Nicaragua5101d ago

Yeah, we can finally put that non existant debate to bed - good call Immortal Kaim

SOAD5101d ago

Isn't 3DS more powerful than the PSP?

Raf1k15101d ago

That footage of MGS3 does look better thasn Peace Walker but then again the 3DS' new graphics hardware is competing against the PSP's which is quite a few years old now.

dabri55101d ago

I'm pretty sure Nintendo isn't even looking at Sony anymore as competition. They have their eyes directly on the IPHONE/Apple as their rival. PSP is last as far as market share goes. IPHONE is the one encroaching on Nintedos territory.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5101d ago
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Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 to be temporarily removed from digital storefronts starting November 8

Konami will temporarily remove Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 from digital storefronts starting November 8 as it works to renew the licenses for select historical archive footage used in each game, the company announced.

Orchard938d ago

To be honest, I’m surprised Konami are even considering re-listing this given how they’ve abandoned their franchises and fans.

Maybe temporarily will become permanently.

VersusDMC937d ago

They definitely won't relist the games on the pretty much dead platforms they were on. If they go through hassle of changing all the cutscenes it will be to release a PS/Xbox/Switch collection on current systems.

Eonjay937d ago (Edited 937d ago )

Out of curioisity, why isn't historical footage a part of the public domain?

VersusDMC937d ago

According to Google anything before 1924 and anything that wasn't copyrighted 5 years after being publised is fair game.

Maybe the historical footage used in the MGS games might have new copyright owners and they are knocking on the doors of whoever is using that footage for a paycheck.

Maybe that's what happened because of what happened with writers suing Movie studios for rights to old IP like terminator, Beetlejuice and Friday the 13th due to an old copyright law that grants authors rights to their work after 35 years. Maybe that's what happened to the copyright of the old footage as well?

Or they are just negotiating with the original copyright owners? Maybe this is a ploy to get it for cheaper? Bluff that they will just take the games down for a cheaper licence price?

Who knows...

jznrpg937d ago

If they didn’t have plans to rerelease them they would just say they aren’t coming back . They may not release them again if whoever owns the copyrights are greedy but it would seem they are putting some effort into it otherwise they would say buy it now or else that would make them more $ now . I could be wrong but that makes sense to me .

TheEnigma313938d ago

This is exactly why i love physical media

Orchard938d ago (Edited 938d ago )

Well, in this case, describing it as a digital vs physical problem may not be too accurate.

If you already purchased it digitally, you'll still be able to download it and play any time - and if I want to go buy it digitally, I still can today, whereas I probably can't find a physical copy of it in Walmart or wherever.

blackblades938d ago

True as long as you bought something before it get delisted you'll still be able to play them. All the physical vs digital is nonesense now and getting old. You get screwed from both at the end of the day if everything goes down. Physical will have all the bugs because they need the 1st day patches and then some. About most dlc needs downloading so you screwed outta complete edition. I still dont see Sony or MS going anywhere in the next 100 years.

MadLad938d ago

People on here find literally every excuse they can to state just how much better and future proof physical games are over digital.

Funny, being I can play every single one of my almost 1000 steam games with no issue. And, even when the store eventually shutters, they have systems in place I can still back up all my games.

What am I supposed to do when my console, and even the discs it runs, break down? I mean, I can rebuy them, but that just means I had to pay twice for a game, and probably now at collector prices. Doesn't sound very future proof to me.

blackblades938d ago

That already happened to me on ps2. My stuff got stolen, I had to rebuy some of the games with allowances. Some games were nich I couldnt find them again.



We don't even need to loose the games in anyway for physical media reliability to be put to test, disc rot is a thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 937d ago
IamFrasierCrane938d ago

This doesn’t affect anyone who has already purchased the game digitally.

GhostofHorizon938d ago (Edited 938d ago )

Just started MGS 3 over the weekend.
Wouldn't have affected me since I bought the collection a long time ago.

I'm more interested in the fact that they have to re-license historical footage constantly. At what point is it not worth it anymore? I can't imagine a lot of people are buying MGS Collection.

isarai938d ago

Dat all digital future 👌

Sephiroushin937d ago

What? You got it you can still play it just like if you got a physical copy of the game ...

FanboysKiller937d ago

How to get engaged with 2s story ? , can't get through the ship without quiting the game literally since forever.

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New Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Key Art From a Retail Poster

This image basically confirms that in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon we will be seeing an alternate story. While it has been stated by Nintendo multiple times that this was the case, they were never really clear on it.

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Antnee5342450d ago

Why in fucks name did the designs for the mc make it through the planing stages of development? They are by far the worse thing pokemon have produced.

MeteorPanda2449d ago

but...you customize your own characters now? l dont like that boys neck. holy shit it's about as strong as a twig

Antnee5342448d ago

I understand that, but if you pick a boy you get the worse choices.

MeteorPanda2448d ago

oh for sure. The franchise just shits on the male version more and more per new entry, lol

Antnee5342448d ago

It's so weird being that the player base is 70/30 male you know. You would think that they would give the males a better choice selection.


Hey! Pikmin Review - Culture of Gaming

Hey! Pikmin is brand new adventure set on the Nintendo 3DS as Captain Olimar's ship crash lands on a mysterious alien planet.

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TargusX2449d ago

Every time I see 'released on Steam' my heart sinks. Why don't these guys release on GOG instead?