
Alan Wake cinematics are all separate pre-rendered video files

Alan Wake developers respond to the in-game graphics debate:
"The actual cinematics are all separate pre-rendered video files. We do have some sequences where we do what I guess could be called real-time cutscenes (like the "reveal camera" moments, for example), but percentagewise, those are definitely in the minority.

All of the cinematics have been rendered by our game engine, though. It's just that we use more high-resolution models because the camera tends to be a lot closer to the characters than during gameplay, and we throw in a bunch of post-processing to make things look very pretty."

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Gradient5169d ago

Ah, there goes the whole "amazing graphics" argument.

Simon_Brezhnev5169d ago

basically but we're going to get a million disagrees now

Hideo_Kojima5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Did any of this games have pre rendered cut scenes?
Uncharted 2
Killzone 2

Or was everything in-game like in God of War 3

Just wanted to know....
because they look great anyway and pretty close to the in game graphics.

Edit: Oh ok thanks guys so some of the games have pre rendered cinematics but they are exact copies...

I wouldn't see anything bad with GG for example using pre rendered graphics to add extra explosions etc it would only have added even more to the visuals as long as the models are kept the same when they change the models it looks odd.

Danja5169d ago

wasn't this done in FF13 ...just using it as example ... this shouldn't be a surprise and most people except for the deluded fanboys , would know the actual gameplay wouldn't look nothing like the trailer..

lets just hope the game is good... even though Remedy has never disappointe

blitz06235169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most cinematics supposed to be using higher resolution than actual in-game graphics?

I thought people already knew that the in-game graphics of the game won't be as good as that amazing graphical trailer that was just released? Only idiots would think otherwise.

The only games that I have a hard time distinguishing CG from in-game are mostly PS3 exclusives.

sayonara895169d ago

Guntrol: MGS4 has real time cinematics, same for Killzone 2. In God of War 3 most cinematics are real time but some are prerendered. Uncharted 2 uses almost only prerendered cinemaics, just like Alan Wake.

M337ING5169d ago

Uncharted 2 definitely had some pre-rendered cutscenes, its why there was a slight pause between the in-game gameplay and some of the better looking cutscenes. I think MGS4 had pre-rendered cutscenes as well. However, I'm pretty sure that, with the exception of the introduction cutscene, all of Killzone 2 was in-game.

Dnied5169d ago

Yes, there are prerendered cutscenes in those games, but thats exactly what they were.

Especially god of war, nothing was "enhanced" visually, so what you see in the videos were literally how the game looked. the only reason they were prerendered was to save space and allow for loading in the background so the player wasn't interupted by loading screens.

The developers stated themselves that they felt the game looked good enough (which it does) that they didn't need to enhance anything. They felt it helped the immersion more by creating an entire game with the same visuals from start to finish.

IMO, not to be a jackass or anything but I hope this shuts a lot of xbox fanboys up because they were REALLY starting to get annoying in all those articles.


mrv3215169d ago

There's two ways this could work.

In-game but with higher res, basically it's using the in-game engine running in real time but at 100% because it doesn't have to work around user controls, much like BC2 for example.

In-game but done off location, what this means is that they used the in-game engine but ran it off screen most likely on PC running at 16AA and what ever they could pump out, they record the output, and dump it onto disc.

koehler835169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

@The Noctis Twins

Yeah FFXIII and many other games use all different models and prerendered movies. All games from previous generations did this. Whether it's a good or bad thing will ultimately depend on the cutscenes themselves. If they're so epic and grand that no engine could contain the action, they'll be forgiven. FFXIII used it as a reason to go 1080p, I'm cool with that. However if they default to CGI because they felt their in-game assets didn't measure up to their vision, that'd be a shame. Anyone can do anything they want in CGI, it's not a huge challenge and definitely not pushing the specs of the hardware. So they'll just have to make sure what's in-game and real-time is as awesome as everyone anticipates.

Icyhot5169d ago

Games use in-engine pre rendered cut scenes mainly to mask the loading screen.

MGS4 used ingame cutscenes in fact you move MKII in a few scenes even interact with snake...
KZ2 uses ingame cutscenes expect for a few shots.
GOW3 uses mostly ingame cutscenes and few pre rendered.
UC2 uses pre rendered cut scene only to mask the loading screen.

