
CVG: E3 2010: Xbox 360 250GB Slim Review

Speaking to Microsoft reps at the unboxing event, CVG was told repeatedly that the firm believes this is the best console it's ever made. They are right. This is the solid, polished machine it should have been to begin with. If PS3 had one undeniable advantage over 360 in the past it was in the hardware stakes, but MS has truly stepped up its game.

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Lionhead5100d ago


Free for CVG means high marks =D

siyrobbo5099d ago

you do realise cvg gets every game and hardware for free anyway?

Hideo_Kojima5099d ago

Almost all reviewers get almost all games for free...

You will never find a reviewer who buys games.

Would a food critic pay for the meal?

wicko5100d ago

That was my expression when I read this:

"no microwave bleep like the PS3. Instead, Microsoft saved the hardware bleep for the disc tray open and close button (which is also touch sensitive), although this console's bleep is more of a smoother, nicer tone, not quite as high-pitch and ear-piercing."

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.. I'll take a "ear-piercing" beep over jet engine DVD-ROMs any day.

SOAD5100d ago

It runs quieter too, so you don't have to hear that jet engine.

wicko5100d ago

lol so someone with multiple accounts went nuts? pretty sad!

And no, it doesn't really run quieter, only marginally. It's still going to be loud as hell.

RedDevils5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

you need to run it next to the mic/headset, and turn your 7.1 speakers up, it would feel like you're in a space rocket which is about to take off

bunfighterii5100d ago

yeah comparing the beeps the consoles make is just pure fandom at work.

GrieverSoul5099d ago

So we are comparing "bips" on the console war now?!

Whats next?! The buttons sounds when pressed?!


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AAACE55100d ago

There's just too much sh*t I wanna buy this year! I wanna get this right now, but I know they will do a bundle with Kinect later this year.

Then there's Ghost Recon, Medal of Honor, NBA 2K11, Madden 11, etc.(too many to name). By the way, this will be the first Madden I buy on day 1. It seems like they are fixing a lot of the stuff that was bad.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO... The days of blu-ray players being really expensive has kinda passed! Hell, you can find a blu-ray player from $70-$120 for the cheap ones.

I think it's like I said a few weeks ago. We will probably see consoles stick around longer, but get upgrades as time goes on. You never know, wemight see blu-ray in the 360 next year or some other type of upgrade!

If they did put it in next year, it could be a smooth transition. It would function normally if you were using regular dvd's or not. If they wanted to make games on blu-ray, the games released on blu-ray have the bluray case so that people notice the difference. It would make it easier for them to know if they could play that particular game or not.

That would help alot because you would be able to give games to those who have older systems, and the bluray games could be for companies who need extra space. If people want those games they have to get a new one. Otherwise, there are games for them as well.

ChronoJoe5100d ago

So you wana buy 4 multiplatform games... for the year.

Doubt you'll see a bluray player, there is no need for kinect titles, and that's where the development focus, and funding is now. So.

ravinash5099d ago

They won't be able to make 360 games on Blueray as the older 360s will not be able to play them. So I don't see that happening other than just a nice option so 360 can play blueRay films.

Christopher5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

***The sheer spin speed of that drive remains clearly audible as it was in the first console so it's not an entirely silent experience, although we think that's unavoidable. ***

And now that we've confirmed that the new one still uses proprietary storage and still has a loud disc drive, it's really not something I'm interested in unless mine breaks down and I _need_ to buy a new 360.


***Where PS3 has lost features over the years (PS2 support, USB ports, card reader ports), the new Xbox 360 250GB enhances the experience with built in Wi-Fi and optical ports, more USB ports (five instead of three) and all-round better build quality. ***

Wait... what? You're saying a console that still uses proprietary hardware, finally includes an internal wireless adapter, and slims down is better than a machine that's always provided internal wi-fi, has the cheapest HDD expansion capabilities out there, and also includes blu-ray capabilities?

