
HD screenshots of Wind Waker, Wii Play, Shattered Memories, Twilight Princess, Link's Crossbow Training, Wii Sports, No More Heroe

HD screenshots of Wind Waker, Wii Play, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Link's Crossbow Training, Wii Sports, No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki through the Dolphin emulator.

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Ziriux5152d ago

Twilight Princess screends are gorgeous.

Valay5152d ago

TP had some bad textures, but I think it's a nice looking game. Can't wait to see what Zelda Wii looks like actually.

fatstarr5152d ago

Nintendo should think about making that HD step up next gen
i will fly to washington and slap the people at Nintendo if the next console they come out with is not HD.

i think the next system should be backwards compatable and powerful enough to upscale last gen games to a 720p min output. but hey..

pcz5152d ago

Twilight princess looks good if you are playing it on a pocket sized tv.

When i was playing it on a 26'' tv it looks abysmal. And some people would consider 26inch a small screen.

Nintendo really need to get with the times now, they completely messed up not making the wii hd. even in their adverts people are playing their games on large lcd tvs, so how they overlooked hd is beyond me.

it pains me to say but, even wii zelda is going to look old fashion.

HolyOrangeCows5152d ago

*Bookmarks article*

Whenever a fool tries to claim that "HD would do nothing for Wii games", I will gladly refer them to this.

Munky_VIII5152d ago

Wind Waker still looks pretty impressive (minus the HUD).

ChickeyCantor5152d ago (Edited 5152d ago )

" Whenever a fool tries to claim that "HD would do nothing for Wii games", I will gladly refer them to this"

It still didnt do anything to them really.
You pretend the game-play is better now.

Sure the visuals are great and the sharpness is always welcome.
But dont let it get to your head.

Now im a fool trying to claim it isnt doing anything right?
Im expecting the link you are promising.

"even in their adverts people are playing their games on large lcd tvs, so how they overlooked hd is beyond me. "

They mentioned Japan lots of times concerning this matter.
They said that lots of japanese households were still using SD tv's.

And lets not forget this was about 4 years ago, of course in contrast the HD tv have numbered.

N4g_null5152d ago

Seriously you guys need to try your wii out on a samsung DLP or the new LED HDtvs. My games look about as good as these games. If you know any one with one of these TVs give it a try it's pretty impressive.

To holycow Ummm this doesn't prove too much other than you guys got bad Tvs. Real HDtvs are expensive. I mean really did you expect nice HD out put from TVs so cheap they can barely do HD right, I didn't and I've been happy for a few years now.

So yeah HD wii would be a waste right now but next GEN wii would be sweet!

HolyOrangeCows5152d ago (Edited 5152d ago )

That is THE POINT. It would make games, with already great aesthetics, sharp. Not to mention the benefits of widescreen.

I don't think you realize how big of a difference 720p is from 480p:

I believe you're referring to the TV's unscaler, and no matter how grand of a TV you purchase, it won't change the fact that the games are in a 480i/480p resolution. It would still look horribly blocky.
"TVs so cheap they can barely do HD right"
I don't even know why I'm wasting my time, you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. If you don't understand how technology works, don't try to dispute about it.

ChickeyCantor5151d ago (Edited 5151d ago )

" hat is THE POINT. It would make games, with already great aesthetics, sharp. Not to mention the benefits of widescreen.

I don't think you realize how big of a difference 720p is from 480p: "

Nor do i care, for the game itself wont change.
These wii/gcn games wont suddenly be different.

HolyOrangeCows5151d ago

Well good for you and your low standards, but it would still improve the presentation of the games.

ThanatosDMC5151d ago (Edited 5151d ago )

I've been playing MH3 on my 52 inch bravia and nothing i do makes it look better. It's so blurry but im a MH addict... MH3 HD better hurry up.

Wind Waker is my favorite Zelda game... i'll be getting this.


Beyond me why people dont want games to look their best.

ChickeyCantor5150d ago

Its not much of a low standard than logic.
These games havnt change so why should i be bothered by HD images?

N4g_null5148d ago

I believe your assuming you know what your talking about and you know what peopple say about assuming sh!t,you'll make an azz of your self.

Holycow your pretty much a retard if you think all HDtvs are up to the same spec. DLP provide a much sharper picture for all content even HD. It's like free AAx16 almost. Look up the tech or better yet just go to a best buy or a tech store a see the difference for your self. I can actually display resolutions higher than my TV spec thanks to this tech also. I do this by connecting a PC or laptop to my HDtvs or projector all the time. Nothing is more fun than zbrushing on a 42 inch monitor.

The picture is sharper even for wii games, thus it looks just like this emulator. So before you try bashing me do some research.

If I don't know what I'm talking about then prove it with specs and data and not an opinion formed in some one toilet.

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mjolliffe5152d ago

Not just looking, but getting stronger for quality games :)

NateNater5152d ago

How about some HD shots of Super Mario Galaxy 2. That game is a graphical powerhouse; speaking in terms of Wii graphics that is :-P

ChickeyCantor5152d ago

" That game is a graphical powerhouse; "

Or just great artstyle with good use of shaders.


PC Rules.

No need of the Wii when you have the PC (or PS3 with Move).

But still the emulators developers need to work on better emulators.

tunaks15152d ago (Edited 5152d ago )

yes the pc does rule,
but having the PS move will not replace a wii because the ps3 will never get a metroid, zelda, or mario.
And I honestly see don't see a huge difference in any of these pictures, it looks a little clearer but thats all I can point out.

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