In fact UC2 was first shown with ingame cinematic and later it was changed to pre-rendered only to hide the load screen. There was hardly any difference. As the poly count and AA stayed the same.

In Alan Wake's case, I even pointed out yesterday that gameplay looks downgraded as compared to the cut-scenes and it was evident in the trailer. I was shot down back then, but just read the comment by the dev himself...

"All of the cinematics have been rendered by our game engine, though. It's just that we use more high-resolution models because the camera tends to be a lot closer to the characters than during gameplay, and we throw in a bunch of post-processing to make things look very pretty."

This is why everything looked SO GOOD yesterday. Not dissing it, it still looks great, but still I prefer GOW3 style scenes where the engine loads the scene on the fly and there is no sudden upgrade or downgrade in the cinematic cutscene and gameplay. It's my preference, I even know some who prefer CGI cutscenes as it looks really pretty... Depends on choice, but I prefer a seamless transition.

Kamikaze1355169d ago

Yeah, but the difference being that the pre-rendered models in those games looks just like the characters using the in game engine. The reason for those is to pull of all of those fancy stunts...not to make the character look better graphically. God of War 3 did this as well. The developers mentioned using TONS of pre-rendered scenes, though the transition between them and gameplay was seamless so people barely notice...there are even 5 second pre-rendered scenes that come and go fast.

Dnied5169d ago

I thought the ff13 cutscenes were beautiful

I actually look forward to those in FF games, I think its a good thing... always nice to see what they can do in CG, its not like it takes away from their "skill" level, I think it lets them show exactly what their creative minds are imagining without being limited by hardware etc.

I dunno, its just become something i love about FF games..

Greywulf5169d ago

All those other games you mentioned use the same assets, just with the engine on record for times where the engine would stutter with the FPS.

Alan Wake is using models you'll never see in gameplay, or textures.

Or Effects.

5169d ago
rexus123455169d ago

Is the employee talking about the trailer or cut-scenes? Because I believe the trailer was showing a lot of actually game play.
While pre-render and post process cut scenes is common practice, doing the same to trailers showing game play footages can be considered false advertising.

alphakennybody5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

this is too good to pass up,
some people were really holding on straws and beleived everything showned was all in-game and not rendered. Still the game looks better than most games the 360 churned out since last year.

if MS take the initiative to invest in more studios/games like this, then I may have a change of heart.Until then this alone isn't enough reason to get a 360.

HolyOrangeCows5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

"MikkiRMD said:
>>Omega said: 'I'm pretty sure it is an in-game model with some post processing effects'

Cool, Remedy. I'll trust you always }:v/
EDIT: For the disagrees, know that using a high resolution model vs in-game model isn't "post processing effects"

sikbeta5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

I don't going to say Anything cuz then some dudes call me Hypocrite and TROLL even IF there are Worst People here that Actually know Pretty Well How to Trøll , so:

[ To be FAIR, FF13 used pre-rendered CGI Videos and No-1 Complaint ]


[ and SE did it with all the FF Games from Last Gen ]

I take FF series cuz are Huge Games with lot of Fans, so if the Fans don't Complain, there is no Problem...

GiantEnemyCrab5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

SURPRISE! Here come THE WORST in gaming to wave their "I told you so flags". Yes, you PS3 fanboys are the fukin worst period.

My comments on the graphics were based off of the POST FROM THE DEVELOPER himself.

It looks fantastic in every way. That's as much defense you will get from me on this because unless you are a fanboy or blind you cannot say this game doesn't look amazing!

- I don't usually take bubbles but I'm raping every freakin PS3 troll in this article.

@mal: Go back and play it again.. If you skip the cinematics you are treated to a spinning coin or dagger in the bottom left corner as it loads in UC/UC2.

@high def: As long as you tout BS like this: "But.....In NO way, shape or form does it have a graphical fidelity of ANY of the big PS3 only titles." You deserve to be in the group I mentioned. UC2, KZ2, GoW3 are 3 titles that look amazing and I agree are the graphics king atm but everything else, including all the other big PS3 titles are matched and in many cases exceeded.