Yeah, sorry, but how about people stop double dipping into the Sony hate there. They removed the card readers and two USB ports to make it cheaper so people would buy the hardware. Now that it's affordable and people are buying it at a level that still has more built-in than the 360, you complain that they had to remove stuff in order to make it affordable?

That's some crappy journalism logic right there.

gtamike5099d ago

Still will get RROD I think

robep35099d ago

.......Still an external power supply LOL still have heat problems then do they lets see when we see the first demo one with red lights!!!!!!

koh5099d ago

Would I pay for a hooker?

BigRedBall5099d ago

Yeah, definitely soulds like quality hardware. Its too early for reviews. Its not even out in stores yet.

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Delta5100d ago ShowReplies(3)
ALFAxD_CENTAURO5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Should be included with Blu ray for a price like $299. The Blu ray alone cost $200.

SOAD5100d ago

Standalone Blu Ray players of much better quality than the one you will find in a PS3 cost about 60 bucks around now.

redking3155100d ago

sites such as cnet.com still rate the PS3 as one of the best quality blue-ray player on the market. Most players that approach the PS3 cost around 150-200. Also those $60 players don't include the newest BD-Live standard.

etownone5100d ago

Please educate me where I can find a $60 blu-Ray player, let alone one that is better then the one found in the ps3 with wi-fi and 3D ready.

wicko5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Sorry, but, completely wrong.

You will not find a $60 bluray player with a feature set like the PS3. Good try though.

stb5100d ago

Oh poor soad, go to your mommy now.

adamx5100d ago

where? Thats right you can prob only come up with some knock off shit.

SOAD5100d ago

You guys obviously haven't heard of NewEgg.

bobdog6265100d ago

The PS3 can Update itself by WiFi alone.A Simple update is the best thing Sony has done with the PS3.It can Update for the latest Movies or Firmware like 3D.You have to buy a new Bluray player to do what the PS3 has Built in.So this Rounds for the PS Fans

ipe5100d ago

60$ quality BR player?

good luck with that

PSwheeze5099d ago

@ redking315

I'm not sure why you're getting all the disagrees. I have two blu ray players in addition to my ps3. One is a bottom barrel magnavox ($70) and the PS3 destroys it in every way possible. (speed, noise, picture, everything) The other, is a pretty darn good Samsung with wifi, netflix, pandora, etc which set me back $250 and guess what? The PS3 is STILL better than that one by a good margin. From my experience, the PS3 is still one of the best blu ray players on the market.

Trek52005099d ago

Please....show me one....and prove to me that you can leave the house without your Mom holding your and firmly and making sure your helmet is on tight.

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ReBurn5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

There's nothing to support the assertion that Blu-ray makes up $200 of the $299 price tag. You can get standalone, fully featured Blu-ray players from Sony, Samsung and Panasonic for around $130, so the actual cost of the drive alone must be much lower than that.

It's so hard to take people seriously when they just pull their facts out of thin air.

Redgehammer5099d ago

I have heard that 67% of all facts are made up on the spot

Bolts5099d ago

There is a difference between a Bluray player and a Bluray set box. The PS 3 is still one of the best Bluray box around, its fast as hell and has build in wifi with the best firmware support in the industry. Thats the truth.

Another truth is the bluray drive itself is dirt cheap and can be bought for $60. Here's the link for Newegg http://www.newegg.com/Produ...

dcbronco5099d ago

First, the cost of the drive and the other components that make a difference are two different things. I'm sure Sony pays less than $60 for the drives themselves. If any of us can get one for $60, Sony can get(or make them) them much cheaper in bulk. The Cell and Reality Synthesizer play a huge role in the quality of the video. Most stand-alone units won't spend that type of money for the other parts inside.

FordGTGuy5100d ago

A Blu-Ray drive by itself costs Sony $200 per you must be out of your mind.

You can now get a 4x Blu-Ray drive for $60 on Newegg, the price per drive for Sony is going to be way lower. Microsoft would have to take a hit and pay royalties to Sony in order to use a Blu-Ray drive and maybe they aren't up for that just yet.