Yup, PS3 army rack up the disagrees. That is all you do!

HighDefinition5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

It`s not a PS3 Exclusive.

Cmon, it looks great and I`m buying it. But.....In NO way, shape or form does it have a graphical fidelity of ANY of the big PS3 only titles.

If you think differently, your mind is playing tricks on you.



Relax, your way to quick to label entire groups of people. Some people say stupid sh!t. You know this, you like I have been here for years.

mal_tez925169d ago

U2 cutscenes are not there to cover up loading. If you get to a cutscene and skip it as soon as it starts, then you return to the game immediately without seeing a loading screen, just like in Drake's Fortune.

And whoever said MGS4 cutscenes were prerendered is wrong. The cutscenes depict snake in whatever colour his octocamo last was; you can even interact with the cutscenes by shaking the controller, which will return his suit colour back to the deafult.

WhittO5169d ago

Cant wait to see what the screen shots of ACTUAL in-game footage looks like.

This game looks good, but if there is a noticeable difference between cutscene and gameplay, it will take away from what I thought the game would be like.

eagle215169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

360 maxed out in 2006...LMAO :)

5169d ago
Icyhot5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

@mal... No UC2 does use Pre Rendered scene and if you skip a cut-scene, it starts to load. But it doesn't matter since the graphics stay the same in short the devs don't tweak by adding high poly count to character (Drake is the most poled (if that a word) character) or add a lot of post processing like more AA. Post processing usually refers to adding AA and/or dropping frame rate and bumping resolution ala FF13 cutscene.

@Crab.. Chill dude, it's only a game and a piece of plastic. Think of happy thoughts :)

HighDefinition5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Sometimes I swear your brain shuts down temporarily.

"UC2, KZ2, GoW3 are 3 titles that look amazing and I agree are the graphics king atm"

Thank you.

They are.....and unfortunately Alan Wake doesn`t fit into that group. Even after all the YEARS they`ve had. It pretty obvious ATM the 360 can`t do games that look like that. ALL of the "kings" ATM (like you said) are only found on 1 system.

kneon5169d ago


Some cutscenes are prerendered in UC2, and some are not. You can often tell which are which by looking at whether Drake is still holding the same gun you had during game play. I suppose it could be partially pre-rendered with everything done ahead of time except Drake.

@Everyone else, this is why I always say to wait for the game play before praising or criticizing game graphics, and that goes for all platforms.

How good the cut scenes look will depend on how much effort and time the developers want to put in to them. Since they are rendered off console they could be photo-realistic if they really wanted to. But you don't see that as the developers don't want too drastic a quality difference between the cut scenes and the game. They want them to look good, but not too good.

topdawg1225169d ago

Not surprised, not a big deal either. The game will still be good, but would have been more immersive if they blended together more seamlessly

fr0sty5169d ago

Using the same assets you used in game to make a pre-rendered scene that plays as the game loads in the background is a FAR CRY from using much higher resolution models and rendering in your cutscenes and then using scaled down versions in game.

In UC2, the models are identical. don't believe me? walk drake into a corner, and look at the detail on his model (or chloe or elana's) by panning the camera around. Same exact resolution seen in all of the cut scenes. The fact that they are pre-rendered is the only reason there is only one load time in the entire game, just like with GOW3. It's also why the cutscenes are able to seamlessly integrate with the gameplay with no noticeable cuts in the action (most of the time), because they're using the same assets.

While there is nothing wrong with using pre-rendered cutscenes, especially if you are really good at making them (Square Enix...), the Xbox fanboys that are using this game as a "this is the year Xbox finally catches up to ps3 visually" type game will be sorely disappointed to see that the actual gameplay is nowhere near as good looking. I saw this game in person at Microsoft's E3 press conference, and it's not that impressive visually. They've had time to polish it since, but there is still a noticeable difference between it's cutscenes (which approach heavy rain's real time visuals in quality) to it's actual gameplay (which is closer to RE5 visually).

Just goes to show, that with any game you cannot trust what you originally see to be what you'll actually get in game. Don't believe it until you see it.

eagle215169d ago

Well "pre-render" me speechless....LMFAO. :)

boodybandit5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

"Yup, PS3 army rack up the disagrees. That is all you do!"

Well I am neither a fanboy nor part of some army but I will come straight out and tell you I did in fact hit the disagree button because of your comment from your opening remarks.

I am sorry but I completely disagree with anyone that says one fanboy is worst than another or lumps everyone together because they don't agree with you. What you said was uncalled for and flat out ignorance and "for that" I hit disagree.

All these lame @ss articles claiming Alan Wake was going to set new bench marks, rival this or that, were all nonsense and posted by no nothing sites looking for hits by fueling this so called console war.

Anyone with an IQ above that of a 5th grader could see most of the videos and screen shots were taken from cut scenes. Anyone that said one thing that wasn't deemed as a positive remark under those articles were disagreed with in a heart beat. I read those articles but refrained from posting under them because I knew this would be the end result.

Either way you are the last one, no offense GEC because I know you have been around forever and you get frustrated beyond logical reasoning at times, that should be calling people fanboys and labeling them the way you do. I have been lurking and posting on this site for years as well and I know your history all too well.

Like I always say to those that want to hear it:
Let the game speak for itself once it's released. Until then don't speculate because this is what ends up happening far too often. People end up being disappointed.

Most of the gaming media has already seen Alan Wake in person. If it was going to be some graphical juggernaut it would have already been reported by the bigger sites. It's a fine looking game but I don't see it rivaling PS3 exclusives. I just hope it has a good story and ends up being worth the wait.

fedex6825169d ago

They are quite honest. They are letting the fans know what to expect and they are pretty open about it. In my books that is kudos to the developer.

5169d ago
Space_cancer5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Just look at the comments. I must be in the PS3 thread..oh wait. Fanbois in here need more hobbies. What does this game has to do with PS?

News Flash: This is not the first game to use this trick. But when the game is 360 exclusive it creates insta PS3 fanboi-sh1tstorm.


Pre-rendered cutscenes in a 360 game = Crap game

Pre-rendered cutscenes in a PS3 game = Best game ever made

Makes perfect sense?

Just lol.

Hoggy19835169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Completely agree. The desperation of "some" people on here to downplay any 360 game is pathetic. These people arent gamers. They've latched onto cutscenes now? Forget that, the WHOLE game looks brilliant. The cutscenes just add even more gloss. Half the time people who make comparisons with UC2 are actually PS3 fans trying to knock the game rather than Xbox fans knocking the PS3. At any rate, why are PS3 fans so desperate that Alan Wake is not as graphically excellent as UC2?? Just take it as a compliment to the system you own that Xbox 360 owners acknowledge what a great game that is!

I can only presume alot of the posters on here are teenagers. If you're not and are desperately seeking a chink in Alan Wakes armour because you don't have a 360 you need to take a look at yourself and your priorities in life. Lol, seriously I just read the rambling title of this article and it made me chuckle again.

What also makes me chuckle is the agree/disgrees on here. Just because you can give me, or others, a disagree or take a bubble does not make the comment less valid. At least not in N4G current format of "one train of thought only"

RadientFlux5169d ago

Wow people are surprised by this. Video game developers have been doing this for at least two console generations and probably even longer than that.

CrazzyMan5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

x360 is NO match for graphics of PS3.

I must admit, that those AW cinematics looked pretty and for a moment i thought, that x360 is capable of doing what PS3 can, when it is used in right hands.
But NO, x360 can`t do these amazing things like PS3 does in Killzone 2, MGS4, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, The Last Guardian, Gran Turismo 5.

PS3 IS JUST MORE POWERFUL THAN x360. The end of story. And this should be NOT questioned ever again!

5169d ago
jwatt5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Yea I agree just like PS3 exclusives, Alan wake still looks good even if there is pre-rendered scenes in the game. Just quit with the bashing because it's a 360 exclusive.

HolyOrangeCows5169d ago

They're not bashing the game for using pre-rendered cutscenes, they're responding to the ridiculous claims that Alan Wake has amazing graphics based off of some cutscenes.