I'm still holding out for games to be sold on flash drives so you save your games to the drive and almost instant read times.


despair5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

a blu ray drive is not a blu ray player....really grasping at straws here aren't you?

Pianosa5100d ago

Does a Blu-Ray drive play Blu-Rays? Then it is a Blu-Ray player. And it's not hard to connect an HDMI cable from a PC to an HDTV.

Ironically, you are the one grasping at straws here.

thewhoopimen5100d ago

Actually you guys are the the ones grasping at straws. If your gonna compare a bluray drive to a bluray player you'd better come up with a price of a Dolby TruHD or DTS HD certified 7.1 sound card to go with that bluray drive. You also need to come up with a bluray drive that accepts blutooth or at least an IR sensor for remote control. You will also need to make sure you have a Video card with an HDMI output. Factor those in and I don't see the $60 you are talking about.

Misterhbk5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

if we move to flash drive games (aka cartridge) then expect a massive boost in piracy? You see how easily devices like the iPhone are picked apart by the hacking community? They would pick apart a flash drive within minutes. I highly doubt MS or Sony, or Nintendo will be moving their main console back to a flash drive (cartridge) what is this the stone ages? lol, just sayin.

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dabri55099d ago

When did this turn into a Bluray article?

SPACEBALL 15099d ago

ps3 fanboys are pathetic. they are the scumbags of the gaming universe. anything pro xbox on this site has to turn into a "why ps3 is better" argument.

LycanSoldier5099d ago

I agree with the last sentence ^
I don't see why PS3 enthusiasts even look at Xbox news. I never look at PS3 news.

HDgamer5099d ago

I wonder how he's a ps3 fanboy just for mentioning something that CVG is clearly comparing a console to? It's called common sense, something you two clearly never have.

LycanSoldier5098d ago

You've obviously misunderstood what was being talked about as you seem to think someone was talking about an individual, while actually it was about a collection of people, thus the plural "fanboys"
The irony of you saying we don't have common sense is rich.

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FinalomegaS5099d ago

would like to make it clear that the topic is the new 360 slim review, 90% of the post above are about bluray.

How in the world do you want MS to include BR into the 360? They didn't from the start and the console cycle is near the end, sure they are buying time with this re-design but the next step system are really hush hush right now. Maybe BR into that but not the current system.

I'm curious the stress test on the new model, how long can it go now without locking up.Might trade my arcade for this, EB canada normally has some sweet deal for trade ins.

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Lirky5100d ago

It's just missing a hd format drive and get rid of the disc tray. - a next gen console needs next gen features like every feature.

FordGTGuy5100d ago

According to Nintendo and their wide profit margin that isn't correct.

nickjkl5099d ago

sales does not = next gen

wii is cheaper so it sales more

ford accoring to you the ps2 is also next gen because it outsold the wii

Lord Gunchrote5100d ago

its a great redesign...yet 9? maybe an 8. If every game and concept were 9s...why do we even read reviews anymore? its like 9s are very easy to come by these days!

flyingmunky5100d ago

I feel like you're on to something here...Maybe we should just take this guy's opinion as a provisional score and add our own bits. For example: we start by taking off 1 point for each year that the RROD fiasco went on for, which could be worth anywhere from 2-5 points off that 9. All depends on which side of the fence you are sitting on.

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DefenderOfDoom21d 9h ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..


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Sciurus_vulgaris6d ago

I lost my drive for collecting physical games due to many discs lacking the whole complete game. Instead, of collecting games I started collected figurines.

Popsicle5d ago

I am a collector have a room dedicated with a couple original arcade cabinets, physical game library, old and new consoles and controllers backlit with LED lighting. It’s very cool to have but with emulation being so strong and prevalent, I sometimes feel foolish because the hobby is expensive and like another said, the full game is not always on the disc. Could probably spend more wisely but I enjoy it.

shinoff21834d ago

Most games are usually on disc still. Of course you got you publishers that are hit and miss, Activision, ubisoft, ea, Microsoft, where the rest of the game needs downloaded.