Not to mention that Remedy lied about it before, as I showed earlier.

kunit22c5169d ago

I'm seeing people complaining about PS3 fanboys rubbing it in and it is a LITTLE harsh but they have the right, you guys were the one attacking us first saying " OMGZZZ! its better than UC2, KZ2, and MGS4!!1!" If you fanboys would just keep your mouths shut unless you have facts this wouldn't happen, also you should stop hyping your exclusives like hell, seriously 360 exclusives are thee MOST hyped up ever, Halo Reach all of you are hyping it so much acting like its all new and everything but your guys's expectations are way too high, its halo! There will be no big changes! Maybe a few new multiplayer modes and features, a new story and thats it, there you go, you don't hype a new game like that this much! Alan Wake and Halo Reach are 2 great examples of way over hyped games on the 360.

Hoggy19835169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

PS3 fans rubbing what in exactly?? I don't actually see what Xbox gamers have to be upset about? Ohhh, the cutscenes look a bit better than ingame. Riiiiight.

As for the fanboy bit, maybe you need to keep your own house in order.

Edit - I checked out the previous article comments regarding the Alan Wake trailer. Out of all the comments only 2 posters Labwarrior and Halo made any fanboy comments against the PS3 and comparisons to its games. 99% of the rest were simply praising how good the game looked. This perception that loads of Xbox fanboys are trying to say Alan Wake is better than UC2 is complete bunk.

Raf1k15169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

I knew an article like this was going to turn up sooner or later and show the kids that the visuals weren't in-game. I didn't expect the PS3 fans to make this much of a fuss though.

edit: @ kunit22c, yeah anyone mouthing off prematurely had it coming TBH.

hades075169d ago

OMG, over a 180 replies, must be the end of the world.

.....oh wait it's only that Alan Wake uses better rendered cutscenes. Hmm am I missing something or that's no big deal?

Immortal3215169d ago

buy this game, it's the right step for MS. If this game sells at least 2mill, we can assure we will see more competition in graphical capabilities.

we know graphics don't make the game, but it sure do make it look better than the others.

kunit22c5169d ago

So typical, he only brings up the argument he 'thinks' he can win, he goes around the fact that I said they had their facts wrong(about the prerendered graphics) Also did anyone else catch that? He checked one article out of the many articles posted on the subject and the many forums on the subject and yes even on Youtube videos there were fanboys making the claim. /But you know only 2 people made that claim, Because everyone goes on N4G... /s needed?

Edit- Also the people who didn't make those claims shouldn't even be offended by my comment or anyone else's on the subject anyways.

Sheikh Yerbouti5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

some fan boy said they were in-game and I believed him. I feel violated.

I guess we're still waiting for the 360 to catch up. Maybe Halo will do it. *crosses fingers*/s

LOL. Still this game looks amazing graphically just because of the use of lighting alone. I still like it.

nveenio5169d ago

Uncharted 2 had prerendered scenes


One thing ND bragged about was that the models in the cinematics were the same as in the game. Something like 80k polys.

GiantEnemyCrab5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

No, booty you are full of sh!t. I watched this happen with the Halo Reach shots, then it moved on to Splinter Cell and now here we are at Alan Wake and the same army of dip's are here doing the same thing again. The loudest, most annoying are the PS3 fanboys. I am with you that fanboys suck in general but the PS3 ones take this to a whole nother level and are basically over-running any new game information for the 360 with FUD. THIS VERY ARTICLE we are typing in is a perfect example.

Immediately dismissing a game as unable to compete graphically or flat out slamming the title based on the cut scenes. I am with you %100 to wait to play the game before you judge and that is part of the frustration here.

360 fans (3 of them) claim it has better graphics then UC2 or one of the other benchmarks and people act like there mother has just been slapped across the face. The defensive volume goes to 100 percent! Quickly dismissed as "impossible" and then we proceed to have to spend the next 2 pages defending a game nobody has played against some rabid mentals who can't seem to handle another game possibly looking better.

I can't get through a high profile game announcement for the 360 without the words UC2 or KZ2 coming into it and here we FN are AGAIN 4 pages 183 comments and completely over-run.

I will say it again.. THE WORST! And I'm not talking about all PS3 owners there are some here who are gamers.

@1.41: You speak the truth Hoggy, don't let the disagrees fool you. It's the same stupid tactic they always use. ANYONE can go look at that post and see what you said was %100 truth.

@1.46: Maybe you missed the 5 or so comments that repeatedly linked to this same forum from a Remedy employee. Stop acting like people made it up. They provided proof with a source..

Badz: Please. You can count the 360 trolls here on ONE HAND. Anyone can look at N4G and see very clearly what is going on here. Your excuse that it goes both ways just doesn't fly man. When you have maybe 1 or 2 trolls hitting a PS3 story they are easily stomped out. I've been in 360 stories where literally the entire first page is deleted by the moderators because it is so out of control. Just stop trying to pass that off.

badz1495169d ago

GEC you don't have to play victims here because it goes both ways! both sides are throwing sh!t at each other every fvcking chance they get! you aren't new here anyway! who do you think you are? a judge?

@Eddy - aww man, that's just mean! funny but mean! :)

and for the records, I don't think graphic defines a great game! even if AW doesn't look as stunning as the like of UC2, KZ2, HR and GoW3, if the story is good, gameplay is intact, I think we should just be happy a game game is here for us to play!

silvacrest5169d ago

you mentioned the 3 PS3 "graphic kings" but i think MGS4 should be their too and probably uncharted 1

if you honestly think thoose games you mentioned are the only ones that surpass all 360 games....okay, thats your opinion

DaTruth5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Here's my big question! If the cutscenes are in 720p, but are higher resolution models than the game, what resolution does the gameplay run at?

FF13 has higher resolution cutscenes than the gameplay, 1080p vs 720p. The gameplay is scaled to 1080p to keep from jumping back and forth, higher resolution huds and subs. But it would make absolutely no sense to render a scene at 1080p and than display it in 720p. If they said higher poly counts, than I could understand, but that is not what's written!

@Crab: I seen a lot of really stupid things in the past couple of days with these Alan Wake articles(never posted), but what you're doing now is the tops of all stupidness! You've succeeded and exceeded in everything you hate!

hades075169d ago

Haha disagrees because so many people on here are insecure about their console they are obsessed with and making such a big deal about such a small thing, sounds about right for N4G. I think most people here need to get out of their parent's basement and live a little. Not have lil nerdy fanboy wars with other people online about how the graphics during a video is beefed up a bit compared to regular gameplay.

A brand new game is announced and barely even talked about, but oh no, the graphics of a system can be debated, time for the fanboy war to go all out. People here need to learn to have an actual discussion and not just beat around he bush and argue about this console or that console, it's ridiculous.

EVILDEAD3605169d ago


I said it in the Alan Wake new trailer article..It was this trailer that finally got me excited about Alan wake..it wasn't just the graphics..it's the ENTIRE package..

The cutscenes look cool..but never has the gameplay footage look bad. These fankids are on crack if they think that gamers in the real world support 360 games thinking this game sucks because it don't look as good as Uncharted 2..

If graphics actually mattered then why did almost 8 million people buy Call of Duty: MW2 on the PS3 alone..while Killzone 2 and MAG only did a fraction of that..

@ Crab

You are absolutely right..it's no contest..the proof is in every article..just yesterday's Natal fake article that talked negative about it..shot to over a 1000 degrees.while the positive didnt push half of that.

Today another negative article and we are at 250 comments..but take a look at the comments..it's pretty clear..same stuff..different day

Doesnt matter..nobody takes these youngins seriously..they don't rep the real gamers out there...so let the disgruntled dozen + multis continue to hate..it won't hurt the success of Alan Wake one bit..they weren't buying it anyway


5169d ago
ThatCanadianGuy5169d ago

Love how none of the 360 fanboys who were taking so much sh*t have anything to say now..


Consoldtobots5169d ago

a rather curious thing has happened this generation, in order to not appear "biased" you basically have to kiss MS and their fanboys in the beehind and give them credit they really don't deserve. Objectivity is looked at as fanboyism and fanboyism is looked at as insanity. That said many an objective observer called this race LONG AGO for the PS3. That wasn't out of some sense of debt to Sony. It was because these people were not your average gamer, knew how to read specifications and produce verifiable conclusions from that. I have been one of those from the very beginning and have seen all my expectations met for the PS3 aswell as the 360. If you think about you will realize what that means.

tehReaper5169d ago

Really? With a name like that, you're trying to say that you and people like you are't bias. Give me a break. If anything you ignore 360's positives and point out the negatives. The opposite applies to your opinion on Sony. You really think you're fooling real gamers?

5169d ago
tehReaper5169d ago

To be fair, Crab has grown neutral if you check his RECENT comments and not comments from years ago. The same can't be said about the group of PS3 fanboys he's talking about. It's the same crap in every 360 article. Even after 4~5 years of this generation we still have some that refuse to grow up. Need comparison between 360 and PS3 fanboys? This article is enough proof. How many PS3 fanboys can you count? Come back with a low number and maybe I'll admit 360 fanboys are still just as bad.

Hoggy19835169d ago

Actually, I wasn't selective about it, I simply went on to the previous Alan Wake article and was ready to see what comments were made. I would have equally acknowledged if there were alot of people bashing the PS3. There simply wasn't.

What makes me laugh is your "trawling" of the internet forums to substantiate your claim that Xboy fanboys are saying AW is better than UC2. If you dig to any extent on the web you're going to find any opinion about anything voiced.

On here, N4G, the actual reality is far reduced compared to the perception of UC2 bashing.

Oh, and next time why not address the content of a post to me rather than pandering to the peanut gallery?

5169d ago
5169d ago
vhero5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

So in other words fake.. I did say though wait till the game comes out for final evaluation before you start coming out with crap but noooooo you 360 fans had to start coming out with your crap. How embarrassed are you guys now? Devs ALWAYS do this before the release of a game. No doubt the games gonna look great on 360 but you guys need to calm the heck down! Let us wait for launch yeah?? As for enemy crab omg dude you need to take a chill pill and stop proving how much of a 360 fan you really are with retarded comments like that.

Christopher5169d ago

You see what you want to see on this site.

While you are right to point blame at idiotic PS3 fanboys who revel in finding any fault with a good looking game on the 360, do you not see that 360 fanboys after seeing one cut-scene full trailer proclaim their own games to be the best of all graphics and to rival that of other games that have already been released? How about those 360 fanboys who claim already that Alan Wake rivals Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2?

I get both sides of this idiotic war thrown down my throat every day here, and they're both just as annoying and neither side is less annoying. I got it with GoW3, Halo Reach, Heavy Rain, and now Alan Wake. There is no worse fanboy, they're all just as bad as the other because they feed off of each other. PS3 fanboys wouldn't have anything to say about Alan Wake if 360 fanboys hadn't lauded it all to high heaven, thinking it suddenly the holy grail of gaming. If both sides just learned to appreciate games on their own, there wouldn't be a fanboy war at all... but both sides can't help but ridicule every game on the other platform while praising their own above all others.

jerethdagryphon5169d ago

among thieves and uncharteds cutscens while prerendered are doen with ingame assets

not higher res ones not anything else theo nly thing changes is the lighting engine to a more realistic one...

thats the difference

alan wake uses the rendering engine but the original high poly meshes

uncharted uses ingame meshes and textures and rendering engine

IaMs125169d ago

Just because they are pre-rendered doesnt throw out the amazing graphics. It indeed still has amazing graphics that being said, i have no problem with pre-rendered graphics because the graphics in-game are still amazing.

Cant wait for this game now.

xTruthx5169d ago

Even more amazing is that Alan Wake doesn't use CG and RemedyPR confirmed that it was all in-game with post processing effects.

Then people bother to tell me this guys don't lie and aren't fanboys when they lie and make up things.

+ Show (67) more repliesLast reply 5169d ago
Fishy Fingers5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Nothing new, its regular practice to touch up your trailers/cinematics in one way or another, thats where the term "in engine" comes from, rather than "in game".

But I'm sure this will make some people sad, and of course, just as many very very happy.

Fishy Fingers5169d ago

It does indeed, and in part thats why the cinematics kick ass. Well most of them, plane bits got on my nerves after a few play throughs.

Microsoft Xbox 3605169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Hey. MGS4 had prerendered cutscenes, but MAJORITY of the the cinematics were actually in realtime. Only realtime lets you use your skin and dynamic octocamo in the cutscenes and mostly all of MGS4's cutscenes allowed that.

Eamon5169d ago

yeah MGS4 cutscenes were pretty much real-time scripted events happening in-game.

I'm guessin the reason why they are using video files rather than real-time is because they would want to run the cinematics in good framerate. The amount of detail and stuff happening would probably cause significant slow downs.

So, most probably a PC is used to record the cutscenes. A bit dissapointing to know but at least it won't spoil the overall experience.

Chris_TC5169d ago

A mere 9 hours ago I received 5 disagrees for posting this:
"In the trailers none of the in-game footage looks anywhere near as great as the cutscenes though. I have a feeling those cutscenes are pre-calculated and stored as videos."

And it makes me sad to be right. If they hadn't dropped the PC version, the entire game would look like the cutscenes.

coolfool5169d ago

God of War 3 was mostly pre-rendered despite what others on this thread are saying.

I hope they don't make me dig out the article with with the GOWIII dev saying that most cut scenes are prerendered.......

ReBurn5169d ago

This one?


God of War III does not use in-game for all of their cinematics. For some they use in-engine that have been recorded and are played as video. Bruno Velazquez of Sony Santa Monica confirmed it.

The point is that it is standard practice to do this. Cinematics are supposed to look cinematic.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5169d ago
Omega45169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Well this is standard for every game with "in-game cutscenes", surprising it still fits on one DVD.

Including FF13 and Uncharted 2

@Fishy Fingers
Pre-rendered videos take up a lot of space

Fishy Fingers5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

These effects would have very little impact on storage.

Edit: Is that always the case because, FF was slightly different as pretty much everything is pre-rendered CGI with little to no in game assets, thats why I thought they took up so much room. AWs are not.

Ah maybe I'm wrong.

Biggest5169d ago

With it being an episodic game, I'd imagine that in total the game will be huge.

The Time Reaper5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Fishy, video is video. The quality of assets used within that video is irrelevant to the file size in the end. Just FYI man.

Many devs are turning to using ingame assets/engine vid caps to show off what their engine can do at a stable framerate, and also because ingame visuals these days (UC2 for example) look freaking great already.

I don't get what the disagree is for. The file size is based on the codecs, not the content.

Fishy Fingers5169d ago (Edited 5169d ago )

Yeah when you think about it that makes total sense. Which then concerns me, if the game has a lot of cinematics (eating up the space) and is on one disc, that doesnt leave much space.

Is it confirmed on one disc?

Ah whatever, I'll see how it goes, I'm not too concerned really, I've been impressed with what Ive seen and Remedy havent disappointed me yet.

raztad5169d ago

Isnt FFXIII filled with CGI movies, ie much higher poly count models and environs?

Still, I think the point is it's better to keep expectations low and be surprised than too high and be disappointed.

Marceles5169d ago

I'm quite sure people could tell what was in-game and CGI on FFXIII though, for Alan Wake it seemed like most people were raving about the pre-rendered cutscene gifs like they were in-game rendered in real-time.

The Time Reaper5169d ago

"Isnt FFXIII filled with CGI movies, ie much higher poly count models and environs? "

Yes, but the polycounts and effects dont matter as those were done on a more powerful rig then dumped to video. They probably also played out at 1 frame per second until they were cut together as a movie file. Those higher quality assets don't need to exist on the game disc.

"CGI" lately denotes content done on a more powerful rendering machine, such as say, the ending to GoW2 on PS2.

peeps5169d ago

"With it being an episodic game, I'd imagine that in total the game will be huge. "

not really. Siren:blood curse was an episodic game and was probably the standard 8-10 game time

Biggest5169d ago

Each episode was 8-10 hours? Or the entire game was 8-10 hours?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5169d ago
5169d ago Replies(7)
LinuxGuru5169d ago

Smart people saw this and called it before anyone had to explain it.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers48d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran848d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto47d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia48d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger48d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie48d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

48d ago
Profchaos48d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie48d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh48d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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